For Sale: republican party loyalty

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When a party votes against what 90% of the American people want there can be no other reason than they are not representing the people.

who are they representing?
Big Bankers and Corporations OWN both Parties.

But please, go ahead and choose sides because THAT helps divide Americans into separate camps which are easier to control and manipulate.
When a party votes against what 90% of the American people want there can be no other reason than they are not representing the people.

who are they representing?

I'm part of the 10%, so they must be representing me. :lol: And thanks Harry Reid (D) for voting against this misguided legislation that will do nothing to curb gun violence.
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who needs voters they have big money donors

Of course, the Democrats have the biggest donors, but don't let the truth get in the way of your agenda.

Top all-time donors, 1989 to 2012, where the top 20 are DOMINATED by Democratic donations:

Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2012 | OpenSecrets

Does it hurt to lie like that as often as you do...or is are you just too numb from paint chips and vodka to realize you're lying? Hard to say.
When a party votes against what 90% of the American people want there can be no other reason than they are not representing the people.

who are they representing?

It's the Republicans' fault that the Democrat-controlled Senate voted against more regulation?

Too funny.
who needs voters they have big money donors

You said it, Ms. Truthie!!!

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is now the biggest outside spender of the 2010 elections, thanks to an 11th-hour effort to boost Democrats that has vaulted the public-sector union ahead of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO and a flock of new Republican groups in campaign spending.

The 1.6 million-member AFSCME is spending a total of $87.5 million on the elections after tapping into a $16 million emergency account to help fortify the Democrats' hold on Congress. Last week, AFSCME dug deeper, taking out a $2 million loan to fund its push. The group is spending money on television advertisements, phone calls, campaign mailings and other political efforts, helped by a Supreme Court decision that loosened restrictions on campaign spending.

"We're the big dog," said Larry Scanlon, the head of AFSCME's political operations. "But we don't like to brag."
Public-Employees Union Is Now Campaign's Big Spender -
who needs voters they have big money donors

Here's Obama's top 15:

University of California $1,212,245
Microsoft Corp $814,645
Google Inc $801,770
US Government $728,647
Harvard University $668,368
Kaiser Permanente $588,386
Stanford University $512,356
Deloitte LLP $456,975
Columbia University $455,309
Time Warner $442,271
US Dept of State $417,629
DLA Piper $401,890
Sidley Austin LLP $400,883
Walt Disney Co $369,598
IBM Corp $369,491

You may have gotton the amounts correct, but did you check to see who they came from? Why would that be important?

Why did the Chamber of Commerce give to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats.

Why did Obama get so many more contributions from "small donors"?

Why did Romney get so many contributions from large donors?

What is bundled money and where does it fit in?

Be careful with what you post. Many Republicans don't understand how things operate beyond the dollar amounts. When they find out where the money actually came from and which coporations gave how much to each candidates and how much the employees of those companies gave compared to the CEO and BOD, suddenly an entirely different picture emerges. Unless you're too scared to know the thruth. Happens all the time.
I honestly believe TM is a plant to make Progressives look clueless and stupid.

I mean come on, who hears a TM rant and wants to identify with her party/ideology? Obama is the most owned man in the entire world, ever... if you go by big money buying elections, and here TM is making it to be this horrible thing, lol.
who needs voters they have big money donors

Here's Obama's top 15:

University of California $1,212,245
Microsoft Corp $814,645
Google Inc $801,770
US Government $728,647
Harvard University $668,368
Kaiser Permanente $588,386
Stanford University $512,356
Deloitte LLP $456,975
Columbia University $455,309
Time Warner $442,271
US Dept of State $417,629
DLA Piper $401,890
Sidley Austin LLP $400,883
Walt Disney Co $369,598
IBM Corp $369,491

You may have gotton the amounts correct, but did you check to see who they came from? Why would that be important?

Why did the Chamber of Commerce give to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats.

Why did Obama get so many more contributions from "small donors"?

Why did Romney get so many contributions from large donors?

What is bundled money and where does it fit in?

Be careful with what you post. Many Republicans don't understand how things operate beyond the dollar amounts. When they find out where the money actually came from and which coporations gave how much to each candidates and how much the employees of those companies gave compared to the CEO and BOD, suddenly an entirely different picture emerges. Unless you're too scared to know the thruth. Happens all the time.

Because the Chamber of Commerce is made up of SMALL businesses.

I expect some BIG checks to be handed out to those GOP Senators. They did the NRA bidding and killed a reasonable piece of legislation. So the NRA won, but will the GOP lose. They will now be going from vying for control of Senate to holding on to the seats that they have. I would think the commercials from Gabby Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents will be inundating the airways in 2014. What a travesty...
I expect some BIG checks to be handed out to those GOP Senators. They did the NRA bidding and killed a reasonable piece of legislation. So the NRA won, but will the GOP lose. They will now be going from vying for control of Senate to holding on to the seats that they have. I would think the commercials from Gabby Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents will be inundating the airways in 2014. What a travesty...

Did you read this "reasonable piece of legislation"?

If so, then perhaps you could link to a copy.

The problem with you liberal pukes is that you vote with emotion and not with reason and logic.

No amount of background checks would have prevented what happened in Newtown or prevent future tragedies such as that in Newtown.
The Republicans have no leaders, no plan and a horrible track record of gangfucking any piece of this country they get control. Until a new generation comes up to voting age with no memory of the Bush Administration, Republicans are basically irrelevant.
The Republicans have no leaders, no plan and a horrible track record of gangfucking any piece of this country they get control. Until a new generation comes up to voting age with no memory of the Bush Administration, Republicans are basically irrelevant.

Keep dreaming!

Speaking of memory loss.

What happened in the 2010 mid-term elections?
The Republicans have no leaders, no plan and a horrible track record of gangfucking any piece of this country they get control. Until a new generation comes up to voting age with no memory of the Bush Administration, Republicans are basically irrelevant.

Keep dreaming!

Speaking of memory loss.

What happened in the 2010 mid-term elections?

The Republicans continued to hold power over the least powerful branch of government while the Democrats kicked their ass in every national election since?

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