For All Those People Who Think Sharia Law Is Not In USA...

What other religio-cultures widely practice FGM?

Couldn't you make a similar argument about circumcision?
No, and it isn't even close

Circumcision can at least be justified as a healthy choice and it is not mutilation of nerve tissue

Nor does it diminish sexual pleasure

FGM is straight up barbaric and parents that allow it, especially in the West should rot in Hell

So when it's done on a male it's a healthy choice, but when done on a female it's mutilation?

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish with this line of reasoning

FGM is done solely to keep women in line and to ensure that they do not engage in sex for pleasure

There is a huge difference

If you don't need a foreskin why would your god have given you one? I thought he was infallible.
What other religio-cultures widely practice FGM?

Couldn't you make a similar argument about circumcision?
No, and it isn't even close

Circumcision can at least be justified as a healthy choice and it is not mutilation of nerve tissue

Nor does it diminish sexual pleasure

FGM is straight up barbaric and parents that allow it, especially in the West should rot in Hell

So when it's done on a male it's a healthy choice, but when done on a female it's mutilation?

I don't know what you are trying to accomplish with this line of reasoning

FGM is done solely to keep women in line and to ensure that they do not engage in sex for pleasure

There is a huge difference

If you don't need a foreskin why would your god have given you one? I thought he was infallible.
I'm not arguing the religious ramifications here

On the health side, parents that choose to not circimcise have to be extra vigilant at bathtime & uncircumcised men have to do more to stay clean and prevent infections

A real health argument can be made

FGM is just straight up barbaric and is done solely to keep women in their place

I'm fairly confident that you can make the connection
There is no connection to FGM that it cannot be handled quickly and efficiently by the LEO and court systems.

bode will not answer how many cases the country has confronted the last year.
The usual loons hyperventilate about islamophobia and claim that Sharia Law is not practiced in the U.S. (They also ignore how gays and rape victims are executes in other countries).

Well, the lie has been exposed. Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in the U.S., with 500,000 girls at risk. Instead of worrying about inane micro-aggressions and Fake Rape Culture, how about addressing this REAL ABUSE of young girls?
Female Genital Mutilation is not part of Sharia. It is not mentioned in the Koran, and while mentioned positively in the hadiths it is not required. It predates Islam in Africa, and Christian and animist groups in Africa are known to practice it.

What a sad attempt at diversion and justification. SRSLY
How is that diversion? I'll stand with you against FGM, but it is flat out false to link it Sharia

What other religio-cultures widely practice FGM?
Eritrea, 88% of Roman Catholic girls and 84% of other Christians.
Guinea: 80% of Christian girls
Sierra Leone: 80% of Christian girls.
Egypt: 75% of Christian girls
Ethiopia: 76% of Catholic girls, 69% of other Christians
Mali: 85% of Christian girls
Burkina Faso: 65% Catholic girls, 60% other Christians
Liberia: 63% of Christian girls
More interesting.......In Nigeria, it's 34% of Christian girls, and only 28% of Muslim girls.
In Tanzania, it's 14% of Catholic girls, 20% of other Christian girls, and only 11% of Muslim girls
And in Niger, it's 55% of Christian girls and only 3% of Muslim girls.

So, please, go to Niger and tell them it's a symptom of Sharia

Source: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A statistical overview and exploration of the dynamics of change
I'm still trying to figure out the reason why any one would want a woman who had this operation

/---- insecure 7th century Muslime men think women should not enjoy sex even though Alah created them that way. It also discourages infidelity.
Many of our evangelical, fundamentalist, and Pentecostals seem to have a problem with the idea of enjoying sex.
The usual loons hyperventilate about islamophobia and claim that Sharia Law is not practiced in the U.S. (They also ignore how gays and rape victims are executes in other countries).

Well, the lie has been exposed. Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in the U.S., with 500,000 girls at risk. Instead of worrying about inane micro-aggressions and Fake Rape Culture, how about addressing this REAL ABUSE of young girls?

For the second time in a week, authorities have charged a Detroit-area doctor with breaking a federal genital mutilation law, this time arresting a suburban physician and his wife for allegedly helping another doctor perform genital cutting on 7-year-old girls in a Livonia clinic.

According to a criminal complaint unsealed Friday, while a doctor removed parts of the girls' genitals, the wife of the clinic owner held the girls' hands "in order to comfort them."

Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and his wife, Farida Attar, 50, both of Livonia, were arrested Friday morning at the Burhani Medical Clinic in Livonia, where the alleged cuttings took place.

They're charged with conspiring to perform genital mutilation on minor girls by letting a doctor use their clinic to perform the procedure. Prosecutors say two Minnesota girls had their genitals mutilated in February by Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, who was charged last week in what is the nation's first federal prosecution of genital cutting. She was arrested April 12 and ordered jailed pending the outcome of her case involving the two Minnesota girls, though the FBI believes she has several more victims....

2nd doctor charged in genital mutilation case
I'm seeing a lot of christer sharia here.
The usual loons hyperventilate about islamophobia and claim that Sharia Law is not practiced in the U.S. (They also ignore how gays and rape victims are executes in other countries).

Well, the lie has been exposed. Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in the U.S., with 500,000 girls at risk. Instead of worrying about inane micro-aggressions and Fake Rape Culture, how about addressing this REAL ABUSE of young girls?

For the second time in a week, authorities have charged a Detroit-area doctor with breaking a federal genital mutilation law, this time arresting a suburban physician and his wife for allegedly helping another doctor perform genital cutting on 7-year-old girls in a Livonia clinic.

According to a criminal complaint unsealed Friday, while a doctor removed parts of the girls' genitals, the wife of the clinic owner held the girls' hands "in order to comfort them."

Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and his wife, Farida Attar, 50, both of Livonia, were arrested Friday morning at the Burhani Medical Clinic in Livonia, where the alleged cuttings took place.

They're charged with conspiring to perform genital mutilation on minor girls by letting a doctor use their clinic to perform the procedure. Prosecutors say two Minnesota girls had their genitals mutilated in February by Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, who was charged last week in what is the nation's first federal prosecution of genital cutting. She was arrested April 12 and ordered jailed pending the outcome of her case involving the two Minnesota girls, though the FBI believes she has several more victims....

2nd doctor charged in genital mutilation case
I'm seeing a lot of christer sharia here.
Yes, you have that attitude. LEO is acting as it should.

Now how many for the third time such cases do we have in the country each year?
Bedicca has revealed yet another reason for us all to lay awake at night, in terror of muslims. "Be afraid! Be very afraid!". It is what Bedicco does. Next week he will find proof in Breitbart that Latino illegal immigrants practice voodoo, and turn people into zombies who wander in the night seeking out the living and turning them into dead bean eaters....
If libs have their way we'll be primarily muslim over christian. Meanwhile they proclaim their distaste for religion, which is no more than an attack on Christianity. I'm not Christian, just call em as I see em.
Bedicca has revealed yet another reason for us all to lay awake at night, in terror of muslims. "Be afraid! Be very afraid!". It is what Bedicco does. Next week he will find proof in Breitbart that Latino illegal immigrants practice voodoo, and turn people into zombies who wander in the night seeking out the living and turning them into dead bean eaters....

Actually that is the Cubans like the Ricky's prayer to the demon Bubelu at the start of "I Love Lucy"
July 2016

Feb. 2015 Female Genital Mutilation on the Rise in the U.S.

Feb. 2014 What is female genital mutilation and where does it happen?

In the USA, reported incidents are minuscule in number, but more than 500,000 girls live in communities that have cultural ties to countries where the ritual is accepted culturally. LEO apparently is doing its job, but more attention in non-African communities in the USA need be more aware.
Male circumsion vs FGM: While male circumcision is the removal of foreskin and does not affect the male sex organ itself, FGM damages the sex organs, inhibiting pleasure and causing severe pain and complications for women’s sexual and reproductive health. The underlying ideology behind the two practices also differs. FGM is a patriarchal cultural tradition carried out with the intent of subjugating women and controlling their bodies. The practice serves to oppress women, reinforcing the perpetuation of their marginalization and inferior status in society. Male circumcision on the other hand is not rooted in a blatantly discriminatory ideology. Further the harmful health implications of FGM cannot be compared with that of male circumcision.
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Bedicca has revealed yet another reason for us all to lay awake at night, in terror of muslims. "Be afraid! Be very afraid!". It is what Bedicco does. Next week he will find proof in Breitbart that Latino illegal immigrants practice voodoo, and turn people into zombies who wander in the night seeking out the living and turning them into dead bean eaters....

Actually that is the Cubans like the Ricky's prayer to the demon Bubelu at the start of "I Love Lucy"

I am starting to feel the urge to sneak in to Key West and overthrow the Conch Republic and install a communist regime!
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How many male babies suffer gentile mutilation thanks to Judeo Christians ? Circumcision is acceptable child abuse .

Go away you low IQ moron.

There IS NO COMPARISON between FGM and male circumcision, as I already pointed out, here I'll repeat it again, not that someone as stupid as you will even register this in your tiny mind:

"For those who think there is some comparison between FGM and male circumcision, well there isn't, with the former everything is removed, with the latter the foreskin is removed, to have a comparison between the two would mean that not only the foreskin is removed but pretty much the entire penis is removed."

There is a comparison. Both should be outlawed . But the reason they still exist is because of religions reasons .

Just because one is worse than the other doesn't make male mutilation good .

You worry about Islam? Look around , it's the Christians trying to run our lives thru gov laws.
Timmy, one, they are not comparable medically; two, MC does not impair sexual activity; three, they are not comparable in societal or cultural harm.
How many male babies suffer gentile mutilation thanks to Judeo Christians ? Circumcision is acceptable child abuse .

Go away you low IQ moron.

There IS NO COMPARISON between FGM and male circumcision, as I already pointed out, here I'll repeat it again, not that someone as stupid as you will even register this in your tiny mind:

"For those who think there is some comparison between FGM and male circumcision, well there isn't, with the former everything is removed, with the latter the foreskin is removed, to have a comparison between the two would mean that not only the foreskin is removed but pretty much the entire penis is removed."

There is a comparison. Both should be outlawed . But the reason they still exist is because of religions reasons .

Just because one is worse than the other doesn't make male mutilation good .

You worry about Islam? Look around , it's the Christians trying to run our lives thru gov laws.

I'm still trying to figure out the reason why any one would want a woman who had this operation

Its easy to see. Islam worships a pedophile who crawled up out of a well. Its as simple as that.
And what about all the Christian girls who go through it?

Mohammed practised this and promoted this. It continues today. Mohammed waa a 54 year old pedophile who married a 6 year old. Muslims have no problem with this. Sick.

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