For The 2016 Election. Can We Stay Away From Dividing People?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
For the 2016 election. Can we stay away from dividing people? Why not talk about infrastructure, science, education and r&d! Things that are important for the health and advancement of our nation.

Stop whining about things that aren't important.

No more war on women.
no more war against males
No more you're racist to get votes
No more about how evil kosh brothers are
No more you're a racist bigot!
No more whining and bitching

Let's get away from this bullshit.
Heck, let's send a man to MARS! Makes more sense. ;)
Sorry, but I see no reason why the decent people of this country should ever have to hobnob with marxists, communists, degenerates, black racist terrorists, queer child rapers, race-baiters, haters, union goons (especially public school union goons who've made a mockery of education), and the 90% of felons in our prisons who identify themselves as democrats. "Can't we just all get along"? No, we can't.
Sorry, but I see no reason why the decent people of this country should ever have to hobnob with marxists, communists, degenerates, black racist terrorists, queer child rapers, race-baiters, haters, union goons (especially public school union goons who've made a mockery of education), and the 90% of felons in our prisons who identify themselves as democrats. "Can't we just all get along"? No, we can't.

Then let's go to war. Stop beating around the bush.
Sorry, but I see no reason why the decent people of this country should ever have to hobnob with marxists, communists, degenerates, black racist terrorists, queer child rapers, race-baiters, haters, union goons (especially public school union goons who've made a mockery of education), and the 90% of felons in our prisons who identify themselves as democrats. "Can't we just all get along"? No, we can't.

Well, now, let's take a look at that:

Communist Party USA - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The last time the Communist Party of the USA put up a presidential candidate was in 1984, with a loon named Gus Hall, and he got all of 36,000 votes nationwide (0.04%).

The rest of your stuff just shows how unbelievably butthurt you are in every possible way.

I recommend you switch from Tea to Coffee for a while.
For the 2016 election. Can we stay away from dividing people? Why not talk about infrastructure, science, education and r&d! Things that are important for the health and advancement of our nation.

Stop whining about things that aren't important.

No more war on women.
no more war against males
No more you're racist to get votes
No more about how evil kosh brothers are
No more you're a racist bigot!
No more whining and bitching

Let's get away from this bullshit.
Heck, let's send a man to MARS! Makes more sense. ;)

You're dreaming.

Identity Politics has worked fabulously for the Democrats, dividing and conquering, and there's no way in hell they're going to stop.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

You'd be better off hoping that the GOP improved its comically horrific messaging, which is a much bigger problem for them.

But don't hold your breath.

For the 2016 election. Can we stay away from dividing people? Why not talk about infrastructure, science, education and r&d! Things that are important for the health and advancement of our nation.

Stop whining about things that aren't important.

No more war on women.
no more war against males
No more you're racist to get votes
No more about how evil kosh brothers are
No more you're a racist bigot!
No more whining and bitching

Let's get away from this bullshit.
Heck, let's send a man to MARS! Makes more sense. ;)

You're dreaming.

Identity Politics has worked fabulously for the Democrats, dividing and conquering, and there's no way in hell they're going to stop.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

You'd be better off hoping that the GOP improved its comically horrific messaging, which is a much bigger problem for them.

But don't hold your breath.


Yeah.....the problem for the GOP is the messaging! It isn't the platform. Not at all!

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