For once hiring finally exceeded the requirement to keep up with the population

Unemployment wont be the factor when deciding whether to vote for Bozo, O'Bozo is the reason 54/55% of all registered voters will be voting against him, between Forced Health Care and the consistent lies coming out of Obama, {and being a pussy towards Iran} he still loses.
This issue to me transcends political parties. That is it needs to recover no matter who is in office. Of course I'm anti Obama but I'm pro growth regardless. Without it many people will continue to suffer.
"It's the economy, stupid."

Rising employment can only be good for Obama. Don't delude yourself it isn't. You can bitch and moan all you like about how he doesn't deserve the credit to make yourself feel better, but it is a natural fact that when times get better, that is good for the incumbent.
this issue to me transcends political parties. That is it needs to recover no matter who is in office. Of course i'm anti obama but i'm pro growth regardless. Without it many people will continue to suffer.

A smart employer will get ahead of the bull and start hiring workers now while they can still get them cheaply.
A smart employer will get ahead of the bull and start hiring workers now while they can still get them cheaply.

Maybe, much like the markets I think its still a gamble at this point. I started new city wide advertising about 6 weeks ago and I haven't seen much of an increase yet. Course its hard to tell cause this time of year is usually slow anyhow. I'm excited to see what early spring brings, after peps get their tax returns.
"It's the economy, stupid."

Rising employment can only be good for Obama. Don't delude yourself it isn't. You can bitch and moan all you like about how he doesn't deserve the credit to make yourself feel better, but it is a natural fact that when times get better, that is good for the incumbent.
....Especially when compared to the Republican Party's......

"It's the economy, stupid."

Rising employment can only be good for Obama. Don't delude yourself it isn't. You can bitch and moan all you like about how he doesn't deserve the credit to make yourself feel better, but it is a natural fact that when times get better, that is good for the incumbent.
....Especially when compared to the Republican Party's......

Just gotta make an argument where none exists dontcha?

"It's the economy, stupid."

Rising employment can only be good for Obama. Don't delude yourself it isn't. You can bitch and moan all you like about how he doesn't deserve the credit to make yourself feel better, but it is a natural fact that when times get better, that is good for the incumbent.
....Especially when compared to the Republican Party's......

Just gotta make an argument where none exists dontcha?


How's business?

Not too good... huh. You describe yours as "failing".

No matter...keep posting. Just don't blame others when the end finally comes.
Gramps, re-do that ad campaign right around March 1st and have it last 1 month long. that should hit the thick part of tax return money.
And just in time for the Election Year don't ya know? Don't believe the hype. Their numbers are bogus. This Administration is well-known for cooking the books. I don't trust their numbers anymore.
even if unemployment drops to 7.8%{ish} most Americans are still scared of Obama being he has a history/pattern of being very unpredictable, and dont forget about the three years of fear and uncertainty he gave us. And what if most banks are still hesitant to loan in 2012?
And just in time for the Election Year don't ya know? Don't believe the hype. Their numbers are bogus. This Administration is well-known for cooking the books. I don't trust their numbers anymore.

The administration has no control over the UE numbers, but no conspiracy theory ever leaves you computer screen un-believed. Such a tulip, dude.
even if unemployment drops to 7.8%{ish} most Americans are still scared of Obama being he has a history/pattern of being very unpredictable, and dont forget about the three years of fear and uncertainty he gave us. And what if most banks are still hesitant to loan in 2012?

Banks are hesitant to loan because of the market crash, not who the fuck the President is. Get real.
Unemployment wont be the factor when deciding whether to vote for Bozo, O'Bozo is the reason 54/55% of all registered voters will be voting against him, between Forced Health Care and the consistent lies coming out of Obama, {and being a pussy towards Iran} he still loses.

If the Republican nominee gets 55%+ of the vote in November, I will eat a hat. Literally.
Gramps, re-do that ad campaign right around March 1st and have it last 1 month long. that should hit the thick part of tax return money.

It was a one year commitment. I was however able to target specific zip codes and municipalities so I'm sure it will pay off in the end.

And candycorn as I told you yesterday your ignored because you never offer substance to a conversation and I bet today is no different.

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