Food Stamp Recipients Top 46 Million for 36th Straight Month

Yeah and right now people can't support themselves on less than 10 an hour because of inflation.

Again raising the wage over time gradually will do little to increase prices. You are dumb if you think the increase in prices will offset the increase in wages. It doesn't work like that. The actual price increase would be slight and level off over time.

right, got it all figured out...

you do live with your parent's, though, don't you? Tell the truth.
When a con can't win an argument he turns to lazy stereotypes. It's so predictable.

Son...I didn't "win"..There's nothing to debate...It's just a fact that when businesses have to pay more money to satisfy some new intrusive government "law", they raise prices to offset the loss...and other businesses raise prices across the board to increase their profits, too...

You do live with your parent's...I knew I was right...I could tell.

I knew I was
You do realize we've gone through several wage increases and the economy in all areas did not not flounder.

I never said the economy would flounder. I said it was inflationary because the cost of goods and services will rise also and it will erase any "gain".

You are such an idiot.

great rebuttal!

You can't tell shit. I'm 28. I have a full time job with my own place.

I can tell that you're very immature and don't have much life experience.
I'm pretty sure my intelligence surpasses any you gained in your life experience.
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......

Thirty-six months? That's back to just about where the Republicans took back the House isn't it?

Time to raise the minimum wage. carefully considered both sides of the issue... tested the wind to see which way it's blowing...and decided that anything conservatives don't want is ok with you and should be immediately implemented...
OK... raise minimum wage... and then places like McDonalds will replace the moron with no continued education with a computer..

If there's anywhere McDonald's can replace some guy with a computer,

he's already gone.
right, got it all figured out...

you do live with your parent's, though, don't you? Tell the truth.
When a con can't win an argument he turns to lazy stereotypes. It's so predictable.

Son...I didn't "win"..There's nothing to debate...It's just a fact that when businesses have to pay more money to satisfy some new intrusive government "law", they raise prices to offset the loss...and other businesses raise prices across the board to increase their profits, too...

You do live with your parent's...I knew I was right...I could tell.

I knew I was
You do realize we've gone through several wage increases and the economy in all areas did not not flounder.

I never said the economy would flounder. I said it was inflationary because the cost of goods and services will rise also and it will erase any "gain".

You are such an idiot.

great rebuttal!

You can't tell shit. I'm 28. I have a full time job with my own place.

I can tell that you're very immature and don't have much life experience.
I'm pretty sure my intelligence surpasses any you gained in your life experience.

oh..immature and arrogant, too...perfect combination...
You gotta love people that enjoy stagnant wages..If a CEO had to take a cut why there would be hell to pay...
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
Is that households, or total numbers including family, etc?
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

The average household on food stamps has a total income of $766 a month. The average recipient receives $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent in the household.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Feeding America
Why are so many morbidly obese?
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

The average household on food stamps has a total income of $766 a month. The average recipient receives $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent in the household.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Feeding America

You should know by now that the small brains can't read past a title. Cuts in education made sure of that. Can't have the people thinking if we need to use them as slaves and keep all the profits. (and history repeats itself)

What's it like living in your world? Can you send people in this world postcard from your world? I'd love to see what it's like over there. Over here, we're all wondering about how they cut education spending in your world because this is what has happened in our world:


So prices have gone up since 1970?

lol, Eureka!
That's absurd. How could 46 million Americans be on food stamps with 5.5% unemployment and the polity dancing in the streets, just mad with joy over their collective financial prosperity?

Because many who work qualify for food stamps. That should make you happy - American corporations getting cheap labor.
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

The average household on food stamps has a total income of $766 a month. The average recipient receives $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent in the household.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Feeding America

You should know by now that the small brains can't read past a title. Cuts in education made sure of that. Can't have the people thinking if we need to use them as slaves and keep all the profits. (and history repeats itself)

What's it like living in your world? Can you send people in this world postcard from your world? I'd love to see what it's like over there. Over here, we're all wondering about how they cut education spending in your world because this is what has happened in our world:

Graph confirms what I observed over the course of my career; the money spent and the highly paid administrators and supervisors did NOTHING to improve education.

One room, one teacher rural schools in NWLA did a better job that today's schools.

And the "cuts to education" meme, just another lie.
OK... raise minimum wage... and then places like McDonalds will replace the moron with no continued education with a computer..

If there's anywhere McDonald's can replace some guy with a computer,

he's already gone.
Sorry... not yet. But go ahead and raise that minimum wage beyond what some illiterates skills are worth, and you'll see it all over.
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

The average household on food stamps has a total income of $766 a month. The average recipient receives $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent in the household.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Feeding America
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

THAT.., is the most stupid thing i have read all morning !
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

The average household on food stamps has a total income of $766 a month. The average recipient receives $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent in the household.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Feeding America

You should know by now that the small brains can't read past a title. Cuts in education made sure of that. Can't have the people thinking if we need to use them as slaves and keep all the profits. (and history repeats itself)

What's it like living in your world? Can you send people in this world postcard from your world? I'd love to see what it's like over there. Over here, we're all wondering about how they cut education spending in your world because this is what has happened in our world:


So prices have gone up since 1970?

lol, Eureka!
That is a really stupid comment.
Now, concentrate, and look over the graph, including inflation adjustment part, and most of all Reading, Math and Science scores.
That's absurd. How could 46 million Americans be on food stamps with 5.5% unemployment and the polity dancing in the streets, just mad with joy over their collective financial prosperity?

Because many who work qualify for food stamps. That should make you happy - American corporations getting cheap labor.

It obviously makes the left happy..they like to exploit illegals for cheap labor which spreads poverty and increases government dependency....which will lead to votes for the party who gives away the most free stuff..
Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

The average household on food stamps has a total income of $766 a month. The average recipient receives $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent in the household.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Feeding America
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

THAT.., is the most stupid thing i have read all morning !
it's early yet...just wait.. I'm sure they can top that.
I've had idiot right wingers tell me that useless jobs are going oversea's and who cares about the uneducated people that use to work them.

And I've had idiot right wingers mad when people are out of work collecting food stamps and welfare.

So how do you feel about the right and some of their ideas?

Thank you Obuma!

cnsnews ^

The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program--food stamps--has now topped 46,000,000 for 36 straight months, according to new data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA). From September 2011 through August 2014, the latest month for which data is available, the number of persons participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has exceeded 46 million. In August 2014, according to USDA, there were 46,484,828 beneficiaries of the SNAP program. That was down slightly—2,060 beneficiaries—from the 46,486,888 who got food stamps in July......
There's an easy solution for this: raise the minimum wage.

The average household on food stamps has a total income of $766 a month. The average recipient receives $133 a month in benefits. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent in the household.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Feeding America

You should know by now that the small brains can't read past a title. Cuts in education made sure of that. Can't have the people thinking if we need to use them as slaves and keep all the profits. (and history repeats itself)

What's it like living in your world? Can you send people in this world postcard from your world? I'd love to see what it's like over there. Over here, we're all wondering about how they cut education spending in your world because this is what has happened in our world:


So prices have gone up since 1970?

lol, Eureka!
If you have nothing intelligent to write, why do you bother vomiting your idiocy into this thread? Is this the only way you feel that you can make a contribution?
I've had idiot right wingers tell me that useless jobs are going oversea's and who cares about the uneducated people that use to work them.

And I've had idiot right wingers mad when people are out of work collecting food stamps and welfare.

NAFTA was signed by all parties. Notice a mistake when it's made. Every party signed NAFTA and it's why no one is to blame. Ross Perot stated, "We will hear a huge sucking noise when the jobs leave America"

This isn't a hard topic..............what do you do on hard topics!
There is no excuse for being uneducated in the land of free public education.

I have seen kids raised in haybarns and slave shacks(VERY few of those left, but some are still around and occupied) become teachers, nurses, professional soldiers, and they escaped the Dem cycle of poverty.

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