For all the corruption of the Democrats - it's a bit hypocritical that Trump is hounded


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Think about all the PROVEN corruption of Democrats.....

*IRS Scandal (even though Obama said "not even a smidgen of corruption" The Fucker KNEW it was going on.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given
*Assault weapons given to drug dealers and AMERICANS killed - again free pass
*DNC Chairwoman gave Hillary Clinton the Presidential debate question before the debate - no prosecutions
*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions
*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals
*Obama's home town of Chicago - the deadliest city in America
--- Very Short list ---

And through it all - Democrats and Progressives proclaim Trump "The Worst US President in History"......
even though NOT ONE allegation has proven to be anymore than FAKE NEWS.


On the other hand, if their corruption and deception is allowed and tolerated and they fight harder.....someday they will rule and you will have no choice and no voice.

Do you see all this corruption and deception going away on it's own....or do you see the left ultimately winning and nailing the final nail in the USA's coffin?

Is there really ANY process at this time that promises to end the madness?
Your proven corruption list is made up of stuff that was either 1). Not proven and 2) not corruption .

That aside . How is hypocritical to hound the guy who's catch phrase was "drain the swamp", but who then is mired in the swamp ?
All that chicken sh*t around Trump has two goals:
1, To discredit him among his countrymen to make it easier to remove him. He does't belong to Deep State and thus is considered their enemy.
2. To keep the population's minds busy and to distract tit from the real crimes of Dems and their sponsors, Soros/Deep State.

So far, it has been working pretty good with almost half of the country.
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For all the phony cries of corruption by the pseudo-cons for 8 years + (thanks for the list of those phony scandals), the hypocrisy is with those who have been caught lying how many times now? In just 6 months? Wow must be a record.
All that chicken sh*t around Trump has two goals:
1, To discredit him among his countrymen to make it easier to remove him. He does't belong to Deep State and thus is considered their enemy.
2. To keep the population's minds busy and to distract tit from the real crimes of Dems and their sponsors, Soros/Deep State.

So far, it has been working pretty good with the half of the country.

Yep. You caught us. The deep state will be around to pick you up and put you in a FEMA prison sometimes in the next couple of weeks. Your only hope of escape is to keep your tinfoil hat on at all times. Even when sleeping.
Think about all the PROVEN corruption of Democrats.....

*IRS Scandal (even though Obama said "not even a smidgen of corruption" The Fucker KNEW it was going on.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given
*Assault weapons given to drug dealers and AMERICANS killed - again free pass
*DNC Chairwoman gave Hillary Clinton the Presidential debate question before the debate - no prosecutions
*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions
*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals
*Obama's home town of Chicago - the deadliest city in America
--- Very Short list ---

And through it all - Democrats and Progressives proclaim Trump "The Worst US President in History"......
even though NOT ONE allegation has proven to be anymore than FAKE NEWS.


On the other hand, if their corruption and deception is allowed and tolerated and they fight harder.....someday they will rule and you will have no choice and no voice.

Do you see all this corruption and deception going away on it's own....or do you see the left ultimately winning and nailing the final nail in the USA's coffin?

Is there really ANY process at this time that promises to end the madness?

Winner x10!

Democrat / Democratic Party Corruption, Scandal, and Crime is the 'Donkey' in the room the DNC never wants to talk about and the one the all-In Media never talks about.

Think about all the PROVEN corruption of Democrats.....

*IRS Scandal (even though Obama said "not even a smidgen of corruption" The Fucker KNEW it was going on.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given
*Assault weapons given to drug dealers and AMERICANS killed - again free pass
*DNC Chairwoman gave Hillary Clinton the Presidential debate question before the debate - no prosecutions
*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions
*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals
*Obama's home town of Chicago - the deadliest city in America
--- Very Short list ---

And through it all - Democrats and Progressives proclaim Trump "The Worst US President in History"......
even though NOT ONE allegation has proven to be anymore than FAKE NEWS.


On the other hand, if their corruption and deception is allowed and tolerated and they fight harder.....someday they will rule and you will have no choice and no voice.

Do you see all this corruption and deception going away on it's own....or do you see the left ultimately winning and nailing the final nail in the USA's coffin?

Is there really ANY process at this time that promises to end the madness?
View attachment 139719

Democrat / Democratic Party Corruption, Scandal, and Crime is the 'Donkey' in the room the DNC never wants to talk about and the one the all-In Media never talks about.
It must really sting that the Trump Crime family is knee deep in a criminal federal investigation... not Hillary, not Obama... not anyone but KGB Don and his corrupt staff and family.
For all the phony cries of corruption by the pseudo-cons for 8 years + (thanks for the list of those phony scandals), the hypocrisy is with those who have been caught lying how many times now? In just 6 months? Wow must be a record.
When a kid spills ink on his mother's favorite sweater, what does he do? He keeps her out of the closet by diverting her attention elsewhere long as possible, or blames it on the dog.

The louder Democrats scream about Trump and Russia, the more we know that they are hiding something about Russia themselves. They are caught in too many ridiculous lies that they give away to the world that it isn't sincere or even just accident or bias.
Think about all the PROVEN corruption of Democrats.....

*IRS Scandal (even though Obama said "not even a smidgen of corruption" The Fucker KNEW it was going on.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given
*Assault weapons given to drug dealers and AMERICANS killed - again free pass
*DNC Chairwoman gave Hillary Clinton the Presidential debate question before the debate - no prosecutions
*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions
*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals
*Obama's home town of Chicago - the deadliest city in America
--- Very Short list ---

And through it all - Democrats and Progressives proclaim Trump "The Worst US President in History"......
even though NOT ONE allegation has proven to be anymore than FAKE NEWS.


On the other hand, if their corruption and deception is allowed and tolerated and they fight harder.....someday they will rule and you will have no choice and no voice.

Do you see all this corruption and deception going away on it's own....or do you see the left ultimately winning and nailing the final nail in the USA's coffin?

Is there really ANY process at this time that promises to end the madness?

Gay lovers...:afro::whip::laugh2:

Yeah, saw this one. Most of them have been debunked ... and you little 'meme' does nothing to dispel what the OP posted.

The fact is Obama is the most scandalous President in US History:

Fast and Furious

Illegal IRS Targeting of Americans

Illegal Spying on Americans

Illegal Spying on Reporters/the media

Illegal Spying on Senate and USSC

2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Wars

Aiding Terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, PLO/PLA)

Personal Drone Assassination Program

Killed Americans with drones without Constitutional Rights followed/allowed


Taliban 5-gate

Paying ransom for Bo Bergdahl

Un-Constitutional Recess appointments

Czar Appointment w/out Senate approval

Solyndra +12 $535 Million Obama-donor scam

Lied about knowing about Hillary’s server

Set record for most Illegal NON-Compliance with FOIA Requests

Iran Nuke Deal

Iran Ransom for Hostages

Defense of Marriage Act

Obamacare Lies

Illegal Amnesty by EO

Protected terrorists, illegals, MS-13, Human Traffickers, Sanctuary Cities...

Kept Holder, Lynch, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Reid, Castro from being indicted

Illegal sharing classified info

Illegal unmasking of political opponents

Illegal Felony Espionage - leaking info

The man should have been Impeached several times over.
Think about all the PROVEN corruption of Democrats.....

*IRS Scandal (even though Obama said "not even a smidgen of corruption" The Fucker KNEW it was going on.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given
*Assault weapons given to drug dealers and AMERICANS killed - again free pass
*DNC Chairwoman gave Hillary Clinton the Presidential debate question before the debate - no prosecutions
*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions
*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals
*Obama's home town of Chicago - the deadliest city in America
--- Very Short list ---

And through it all - Democrats and Progressives proclaim Trump "The Worst US President in History"......
even though NOT ONE allegation has proven to be anymore than FAKE NEWS.


On the other hand, if their corruption and deception is allowed and tolerated and they fight harder.....someday they will rule and you will have no choice and no voice.

Do you see all this corruption and deception going away on it's own....or do you see the left ultimately winning and nailing the final nail in the USA's coffin?

Is there really ANY process at this time that promises to end the madness?
if trump had done ANY OF THESE THINGS they'd swear to god they found the magic bullet to impeach him over.

that's what i can't stand - scream foul at one side and deny everything coming your way.
There are one or two items on the list I can somewhat agree on. Most however are simply not true.
And many have no positive effect on Americans welfare. Climate Control regulations and limiting America's ability to become energy independent for example are not positive points. So a lot on this list is actually bragging about harming America

Think about all the PROVEN corruption of Democrats.....

*IRS Scandal (even though Obama said "not even a smidgen of corruption" The Fucker KNEW it was going on.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given
*Assault weapons given to drug dealers and AMERICANS killed - again free pass
*DNC Chairwoman gave Hillary Clinton the Presidential debate question before the debate - no prosecutions
*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions
*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals
*Obama's home town of Chicago - the deadliest city in America
--- Very Short list ---

And through it all - Democrats and Progressives proclaim Trump "The Worst US President in History"......
even though NOT ONE allegation has proven to be anymore than FAKE NEWS.


On the other hand, if their corruption and deception is allowed and tolerated and they fight harder.....someday they will rule and you will have no choice and no voice.

Do you see all this corruption and deception going away on it's own....or do you see the left ultimately winning and nailing the final nail in the USA's coffin?

Is there really ANY process at this time that promises to end the madness?

Just one problem...

the y don't consider that corruption.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given

What was illegal about it?

*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions

Oh! Thanks for reminding me I was going to start a topic about Trump certifying Iran is living by the agreement he said he was going to tear up on Day One!

*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
You are just parroting a made up story you were told to parrot.

*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals

I just love it when you rubes set these kinds of benchmarks which are guaranteed to come back and smack you in your face.
Think about all the PROVEN corruption of Democrats.....

*IRS Scandal (even though Obama said "not even a smidgen of corruption" The Fucker KNEW it was going on.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given
*Assault weapons given to drug dealers and AMERICANS killed - again free pass
*DNC Chairwoman gave Hillary Clinton the Presidential debate question before the debate - no prosecutions
*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions
*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals
*Obama's home town of Chicago - the deadliest city in America
--- Very Short list ---

And through it all - Democrats and Progressives proclaim Trump "The Worst US President in History"......
even though NOT ONE allegation has proven to be anymore than FAKE NEWS.


On the other hand, if their corruption and deception is allowed and tolerated and they fight harder.....someday they will rule and you will have no choice and no voice.

Do you see all this corruption and deception going away on it's own....or do you see the left ultimately winning and nailing the final nail in the USA's coffin?

Is there really ANY process at this time that promises to end the madness?

Just one problem...

the y don't consider that corruption.
they don't consider anything they do corruption cause it's for things they want and hold value to.

they consider everything the other side does corrupt cause they're taking away their blankie.
if trump had done ANY OF THESE THINGS they'd swear to god they found the magic bullet to impeach him over.
that's what i can't stand - scream foul at one side and deny everything coming your way.

We are witnessing the early stages of the very worst kind of political subversion imaginable.
A large segment of the population going totally against the good founding principles of that nation.
The very principles that have brought so much opportunity for prosperity to ALL it's citizens.

And any racist african american who claims it's mostly been whites who have benefited need to shut the fuck up.
Beyonce and JZ are worth BILLIONS
There are more black millionaire basketball and football stars and elementary school educated rappers who make more than 10,000 white people combines will ever make.

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