Follow this linked thread for the current Israeli Conflict

I'll address one point of your screed most of which has zero to do with anything I have argued.

Hamas does not have to force civilians to be around those weapons. They could move the civilians away from them. They do not have to use women, children, grandmas and grandpas as shields so they will be killed if Israel takes out their weapons. And then they use the dead bodies as propaganda for how evil Israel is.

And if you defend that, you are not somebody I would want around me.
Seriously, I proposed a simple question, since the West Bank is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, just where should these rocket launchers sites be? How is it even possible NOT to place them around civilians.

I mean this shit is stupid. So, Israel tells the civilians of the West Bank they need to leave because hell is going to rain down. Who the fawk are they kidding. Where are they going to go? Is Israel going to open up the border and let them flee. Can they freely go to Egypt, Jordan--FAWK NO. It is as if Israel boarded up the doors of a church with the members inside and burned it down and then claims that they should have left the church.

And I like how you ignore all the other things I mentioned. Steal my land, steal my water, dump your toxic trash in my yard, confiscate my library and burn my books, hell yeah, my ass is coming for you.

Maybe, it has all came to a head. I mean the timing is perfect. The vast majority of Israeli citizens are fed up with this radical right wing theocracy. See, I have had the shit beat out of me at least a half dozen times. But every time, I won the fight. For one thing, I didn't give a shit that I got the shit beat out of me. The other dude, he didn't come out unscratched any of those times. But he didn't want to have his jaw broke and his mouth wired shut.

That is what is taking place here. The Palestinians, they are at the end of their rope. They don't care if thousands of them die. They don't care if they get bombed. Honestly, they got nothing to lose. But the Israelis, they are a bunch of pussies. And the citizenry, they are not prepared to sacrifice a single son. I mean how many troops did Israel send to Afghanistan or Iraq. ZERO.

Before this happened, Israel was all but on the cusp of a complete civil uprising, a Civil War like the nutcase Trumptards dream about. Losing hundreds of lives due to a Palestinian uprising just might be enough to push them over the edge. Again, the vast majority of Israeli's believe in a two-state solution, a land for peace transaction, the elimination of the illegal settlements, and a return to the 1967 border. The current government is controlled by those people spitting in front of the Christians observing Via Delorosa, the Israeli people have had enough. Time the US government got behind them.
Seriously, I proposed a simple question, since the West Bank is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, just where should these rocket launchers sites be? How is it even possible NOT to place them around civilians.

I mean this shit is stupid. So, Israel tells the civilians of the West Bank they need to leave because hell is going to rain down. Who the fawk are they kidding. Where are they going to go? Is Israel going to open up the border and let them flee. Can they freely go to Egypt, Jordan--FAWK NO. It is as if Israel boarded up the doors of a church with the members inside and burned it down and then claims that they should have left the church.

And I like how you ignore all the other things I mentioned. Steal my land, steal my water, dump your toxic trash in my yard, confiscate my library and burn my books, hell yeah, my ass is coming for you.

Maybe, it has all came to a head. I mean the timing is perfect. The vast majority of Israeli citizens are fed up with this radical right wing theocracy. See, I have had the shit beat out of me at least a half dozen times. But every time, I won the fight. For one thing, I didn't give a shit that I got the shit beat out of me. The other dude, he didn't come out unscratched any of those times. But he didn't want to have his jaw broke and his mouth wired shut.

That is what is taking place here. The Palestinians, they are at the end of their rope. They don't care if thousands of them die. They don't care if they get bombed. Honestly, they got nothing to lose. But the Israelis, they are a bunch of pussies. And the citizenry, they are not prepared to sacrifice a single son. I mean how many troops did Israel send to Afghanistan or Iraq. ZERO.

Before this happened, Israel was all but on the cusp of a complete civil uprising, a Civil War like the nutcase Trumptards dream about. Losing hundreds of lives due to a Palestinian uprising just might be enough to push them over the edge. Again, the vast majority of Israeli's believe in a two-state solution, a land for peace transaction, the elimination of the illegal settlements, and a return to the 1967 border. The current government is controlled by those people spitting in front of the Christians observing Via Delorosa, the Israeli people have had enough. Time the US government got behind them.
How hard is it to tell the civilians that Israel will be targeting those rocket launchers and get away from them? How hard is it to not force or encourage women, children, old people to be close to the rocket launchers? How hard is it not to put a rocket launcher next to a school?

Until you address that nothing else you say really matters.


Beit Hanoun is a city on the northeast edge of the Gaza Strip. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the town had a population of 32,187 in mid-2006. It is administered by the Hamas administration.

I'd not warn them, just kill them all.



Imagine getting this text.

Yeah, imagine. What the fuck would your pussy ass do, leave docilly and look for another house. What about all those guns you own? I mean what damn good are they? I can see it now. OK, I am leaving, sorry to be in the way. I will just find a bridge to live under.

Destroy my house, steal my water, dump your waste in my yard, confine my movements--damn skippy, my ass is coming for you. Somebody is going to pay, anybody is going to pay, I don't give a shit.

I mean you are a real piece of work. Bragging about your guns, talking about a civil war, but evidently, Biden's terrible government sends you a text that they are destroying your home and you will leave like the pussy you are.
Yeah, imagine. What the fuck would your pussy ass do, leave docilly and look for another house. What about all those guns you own? I mean what damn good are they? I can see it now. OK, I am leaving, sorry to be in the way. I will just find a bridge to live under.

Destroy my house, steal my water, dump your waste in my yard, confine my movements--damn skippy, my ass is coming for you. Somebody is going to pay, anybody is going to pay, I don't give a shit.

I mean you are a real piece of work. Bragging about your guns, talking about a civil war, but evidently, Biden's terrible government sends you a text that they are destroying your home and you will leave like the pussy you are.
You won't get payback if you are dead Skippy.

That and I'd just go to my other home, or maybe the cabin....You know, options. ;)

I see the terrorists Tater let walk across our border will be about.....AOC Too.

Hell yeah. 75 years too late. Past time we kicked Israel to the damn curb. Again, the vast majority of Israeli citizens believe there should be a return to the 1967 borders, there should be a two-state solution. It is the government, which has now completely fell off the deep end, that is the problem. Bibi is as corrupt as they come, facing multiple indictments, just like Trump. He is a racist prick. Israel has no more the right to be a "Jewish" nation than Virginia has the right to be a "Baptist" state. Hell, maybe you are a Baptist, but I tend more to believe you are just a dumbass. But that is exactly what we are talking about here.
You won't get payback if you are dead Skippy.

That and I'd just go to my other home, or maybe the cabin....You know, options. ;)
Like I thought, a pussy. Go to your other home, or the cabin. Amazing, willingly give up what you have worked for. Like I said, "sorry I am in the way", what a big ass pussy. I mean can you imagine, the British come in and take your house and you just go, OK, I will go to "the cabin". If it were people like you living in this country in Colonial times we would be singing God Save the King before every baseball game.

And maybe the real proof that you are a huge ass pussy. "You won't get payback if you are are dead". I got to be honest, I laughed my ass off at that comment. This very nation was built on people more than willing to sacrifice their life for principals. From the patriots of the American Revolution to those that sacrificed their life in far away lands like Afghanistan. You flippin insult them. If you were of draft age during the Vietnam war your sorry ass would have fled to Canada. You are a piece of shit. If you aren't willing to die for what you believe in then you are a waste of fawking air. Thank you so much for confirming my suspicions about you all along.
Like I thought, a pussy. Go to your other home, or the cabin. Amazing, willingly give up what you have worked for. Like I said, "sorry I am in the way", what a big ass pussy. I mean can you imagine, the British come in and take your house and you just go, OK, I will go to "the cabin". If it were people like you living in this country in Colonial times we would be singing God Save the King before every baseball game.

And maybe the real proof that you are a huge ass pussy. "You won't get payback if you are are dead". I got to be honest, I laughed my ass off at that comment. This very nation was built on people more than willing to sacrifice their life for principals. From the patriots of the American Revolution to those that sacrificed their life in far away lands like Afghanistan. You flippin insult them. If you were of draft age during the Vietnam war your sorry ass would have fled to Canada. You are a piece of shit. If you aren't willing to die for what you believe in then you are a waste of fawking air. Thank you so much for confirming my suspicions about you all along.
Thousands of rockets fired at other homes. Dragging women and children out. Rape and Murder.

Fuck you and your home. This is now a War. Go to hell.
Like I thought, a pussy. Go to your other home, or the cabin. Amazing, willingly give up what you have worked for. Like I said, "sorry I am in the way", what a big ass pussy. I mean can you imagine, the British come in and take your house and you just go, OK, I will go to "the cabin". If it were people like you living in this country in Colonial times we would be singing God Save the King before every baseball game.

And maybe the real proof that you are a huge ass pussy. "You won't get payback if you are are dead". I got to be honest, I laughed my ass off at that comment. This very nation was built on people more than willing to sacrifice their life for principals. From the patriots of the American Revolution to those that sacrificed their life in far away lands like Afghanistan. You flippin insult them. If you were of draft age during the Vietnam war your sorry ass would have fled to Canada. You are a piece of shit. If you aren't willing to die for what you believe in then you are a waste of fawking air. Thank you so much for confirming my suspicions about you all along.
Damn son, are you drunk or just retarded? :laughing0301:
More assholes killing one another in the Middle East.

Is that shit ever going to end?
The Palestinians need to purge Hamas from their midst. But that won't happen.

Looks like Israel has to get rid of Hamas. Or as much of it as possible.

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