For G.T.: Support for Log Cabin Republicans and Reforms to GOP Platform


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Dear G.T. and Impenitent and any others who read my msgs as being some tyrannical closeminded bigot hypocrite about gay rights or citizenship (or imposing new rules, when all I've posted this whole time is that I believe in passing policy reforms by CONSENSUS since there are so many different political beliefs to include):

I guess I should take it as a compliment that you see me as so impassioned, you worry I am going to run around and impose all this against the will of others, when that is the opposite of what I believe. Anything that has to do with govt reforms, I believe in forming agreement in advance, all by free will and fully informed/educated choice, where the people participate directly in writing the legislation so it represents all groups and doesn't have these biases and conflicts causing division and fear of others imposing their beliefs!

I already freaked out poor Impenitent who thought I was going to "unilaterally" start imposing things by executive orders through States and bypass the consent of the people affected. In truth, what I meant by changing rules on enforcing standards on citizenship is to have the PEOPLE affected by them to agree what standards to pass and sign onto. One issue that scared Impenitent was the idea of holding the rioters in Ferguson responsible for labor and financial restitution for damage caused to property, business and homeowners by the protests. Free speech isn't free if you cause financial damage. So whatever deal would have to be worked out to deter such expensive protests in the future would have to be AGREED upon by the people involved. I originally wanted to challenge Occupy protestors to raise 10 to 30 million to pay back for the costs of THOSE protests, and only found 1 Occupy activist who AGREED on this idea of taking responsibility. But when I went back to search online for her, I read she had passed away in January, very young, only 28. So maybe I could follow up on this idea in her behalf, as one of the solutions we agreed on. What I cannot stress enough is that all this reform I bring up is by VOLUNTARY participation, ie free choice. NONE of this level of reform can be imposed by govt, that's my WHOLE POINT. we are talking about political BELIEFS so those must be chosen and acted up by FREE WILL. That's my whole contention of what is going wrong with govt, this political BULLYING by coercion and exclusion, instead of Consent of the Governed.

Sorry this was not clear, my WHOLE argument is publlc policy and authority should reflect CONSENT of the people affected, thus my INSISTENCE on mediating conflicts so policies are written and passed by CONSENSUS (example: the Code of Ethics for Govt Service that is well written and passed Unanimously by Consensus of Congress, see so YES it CAN be done. Laws CAN be written well enough to pass by consensus if we take the time to edit and work out where we AGREE on central standards)

For G.T. who is convinced I am hardly different from the "Jim Crow" bigots who want to keep enforcing privileges for themselves under law while excluding other people relegated to 'separate but equal' positions,
all I can say is that the outreach I do to try to bring together the gay activists segregated politically is not like anyone else I know. When my transgender friend, I just met at the UU fellowhip I rejoined this year, found out I was trying to support the Log Cabin Republicans in working with the liberal LGBT progressive activists,
I was strongly criticized with "WHY would you want to work with Republicans? THEY don't want you!" I said that the Republicans had succeeded in changing their state platform to REMOVE the references to homosexuality as sin and replaced the terms with "sexual sins" that covered all abuses, which I totally agreed with and APPLAUDED. They also succeeded in defending the RIGHT to choose reparative therapy, which I thought was much needed instead of banning it altogether as not even a choice. On both counts, highly controversial and both contested, I felt it was URGENT to support the Log Cabin Republicans and other gay activists within the Republican Party fighting to represent LGBT rights, and even winning elected positions of party Chairs that other members were refusing to recognize. More support was needed to make sure there is reconciliation so we can move forward with constructive reforms we can all agree on, if they are written and passed collaboratively and not pushed adversarially which divides people against each other.

My LGBT friend did NOT understand why it was important to make such alliances. I said we needed to come together and unify all the support across the board.

So G.T. I may not contribute much to the movement, but little things like this to build bridges
where there are HUGE gaps, can only make people and relations stronger in working on common goals,
DESPITE our political differences. We can't let that get in the way of solving our local and national problems.

So you may see me as some kind of bigot, but whatever my personal views are, I will support the HECK out of people trying to defend their beliefs from oppression. Even asking to invite and bring together the younger activists within the Texas GOP with the more seasoned activists in the progressive camps of the LGBT community who have never met much less worked together. Why not? These leaders NEED to work together to achieve common goals. That's just a given!

But I had to stop and EXPLAIN it to my LGBT friend who was just plain SHOCKED and APPALLED I would reach out to Republicans. Why not, when those activists are fighting tooth and nail to get reforms through, while being treated as nonmembers when they are winning elected positions within their own party, they deserve nothing but support to resolve whatever is causing that divide messing things up for them.

I thought they did an outstanding job pushing for reforms that are monumental for a party as conservative as Texas is culturally.

Anyway I wanted to post this for G.T. from the email I got on Log Cabin Republican updates.

G.T. what kind of "anti-gay bigot" tries to support the gay Republicans in defending their reforms to their own party platform and tries to bring them together with the progressive LGBT activists so they can consolidate and support common efforts. Can you find any other activists trying to help the LGBT outreach and reforms unite together on where they agree in language between the parties to stop further division:


This email was sent to you by Log Cabin Republicans. To ensure delivery, please add [email protected] to your address book.
Log Cabin Republicans Statement on Equality Act Introduction

Washington, D.C. — Today, Democrats in the United States Senate and House of Representatives led by Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) introduced their version of LGBT civil rights legislation titled The Equality Act.

"It is widely known that Log Cabin Republicans has long supported, lobbied, and advocated for comprehensive LGBT non-discrimination legislation, but we share hesitations about the Equality Act expressed by a number of organizations including LGBT advocates on the left and other civil rights groups," Log Cabin Republicans National Executive Director Gregory T. Angelo stated. "Some of our staunchest Republican allies in Congress with unassailable records in favor of LGBT equality have indicated similar concerns with this legislation. The full text of the Equality Act was only provided to Log Cabin Republicans late last night, mere hours prior to the bill's formal introduction. We will review this bill with our allies in Congress and National Board of Directors prior to taking any official position. Log Cabin Republicans does not operate on the timetables of others; ultimatums are not the way to grow coalitions."

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s largest Republican organization representing LGBT conservatives and allies. The more than 30-year old organization has state and local chapters nationwide, a full-time office in Washington, D.C., a federal political action committee and state political action committees.
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Too long, didnt read.

You keep reiterating the same shit and ignoring the underlying flaws in your premise.

That, coupled with the fact that youre too long winded and boring, makes your entire op irrelevant. Im not reading it.

Just so you know, its FUCKING DUMB to expect to appease ALL people with ANY public policy.

Its gradeschool level, insane foolishness that holds no water in any adult discussion.
Too long, didnt read.

You keep reiterating the same shit and ignoring the underlying flaws in your premise.

That, coupled with the fact that youre too long winded and boring, makes your entire op irrelevant. Im not reading it.

Just so you know, its FUCKING DUMB to expect to appease ALL people with ANY public policy.

Its gradeschool level, insane foolishness that holds no water in any adult discussion.

Dear G.T.
I don't know anyone who doesn't agree on defending their First Amendment Rights!
That is a unifying law, that all people I know cite one way or another.

Everyone I know wants to defend their free choice, free will, consent interests and beliefs,
and doesn't want that abridged denied or excluded by govt.

That's another common value!

I cited the Code of Ethics for Govt Service passed unanimously by Congress.

So G.T. if you want to go into the Bullring I challenge you to back up
your premise that there is nothing that all people can agree on.

Why do you think we have the central Constitutional laws and principles that have
withstood the test of time and people cite them as the core standards?

Of COURSE we have things in common, G.T.
We are ALL human beings, ALL under the same Natural Laws of human nature.

We have free will and defend that to the end by our core beliefs.

So whatever you are projecting here, G.T. it is coming from you, not me.

I have PLENTY to show where people AGREE.

I have never met ANYONE who didn't defend what they believe in and want,
from oppression or threat by others. Even you are following that Natural Law
here by rejecting anything I say you don't agree with or believe as a THREAT
against what you believe and choose as right and true for YOU.

So that is a common law that governs ALL people by CONSCIENCE.

I appeal to THAT common mechanism in all humans when I ask that we
work out conflicts and implement reforms by CONSENSUS that RESPECTS
where you and I and everyone else are coming from and what we BELIEVE
and what we CONSENT to, and respect our limits where we disagree and don't follow.

This is a common process that ALL people are participating in.

Welcome to the Democratic process, G.T., this is it!

Muslims dont believe in the first amendment.

game over

You lose

Neither do the nazi party of the u.s., or the kkk

Whoops. You lose again.


no bullring necessary. You lose
I don't know anyone who doesn't agree on defending their First Amendment Rights!
..leftards do it only when it fits THEIR agenda.

ALL people use it to fit their agenda.

The difference is when people reshape their agenda
to include their interests and others equally.

Still, that counts as someone's agenda or beliefs.

Thanks defcon4

What I DO find is that more of the Conservatives, Christians and Constitutionalists
recognize the liberal left as having their own political BELIEFS or religion, even secular,
but the liberals are so biased in their ways, they can't see that isn't the default, but a subset.

They can't step outside of their beliefs to look at others' equally as beliefs.
I have better success working with Constitutionalists who can balance the different beliefs and see the "bigger picture"
Most of these tend to be people coming from the Conservative side who understand the Natural Law approach.

When I bring up Natural Laws with my liberal friends, I often get a bunch of blank stares at first.
But hey, if I can explain the relation between Natural Laws and the Constitution to
an atheist Anarchist, and we can agree on the basic principles inherent, then anyone can understand.
And I have been able to explain Constitutional laws to Anarchists who are more open minded than
some of the politicized liberals who are too stuck in their own thinking to see their own biases that exclude others.

They are so busy defending themselves against oppression they CAN see,
they don't see where they commit the same impositions coming from THEIR side of the equation!

This "denial and projection" is part of the defense mechanism while recovering from political abuse.
It's part of the victim mentality that takes time to heal and let go, before people can work with
everyone else equally, especially the groups most opposed they are still reacting to.

This is the result of past injury, and it takes time to work through the corrections in order to heal
and rebuild working relations where these have been destroyed by "divide and conquer" bullying tactics for political leverage.
I don't know anyone who doesn't agree on defending their First Amendment Rights!
..leftards do it only when it fits THEIR agenda.

What is a leftard? I drunk a(one) shipyard IPA and feeling pretty good right now.

Strange seeing Emily and GT arguing outside of religion. This political season must be heating up!!

Hi amrchaos:
G.T. has decided I am some kind of Jim Crow Bigot
for saying that until and unless all sides agree on the terms of marriage and how public laws are to be written,
then this should be REMOVED from the state and kept private.

I was trying to recognize and treat all beliefs about marriage equally
by saying to "separate church and state" and keep them all OUT of the state except where all people agree within
that state what SHOULD be public policy. And if they can't agree on beliefs, then keep them private.

If you drifter Impenitent or anyone else can please explain to G.T.
how this approach treats all beliefs equally and does NOT endorse one approach to marriage while
keeping the others "separate but equal" -- I would LIKE to have an understanding with G.T. that this
IS treating ALL beliefs equally as free to exercise under the First Amendment and not mix any of these with Govt
unless ALL people agree to how to do that.

G.T. freaked out and said my ideas were dumb, marriage is already in the state, and people will not agree.
I am saying because people don't agree, that's why it should be removed from the state.
And only keep the neutral policies where people DO agree.

How is that being a "onesided bigot" if I am offering a way to treat all beliefs the same?

Can anyone please explain this to G.T. ?
RKMBrown ? drifter? anyone who can make this shorter and not TLDR?
I don't know anyone who doesn't agree on defending their First Amendment Rights!
..leftards do it only when it fits THEIR agenda.

What is a leftard? I drunk a(one) shipyard IPA and feeling pretty good right now.

Strange seeing Emily and GT arguing outside of religion. This political season must be heating up!!
A leftard is a person who believes that personal liberties should be surrendered to the government. For that purpose they use the coercion of association, censorship, redistribution of "wealth," suppression of religion and disarming citizenry. That's in a nutshell.
I can explain why youre a bigot emily.

Because the only people who think their "voice" isnt being heard currently in marriage law are anti gay marriage bigots, and nobody else.

And so you want to remove it from the state so ALL voices get equal say, meaning you find BIGOTS' voices equal as non bigots in regard to public policy.

Because there is NO SUCH POLICY that has 100% consensus.

I already showed you that by debunking your 1st amendment example.

Muslims dont want a 1st amendment, they want it against the law to use the prophet muhammads likeness in vain.

So, if you were CONSISTENT, youd say the government, THEN, should not have a 1st amendment because muslim views are not equally represented.

Same exact logic: you dont get rid of the law altogether to appease anti free speech bigots, same as you dont get rid of marriage altogether to appease anti gay marriage bigots ....

And you cant base it on CONSENSUS, but right and wrong, because THERES NO SUCH THING AS 100% CONSENSUS. You were shown this with what you thought was the CLEAREST example......BUT WERE WRONG.
I can explain why youre a bigot emily.

Because the only people who think their "voice" isnt being heard currently in marriage law are anti gay marriage bigots, and nobody else.

And so you want to remove it from the state so ALL voices get equal say, meaning you find BIGOTS' voices equal as non bigots in regard to public policy.

Because there is NO SUCH POLICY that has 100% consensus.

I already showed you that by debunking your 1st amendment example.

Muslims dont want a 1st amendment, they want it against the law to use the prophet muhammads likeness in vain.

So, if you were CONSISTENT, youd say the government, THEN, should not have a 1st amendment because muslim views are not equally represented.

Same exact logic: you dont get rid of the law altogether to appease anti free speech bigots, same as you dont get rid of marriage altogether to appease anti gay marriage bigots ....

And you cant base it on CONSENSUS, but right and wrong, because THERES NO SUCH THING AS 100% CONSENSUS. You were shown this with what you thought was the CLEAREST example......BUT WERE WRONG.

How on Earth is not embracing homosexual marriage "bigotry"? Please, do elaborate.
I can explain why youre a bigot emily.

Because the only people who think their "voice" isnt being heard currently in marriage law are anti gay marriage bigots, and nobody else.

And so you want to remove it from the state so ALL voices get equal say, meaning you find BIGOTS' voices equal as non bigots in regard to public policy.

Because there is NO SUCH POLICY that has 100% consensus.

I already showed you that by debunking your 1st amendment example.

Muslims dont want a 1st amendment, they want it against the law to use the prophet muhammads likeness in vain.

So, if you were CONSISTENT, youd say the government, THEN, should not have a 1st amendment because muslim views are not equally represented.

Same exact logic: you dont get rid of the law altogether to appease anti free speech bigots, same as you dont get rid of marriage altogether to appease anti gay marriage bigots ....

And you cant base it on CONSENSUS, but right and wrong, because THERES NO SUCH THING AS 100% CONSENSUS. You were shown this with what you thought was the CLEAREST example......BUT WERE WRONG.

How on Earth is not embracing homosexual marriage "bigotry"? Please, do elaborate.
Its self explainatory. No, seriously.
Id like to know how:

If straight marriage is legal....

And gay marriage is legal....

Who is not being equally represented under the law?

Oh...right, just busy bodies (bigots) who want to impose their views on other citizens' liberties.
Well, marriage is still limited to two people, but that's going to change.

The Muslim religion allows a man to have up to four wives, and we know that Saudi kings have hundreds of wives.

The Mormon religion has no limit to how many wives a man may take, until they were forced to change that teaching, but in reality Mormons haven't changed their opinion.

Then there's swingers, who would like multiple groups of men and women to all join in on a group marriage.

And let's not forget the laws against incestuous marriage, that won't hold up either.
I think I see the problem here. Many of you are turning to a religion to define what a marriage should be.

However, there is marriage defined by the federal government which need not be dictated to by any religion.

So what is the federal definition of marriage? Should it be democratically decided or has it been predefined? I can get here, but I don't really know how to precede. This is more in the realm of constitutional law which I am no expert in. Hell, I'm shocked by what I am finding at How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters and you are asking me these deeper legal questions. Sorry, can't help you.

But I can give an unqualified opinion:
Rights of individuals should not be given or taken by popular election.

So I guess I can't side with you on this one emily. But, again, I am not an expert on this matter.
  • Thanks
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I think I see the problem here. Many of you are turning to a religion to define what a marriage should be.

However, there is marriage defined by the federal government which need not be dictated to by any religion.

So what is the federal definition of marriage? Should it be democratically decided or has it been predefined? I can get here, but I don't really know how to precede. This is more in the realm of constitutional law which I am no expert in. Hell, I'm shocked by what I am finding at How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters and you are asking me these deeper legal questions. Sorry, can't help you.

But I can give an unqualified opinion:
Rights of individuals should not be given or taken by popular election.

So I guess I can't side with you on this one emily. But, again, I am not an expert on this matter.
So who ever said that there was a "right to marry whomever I please."

There has never been such a right. States have always had laws restricting who can marry and who cannot, and there are other restraints, like the requirement to get a license, and the requirement to have a blood test.

Only in Nevada can one get a license and get married a few hours later.

I had a secret Nevada marriage, but a few months later I had a wedding ceremony in the Catholic Church, and it is the Catholic marriage that my wife and I celebrate on anniversaries.

Every society in the history of man had marriage, from the ancient Roman Empire, to the most remote African village.

Only the most depraved people, like Nero, ever thought to marry someone of his own sex. But his excuse was that he was insane.

Now depravity is common and openly practiced, but it's still depravity.
I don't know anyone who doesn't agree on defending their First Amendment Rights!
..leftards do it only when it fits THEIR agenda.

What is a leftard? I drunk a(one) shipyard IPA and feeling pretty good right now.

Strange seeing Emily and GT arguing outside of religion. This political season must be heating up!!

Hi amrchaos:
G.T. has decided I am some kind of Jim Crow Bigot
for saying that until and unless all sides agree on the terms of marriage and how public laws are to be written,
then this should be REMOVED from the state and kept private.

I was trying to recognize and treat all beliefs about marriage equally
by saying to "separate church and state" and keep them all OUT of the state except where all people agree within
that state what SHOULD be public policy. And if they can't agree on beliefs, then keep them private.

If you drifter Impenitent or anyone else can please explain to G.T.
how this approach treats all beliefs equally and does NOT endorse one approach to marriage while
keeping the others "separate but equal" -- I would LIKE to have an understanding with G.T. that this
IS treating ALL beliefs equally as free to exercise under the First Amendment and not mix any of these with Govt
unless ALL people agree to how to do that.

G.T. freaked out and said my ideas were dumb, marriage is already in the state, and people will not agree.
I am saying because people don't agree, that's why it should be removed from the state.
And only keep the neutral policies where people DO agree.

How is that being a "onesided bigot" if I am offering a way to treat all beliefs the same?

Can anyone please explain this to G.T. ?
RKMBrown ? drifter? anyone who can make this shorter and not TLDR?
The reason they are so lengthy is because it is a long, tortured, twisted route from ultra liberal to severe conservative, which Emily is, now, in every way except her name.

She's done this for love, as her significant other is a professional conservative. He's addled her thinking, changed her direction, initiated this metamorphosis without her conscious knowledge.

It's a shame.
I don't know anyone who doesn't agree on defending their First Amendment Rights!
..leftards do it only when it fits THEIR agenda.

What is a leftard? I drunk a(one) shipyard IPA and feeling pretty good right now.

Strange seeing Emily and GT arguing outside of religion. This political season must be heating up!!

Hi amrchaos:
G.T. has decided I am some kind of Jim Crow Bigot
for saying that until and unless all sides agree on the terms of marriage and how public laws are to be written,
then this should be REMOVED from the state and kept private.

I was trying to recognize and treat all beliefs about marriage equally
by saying to "separate church and state" and keep them all OUT of the state except where all people agree within
that state what SHOULD be public policy. And if they can't agree on beliefs, then keep them private.

If you drifter Impenitent or anyone else can please explain to G.T.
how this approach treats all beliefs equally and does NOT endorse one approach to marriage while
keeping the others "separate but equal" -- I would LIKE to have an understanding with G.T. that this
IS treating ALL beliefs equally as free to exercise under the First Amendment and not mix any of these with Govt
unless ALL people agree to how to do that.

G.T. freaked out and said my ideas were dumb, marriage is already in the state, and people will not agree.
I am saying because people don't agree, that's why it should be removed from the state.
And only keep the neutral policies where people DO agree.

How is that being a "onesided bigot" if I am offering a way to treat all beliefs the same?

Can anyone please explain this to G.T. ?
RKMBrown ? drifter? anyone who can make this shorter and not TLDR?
The reason they are so lengthy is because it is a long, tortured, twisted route from ultra liberal to severe conservative, which Emily is, now, in every way except her name.

She's done this for love, as her significant other is a professional conservative. He's addled her thinking, changed her direction, initiated this metamorphosis without her conscious knowledge.

It's a shame.
This is actually 100% truth.
I don't know anyone who doesn't agree on defending their First Amendment Rights!
..leftards do it only when it fits THEIR agenda.

What is a leftard? I drunk a(one) shipyard IPA and feeling pretty good right now.

Strange seeing Emily and GT arguing outside of religion. This political season must be heating up!!

Hi amrchaos:
G.T. has decided I am some kind of Jim Crow Bigot
for saying that until and unless all sides agree on the terms of marriage and how public laws are to be written,
then this should be REMOVED from the state and kept private.

I was trying to recognize and treat all beliefs about marriage equally
by saying to "separate church and state" and keep them all OUT of the state except where all people agree within
that state what SHOULD be public policy. And if they can't agree on beliefs, then keep them private.

If you drifter Impenitent or anyone else can please explain to G.T.
how this approach treats all beliefs equally and does NOT endorse one approach to marriage while
keeping the others "separate but equal" -- I would LIKE to have an understanding with G.T. that this
IS treating ALL beliefs equally as free to exercise under the First Amendment and not mix any of these with Govt
unless ALL people agree to how to do that.

G.T. freaked out and said my ideas were dumb, marriage is already in the state, and people will not agree.
I am saying because people don't agree, that's why it should be removed from the state.
And only keep the neutral policies where people DO agree.

How is that being a "onesided bigot" if I am offering a way to treat all beliefs the same?

Can anyone please explain this to G.T. ?
RKMBrown ? drifter? anyone who can make this shorter and not TLDR?
The reason they are so lengthy is because it is a long, tortured, twisted route from ultra liberal to severe conservative, which Emily is, now, in every way except her name.

She's done this for love, as her significant other is a professional conservative. He's addled her thinking, changed her direction, initiated this metamorphosis without her conscious knowledge.

It's a shame.

What? You've never even met me in person, much less the people I work with.

Everyone else is saying my ideas and solutions are closer to making sense and taking workable form.

How are you making all this assumption about me when we've never even met?

I've only known you by internet and phone for, what, less than 2 years?

Do you really expect to know someone in less than 2 years?

Some of my closest friends still have lots of work to do on reaching an understanding
after we've been at it for 10, 15, 20 years.

Trying to piece it all together.

Impenitent where is this either/or mentality coming from?

You think you can't defend prochoice and prolife 100% equally
so you think you have to "convert" from one to another?

Someone can be both an artist and a scientist without "converting" from one to another.
Someone can speak both Spanish and English without "converting" from one to the other.
Why can't people's political and religious terms be used as neutral languages and
just communicate back and forth between the different groups? Why do these have to be pitted as hostile against each other?

Funny Impenitent I've always been both liberal in my inclusion
and constitutionalist in my views of natural laws and how this includes and explains all the views out there as part of religious freedom.

You barely know me, and you already have it in your mind that
I "used to be more progressive" but you are saying it's just my BOYFRIEND that makes me conservative? What?

I am MORE conservative/Christian than he is in a lot of ways.
If anything I am trying to get him and other "so called" conservatives to set up independent business and training programs if they don't want people to depend on Govt.
So where is the system to transition people off dependence and toward independence?
All my friends setting up such programs would LOVE to have the backing of big conservatives who want to fund independent business, big and small, by capitalism and free enterprise.
So why not set it up already?

I even criticized my friend Vern for "sounding like a liberal" if he was going to wait for elected officials to do the work instead of creating a business plan to show how the private sector can do a better job. I told him he's no different from liberals who depend on govt instead of doing it THEMSELVES as conservatives claim to do. And Vern ran for President twice on the platform of small business.

So how is it that the boyfriend and other friends like Vern (who is a traditional conservative in the very best tradition) you say are "influencing me" are MORE liberal and dependent on govt than I am as a progressive who is trying to push them to support REAL self-government.

Since when is the Progressive Green push for sustainable economy, health care, jobs and education more in line with the "do it yourself" attitude where I find myself
PREACHING to Conservatives to get with the program and quit depending on Govt!

What??? You are saying these people are making me more conservative?
Or making me LOOK more conservative compared to how liberal they are?
That's the feeling I got when I went to the Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition.
I felt like I was the most conservative person in the room, for believing in spiritual healing
and decriminalization, while the rest were mainly pushing harder for legalization.

Impenitent I wrote out my beliefs about isocracy back in 1990-1997 when I first figured out massive change was going to have to take place both with the church and state.

You missed my most radical phase when I was the one yelling and screaming
and sounding anti-govt.

So compared to where I was coming from WHICH YOU DIDN'T SEE
you'd probably say I have calmed down quite a bit and sound more
like other liberals as opposed to sounding like a radical anti-govt conspiracy theorist
from either the far far right or the far far left or both combined.

Not sure what you are comparing, but my friends and family would tell you I make more sense now than I did 15 - 20 years ago when this realization first hit and I panicked. I had no background or INTEREST AT ALL in either religion or politics, which I detested and avoided,
and suddenly starting in 1990 I had realizations of the future that all this was going to change.

Over 20 years of searching for people and groups with the answers that were going to become the model for govt reform, I find the best solutions take the best of all parties and apply them where these approaches work best.

So Impenitent it isn't about "converting" from one group to another.

It's about using ALL the instruments and different sections, keys and parts in the orchestra
and piecing the complete symphony together. Using each to maximum capacity and best purpose.

The parts are NOT in opposition but are supposed to work together in harmony.
That is the main realization I envisioned that CHANGED the entire adversarial paradigm
that is blocking progress and sustainable solutions requiring full inclusion and collaboration.

Where are you getting that one is right or better and the other is wrong?
Where is this either/or mentality coming from?

Instead of using ALL the answers, all the fields of science and medicine,
ethics, religion and politics to solve the world's problems COLLABORATIVELY.

Is it a MALE terroritorial thing? A pecking order pack mentality thing?
To have to belittle and conquer one group to have dominance as the top alpha male?

Where is this coming from because I find that divisive and destructive when taken to extremes.

Everyone should WELL be head of their own path and direction in life.
But from there, we should COORDINATE where we are working in
connection with each other, not at odds or in conflict wasting our energy and resources!

ALL groups should equally be in charge of tasks for their OWN members and delegate
responsibility so all the ground is covered, all demands, needs and interests are met.

How is this policy of inclusion and diversity
NOT INHERENTLY a progressive liberal value?

Why do you think that anything I am doing is COMPROMISING
the protection and inclusion of diverse interests and defending ALL people and groups EQUALLY?

How is working with conservatives and Constitutionalists, to hold them to their OWN principles,
NOT part of the solution of protecting EVERYONE's interests? How is this a bad thing to include all people
and protect all people's beliefs and views from imposing on each other? How is this a bad thing to help and hold all people to their own principles so they correct their own problems and don't fear outside control, oppression or interference?

Impenitent can you tell me where EXACTLY
I am compromising any progressive liberal values
and what think needs to be corrected that I am not ALREADY working on correcting?

What is being missed so much that you
ASSUME I am overriding something because of my boyfriend?

The people destroying the efforts in Freedmen's Town have all been DEMOCRATS so no outside help is needed
where the DEMOCRATS have undercut and abused their own community resources and interests for politics.

Until the DEMOCRATS stop undercutting and destroying their own constituents efforts to
set up sustainable reforms for govt, how do you expect the conservatives or anyone else
to support solutions they don't believe DEMOCRATS can pull together.

Isn't the first step to unite the DEMOCRATS on progressive solutions,
and then we can ask support of Conservatives to back up financial plans for
microlending and business training that replaces overreliance on govt welfare
for either the very rich or the very poor that are both blamed for abusing taxpayer money without paying it back.

I am one of the only progressives I know pushing for restitution for taxpayers
to be paid back for all the corporate abuse and corruption of govt.

How is that compromising my beliefs if I am the one pushing for Conservatives to back these business plans
for paying back taxpayers and holding govt accountable for losses, waste and abuses at taxpayer expense?
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