For the First Time in History a Major US City Averages Over $5/ Gallon

LOL, I have a 5th wheel also with a one ton Ford diesel truck. In fact, the picture you see was taken at Mt Rushmore on one of our excursions. About 2 weeks ago we had decent weather, so I fired it up and pulled it out of the garage where it is kept until use. It was a weekend, so many of the neighbors came over to talk. All of them were screaming (exaggeration, just bitching) about the price of fuel. I asked them, did ya vote for Joe? Elections have consequences you know, lol.

About 3 of them shook their head and walked away. 2 of them admitted they did, but won't vote him or his crazies again. So, 2 out of 5 ain't bad, which tells you how good of night we are more than likely going to have in November-) Well, the other 4 or 5, we all voted for Trump! We kinda laughed cause they are getting screwed by their own people, but you learn as you go.

Yes, Joe has all that experience working in the oil fields, so when he quit his oil field job the industry tanked.
Haha, nonsensical verbal sharting. Makes no sense.
You are a low IQ fellow. People, give the opportunity, move to the least oppressive countries. That is why 20 million Mexican moved here, most illegally. That is why every day there are people from dam near every country on Earth trying to get here legally and illegally. Also why the USA has the largest foreign population on Earth.
Yes, you don't even understand what I said; that's because it doesn't fit what you're told to parrot. It's you who sidestepping the real issue, and that is the fact gas at $3.40 a gallon today is less than half of what it cost in 1970 in adjusted dollars.

The price of oil is rising because of gambling, period, no other reason than the big companies are playing the futures markets, not 'supply and demand' rubbish; they're monopolies and price riggers.

Ummm, do you lie much? Your a Leftist, of course you do!

Average retail price of gas in 1970 was 36 cents a gallon. In 2022 dollars, that is 2.66. Want to try to check your facts next time!

Of course not, it is not what you have been told to PARROT!
Some people depend on those "huge useless pickup trucks" for their livelihoods you douche nozzle. You can't haul shit with your hybrid.
Yes I know, and I made it clear I wasn't talking about them, you reactionary crybaby.

Wipe those tears away and READ.

So many people who actually NEED trucks can't afford them right now.
I don't buy new, I let someone else pay for the steep depreciation. I will probably buy Dodge but not sure, I'd buy Chevy but they don't do well on pulling. A diesel pusher is a better way then tow a small vehicle behind it. The diesel pusher will get about 9 -12 mpg and the car we could would be a lot higher and once we park, we would stay a 1-3 months, that could cut costs. Kia is making some good products lately and used they are pretty inexpensive.

I have a Dodge. The way the axles are geared I'm going to get 12-14 mpg on the highway whether I'm hauling anything or running empty.
You are a low IQ fellow. People, give the opportunity, move to the least oppressive countries. That is why 20 million Mexican moved here, most illegally. That is why every day there are people from dam near every country on Earth trying to get here legally and illegally. Also why the USA has the largest foreign population on Earth.
I think the USA is maybe the greatest country on Earth.

You are a whiny little fool arguing with ghosts.
Ummm, do you lie much? Your a Leftist, of course you do!

Average retail price of gas in 1970 was 36 cents a gallon. In 2022 dollars, that is 2.66. Want to try to check your facts next time!

Of course not, it is not what you have been told to PARROT!

You're too stupid to be playing here. When you graduate high school math give it another try, but if you don't learn to read first math won't do you any good, since you won't understand the problems, dumbass.
I think the USA is maybe the greatest country on Earth.

You are a whiny little fool arguing with ghosts.
then why is xiden trying to change it? 5.00 gas? come on man. No way does it need to be there. You know it. no matter how stupid you may be. So it is intentional.
You're too stupid to be playing here. When you graduate high school math give it another try, but if you don't learn to read first math won't do you any good, since you won't understand the problems, dumbass.

Sorry, I went to the fuel calculator, and that is what it is---------->.36 in 70 = 2.66 in 2022 dollars. You want to make up your own formulation, feel free; just know just because you want to use your own method of calculation, the rest of us aren't going to believe a damn word you say!
No, simpleton, this is not how the global market works.

That was how your quiz in 9th grade worked, because you were a room full of 15 year old ignorant dumbasses.

Companies are not going to just produce more in hopes of bringing down prices. They are not even producing at 100% capacity now. They never are. They will produce the amount of oil they need to make the most money.

And no, that is not determined by the simple 2-line graph canard you learned in 9th grade, ya simpleton.
Except yeah, it is how it works. Supply and demand is a principle of economics that doesn't change regardless of locale.
Are we producing now? No. Because Biden stopped us.
The oil companies will produce what makes them money and selling oil makes them money. Biden knows that. So he stopped them from producing oil. The result??? Less oil for the world and higher price.

100% capacity? For Trump, yes. The oil flowed and maga money was made @ $40.00 a barrel for the oil companies.
Gas and oil royalty checks under Trump were more than I make off of all of my rentals. But no oil=no royalty checks. So, now under Biden, monthly royalty checks are $60 bucks. They have to continue to let the oil drip. If they stop, then start up again under a normal administration, they have to pay the land owners great big bonus checks again, so the oil trickles here while Biden trys to help Putin become the energy power broker, @ $117.00 a barrel for a $40.00 barrel of oil... And we are the recipients of Biden's plan of America Last...
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Sorry, I went to the fuel calculator, and that is what it is---------->.36 in 70 = 2.66 in 2022 dollars. You want to make up your own formulation, feel free; just know just because you want to use your own method of calculation, the rest of us aren't going to believe a damn word you say!

I never said it wasn't 36 cents a gallon you fucking moron; you can't read, and you can't do math either, but yet you insist on babbling anyway, lol

And, as I also stated, inflation calculators that use the official govt. methodologies are crap, but you feel free to babble onward, since you're not bright enough to do anything else.
Except yeah, it is how it works. Supply and demand is a principle of economics that doesn't change regardless of locale.
Are we producing now? No. Because Biden stopped them.
They will produce what makes them money and selling oil makes them money and Biden knows that. So he stopped them from producing oil. The result??? Less oil and higher price.

100% capacity? For Trump, yes. The oil flowed and maga money was made @ $40.00 a barrel. Gas and oil royalty checks under Trump were more than I make off of all of my rentals. No oil=no royalty checks. So, now under Biden, royalty checks are $60 bucks. They have to continue to let the oil drip. If they stop, then start up again under a normal administration, they have to pay great big bonus checks again to the lease holders, so the oil trickles here while Biden trys to help Putin become an energy power broker, @ $117.00 a barrel for a $40.00 barrel of oil... And we are the recipients of Biden's plan of America Last...
Dims only listen to their propaganda.....although this issue is so clear as to the intent of the America hating left even their tiny minds should grasp it.
Except yeah, it is how it works. Supply and demand is a principle of economics that doesn't change regardless of locale.
Are we producing now? No. Because Biden stopped them.
They will produce what makes them money and selling oil makes them money and Biden knows that. So he stopped them from producing oil. The result??? Less oil and higher price.

100% capacity? For Trump, yes. The oil flowed and maga money was made @ $40.00 a barrel. Gas and oil royalty checks under Trump were more than I make off of all of my rentals. No oil=no royalty checks. So, now under Biden, royalty checks are $60 bucks. They have to continue to let the oil drip. If they stop, then start up again under a normal administration, they have to pay great big bonus checks again to the lease holders, so the oil trickles here while Biden trys to help Putin become an energy power broker, @ $117.00 a barrel for a $40.00 barrel of oil... And we are the recipients of Biden's plan of America Last...
No, sorry simpleton, it really isn't. Ouroil industry is not nationalized. They operate in a global market where they sell to the highest bidders.
They aren't going to crack open their9th grade textbooks and say,

"Golly gee, Joe Public is paying a lot for gas, let's produce more, because this here page 1 of the 9th grade textbook says more supply equals lower prices. That'll do it!"

What you are saying is stupid and useless.
And they don't have the option to go hybrid or fully electric so high gas prices impact those who are struggling the most. Something your party supposedly stands for.
I only drive maybe 2K per year, and take the train or rent a car when I visit my daughter, but when the time comes to get a new one .... I wonder about the hybrids that recharge their battery as you drive. Ford's got a good looking new truck out that about the same size as the Honda. Can't pull much, but I just need to be able to get some dirt or a tree, and having a vehicle I can take long distances would be nice
I only drive maybe 2K per year, and take the train or rent a car when I visit my daughter, but when the time comes to get a new one .... I wonder about the hybrids that recharge their battery as you drive. Ford's got a good looking new truck out that about the same size as the Honda. Can't pull much, but I just need to be able to get some dirt or a tree, and having a vehicle I can take long distances would be nice
YOU mEaN iDoNt have tO pLuG iN mY hYbRiD eVeRY time I Drive iT?!?!?11!!?


The reality is that everything increases in price over time. Learn to appreciate the times when it dips down, & learn too toughen up as it go's up.
Except yeah, it is how it works. Supply and demand is a principle of economics that doesn't change regardless of locale.
Are we producing now? No. Because Biden stopped us.
The oil companies will produce what makes them money and selling oil makes them money. Biden knows that. So he stopped them from producing oil. The result??? Less oil for the world and higher price.

100% capacity? For Trump, yes. The oil flowed and maga money was made @ $40.00 a barrel for the oil companies.
Gas and oil royalty checks under Trump were more than I make off of all of my rentals. But no oil=no royalty checks. So, now under Biden, royalty checks are $60 bucks. They have to continue to let the oil drip. If they stop, then start up again under a normal administration, they have to pay great big bonus checks again to the lease holders, so the oil trickles here while Biden trys to help Putin become the energy power broker, @ $117.00 a barrel for a $40.00 barrel of oil... And we are the recipients of Biden's plan of America Last...
'lol yes, Biden called up all the oil companies and told them what they could sell oil for.'re so stupid. A truck has to deliver groceries for WalMart. Instead of paying $400 to fill up he pays $800. So now WalMart has to charge more for its products. You fucking idiot.

lol so you think Walmart sends one time at a time by truck in those big ass trailers? lol that's rich. And you also think a $1 increase doubles what the company pays for diesel? Are you sure you live in the U.S.?

So let's take your '$400 increase' BS. Say an average haul is 25,000# in the trailer, and they use a full tank per load, a rarity for Walmart as they have central distribution centers everywhere by railroad intermodal yards and other points. $400 adds a whopping $0.016 cents per pound to everything on the trailer, so even something cheap like a head of iceberg lettuce, one of the most useless food items there is, which already sells for over $1.30 a head around here and usually weighs more than a pound, goes up maybe 1 cent. Doubling fuel costs, i.e. a 100% increase raises costs by less than 1% on cheap shit.
It isn't $1, the price has nearly doubled. And yeah they pay by truck.

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