For all the corruption of the Democrats - it's a bit hypocritical that Trump is hounded

I just love it when you rubes set these kinds of benchmarks which are guaranteed to come back and smack you in your face.

like biden saying "lame duck presidents shouldn't be allowed to pick a supreme court justice, or let's invent a nuclear option...

those the kinds of things that can bite you in the ass once you set precedence?
if trump had done ANY OF THESE THINGS they'd swear to god they found the magic bullet to impeach him over.
that's what i can't stand - scream foul at one side and deny everything coming your way.

We are witnessing the early stages of the very worst kind of political subversion imaginable.
A large segment of the population going totally against the good founding principles of that nation.
The very principles that have brought so much opportunity for prosperity to ALL it's citizens.

And any racist african american who claims it's mostly been whites who have benefited need to shut the fuck up.
Beyonce and JZ are worth BILLIONS
There are more black millionaire basketball and football stars and elementary school educated rappers who make more than 10,000 white people combines will ever make.
i get "accused" of defending trump a lot and that's *usually* far from the case.

the only thing i'm really after is - if it's wrong for one side, it's wrong for your side. that's it.

micro-analysis to find a "but this scenario makes it all different" is 100% crap on a wicker stick and needs to stop.

wrong is wrong. you go after one go after your own - period.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given

What was illegal about it?

*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions

Oh! Thanks for reminding me I was going to start a topic about Trump certifying Iran is living by the agreement he said he was going to tear up on Day One!

*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
You are just parroting a made up story you were told to parrot.

*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals

I just love it when you rubes set these kinds of benchmarks which are guaranteed to come back and smack you in your face.

Parrots aren't the only birds to repeat what they've heard.
(as you've proven)


Personally, I've never been a bird lover.

Unless it was roasted, baked, or fried.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given

What was illegal about it?

*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions

Oh! Thanks for reminding me I was going to start a topic about Trump certifying Iran is living by the agreement he said he was going to tear up on Day One!

*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
You are just parroting a made up story you were told to parrot.

*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals

I just love it when you rubes set these kinds of benchmarks which are guaranteed to come back and smack you in your face.

Parrots aren't the only birds to repeat what they've heard.
(as you've proven)


Personally, I've never been a bird lover.

Unless it was roasted, baked, or fried.
Oh, okay! So tell us what was illegal about Bill Clinton's meeting with the AG.

I'll wait.
*Illegal meeting between Clinton and the head of the DOJ - totally illegal - but free pass given

What was illegal about it?

*Obama all but aided and abetted Iran against the US - No repercussions

Oh! Thanks for reminding me I was going to start a topic about Trump certifying Iran is living by the agreement he said he was going to tear up on Day One!

*Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence after keeping an illegal home server to hide donations from foreign countries
You are just parroting a made up story you were told to parrot.

*Turning the Colorado river Orange with dangerous chemicals

I just love it when you rubes set these kinds of benchmarks which are guaranteed to come back and smack you in your face.

Parrots aren't the only birds to repeat what they've heard.
(as you've proven)


Personally, I've never been a bird lover.

Unless it was roasted, baked, or fried.
Oh, okay! So tell us what was illegal about Bill Clinton's meeting with the AG.

I'll wait.

The spouse of the person having an off the record conversation with the person in charge of the investigation, and you see nothing wrong with it?

Said person then told the head of her investigative team to " "At one point the attorney general had directed me not to call it an investigation, but instead to call it a matter," Comey testified", and you see nothing wrong with it?
James Comey Says Loretta Lynch Order Gave Him a 'Queasy Feeling'

Have Democrats EVER done something you found, 'disturbing'?
i get "accused" of defending trump a lot and that's *usually* far from the case.
the only thing i'm really after is - if it's wrong for one side, it's wrong for your side. that's it.
micro-analysis to find a "but this scenario makes it all different" is 100% crap on a wicker stick and needs to stop.
wrong is wrong. you go after one go after your own - period.

Couldn't agree more.
If Trump has actually broken laws then that should come out and appropriate steps taken you point out.....the Left is MORE than willing to have any all crimes committed by it's side totally ignored while every breath Mr. Trump takes is scrutinized to the point of obstructing his Presidency (which I believe is the GOAL)
Oh, okay! So tell us what was illegal about Bill Clinton's meeting with the AG.
I'll wait.

I just looked it up and I admit I was wrong on this point. I thought I had read that it was not legal but all I can find now is that it was very bad judgement.
I never claimed to be right ALL the time....only the Left does that.

But let me add after further investigation....
Judicial Watch has sued the DOJ for records pertaining to this meeting and the case is currently ongoing. So, it's still possible that some illegal activity may well come from it even if the physical meeting was in very poor judgement if not illegal. Isn't this the kind of thing you are screaming bloody murder at Donald Trump over? Secret meetings?

So now YOU answer this question......

Do YOU feel it was "OK" for this meeting to have taken place?
Was there no "collusion" there?
Why is Trump's feet held to the fire over collusion and not Obama's over this
Has ANY verified evidence emerged that Trump has done anything wrong?

I don't want "partisan" justice......I want justice. How about you?

Maybe you should read this.....
Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Records on Airport Meeting Between Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch
Last edited:

Yeah, saw this one. Most of them have been debunked ... and you little 'meme' does nothing to dispel what the OP posted.

The fact is Obama is the most scandalous President in US History:

Fast and Furious

Illegal IRS Targeting of Americans

Illegal Spying on Americans

Illegal Spying on Reporters/the media

Illegal Spying on Senate and USSC

2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Wars

Aiding Terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, PLO/PLA)

Personal Drone Assassination Program

Killed Americans with drones without Constitutional Rights followed/allowed


Taliban 5-gate

Paying ransom for Bo Bergdahl

Un-Constitutional Recess appointments

Czar Appointment w/out Senate approval

Solyndra +12 $535 Million Obama-donor scam

Lied about knowing about Hillary’s server

Set record for most Illegal NON-Compliance with FOIA Requests

Iran Nuke Deal

Iran Ransom for Hostages

Defense of Marriage Act

Obamacare Lies

Illegal Amnesty by EO

Protected terrorists, illegals, MS-13, Human Traffickers, Sanctuary Cities...

Kept Holder, Lynch, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Reid, Castro from being indicted

Illegal sharing classified info

Illegal unmasking of political opponents

Illegal Felony Espionage - leaking info

The man should have been Impeached several times over.

How many of his appointees had to quit because they lied about meeting with the Russian spy master?

All those scandal and how many folks were charged with a crime? How many convictions did they get?

Yeah, saw this one. Most of them have been debunked ... and you little 'meme' does nothing to dispel what the OP posted.

The fact is Obama is the most scandalous President in US History:

Fast and Furious

Illegal IRS Targeting of Americans

Illegal Spying on Americans

Illegal Spying on Reporters/the media

Illegal Spying on Senate and USSC

2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized Wars

Aiding Terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, PLO/PLA)

Personal Drone Assassination Program

Killed Americans with drones without Constitutional Rights followed/allowed


Taliban 5-gate

Paying ransom for Bo Bergdahl

Un-Constitutional Recess appointments

Czar Appointment w/out Senate approval

Solyndra +12 $535 Million Obama-donor scam

Lied about knowing about Hillary’s server

Set record for most Illegal NON-Compliance with FOIA Requests

Iran Nuke Deal

Iran Ransom for Hostages

Defense of Marriage Act

Obamacare Lies

Illegal Amnesty by EO

Protected terrorists, illegals, MS-13, Human Traffickers, Sanctuary Cities...

Kept Holder, Lynch, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Reid, Castro from being indicted

Illegal sharing classified info

Illegal unmasking of political opponents

Illegal Felony Espionage - leaking info

The man should have been Impeached several times over.

Your list is a bunch of right wing bullshit . And you have the nerve to complain about witch hunting trump .
How many of his appointees had to quit because they lied about meeting with the Russian spy master?
All those scandal and how many folks were charged with a crime? How many convictions did they get?

Many of these things have been hidden and covered up. Democrats were counting on Hillary's election to complete the cover ups.

Every day more and more is being uncovered.

The reason there have been no convictions so far in my opinion is simply that the inmates were left guarding the prison. That is slowly changing and I expect a lot more to come to light over the next few years. And soem high profile convictions of some sleazy Democrats.
i get "accused" of defending trump a lot and that's *usually* far from the case.
the only thing i'm really after is - if it's wrong for one side, it's wrong for your side. that's it.
micro-analysis to find a "but this scenario makes it all different" is 100% crap on a wicker stick and needs to stop.
wrong is wrong. you go after one go after your own - period.

Couldn't agree more.
If Trump has actually broken laws then that should come out and appropriate steps taken you point out.....the Left is MORE than willing to have any all crimes committed by it's side totally ignored while every breath Mr. Trump takes is scrutinized to the point of obstructing his Presidency (which I believe is the GOAL)

You post about the orange river thing in Colorado .

How was that obama corruption?
You post about the orange river thing in Colorado .
How was that obama corruption?

Ok...let's connect the dots for Timmy......

Obama was President at the time.....he is a climate control globalist....
What is a sitting President's relationship with the EPA?

There ya go
Can you find anything that a single Democrat has done which may be equal in nature to what Donald may have done with the Russians?
How many of his appointees had to quit because they lied about meeting with the Russian spy master?
All those scandal and how many folks were charged with a crime? How many convictions did they get?

Many of these things have been hidden and covered up. Democrats were counting on Hillary's election to complete the cover ups.

Every day more and more is being uncovered.

The reason there have been no convictions so far in my opinion is simply that the inmates were left guarding the prison. That is slowly changing and I expect a lot more to come to light over the next few years. And soem high profile convictions of some sleazy Democrats.

I don't know, that's quite a list of corruption to have virtually no one convicted of a crime.

Forum List
