Debate Now For Everybody That's For Pushing Transgender Surgery On Kids

Road Runner

Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2021
Please watch this video and listen to what B. Tatum is saying. The whole entire point of it to sum it up is little kids don't have a clue what they want in life, and that's why the parents have to parent and not allow them to make such stupid life decisions when nine times out of ten their decision will change. Anybody who knows me on here already knows I'm terrible for coming up with rules, so just stay on topic is all I ask.

I think it's great.

Liberals are genetic garbage and whatever children they failed to dispose of at Planned Unparenthood should be rendered sterile. In a generation or so we may have a lot less freakishly stupid people mailing in dozens of ballots for potatoes in elected offices.

It is good to see pushback, and people who aren't weapons grade stupid democrooks are protecting their kids as well as they can.

Please watch this video and listen to what B. Tatum is saying.
If you can't make your own argument in the Debate Now forum it's pretty pointless and I'm not going to bother watching the vid.

What would be the point? You wouldn't be able to debate any response.
If you can't make your own argument in the Debate Now forum it's pretty pointless and I'm not going to bother watching the vid.

What would be the point? You wouldn't be able to debate any response.
Your response would be, you are all for mutilating children. That's because you are a monster.
Anybody who sexes up other people's prepubescent children is grooming them. This includes those who want to expose them to gay porn, those who refer to them as experiencing a sexual awakening or those who tell them that even though their parents are raising them according to their biological gender, they might really be the opposite one.

This is all child abuse. This is grooming.

These are not your children, groomers Leave them alone and allow them to be children. Stop mind fucking them with your sick need to sexualize them. It damages these innocent little kids when you do this, and they are almost guaranteed to have issues with arrested development later in life.
These people need to have their children removed. Immediately.
They are already mind fucked at this point, but, depending on their age, they may be salvageable at this point.
Jordan Peterson quoted one of Canada's most respected sexologist who commented on the mathematical possibility of a genuine transgender person having a child that also becomes a genuine transgender person. The math is 1 in 90,000.
That is just having ONE trans child. And remember this is 1 in 90,000 occurrences of trans people having a trans child, this does not count non trans parents. So the odds are extremally small.
Now... the chances of a trans person HONESTLY having TWO trans children - well that would amount to 1 in 8,100,000. Impossible odds. Unattainable.
These narcissistic lunatics are using their own children - and mind you - are wanting to have the government allow AND PAY FOR their children to have surgical, sexual mutilation on their children to feed their own madness.

Absolutely unacceptable. These two kids are going to be worse off psychologically than if they were raped repeatedly by their parents. They are at extreme risk of self harm and/or suicide.
And these two sick, demented people are willing to take that chance.
We don't let kids get Tattoos, open bank accounts, have drivers license, buy cigs or beer, rent or own homes, serve in the military

But, we are suppose to believe that young kids are adjusted enough to decide to permanently mutilate their genitalia?

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