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Football Coach for Christ - Out of a job

He is free to practice his faith, but not on our secular religiously-neutral dime.
Wonder what ever happened to
impeding the free exercise of religion?
He is free to practice his faith, but not on our secular religiously-neutral dime.

I thought the article said this took place after the game?

Whose 'dime' was he on?

He said the prayers on state owned school property. He was paid to be there by taxpayers of Washington state.

It was on our dime and on our property.

He was paid to be there by taxpayers of Washington state.

He was paid to be there AFTER the function was over?

anyone with a brain would consider him
off the clock.

The function doesn't end immediately after the game is finish.

As long as he was on school grounds and at a school function, he's being paid by the taxpayers.

There's a rule that no teacher is allowed to leave the grounds until all students are gone. They are being paid while they are on school grounds and there's students. So at all school functions the teacher who is there can't leave school grounds and is still being paid until every single student has left.

How do you know he was off the clock? Do you know the laws in Washington state? I do.I live here.

Seems it didn't matter to the district whether he was 'off the clock' or not.

Bremerton High School coach placed on leave for praying on field - CNN.com

"In Wednesday's letter, the district said it has offered Kennedy a private location to use for personal prayer after games, such as areas in the school building or in the stadium press box. But Kennedy declined, the letter says."
He is free to practice his faith, but not on our secular religiously-neutral dime.
He is free to practice his faith, but not on our secular religiously-neutral dime.

I thought the article said this took place after the game?

Whose 'dime' was he on?

He said the prayers on state owned school property. He was paid to be there by taxpayers of Washington state.

It was on our dime and on our property.

He was paid to be there by taxpayers of Washington state.

He was paid to be there AFTER the function was over?

anyone with a brain would consider him
off the clock.

The function doesn't end immediately after the game is finish.

As long as he was on school grounds and at a school function, he's being paid by the taxpayers.

There's a rule that no teacher is allowed to leave the grounds until all students are gone. They are being paid while they are on school grounds and there's students. So at all school functions the teacher who is there can't leave school grounds and is still being paid until every single student has left.

How do you know he was off the clock? Do you know the laws in Washington state? I do.I live here.

Seems it didn't matter to the district whether he was 'off the clock' or not.

Bremerton High School coach placed on leave for praying on field - CNN.com

"In Wednesday's letter, the district said it has offered Kennedy a private location to use for personal prayer after games, such as areas in the school building or in the stadium press box. But Kennedy declined, the letter says."
Would he do as Jesus taught, he would not be out of a job right now. Trying to show what a godly man he is means God has turned a deaf ear. It's for show...

Matthew 6:

6 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

2 “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

5 “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

7 “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 Pray then like this:

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.a]">[a]
10 Your kingdom come,
your will be done,b]">[b]
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread,c]">[c]
12 and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.d]">[d]

14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...
And hence an example, at the federal level, of what happens when people become politically correct.

This is another one of those pnuembras of light !

There is nothing in this argument that supports the firing of the coach over 1st amendment principles.
His pregame prayer, that he led, was an establishment. He was told to knock it off and then he came up with a new plan, which also isn't allowed. He works for the state, not the church. He can pray on his own damn time in his own home and church, not our schools.

And there is nothing PC about obeying our laws in this secular nation.

There is nothing established when he prays.

My guess is that he works for a school district.

Get back to me when you have an argument.
He used to work for a school district, now they are just paying off his contract after kicking him out of the program, which he can now have nothing official to do with. And the school, the Supreme Court, and I all agree on him breaking the law, which means, both you and he are fucked.

I am not anything of the sort.

I don't agree with what he did.

I am more prone to ask people to back up their assertions.

Saying that the SCOTUS said so really is like hiding under their robes.

You posited it had to do with the 1st amendment (and again hide under the robes of the SCOTUS) which it doesn't.

Like I said, you should attempt to get a refund from whoever gave you your education. You were totally gypped.
When the Supreme Court says that's what the problem is, that's what the problem is. I deal in reality and obey the laws. What's the law, no establishment of religion by the state. I don't need to defend what is so obvious, church and state are separate here....

Which reads.....

I can make loose claims about why thing are the way they are...and about political history with impunity because [hiding under the skirts of the SCOTUS] my intellectual laziness is assuaged by your creed:

I believe it (and it fits my view of the world.....regardless of reality....i.e. some states have slowly killed Roe)
That settles it.
Don't confuse me with the facts...my mind is made up.

Got it.
Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...

I agree...100%.
Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...
Most people feel that way, and that's because most people are little more than dumb animals. Making babies is all they can do, the only thing they'll ever do that might matter in the end, if they give birth to something that isn't just another dumb animal who then goes on to do the same that is.
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His pregame prayer, that he led, was an establishment. He was told to knock it off and then he came up with a new plan, which also isn't allowed. He works for the state, not the church. He can pray on his own damn time in his own home and church, not our schools.

And there is nothing PC about obeying our laws in this secular nation.

There is nothing established when he prays.

My guess is that he works for a school district.

Get back to me when you have an argument.
He used to work for a school district, now they are just paying off his contract after kicking him out of the program, which he can now have nothing official to do with. And the school, the Supreme Court, and I all agree on him breaking the law, which means, both you and he are fucked.

I am not anything of the sort.

I don't agree with what he did.

I am more prone to ask people to back up their assertions.

Saying that the SCOTUS said so really is like hiding under their robes.

You posited it had to do with the 1st amendment (and again hide under the robes of the SCOTUS) which it doesn't.

Like I said, you should attempt to get a refund from whoever gave you your education. You were totally gypped.
When the Supreme Court says that's what the problem is, that's what the problem is. I deal in reality and obey the laws. What's the law, no establishment of religion by the state. I don't need to defend what is so obvious, church and state are separate here....

Which reads.....

I can make loose claims about why thing are the way they are...and about political history with impunity because [hiding under the skirts of the SCOTUS] my intellectual laziness is assuaged by your creed:

I believe it (and it fits my view of the world.....regardless of reality....i.e. some states have slowly killed Roe)
That settles it.
Don't confuse me with the facts...my mind is made up.

Got it.
You never presented any facts, just your inability to deal with reality. Your "but whys" are as annoying as that of a small child, and just as useful when the debate on a question, to which the answer is obvious, was settled decades ago.
Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...
Most people feel that way, and that's because most people are little more than dumb animals. Making babies is all they can do, the only thing they'll ever do that might matter in the end, if they give birth to something that isn't just another dumb animal who then goes on to do the same that is.

I understand, if you admitted the truth you would probably have to commit Harakari...

You feel much more productive as the angry little sniveling mullet you have become and let's face it, no one in their right mind wants you to reproduce...
So stupid. The shit people get upset about is beyond me. My high school football coach led the team in prayer before every single game in the locker room. It was never a big deal and those that didn't believe didn't pray.
It might not have been a big deal to you, the point is, it's a big damn deal. In a secular society that bans the government establishment of religion that kind of crap is not allowed, period.

It shouldn't really be a big deal to most people. Sometimes you just have the shrug your shoulders and say, who cares? This is one of those times for me.

I disagree. When a team does something....especially when led by the coach.....there is very strong peer pressure to participate. Public schools need to have a hands off approach to religion. This is a secular nation.
Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...
Most people feel that way, and that's because most people are little more than dumb animals. Making babies is all they can do, the only thing they'll ever do that might matter in the end, if they give birth to something that isn't just another dumb animal who then goes on to do the same that is.

I understand, if you admitted the truth you would probably have to commit Harakari...

You feel much more productive as the angry little sniveling mullet you have become and let's face it, no one in their right mind wants you to reproduce...
The truth is humans are dumb animals, and I've worked hard not to be, and anyone who brought children into this world has committed a crime, they just don't know it.
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Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...
Most people feel that way, and that's because most people are little more than dumb animals. Making babies is all they can do, the only thing they'll ever do that might matter in the end, if they give birth to something that isn't just another dumb animal who then goes on to do the same that is.

I understand, if you admitted the truth you would probably have to commit Harakari...

You feel much more productive as the angry little sniveling mullet you have become and let's face it, no one in their right mind wants you to reproduce...
The truth is humans are animals, and I've worked hard not to be...

You may associate yourself with animals, your choice, emphasis on choice...

I am not an animal and most of the humans I know are not animals either, but you're an evolutionist and I am a creationist...

God gave you the right to believe there is no spirituality on this earth, I happen to know there is and no matter what I say or do it's not going to change your mind...

It's a shame you don't know this, maybe someday you will...
Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...
Most people feel that way, and that's because most people are little more than dumb animals. Making babies is all they can do, the only thing they'll ever do that might matter in the end, if they give birth to something that isn't just another dumb animal who then goes on to do the same that is.

I understand, if you admitted the truth you would probably have to commit Harakari...

You feel much more productive as the angry little sniveling mullet you have become and let's face it, no one in their right mind wants you to reproduce...
The truth is humans are animals, and I've worked hard not to be...

You may associate yourself with animals, your choice, emphasis on choice...

I am not an animal and most of the humans I know are not animals either, but you're an evolutionist and I am a creationist...

God gave you the right to believe there is no spirituality on this earth, I happen to know there is and no matter what I say or do it's not going to change your mind...

It's a shame you don't know this, maybe someday you will...
I know your faith and holy book well, which is why I rejected it as the total nonsense it is. A faith for fools, slaves, and children...
BTW, women good for making, not raising, babies. Men good for dying in war. For most humans, that's it.

Very shallow, funny the level of technology we have today came out of the thin blue sky, humans had nothing to do with it?

You obviously have been hurt quite deeply...

I would suggest you find a good church, but I hear rejection from every angle...
You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...
Most people feel that way, and that's because most people are little more than dumb animals. Making babies is all they can do, the only thing they'll ever do that might matter in the end, if they give birth to something that isn't just another dumb animal who then goes on to do the same that is.

I understand, if you admitted the truth you would probably have to commit Harakari...

You feel much more productive as the angry little sniveling mullet you have become and let's face it, no one in their right mind wants you to reproduce...
The truth is humans are animals, and I've worked hard not to be...

You may associate yourself with animals, your choice, emphasis on choice...

I am not an animal and most of the humans I know are not animals either, but you're an evolutionist and I am a creationist...

God gave you the right to believe there is no spirituality on this earth, I happen to know there is and no matter what I say or do it's not going to change your mind...

It's a shame you don't know this, maybe someday you will...
I know your faith and holy book well, which is why I rejected it as the total nonsense it is. A faith for fools, slaves, and children...

Are you a victim of the Catholic Church?
Most people feel that way, and that's because most people are little more than dumb animals. Making babies is all they can do, the only thing they'll ever do that might matter in the end, if they give birth to something that isn't just another dumb animal who then goes on to do the same that is.

I understand, if you admitted the truth you would probably have to commit Harakari...

You feel much more productive as the angry little sniveling mullet you have become and let's face it, no one in their right mind wants you to reproduce...
The truth is humans are animals, and I've worked hard not to be...

You may associate yourself with animals, your choice, emphasis on choice...

I am not an animal and most of the humans I know are not animals either, but you're an evolutionist and I am a creationist...

God gave you the right to believe there is no spirituality on this earth, I happen to know there is and no matter what I say or do it's not going to change your mind...

It's a shame you don't know this, maybe someday you will...
I know your faith and holy book well, which is why I rejected it as the total nonsense it is. A faith for fools, slaves, and children...

Are you a victim of the Catholic Church?
No more than most others.
There is nothing established when he prays.

My guess is that he works for a school district.

Get back to me when you have an argument.
He used to work for a school district, now they are just paying off his contract after kicking him out of the program, which he can now have nothing official to do with. And the school, the Supreme Court, and I all agree on him breaking the law, which means, both you and he are fucked.

I am not anything of the sort.

I don't agree with what he did.

I am more prone to ask people to back up their assertions.

Saying that the SCOTUS said so really is like hiding under their robes.

You posited it had to do with the 1st amendment (and again hide under the robes of the SCOTUS) which it doesn't.

Like I said, you should attempt to get a refund from whoever gave you your education. You were totally gypped.
When the Supreme Court says that's what the problem is, that's what the problem is. I deal in reality and obey the laws. What's the law, no establishment of religion by the state. I don't need to defend what is so obvious, church and state are separate here....

Which reads.....

I can make loose claims about why thing are the way they are...and about political history with impunity because [hiding under the skirts of the SCOTUS] my intellectual laziness is assuaged by your creed:

I believe it (and it fits my view of the world.....regardless of reality....i.e. some states have slowly killed Roe)
That settles it.
Don't confuse me with the facts...my mind is made up.

Got it.
You never presented any facts, just your inability to deal with reality. Your "but whys" are as annoying as that of a small child, and just as useful when the debate on a question, to which the answer is obvious, was settled decades ago.

Hey Saul,

I've laid out how the 1st Amendment (your backing) does not support the claim you made a while ago.

I also pointed out how history does not support your fundamental assertions.

I have no issues with what was "settled" in court. I simply showed it is never fully settled.

Beyond that, I keep pointing out how your claim to the law (you know those things Congress was not supposed to pass) regarding religion is not legitimate.

All with facts.

Keep whining and forgetting to bring even your D game.

As I read down the thread, I can't help but laugh at your cynical view of the human race.

Why would I think to even discuss something with someone who hates himself and those around him so much.
Why would I think to even discuss something with someone who hates himself and those around him so much.
So, don't. Since you can't prove your positions I could really care less.

And I hate the disease that is humanity. I hate myself less than most humans, and the label used for them, dumb animals, is unkind to dumb animals.
I understand, if you admitted the truth you would probably have to commit Harakari...

You feel much more productive as the angry little sniveling mullet you have become and let's face it, no one in their right mind wants you to reproduce...
The truth is humans are animals, and I've worked hard not to be...

You may associate yourself with animals, your choice, emphasis on choice...

I am not an animal and most of the humans I know are not animals either, but you're an evolutionist and I am a creationist...

God gave you the right to believe there is no spirituality on this earth, I happen to know there is and no matter what I say or do it's not going to change your mind...

It's a shame you don't know this, maybe someday you will...
I know your faith and holy book well, which is why I rejected it as the total nonsense it is. A faith for fools, slaves, and children...

Are you a victim of the Catholic Church?
No more than most others.

Then what happened? Is it so bad you can't repeat it?

Any public school that does is in violation, and I would never bring children into this hell-hole, and never did, mainly because of people like you....

You just confirmed you're in a deep depression, that explains why you're a liberal...

I have great kids and wouldn't change them for the world, you have missed the meaning of life...

Just because you wanted children doesn't mean everyone else does. Nor does it mean those who don't want to be parents are somehow deficient or depressed or anything else.

It just means they recognize they don't want kids and are responsible to make sure they don't have kids.

I guess you believe that kids deserve parents who don't want them. I don't. Nor does Paint. He has done the responsible thing and not brought children into this world when he doesn't want them.

It's amazing to me that you believe you have the right to tell people how to live their lives and if they don't, you chastise them for it. You have no right to tell anyone how to live. Nor do you have the right to force people who don't want children.

All children should be 100% planned, wanted and loved by their parents.

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