For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

But babies have a soul. Scripture is clear on that. Adam didn’t exist until he did.
Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion.

The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.”
Water. Fucking water :lol:
Tithing was under the old law. It's not found under the new law.
It is in the Bible. The op said Bible...God, with no separation of old and new.
Did God breathe the breath of life into animals?

Adam was formed; he had nostrils.

Life is spirit. "As long as my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils" (Job 27:3).
God formed Adam, much like we are formed in the womb. Adam was given life, when God breathed life in to him, and Adam began breathing... which is also like at birthing, the baby's nostrils are cleaned, the baby spanked, if needed, for the baby to breathe, take its first breath, to become a living, human being.

Adam was formed, and when he was completely formed, and as God said, was Good, and could breathe, he was living.

Adam did NOT walk the earth, before he was a living, human being.

Are you saying Adam, (man) received his soul or spiritual life upon birth, and breath, and not before that...???
It is in the Bible. The op said Bible... with no separation of old and new

God formed Adam, much like we are formed in the womb. Adam was given life, when God breathed life in to him, and Adam began breathing... which is also like at birthing, the baby's nostrils are cleaned, the baby spanked, if needed, for the baby to breathe, take its first breath, to become a living, human being.

Adam was formed, and when he was completely formed, and as God said, was Good, and could breathe, he was living.

Adam did NOT walk the earth, before he was a living, human being.

Are you saying Adam, (man) received his soul or spiritual life upon birth, and breath, and not before that...???
Do animals receive the breath of life from God? Does the flesh receive that breath of life?
Jewish law does not consider the fetus to be a being with a soul until it is born. It does not have personhood. Furthermore, before 40 days, some poskim, or deciders of Jewish law, have a low bar for allowing an abortion.

The Talmud, in Yevamos 69b, cites the view of Rav Hisda that “until forty days from conception the fetus is merely water. It is not yet considered a living being.”
Water. Fucking water :lol:
Jewish law is not the Bible. It’s a series of laws invented by men who lived power.
It is in the Bible. The op said Bible...God, with no separation of old and new.

God formed Adam, much like we are formed in the womb. Adam was given life, when God breathed life in to him, and Adam began breathing... which is also like at birthing, the baby's nostrils are cleaned, the baby spanked, if needed, for the baby to breathe, take its first breath, to become a living, human being.

Adam was formed, and when he was completely formed, and as God said, was Good, and could breathe, he was living.

Adam did NOT walk the earth, before he was a living, human being.

Are you saying Adam, (man) received his soul or spiritual life upon birth, and breath, and not before that...???
So you think the dirt Adam came from had a soul?
Your memory is flawed. There’s only one Bible.

I dunno.
A nano-second Google got me the following. (see bullet points below)
But more important than making lists of which one is right and which one is less right, let us go back to the thrust of my query: Which version of which Bible are using as reference?
And, specifically, which passage from which Bible are you saying is being dissed by whoever your "Leftists" are?

Just throwing stuff on the wall to be broadbrushed ain't really advancing your desire to have a discussion.

  • "While there are a number of versions to the Bible. There are 8 primary versions found in history:
    • Septuagint - 250 A.D. Written in Greek
    • Vulgate- 400 A.D. First version of the Bible which is canonized at the Council of Carthage in 400 A.D. Written in Latin
    • Luther's German Bible- 1534 A.D.
    • King James Version- 1611 A.D. This is the most widely used versions however it has large number of errors given that none of the writers had a decent understanding of Hebrew.
    • Revised Standard Version- 1952 A.D. Literal translation into American English which used the earliest possible text
    • New International Version- 1960's & 70's A.D. This is a very good contemporary English version. Another good contemporary English version is New King James Version (NKJV)
    • The Youngs Literal Translation is as close to the originals as you can get, translated by Robert Young in 1898 A.D."

    "There are dozens of different English translations of the Bible. Each one chooses different translations of various words to express what the translation's authors felt were most important or most accurate, based on the documents they had at the time."
I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.’ “The righteous will then answer him, ‘When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink? When did we ever see you a stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothe you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these members of my family, you did it for me!’ “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Away from me, you that are under God's curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels! I was hungry but you would not feed me, thirsty but you would not give me a drink; I was a stranger but you would not welcome me in your homes, naked but you would not clothe me; I was sick and in prison but you would not take care of me.’ “Then they will answer him, ‘When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and would not help you?’ The King will reply, ‘I tell you, whenever you refused to help one of these least important ones, you refused to help me.’

There is also a verse that states, you don't work. You don't eat.

I dunno.
A nano-second Google got me the following. (see bullet points below)
But more important than making lists of which one is right and which one is less right, let us go back to the thrust of my query: Which version of which Bible are using as reference?
And, specifically, which passage from which Bible are you saying is being dissed by whoever your "Leftists" are?

Just throwing stuff on the wall to be broadbrushed ain't really advancing your desire to have a discussion.

  • "While there are a number of versions to the Bible. There are 8 primary versions found in history:
    • Septuagint - 250 A.D. Written in Greek
    • Vulgate- 400 A.D. First version of the Bible which is canonized at the Council of Carthage in 400 A.D. Written in Latin
    • Luther's German Bible- 1534 A.D.
    • King James Version- 1611 A.D. This is the most widely used versions however it has large number of errors given that none of the writers had a decent understanding of Hebrew.
    • Revised Standard Version- 1952 A.D. Literal translation into American English which used the earliest possible text
    • New International Version- 1960's & 70's A.D. This is a very good contemporary English version. Another good contemporary English version is New King James Version (NKJV)
    • The Youngs Literal Translation is as close to the originals as you can get, translated by Robert Young in 1898 A.D."
    • "There are dozens of different English translations of the Bible. Each one chooses different translations of various words to express what the translation's authors felt were most important or most accurate, based on the documents they had at the time."
All the same just interpreted translations.

To understand that you need to understand that Greek is the closest thing to a perfect language we have. They have single words for things we need a paragraph to say. So when you try to translate there’s always minor deviations but the context is all identical.
And some churches support abortions and homosexuality. Both anti-Biblical. So what’s your point?

You said conservatives give more money than the left.

I said, they give that money to their churches.

Their churches might not be spending all that money on the poor and needy.

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