For fun: IOF soldier bombs mosque in West Bank

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Press coverage:
At the time of the call to prayer (Athan), one of the occupation soldiers asks his colleague to photograph him and throws a bomb inside a mosque in Budrus, west of Ramallah.


Attacking mosques is considered a war crime under international law.

According to the Human Rights Watch, deliberate attacks on civilian objects such as houses of worship are war crimes.
The International Criminal Court also considers attacking buildings dedicated to religion as a war crime. It is important to note that the laws of war prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and that such attacks can be prosecuted as war crimes.

The Amnesty International has documented unlawful attacks on mosques, which must be investigated as war crimes.
Press coverage:
At the time of the call to prayer (Athan), one of the occupation soldiers asks his colleague to photograph him and throws a bomb inside a mosque in Budrus, west of Ramallah.

View attachment 859875

Attacking mosques is considered a war crime under international law.

According to the Human Rights Watch, deliberate attacks on civilian objects such as houses of worship are war crimes.
The International Criminal Court also considers attacking buildings dedicated to religion as a war crime. It is important to note that the laws of war prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and that such attacks can be prosecuted as war crimes.

The Amnesty International has documented unlawful attacks on mosques, which must be investigated as war crimes.

Is sending rockets into civilian owned houses, a war crime?
Press coverage:
At the time of the call to prayer (Athan), one of the occupation soldiers asks his colleague to photograph him and throws a bomb inside a mosque in Budrus, west of Ramallah.

View attachment 859875

Attacking mosques is considered a war crime under international law.

According to the Human Rights Watch, deliberate attacks on civilian objects such as houses of worship are war crimes.
The International Criminal Court also considers attacking buildings dedicated to religion as a war crime. It is important to note that the laws of war prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and that such attacks can be prosecuted as war crimes.

The Amnesty International has documented unlawful attacks on mosques, which must be investigated as war crimes.

🥱 October 7
Press coverage:
At the time of the call to prayer (Athan), one of the occupation soldiers asks his colleague to photograph him and throws a bomb inside a mosque in Budrus, west of Ramallah.

View attachment 859875

Attacking mosques is considered a war crime under international law.

According to the Human Rights Watch, deliberate attacks on civilian objects such as houses of worship are war crimes.
The International Criminal Court also considers attacking buildings dedicated to religion as a war crime. It is important to note that the laws of war prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and that such attacks can be prosecuted as war crimes.

The Amnesty International has documented unlawful attacks on mosques, which must be investigated as war crimes.

Only one?

Were there a lot of secondary explosions?
The International Criminal Court also considers attacking buildings dedicated to religion as a war crime. It is important to note that the laws of war prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and that such attacks can be prosecuted as war crimes.

Is Hamas going to surrender to the ICC for their war crimes?
The Cairo News channel aired a video of an Israeli occupation soldier throwing a bomb inside a mosque in Ramallah. A recorded report shown on “Cairo News” showed an Israeli soldier asking his colleague to film him while he was throwing the bomb inside a mosque in the western part of Ramallah while the call to prayer was being raised. The Israeli soldier headed towards the mosque’s door while the call to prayer was being raised and threw the bomb inside it before quickly leaving before the bomb exploded inside the mosque.

Press coverage:
At the time of the call to prayer (Athan), one of the occupation soldiers asks his colleague to photograph him and throws a bomb inside a mosque in Budrus, west of Ramallah.

View attachment 859875

Attacking mosques is considered a war crime under international law.

According to the Human Rights Watch, deliberate attacks on civilian objects such as houses of worship are war crimes.
The International Criminal Court also considers attacking buildings dedicated to religion as a war crime. It is important to note that the laws of war prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and that such attacks can be prosecuted as war crimes.

The Amnesty International has documented unlawful attacks on mosques, which must be investigated as war crimes.

What was the Hamas terror attack? Was that for fun too?
Press coverage:
At the time of the call to prayer (Athan), one of the occupation soldiers asks his colleague to photograph him and throws a bomb inside a mosque in Budrus, west of Ramallah.

View attachment 859875

Attacking mosques is considered a war crime under international law.

According to the Human Rights Watch, deliberate attacks on civilian objects such as houses of worship are war crimes.
The International Criminal Court also considers attacking buildings dedicated to religion as a war crime. It is important to note that the laws of war prohibit attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and that such attacks can be prosecuted as war crimes.

The Amnesty International has documented unlawful attacks on mosques, which must be investigated as war crimes.

Two things here.

1. If this is some sort of rogue thing that an IDF soldier decided to do in the field on his own, then trust me when I say that the IDF will deal with any incidents that are conducted by it's soldier's that does not follow the standards of war in which the IDF demands that it's soldier's adhere too and abide by. The IDF doesn't need a world committee or group to tell it how to conduct war in accordance with the rules of war set forth by the international community.

2. There were early reports that on October the 7th, HAMAS was dressed as IDF soldier's in order to fool residence out of their houses in order to kill them. If true, then this incident should also be investigated to make sure that it wasn't terrorist attempting to start something by impersonating IDF soldiers, and then doing something like this in order to spark a wider conflict.

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