For the First Time in History a Major US City Averages Over $5/ Gallon

So you don’t understand the term net. You also apparently don’t understand what happens when industries are nationalized.

Glad I didn’t pay anything for this worthless lesson in stupid.
I understand what the misnomer means and what "net" means. I literally described it. You are arguing with a ghost, because you are a reactionary nutter looking to whine.
When the dust settles, East Asia will be producing the vehicles. East Asia will be producing the eco green solar and wind products. We will be adding more social programs and China will have a percentage of the World Reserve Currency. You guys talk so much of the past when we are living off of rules that gives you a good life from the past and is being diminished.
More vapid whining. Completely irrelevant to a word I said.
For the first time in history, a U.S. city has hit an average gas price of $5 per gallon. San Francisco $5.06/gal Los Angeles $5.01/gal

As a community organizer once said, you’ll definitely pay more for energy under my plan!
The Left love the poor, doncha know!

Time to stop Biden’s preventing new US oil production.

There is no pressure being brought on the Gulf States to increase production. Not acceptable.
my limited understanding is that a current tech battery in an elec car should get you 100K or so. But again, it's their longing for Trump.

Cheney thought we'd see hydrogen. And I don't really see why we aren't looking at that for 18 wheelers. If people want to tow a 5th wheel .... welcome to capitalism. Not much of a market for "just" that.
The industry thinks hydrogen cars are too expensive to mass produce, which is a shame. Honda built a viable hydrogen-electric concept 10+ years ago and never did anything with it.
The industry thinks hydrogen cars are too expensive to mass produce, which is a shame. Honda built a viable hydrogen-electric concept 10+ years ago and never did anything with it.
That's capitalism for ya. Gotta keep those shareholders happy in the short-term. It is what it is.
I'll be honest. If I win the Lotto still getting the 365 hp Stinger and filling it with premium. Vroom vroom
You can find them, brand new, for under $30K these days.
Where? 2021 Nissan Leaf starts at $31.6k. 2021 Chevy Bolt starts at $36.5. That's before tax and title charges, destination charges, and around a 20% nationwide dealer markup because of a staggering lack of inventory on lots, and these are for the cheaper electric cars.
I never said it wasn't 36 cents a gallon you fucking moron; you can't read, and you can't do math either, but yet you insist on babbling anyway, lol

And, as I also stated, inflation calculators that use the official govt. methodologies are crap, but you feel free to babble onward, since you're not bright enough to do anything else.
You got caught laying a lying turd bomb so getting all chesty is the Wrong Move
A shame....I bet you want to keep propping up Putin.
You have
Where? 2021 Nissan Leaf starts at $31.6k. 2021 Chevy Bolt starts at $36.5. That's before tax and title charges, destination charges, and around a 20% nationwide dealer markup because of a staggering lack of inventory on lots, and these are for the cheaper electric cars.
Then you'll have to pay to have the electric charger installed on your home or spend 10 hours charging.
And besides, who the hell wants to drive a Kia when you are used to:
Its really quite simple.

If you are arguing in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER that the current price of gas, and the projected prices for the near future, are anything but REALLY BAD......

I understand what the misnomer means and what "net" means. I literally described it. You are arguing with a ghost, because you are a reactionary nutter looking to whine.
You didn’t describe shit. Seems like you would like nothing better to drop this subject since you’re fucked into a corner.
Go for it.

These problems won't be solved by each individual acting on their own fetishes or pet peeves.

they will be solved by policy and technology and basic economics.
So you’re admitting you can’t do jack shit to solve your perceived global warming horse shit on your own. You need government force to make everyone else sacrifice for your delusions.

It’s amazing how often nothing the left wants can come from letting people make their own choices. It always has to be government force at gun point to get the results you want.
It's nice to have a hybrid as the daily driver right now. Use it to commute to work. Averaging a 1-2 gallons of gas a week in it.

Bummer about those huge, useless pickup trucks everyone bought these last few years. Watch the prices on those fall off a cliff in the next few months.

And sell your Ford stock right now.
Those that live at the poverty level and low middle class, don't have the luxury to afford a hybrid.
It really sucks to be them, and living in those areas that are over 5 per gallon is on top of
the high cost of living. There goes their dreams of getting a larger Coleman tent.

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