For the First Time in History a Major US City Averages Over $5/ Gallon

Explain yourselves Dems, you attack oil and gas production in the USA now your Biden gas is over $5 a gallon. Way to care for the poor and working class Dems you assholes!
I had a Volt, sold it and I don't regret it. I bought gas every six months or so.

The price of those trucks should go down and I can then payless for my truck to haul around my fifth wheel when I retire soon, or I could get a motorhome and use it. But the prices coming down is good news. Also, if Ford stock falls, when the oil shortage eases we will be able to buy stock real cheap. Thanks for the good news.

LOL, I have a 5th wheel also with a one ton Ford diesel truck. In fact, the picture you see was taken at Mt Rushmore on one of our excursions. About 2 weeks ago we had decent weather, so I fired it up and pulled it out of the garage where it is kept until use. It was a weekend, so many of the neighbors came over to talk. All of them were screaming (exaggeration, just bitching) about the price of fuel. I asked them, did ya vote for Joe? Elections have consequences you know, lol.

About 3 of them shook their head and walked away. 2 of them admitted they did, but won't vote him or his crazies again. So, 2 out of 5 ain't bad, which tells you how good of night we are more than likely going to have in November-) Well, the other 4 or 5, we all voted for Trump! We kinda laughed cause they are getting screwed by their own people, but you learn as you go.
can't make it up how much you and your demofks don't understand economics. Truly amazing you wrote it for all to see. you be what they call, ..........................................stupid

lol another sad product of modern education, illiterate and innumerate, but hey, the mutant has high esteem.
For the first time in history, a U.S. city has hit an average gas price of $5 per gallon. San Francisco $5.06/gal Los Angeles $5.01/gal

As a community organizer once said, you’ll definitely pay more for energy under my plan!
The Left love the poor, doncha know!

Time to stop Biden’s preventing new US oil production.

Get that Iran gas going!!! Go Biden.
The best part of the CRT whining is the whiners demonstrating quite clearly why CRT was needed in the first place.
Taxpayers and corporate interests and donations have bent over backwards with a massive transfer of wealth for a half century. Programs were added on top of programs and more. The programs where there are most interest in is anywhere money can be extracted and the purpose of the program abused. Believe it or not most white people do not go home to a mansion. And frankly there are a lot of black people doing better than a lot of white people.
Taxpayers and corporate interests and donations have bent over backwards with a massive transfer of wealth for a half century. Programs were added on top of programs and more. The programs where there are most interest in is anywhere money can be extracted and the purpose of the program abused. Believe it or not most white people do not go home to a mansion. And frankly there are a lot of black people doing better than a lot of white people.
Exhibit A
Gas was $0.69 in 1970

In the year 1970, the average retail price of gas was $0.36.

It was even cheaper here wgere I live, but if you want to use 69 cents that fine, that makes my point even better by twice the amount. I prefer the inflation calculators at Shadowstats and Seeking Alpha much better, but they're behind pay walls. Real inflation over the decades is actually closer to 20 times 1970 dollar values, not the 7-8 times those using govt. derived fantasy stats like to claim.
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If eating dicks paid well, Dudley wouldn't have to give a shit about the price of gas.....EVER.
It's nice to have a hybrid as the daily driver right now. Use it to commute to work. Averaging a 1-2 gallons of gas a week in it.

Bummer about those huge, useless pickup trucks everyone bought these last few years. Watch the prices on those fall off a cliff in the next few months.

And sell your Ford stock right now.
Some people depend on those "huge useless pickup trucks" for their livelihoods you douche nozzle. You can't haul shit with your hybrid.
A good use for a truck. As opposed to how so many of them are used, which is as status symbols. Those people are pinching pennies right now.

8 year loans on $80,000 trucks, and they have to use them as their daily drivers. Eek.

We see this every time gas fluctuates. Gas goes down, people buy trucks and SUVs. Gas goes up, they buy cars. Ford bet on their truck and transport line at a time when gas prices were too low. They only make ONE car now.
I don't buy new, I let someone else pay for the steep depreciation. I will probably buy Dodge but not sure, I'd buy Chevy but they don't do well on pulling. A diesel pusher is a better way then tow a small vehicle behind it. The diesel pusher will get about 9 -12 mpg and the car we could would be a lot higher and once we park, we would stay a 1-3 months, that could cut costs. Kia is making some good products lately and used they are pretty inexpensive.

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