Folly of Man: Darkness and History [Configuring Christianity]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Since this modern age invokes great contemplation of traffic and values, it's important to consider how the history of the folly of mankind/civilization indicates our ongoing interest in evaluating/analyzing ethics, norms, human governance, and majesty (e.g., Christian dogma).



"I am the narrator of this prose about the history of the folly of man. Let us begin with ancient man, when humans first began hunting animals for meat foods. Man developed hunting-tools and began cultivating instincts of savagery and competitiveness, and this gave birth to the notion of 'advanced cannibalism.' Early man, thinking more deeply about tool use and hunting and farming and 'civilization' was also contemplating the scope and 'allure' of competition, and that's when man began thinking about the 'value' of killing other humans for food or even sport or for power."


"Let us move way into the future into the time of Ancient Egypt, when the great Hebrew shepherd Moses led his hostage-people of Israel (the Jews) away from the clutches of the power-ravenous Pharaohs of Egypt. Moses parted the seas so the Jews could wander away from the approaching/chasing army of the Pharaoh. This 'exodus' marked man's interest in using religion and dogma to create more determined forms of sovereignty."


"We now move forward to the Roman Empire, when the excesses and pomp of palaces and gold made for evil emperors such as Caligula and courts of carnality, slavery, war, and virulence. Christ would arrive to dissolve these 'evil thoughts' in men, and the nefarious Roman emperors, such as the mad fire-wielding Nero, would create forms of hell on Earth. Moral values and temperance gave way to experiments in lust and terror and vanity. Rome was both awesome and overbearing."


"We skip ahead after the Resurrection of the Christ into the age of Industrialization and then the emerging age of geopolitical nations, which was of course severely confounded by the horrors of World War II, namely Nazi Germany and the horrible Holocaust. The Nazi death-camp known as Auschwitz saw countless enslaved Jews attacked and tortured and ritually murdered by an insane army known as the Third Reich or the SS. In Auschwitz, we saw the complete failure of social norms and empathy. Christian scholars began seriously contemplating the possible rise of the AntiChrist, the adversary of Jesus."


"So here we are now at the modern age of great commerce and geopolitical negotiations and traffic and confluence. America is now the world's official 'Big Brother' and is responsible for overseeing complications such as the incendiary North Korea nuclear-missile tests of Labor Day weekend 2017. America is dealing with the angst of terrorism (e.g., 9/11) and the emergence of anti-capitalism sentiments challenging new age idealism towards commerce-and-consumerism gauged peace (e.g., Wall Street, European Union, OPEC). In this arena of great traffic and terror, we see a proliferation of imagery in arts/cinema and comic books regarding the pedestrian daydreams/nightmares regarding complete social ugliness."


"Some may say it was the cannibal-era of Early Man that marked the true 'folly' of humanity. Some might say it was Egypt or Rome which saw the failure of morality and Christian values. Some might say it was the trauma of Auschwitz that indicated man's struggle with ethics. Some might say it is this new age of traffic and terrorism which illuminates man's ongoing 'tribulation' with civilization and darkness. One thing is clear --- configuring Christian values with man's folly involves a deep contemplation of social hygiene. However, how do we (as a species) celebrate speculations of darkness? You decide..."



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