Follow this linked thread for the current Israeli Conflict

They are even taking captured grandmas back to Gaza.


I noticed you had a problem with facts. Obviously it bothered you. Now you cry. Grow up and quit crying.
Let it be know that I have now given okfine numerous opportunities to defend his/her posts. He/she refuses to do so but continues to troll with stupid comments and insults.

Meanwhile he/she has not offered one single verifiable fact that disputes anything I have posted.

So okfine, do have a pleasant afternoon. I will not respond further to these kinds of posts.
I'm not advocating for anyone to attack Germany or Turkey.

Only Iran.

If Germany or Turkey have a problem with that, they had best consider that attacking Isreal is attacking the USA.
I know. I'm just saying that Qatar and Turkey and possibly Germany provide more cash to Hamas than Iran does though Iran gives them a lot. Attacking Iran won't solve the problem.
Let it be know that I have now given okfine numerous opportunities to defend his/her posts. He/she refuses to do so but continues to troll with stupid comments and insults.

Meanwhile he/she has not offered one single verifiable fact that disputes anything I have posted.

So okfine, do have a pleasant afternoon. I will not respond further to these kinds of posts.
Quite the conumdrum you got yourself into and you need help weaseling out. Child.
If Israel is finally held accountable for using its military sniper teams to murder Palestinian children

If Israel is finally held accountable for destroying the Palestinian fishing industry

If Israel is finally held accountable for destroying Palestinian villages and then building illegal settlements on top of the ruins

Then and only then can I forgive Israelis, but, but, God will not and is not so forgiving

Last, but not lest they will no more be remembered

King James Bible
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
(Ezek 36:17 KJV) Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their ..own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.
(Ezek 36:18 KJV) Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it.
(Ezek 36:22 KJV) Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
(Ezek 36:24 KJV) For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.
.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..The above occurred in 1947ad
(Ezek 36:31 KJV) Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations.
(Ezek 36:32 KJV) Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord GOD, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.

King James Bible

Ezekiel 21:32
Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.

And so it will be done

The Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is their God-given homeland
Israel like so many other individuals or entities that are hated by the left has to be careful though because a leftist press will utilize everything in its bag of tricks to condemn Israel and excuse Hamas.

Hamas uses innocent Palestinians, old people, women, children as shields around its rocket launchers etc. to maximize collateral damage if Israel goes after them. And the media will not bring up that fact but will condemn Israel for targeting women, children, elderly etc.
Where the fawk do you want the Palestinians to put the rocket launchers? Israel has them packed in their pen like pigs on a commercial hog farm. The West Bank has one of the highest population densities in the flippin world.

You people just don't get it. Unemployment in the West Bank has exceeded 20% for more than two decades. If Israel would just simply live up to agreements they have made it would bring over two billion dollars to the economy of the West Bank and increase employment by 35%.

Water. While Jewish settlers in their illegal settlements on the West Bank have swimming pools and lush, green, watered lawns, Palestinians exist on less than 20 liters of water per day. Jewish settlers have stolen, STOLEN, dozens of privately owned Palestinian wells. They forbid the owners from accessing those wells, and worse, they are supported by the IDF. I have a private well. I am here to tell you, someone or something, steals that well and prevents me from accessing it, they will have hell to pay.

Garbage. I mean this is some sick ass shit. Israel ships their garbage to the West Bank. 15 waste treatment plants lie in the West Bank and operate under less stringent rules than if they were in Israel. Toxic wastes are literally dosed on Palestinians, damaging their environment, destroying their
crops, and jeopardizing their health. Numerous cancer clusters have been documented in the West Bank, from childhood lymphoma to lung cancer.

Look, Israel loots museums in the West Bank, confiscates books from libraries and burns them, the Bible and the Koran included in that burning, and even loots private possessions, especially privately held libraries.

I think this attack was misdirected. Instead of crossing the border and attacking the military, and civilians, they should have directed their attacks against the Jewish settlers ILLEGALLY occupying their land. That occupation deletes any claim of innocence and these are the most racist people on the damn planet. Do you even know what the Via Dolorosa is all about? It is a Christain pilgrimage that represents the path Jesus took as he was carrying his cross. Take that route, dozens of Orthodox Jews, mostly Jewish settlers, will surround you and spit on the ground in front of you screaming at you that they killed your Jesus. These are the people you are supporting.
Where the fawk do you want the Palestinians to put the rocket launchers? Israel has them packed in their pen like pigs on a commercial hog farm. The West Bank has one of the highest population densities in the flippin world.

You people just don't get it. Unemployment in the West Bank has exceeded 20% for more than two decades. If Israel would just simply live up to agreements they have made it would bring over two billion dollars to the economy of the West Bank and increase employment by 35%.

Water. While Jewish settlers in their illegal settlements on the West Bank have swimming pools and lush, green, watered lawns, Palestinians exist on less than 20 liters of water per day. Jewish settlers have stolen, STOLEN, dozens of privately owned Palestinian wells. They forbid the owners from accessing those wells, and worse, they are supported by the IDF. I have a private well. I am here to tell you, someone or something, steals that well and prevents me from accessing it, they will have hell to pay.

Garbage. I mean this is some sick ass shit. Israel ships their garbage to the West Bank. 15 waste treatment plants lie in the West Bank and operate under less stringent rules than if they were in Israel. Toxic wastes are literally dosed on Palestinians, damaging their environment, destroying their
crops, and jeopardizing their health. Numerous cancer clusters have been documented in the West Bank, from childhood lymphoma to lung cancer.

Look, Israel loots museums in the West Bank, confiscates books from libraries and burns them, the Bible and the Koran included in that burning, and even loots private possessions, especially privately held libraries.

I think this attack was misdirected. Instead of crossing the border and attacking the military, and civilians, they should have directed their attacks against the Jewish settlers ILLEGALLY occupying their land. That occupation deletes any claim of innocence and these are the most racist people on the damn planet. Do you even know what the Via Dolorosa is all about? It is a Christain pilgrimage that represents the path Jesus took as he was carrying his cross. Take that route, dozens of Orthodox Jews, mostly Jewish settlers, will surround you and spit on the ground in front of you screaming at you that they killed your Jesus. These are the people you are supporting.
I'll address one point of your screed most of which has zero to do with anything I have argued.

Hamas does not have to force civilians to be around those weapons. They could move the civilians away from them. They do not have to use women, children, grandmas and grandpas as shields so they will be killed if Israel takes out their weapons. And then they use the dead bodies as propaganda for how evil Israel is.

And if you defend that, you are not somebody I would want around me.
Where the fawk do you want the Palestinians to put the rocket launchers? Israel has them packed in their pen like pigs on a commercial hog farm. The West Bank has one of the highest population densities in the flippin world.

You people just don't get it. Unemployment in the West Bank has exceeded 20% for more than two decades. If Israel would just simply live up to agreements they have made it would bring over two billion dollars to the economy of the West Bank and increase employment by 35%.

Water. While Jewish settlers in their illegal settlements on the West Bank have swimming pools and lush, green, watered lawns, Palestinians exist on less than 20 liters of water per day. Jewish settlers have stolen, STOLEN, dozens of privately owned Palestinian wells. They forbid the owners from accessing those wells, and worse, they are supported by the IDF. I have a private well. I am here to tell you, someone or something, steals that well and prevents me from accessing it, they will have hell to pay.

Garbage. I mean this is some sick ass shit. Israel ships their garbage to the West Bank. 15 waste treatment plants lie in the West Bank and operate under less stringent rules than if they were in Israel. Toxic wastes are literally dosed on Palestinians, damaging their environment, destroying their
crops, and jeopardizing their health. Numerous cancer clusters have been documented in the West Bank, from childhood lymphoma to lung cancer.

Look, Israel loots museums in the West Bank, confiscates books from libraries and burns them, the Bible and the Koran included in that burning, and even loots private possessions, especially privately held libraries.

I think this attack was misdirected. Instead of crossing the border and attacking the military, and civilians, they should have directed their attacks against the Jewish settlers ILLEGALLY occupying their land. That occupation deletes any claim of innocence and these are the most racist people on the damn planet. Do you even know what the Via Dolorosa is all about? It is a Christain pilgrimage that represents the path Jesus took as he was carrying his cross. Take that route, dozens of Orthodox Jews, mostly Jewish settlers, will surround you and spit on the ground in front of you screaming at you that they killed your Jesus. These are the people you are supporting.

He must mean the likes of you.


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