For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says

time to bring back the Chaperone , 'burkha' and Chastity belt or have women realize that they need to be careful and learn how to shoot Denizen . I didn't click link Denizen .
Of course...the INCEL solution to men raping women is to control the women.
Decades of liberal government mandated education taught girls everything they needed to know about sex except how to say no. Now liberals manage to convince vulnerable women that they were raped in order to make a political point.
Of course CRCs denigrate women who were raped.
time to bring back the Chaperone , 'burkha' and Chastity belt or have women realize that they need to be careful and learn how to shoot Denizen . I didn't click link Denizen .
Of course...the INCEL solution to men raping women is to control the women.
--------------------------------- naw , let the women handle THEIR rape problem in the best way that they can Bode .
time to bring back the Chaperone , 'burkha' and Chastity belt or have women realize that they need to be careful and learn how to shoot Denizen . I didn't click link Denizen .
Of course...the INCEL solution to men raping women is to control the women.
Look, he was drunk and boinked a fat woman. So he didn't call you. So what? That doesn't make it rape.
Decades of liberal government mandated education taught girls everything they needed to know about sex except how to say no. Now liberals manage to convince vulnerable women that they were raped in order to make a political point.
Of course CRCs denigrate women who were raped.
-------------------------------- only if they have NO PROOF and act like 'babies' and don't follow proper procedures and report the crime Promptly Bode . [example is 'blasy ford' Bode .
Wouldn't you find a study conducted by a research fellow at Harvard Med and published in JAMA Internal Medicine to be quite reliable in terms of facts?
Not necessarily if those "facts" are all based on value added biased definitions of what rape is.

"The study, published Monday in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, notes the World Health Organization recognizes forced sexual initiation -- "an unwanted first sexual intercourse that is physically forced or coerced" -- as a distinct form of sexual violence.
"We feel it is accurate to describe these events as rape," said Dr. Laura Hawks, a primary care physician and research fellow at Harvard Medical School who co-authored the study."

We can all agree rape has been committed when a woman is physically forced to have sex. That's a classic definition.
But how about after a woman has been drinking and then later, in retrospect, she decides she was raped, for instance? Most common sense people would not consider that to be a case of rape.

Has sex been "coerced" in that case? Dr. Laura Hawks would say yes as I understand her claim.

Coerced is the key word here and that is a problematic word. How about a girl who has persistently over time been pestered to have sex and always refused but eventually gives in because she doesn't want to lose her boyfriend?
So she does relent but then regrets her decision and because she was "coerced" she can say she was raped by the definition of Dr. Laura Hawks. I find her definition of what "rape" is to be questionable at best.

Physically forced or coerced means exactly that. "Giving in" is a different action.

Why are you trying to come with every possible scenario that might hypothetically occur to cast doubt on the veracity of women? Men are known to lie about this stuff, and have in police stations and court rooms all over the country.

There is no excuse for rape. This study shows that we have a problem in this country. Trying to downplay the importance of the study does not do anything to solve the problem.
There is no excuse for rape

There is also no excuse for false accusations of rape which is just as common

There is also no special credibility given to any study regardless of the problem . That includes this study
time to bring back the Chaperone , 'burkha' and Chastity belt or have women realize that they need to be careful and learn how to shoot Denizen . I didn't click link Denizen .
Of course...the INCEL solution to men raping women is to control the women.
Stop protecting them. Let them get their beat downs. Us male fools never learn. This end of this good times age violence will be caused by these shrews. And is. Now let us narrow down the men raping the women. By color. By age. By sexual preference. By alpha and beta. By religion or lack of. There is more but by political party affiliation is the agenda here. Colleges are over 60% female in many of them. Narrow down the rapists in that environment. The Prog socialist communist extreme feminist Jeopardy daily double answer is.....White Christian Male!
I wonder if there are any statistics regarding a woman's first experience with abortion? I bet a lot more than 40'% of the victims of abortion were coerced by men
This is quite astonishing along with the claim that 40% of women have experienced sexual assault.

It also fits into the Brett Kavanaugh issue where the system has demonstrated that women who claim sexual assault will have their character vigorously impugned by people in power.

"The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6."

"Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment." That is astonishing.

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says - CNN

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says
By Jen Christensen, CNN
Updated 2130 GMT (0530 HKT) September 16, 2019

Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment

(CNN)More than 3.3 million American women ages 18 to 44 were raped the first time they had sexual intercourse, according to a new study, and "all demographic groups reported substantial roles of forced sexual initiation."
The study, published Monday in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, notes the World Health Organization recognizes forced sexual initiation -- "an unwanted first sexual intercourse that is physically forced or coerced" -- as a distinct form of sexual violence.
"We feel it is accurate to describe these events as rape," said Dr. Laura Hawks, a primary care physician and research fellow at Harvard Medical School who co-authored the study.
The study says that 6.5% of women surveyed had an unwanted first sexual intercourse that was forced or coerced and it "appears to be common." Researchers estimated that to be 1 in 16 US women.
The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6. The average age of the partner or assailant at the time was 6 years older. Among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary, the average age was 17.4.
National Sexual Assault Hotline
If you or a loved one is a survivor of assault, please call
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE
Or talk to a trained volunteer at Terms of Service - Online Hotline
Some 50% of women surveyed said the perpetrator was larger or older. More than 46% of the women were held down. In 56% of the instances, men used verbal pressure. Men used a physical threats more than 26% of the time and caused physical harm in more than 25% of the instances. Some 22% of the women were drugged.
Survivors faced long-term consequences, such as increased rates of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and menstrual problems. More than 30% said they had an unwanted first pregnancy, while 24% said they had ever had an abortion in their lifetime -- higher percentages than among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary.
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Earlier research has shown that more than 40% of women have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, and half of those have been raped. The authors of this study said there is no recent data focused on first experiences with intercourse. The survey included 13,310 women and was nationally representative of the population age 18 to 44. The data came from the National Survey of Family and Growth from 2011 to 2017.
"A practicing physician is likely to see several patients each week who have experienced this form of trauma," the authors wrote in the study, saying doctors should develop tools to identify and help people who've experienced it.
  1. 1 in 16 US women. That's the new Leftard math where 6% of a group now equals 40%.
  2. Have experienced sexual assault. That's the new catch-phrase for any shriveled-cunny liberal now who has ever had a guy express any sexual interest in them and 40 years later realized that when they said yes, some liberal now convinced them they really meant no.
Just one more effort to totally castrate the American male while empowering women. You'll now need to get a signed letter of consent from a girl just to take her out on a date.
And compliment her legs or put your hand on her knee at your own risk.
CRCs aren't the least interested in addressing the way men treat women.....or young girls either.
Foolish man. Didn't you ever notice that these romances and Hollywood fictions were based on an attraction between the specific two characters involved? This is not the real world. Women are not just sexually receptive to any male who comes along. Take a look at the book cover you posted. Nothing is known about who the man in the illustration is in the book, what kind of person is he. What woman is she? As for looks and the part that looks play in human sexuality, do you assume that all men look like the hunk on the book cover?

Look asswipe, one thing I'm not is a fool, nor do I suffer fools. I was married for years, knew many women, all of them read that romance stuff wet between the legs. Apparently you don't understand lust. I guess you never spent much time in a club when young hanging out as women checked out the guys and ogled them as they came in? Strangers, love at first sight, hot for their buns, whatever you want to call it, first impressions, a good line, just because you never met a girl at a club and didn't pick her up in 5 minutes for a wild time and a hot night, do not mistake this for not being the "real world" for any attractive guy whose not an obvious loser like you.
This is quite astonishing along with the claim that 40% of women have experienced sexual assault.

It also fits into the Brett Kavanaugh issue where the system has demonstrated that women who claim sexual assault will have their character vigorously impugned by people in power.

"The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6."

"Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment." That is astonishing.

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says - CNN

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says
By Jen Christensen, CNN
Updated 2130 GMT (0530 HKT) September 16, 2019

Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment

(CNN)More than 3.3 million American women ages 18 to 44 were raped the first time they had sexual intercourse, according to a new study, and "all demographic groups reported substantial roles of forced sexual initiation."
The study, published Monday in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, notes the World Health Organization recognizes forced sexual initiation -- "an unwanted first sexual intercourse that is physically forced or coerced" -- as a distinct form of sexual violence.
"We feel it is accurate to describe these events as rape," said Dr. Laura Hawks, a primary care physician and research fellow at Harvard Medical School who co-authored the study.
The study says that 6.5% of women surveyed had an unwanted first sexual intercourse that was forced or coerced and it "appears to be common." Researchers estimated that to be 1 in 16 US women.
The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6. The average age of the partner or assailant at the time was 6 years older. Among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary, the average age was 17.4.
National Sexual Assault Hotline
If you or a loved one is a survivor of assault, please call
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE
Or talk to a trained volunteer at Terms of Service - Online Hotline
Some 50% of women surveyed said the perpetrator was larger or older. More than 46% of the women were held down. In 56% of the instances, men used verbal pressure. Men used a physical threats more than 26% of the time and caused physical harm in more than 25% of the instances. Some 22% of the women were drugged.
Survivors faced long-term consequences, such as increased rates of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and menstrual problems. More than 30% said they had an unwanted first pregnancy, while 24% said they had ever had an abortion in their lifetime -- higher percentages than among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary.
Get CNN Health's weekly newsletter
Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team.
Earlier research has shown that more than 40% of women have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, and half of those have been raped. The authors of this study said there is no recent data focused on first experiences with intercourse. The survey included 13,310 women and was nationally representative of the population age 18 to 44. The data came from the National Survey of Family and Growth from 2011 to 2017.
"A practicing physician is likely to see several patients each week who have experienced this form of trauma," the authors wrote in the study, saying doctors should develop tools to identify and help people who've experienced it.
What isn’t astonishing is that most on the right consider this to be a non-issue, or otherwise reject these facts as ‘fake news.’
Also what isn't astonishing is that CRCs are working to make this all the fault of women.
This is quite astonishing along with the claim that 40% of women have experienced sexual assault.

It also fits into the Brett Kavanaugh issue where the system has demonstrated that women who claim sexual assault will have their character vigorously impugned by people in power.

"The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6."

"Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment." That is astonishing.

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says - CNN

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says
By Jen Christensen, CNN
Updated 2130 GMT (0530 HKT) September 16, 2019

Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment

(CNN)More than 3.3 million American women ages 18 to 44 were raped the first time they had sexual intercourse, according to a new study, and "all demographic groups reported substantial roles of forced sexual initiation."
The study, published Monday in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, notes the World Health Organization recognizes forced sexual initiation -- "an unwanted first sexual intercourse that is physically forced or coerced" -- as a distinct form of sexual violence.
"We feel it is accurate to describe these events as rape," said Dr. Laura Hawks, a primary care physician and research fellow at Harvard Medical School who co-authored the study.
The study says that 6.5% of women surveyed had an unwanted first sexual intercourse that was forced or coerced and it "appears to be common." Researchers estimated that to be 1 in 16 US women.
The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6. The average age of the partner or assailant at the time was 6 years older. Among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary, the average age was 17.4.
National Sexual Assault Hotline
If you or a loved one is a survivor of assault, please call
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE
Or talk to a trained volunteer at Terms of Service - Online Hotline
Some 50% of women surveyed said the perpetrator was larger or older. More than 46% of the women were held down. In 56% of the instances, men used verbal pressure. Men used a physical threats more than 26% of the time and caused physical harm in more than 25% of the instances. Some 22% of the women were drugged.
Survivors faced long-term consequences, such as increased rates of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and menstrual problems. More than 30% said they had an unwanted first pregnancy, while 24% said they had ever had an abortion in their lifetime -- higher percentages than among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary.
Get CNN Health's weekly newsletter
Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team.
Earlier research has shown that more than 40% of women have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, and half of those have been raped. The authors of this study said there is no recent data focused on first experiences with intercourse. The survey included 13,310 women and was nationally representative of the population age 18 to 44. The data came from the National Survey of Family and Growth from 2011 to 2017.
"A practicing physician is likely to see several patients each week who have experienced this form of trauma," the authors wrote in the study, saying doctors should develop tools to identify and help people who've experienced it.
  1. 1 in 16 US women. That's the new Leftard math where 6% of a group now equals 40%.
  2. Have experienced sexual assault. That's the new catch-phrase for any shriveled-cunny liberal now who has ever had a guy express any sexual interest in them and 40 years later realized that when they said yes, some liberal now convinced them they really meant no.
Just one more effort to totally castrate the American male while empowering women. You'll now need to get a signed letter of consent from a girl just to take her out on a date.
And compliment her legs or put your hand on her knee at your own risk.
CRCs aren't the least interested in addressing the way men treat women.....or young girls either.
Progressives are not the lleast bit interested in civil and constitutional rights for men.... Or young boys
How about we all sit down and discuss this issue as intelligent, fair-minded adults, of both sexes, and get to the bottom of the problem?
-------------------------------- seems to me that its YOU women that have the problem Lysis .
CRC canon's women's fault they get raped. It's young girls' fault they get sexually abused.

Case in point: Politician admits raping four-year-old child but claims it was her fault

Progressive SJW canon law...... it is a mans fault when he is falasely accdused of rape.

Cases in point: Teen Vogue columnist Emily Lindin tweets she's 'not at all concerned' about false sexual harassment claims

High School Girls Admitted to Making False Sexual Assault Accusations Against a Male Student Because They 'Just Don't Like Him'
This is quite astonishing along with the claim that 40% of women have experienced sexual assault.

It also fits into the Brett Kavanaugh issue where the system has demonstrated that women who claim sexual assault will have their character vigorously impugned by people in power.

"The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6."

"Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment." That is astonishing.

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says - CNN

For 1 in 16 US women, their first experience with sexual intercourse was rape, study says
By Jen Christensen, CNN
Updated 2130 GMT (0530 HKT) September 16, 2019

Wife of Trump aide: Women in military should expect sexual harassment

(CNN)More than 3.3 million American women ages 18 to 44 were raped the first time they had sexual intercourse, according to a new study, and "all demographic groups reported substantial roles of forced sexual initiation."
The study, published Monday in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine, notes the World Health Organization recognizes forced sexual initiation -- "an unwanted first sexual intercourse that is physically forced or coerced" -- as a distinct form of sexual violence.
"We feel it is accurate to describe these events as rape," said Dr. Laura Hawks, a primary care physician and research fellow at Harvard Medical School who co-authored the study.
The study says that 6.5% of women surveyed had an unwanted first sexual intercourse that was forced or coerced and it "appears to be common." Researchers estimated that to be 1 in 16 US women.
The average age of women who experienced forced sexual initiation was 15.6. The average age of the partner or assailant at the time was 6 years older. Among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary, the average age was 17.4.
National Sexual Assault Hotline
If you or a loved one is a survivor of assault, please call
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE
Or talk to a trained volunteer at Terms of Service - Online Hotline
Some 50% of women surveyed said the perpetrator was larger or older. More than 46% of the women were held down. In 56% of the instances, men used verbal pressure. Men used a physical threats more than 26% of the time and caused physical harm in more than 25% of the instances. Some 22% of the women were drugged.
Survivors faced long-term consequences, such as increased rates of HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and menstrual problems. More than 30% said they had an unwanted first pregnancy, while 24% said they had ever had an abortion in their lifetime -- higher percentages than among women whose first sexual intercourse was voluntary.
Get CNN Health's weekly newsletter
Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team.
Earlier research has shown that more than 40% of women have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime, and half of those have been raped. The authors of this study said there is no recent data focused on first experiences with intercourse. The survey included 13,310 women and was nationally representative of the population age 18 to 44. The data came from the National Survey of Family and Growth from 2011 to 2017.
"A practicing physician is likely to see several patients each week who have experienced this form of trauma," the authors wrote in the study, saying doctors should develop tools to identify and help people who've experienced it.
What isn’t astonishing is that most on the right consider this to be a non-issue, or otherwise reject these facts as ‘fake news.’
Also what isn't astonishing is that CRCs are working to make this all the fault of women.
Also what is not surprising is that feminists and left wingers are working to suspend due process and presumption of innocence for men.
Physically forced or coerced means exactly that. "Giving in" is a different action.
There are many ways to coerce. To physically force sex on another person is a different matter.
Having sex after you both got drunk is not rape. Claiming rape in such a case is a cowardly way of escaping one's own responsibility for one's actions. I hope you aren't that sort of "feminist"...the kind that would rather send a man to prison than own up to her own actions.

Why are you trying to come with every possible scenario that might hypothetically occur to cast doubt on the veracity of women? Men are known to lie about this stuff, and have in police stations and court rooms all over the country.
Why are you pretending that's what I'm doing? I'm calling B.S. on a study that inflates rape statistics by redefining what rape is.
That sort of non intellectual revisionism helps no one and it actually casts doubt on this study and hurts the cause of rape prevention.

There is no excuse for rape. This study shows that we have a problem in this country. Trying to downplay the importance of the study does not do anything to solve the problem.
Downplaying a study that is inherently dishonest
only hurts that study itself. Stop being a coward.

Who cries rape when both are drunk? Alcohol or date-rape drugs could be a factor. I once thought that fruit punch was being provided for those of us who did not drink alcohol. Little did I know that there was grain alcohol in it. Fortunately, I was not raped, but I did have to go lie down on a waterbed, which is an experience no one wants to have. This study is by no means "inherently dishonest.

Moreover, in a civilized society, if one comes across someone who is obviously incapacitated or unconscious, you get that person to safety. If I find a person collapsed, I'm going to call for help, not take his wallet and his watch.
Physically forced or coerced means exactly that. "Giving in" is a different action.
There are many ways to coerce. To physically force sex on another person is a different matter.
Having sex after you both got drunk is not rape. Claiming rape in such a case is a cowardly way of escaping one's own responsibility for one's actions. I hope you aren't that sort of "feminist"...the kind that would rather send a man to prison than own up to her own actions.

Why are you trying to come with every possible scenario that might hypothetically occur to cast doubt on the veracity of women? Men are known to lie about this stuff, and have in police stations and court rooms all over the country.
Why are you pretending that's what I'm doing? I'm calling B.S. on a study that inflates rape statistics by redefining what rape is.
That sort of non intellectual revisionism helps no one and it actually casts doubt on this study and hurts the cause of rape prevention.

There is no excuse for rape. This study shows that we have a problem in this country. Trying to downplay the importance of the study does not do anything to solve the problem.
Downplaying a study that is inherently dishonest
only hurts that study itself. Stop being a coward.

Who cries rape when both are drunk? Alcohol or date-rape drugs could be a factor. I once thought that fruit punch was being provided for those of us who did not drink alcohol. Little did I know that there was grain alcohol in it. Fortunately, I was not raped, but I did have to go lie down on a waterbed, which is an experience no one wants to have. This study is by no means "inherently dishonest.

Moreover, in a civilized society, if one comes across someone who is obviously incapacitated or unconscious, you get that person to safety. If I find a person collapsed, I'm going to call for help, not take his wallet and his watch.
Most rape accusations which involve a drunk woman also involve a drunk man who is accused. So a lot of them.

There have been serious challenges to the credibllity of this study.
The only astonishing thing is people believe this nonsense.
In these faux studies, they classify almost anything as sexual assault.
A boy out with a girl, everything seems fine.... they get along well, been on a couple dates.... he leans over and kisses her on the mouth without asking. SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!

It's absurd, it is counter productive and detracts attention from actual sexual assault.

But if any form of physical restraint occurs, like pinning someone up against a wall, this is sexual assault. It happened to me more than once.

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