For the First Time in History a Major US City Averages Over $5/ Gallon

I only drive maybe 2K per year, and take the train or rent a car when I visit my daughter, but when the time comes to get a new one .... I wonder about the hybrids that recharge their battery as you drive. Ford's got a good looking new truck out that about the same size as the Honda. Can't pull much, but I just need to be able to get some dirt or a tree, and having a vehicle I can take long distances would be nice
Again, we are talking about truck drivers who deliver goods not you and your fucked up car.
So is it true we export oil out of the US and import from other places? Is this a fact?
I never said it wasn't 36 cents a gallon you fucking moron; you can't read, and you can't do math either, but yet you insist on babbling anyway, lol

And, as I also stated, inflation calculators that use the official govt. methodologies are crap, but you feel free to babble onward, since you're not bright enough to do anything else.

OK Studley Duddley, whatever you Fuel calculator says 36 cents is equivalent to 2.66 in 2022 dollars, but like all brilliant Leftists, you know better.

I gotta tell ya, you have some big cuckaraches to hang with your nonsense, when anyone can go to the fuel calculator themselves, and see you are as full of sh** as a Thanksgiving Turkey, but hey.......nobody on here ever thought Leftists were smart, except them of course-)
It's nice to have a hybrid as the daily driver right now. Use it to commute to work. Averaging a 1-2 gallons of gas a week in it.

Bummer about those huge, useless pickup trucks everyone bought these last few years. Watch the prices on those fall off a cliff in the next few months.

And sell your Ford stock right now.
Got a little more than 2 years before Trump is back. He will get it down again.
OK Studley Duddley, whatever you Fuel calculator says 36 cents is equivalent to 2.66 in 2022 dollars, but like all brilliant Leftists, you know better.

I gotta tell ya, you have some big cuckaraches to hang with your nonsense, when anyone can go to the fuel calculator themselves, and see you are as full of sh** as a Thanksgiving Turkey, but hey.......nobody on here ever thought Leftists were smart, except them of course-)
lol yes keep doubling down on moronic babbling; at least we know you weren't the only one who failed 3rd grade math as well as reading.
Yeah go ahead. Our energy grid couldn't support all electric vehicles.

our energy grid is pretty old, and massive immigration is only straining it more. It's depreciated so far down we're going to be seeing blackouts as a regular thing from now on. That happens when you don't replace depreciating infrastructure for 40 years and instead just increase dividends instead and loot the companies.
No, sorry simpleton, it really isn't. Ouroil industry is not nationalized. They operate in a global market where they sell to the highest bidders.
They aren't going to crack open their9th grade textbooks and say,

"Golly gee, Joe Public is paying a lot for gas, let's produce more, because this here page 1 of the 9th grade textbook says more supply equals lower prices. That'll do it!"

What you are saying is stupid and useless.

What they said is, "Biden has choked us to death". His executive orders and regulations have crippled us."

Now they are saying, "Golly Gee, Mr. Trump, You figured out how to make the United States energy independent while letting us make our money too! Can we do that again???"

Vote for Trump and watch American gas and oil flow. Every one will benefit again...
For the first time in history, a U.S. city has hit an average gas price of $5 per gallon. San Francisco $5.06/gal Los Angeles $5.01/gal

As a community organizer once said, you’ll definitely pay more for energy under my plan!
The Left love the poor, doncha know!

Time to stop Biden’s preventing new US oil production.

Biden isn't preventing new oil production. The producers say they aren't going to produce more.

Try to keep up.

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