For Black Republicans, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is an obligatory fiction

Nah. You're a whiney black racist with a 40 lb chip on your shoulder and you think everything is whitey's fault.

Even when I acknowledge certain problems, you keep fighting with me about it, as if I disagree. Because I am white and therefore I am your enemy, right, SuperConspiracyBrutha?
Shut up racist. What we blame whites for are things whites have done or continue doing.
I know what is in both bills, now if you want to discuss or debate them let's do so instead of playing the bullshit right wing games.
These two items are the only parts worth a shit.
  • Election Day as a federal holiday.
  • The bill declares that the right of a U.S. citizen to vote in any election for federal office shall not be denied or abridged because that individual has been convicted of a criminal offense unless, at the time of the election, such individual is serving a felony sentence.
I do find the wording of the second point quite humorous. If the bill ever got enacted, there would be endless inane, bullshit squabbling over how actually abridging a person's right to vote is not "abridging" - See the word "infringe."

The rest is intended to allow Democrats (and Republicans but to a much less organized extent) to CHEAT!! Period.

You know it.

You want to take away whitey's right to vote.
Except that blacks don't commit 50 percent of the violent crimes. Whites commit 60 percent of all violent crime. You guys use one category of crime to argue when there are 30. And all crime does harm so one can argue that all crime is violent. Your arguments are disingenuous therefore you have no credibility. You guys talk about math but all of you can't seem to understand it.

If there are more whites than blacks in this country, that means white crime is the biggest threat. But only in the lie-filled, excuse-riddled world of the white racist that people who are outnumbered 5:1 are considered a threat. Only in the psychosis-addled mind of the white racist is it OK to think that you get to commit more crimes because you have more people. That you can commit 3 times the amount of crime as blacks, but that's okay because you have not committed 5 times the amount. That you quantify all violence in one crime while whites led in rapes, assaults, batteries, and violence against their own families.

Blacks get most of the blame for crime, and it is not justified. In 2020, Whites were 51 percent of the offenders for all crimes committed in America. A white offender committed Fifty-four percent of the crimes against persons. Whites committed most property crimes (42%) and crimes against society (65%). Seven out of every ten arrests for crimes in America is on someone white. Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

There you go again.
Ignoring percentages....
These two items are the only parts worth a shit.
  • Election Day as a federal holiday.
  • The bill declares that the right of a U.S. citizen to vote in any election for federal office shall not be denied or abridged because that individual has been convicted of a criminal offense unless, at the time of the election, such individual is serving a felony sentence.
I do find the wording of the second point quite humorous. If the bill ever got enacted, there would be endless inane, bullshit squabbling over how actually abridging a person's right to vote is not "abridging" - See the word "infringe."

The rest is intended to allow Democrats (and Republicans but to a much less organized extent) to CHEAT!! Period.

You know it.

You want to take away whitey's right to vote.
Cheating didn't become a problem until Trump got his ass handed yo him. Our Lord can't lose it has to be cheating.
Cheating didn't become a problem until Trump got his ass handed yo him. Our Lord can't lose it has to be cheating.
Oh, that's a relief! I was hearing "RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!" for so long I was beginning to think that people believed Russia cheated Hillary out of her birthright to the throne. Good to know it didn't happen.

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