For Reps Sake!

Sure hope she chews her food into small enough pieces, else get stuck at waist


That's just not good! Wasn't she the lead actress in "Nightmare Before Christmas?"


I shouldn't make fun. At first I thought this vid was doctored but I'm not too sure it is. Anorexia is a serious condition and I feel sorry for this lady if this video is the real deal. She needs help.
If you look at skeletons of women from the 18th and 19th centuries, one reason there was all that fainting going on was, they couldn't breathe! You can see the actual deformation of the rib cage due to the early use of corsets - it was a lot like the foot-binding in China.

Today's version involves the removal of the lowest pair of ribs so the torso can more easily be compressed.

I suspect the woman in red had that done. She is unhealthily thin, if you look closely: her elbow joint is the wisest portion of her arm, and there is hardly any flesh in her arms. No muscle tone, either - it's just sort of 'saggy'.

It wasn't just the waist, either - Victorian clothing was fitted so tightly in the upper sleeves that a woman couldn't raise a hand over her head. At least not for the fashionable upper classes, lol! Obviously the pioneer women in the 1840's and so on who were wading freezing rivers while 8 months pregnant had a different style of dress!

The 'Gibson Girl' of the 1890's was an active normal, sized young woman with basically normal proportions - the beginnings of the acceptance of active dynamic women as 'respectable' and 'normal' .....
Sure hope she chews her food into small enough pieces, else get stuck at waist


That's just not good! Wasn't she the lead actress in "Nightmare Before Christmas?"


I shouldn't make fun. At first I thought this vid was doctored but I'm not too sure it is. Anorexia is a serious condition and I feel sorry for this lady if this video is the real deal. She needs help.

That can't be real. :ack-1:
Rep was like a fragrant bouquet tonight.....some of you have to post more, I couldn't rep you (you can only rep the same post once) get to posting....

I managed to get Jake, SteadyMercury, BobPlumb, and GWV5903...I'll get the rest tomorrow...:)

I gave out a bunch yesterday; waited 24 hours; and could only give out 5 tonight. I guess I will never understand the rules of the "rep game." Oh well ... 5 is better than zero I guess.

Here is a quick primer;

  • You are allowed to give out a maximum of 20 reps in a 24 hour period.
  • You cannot rep the same person again until you have repped 11 other posters.

In your User Control Panel there are 2 tabs that deal with reps.

  • Latest Reputation Given - Lists the Date, Time and Names of the posters you have repped over the previous 3 days.
  • Latest Reputation Received - Lists the last 20 posters who gave you rep.

Use Latest Reputation Given (LRG) tab to find out when you can give out your next rep by counting down the last 20 that you gave out. If you gave out your 20th rep at 6pm yesterday you will have to wait until 6pm today before you can give that rep to someone else.

So after you gave out 5 reps yesterday all you need to do is go to the LRG tab and count down 20 and the Date/Time stamp will tell you when you can give out rep #6.

Same thing applies when you receive the message about spreading rep around before you can rep the same poster again. Just go to the LRG tab and count the number of posters from the top until you reach the one you want to rep. If the count is less than 11 then you need to give posts to other people until you reach the magic 11 count.

Hope this helps. :)
Was able to rep several before repetition shut me out.

Today's a transition day - a little shopping and resting up prep to moving into a "holiday apartment" for a couple of weeks.

Today's photo is from two days ago, a public bus in service at BCLM in Dudley, England.....


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It's lunch-break time again..... I'm eating junk food, 'cause the husband is still on diet restrictions and I don't want to make things any more difficult for him. I'll have dinner before he gets home, then we can eat rice and Jello together : )) No cocktails, either.....

But it is Friday!

I'm out of reps, it seems - I will swing by again before bedtime and hope I can play catch-up with at least a few of you lovely folks : ))

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