For the First Time in History a Major US City Averages Over $5/ Gallon

People are just generally ignorant of how all of this works.

You can't solve gas prices by flooding the market with oil. That's how you get ACTUAL shortages. The kind with empty gas stations and lines around the block.
If we flooded the market with American oil. Putin wouldn't be able to control the flow of his oil to keep the barrel price high. Trump did it and it worked.
We have enough oil in the United States to supply the world with energy for years. But the Biden Administration wants us to go green before we are ready to do it.

Problem is, in what the rest of us call "reality", someone has to make a nice profit by pulling it out of the ground, refining it, and selling it.

Unless you would like to nationalize our oil industry and publicly fund it.
For the first time in history, a U.S. city has hit an average gas price of $5 per gallon. San Francisco $5.06/gal Los Angeles $5.01/gal

As a community organizer once said, you’ll definitely pay more for energy under my plan!
The Left love the poor, doncha know!

Time to stop Biden’s preventing new US oil production.

They must be price gouging. Oil prices haven't even come close to the Bush peak in 2008.

And once again we find our proud country as the beggar on the doorstep of countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.

"Please pump more oil. We will let you kill more journalists, if you do."
People are just generally ignorant of how all of this works.

You can't solve gas prices by flooding the market with oil. That's how you get ACTUAL shortages. The kind with empty gas stations and lines around the block.
WE can't just drill our way out of it. There aren't enough rigs or refineries, and nobody's gonna invest the billions in a refinery the size to make a difference. But the use of batteries as the sole power in cars .... maybe not feasible. But batteries have greatly improved, and two years is ... maybe not accurate. And there are other possibilities. Esp for larger long haul vehicles.
And once again we find our proud country as the beggar on the doorstep of countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.

"Please pump more oil. We will let you kill more journalists, if you do."
The schizos are whining one moment about the price of gas, and then whining the next moment about Biden refusing to cut oil exports from Russia.

perhaps you should investigate global demand for oil.
Well we know Biden has his hand out begging for it. And is using our reserves to try to do damage control.
Again, The whole world uses oil. We used to produce oil. Not we sit on our oil and beg Putin for his. How is that working for us and our wallets??
The schizos are whining one moment about the price of gas, and then whining the next moment about Biden refusing to cut oil exports from Russia.

Right. They really do not get it.

Which, I understand. It's complicated. And you aren't going to get a grasp of how the global oil market works by watching Carlson and Bongino and playing with yourself all day.
WE can't just drill our way out of it. There aren't enough rigs or refineries, and nobody's gonna invest the billions in a refinery the size to make a difference. But the use of batteries as the sole power in cars .... maybe not feasible. But batteries have greatly improved, and two years is ... maybe not accurate. And there are other possibilities. Esp for larger long haul vehicles.
Yes, clearly one of the solutions is to use less fossil fuel. Maybe the top solution.

But it is ironic when these jerks try to criticize the CURRENT state of electric vehicles, while paying no mind to the idea of improving tech.... then scream for drilling moratoriums to be lifted that, almost all of which, would not produce a drop of oil for 10, 20 years or more.

I don't see why the US demand for gasoline will really increase. And since a refiner would see roughly the same profit from refining X gas as it would X2 gas (unless there's more demand for gas in the overall market) you'd be a moron to think anyone's going to invest 500Billion or whatever it'd take to build a giant refiner. (-:

The price of oil will go up, since global demand exceeds supply, and demand is rising faster than supply. But a refiner doesn't care since he gets a % of the pump price (basically). If people want to pay less for driving, they have to either find a new, cheaper fuel or drive less.
Right. They really do not get it.

Which, I understand. It's complicated. And you aren't going to get a grasp of how the global oil market works by watching Carlson and Bongino and playing with yourself all day.
Well their issue is neither oil nor russia or really iran. It's biden won and Trump lost.
We were energy independent in less than 4 years with Trump.
And what effect did that cause on the price of oil?

We were energy independent in less than 4 years with Trump.
Ah yes, that silly myth.

By the same standard, we are "energy independent" right now.

Yet we import a LOT of oil, some of it from Russia.

We export over 10 times more oil per day than we import from Russia.

Your simpleton ideas and math do not explain this. Why aren't we just using "our" oil, instead of Russia's?

This should be your fist clue that you don't really know what energy independence means or how any of this works.

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