For the First Time in History a Major US City Averages Over $5/ Gallon

Again, how is Biden responsible for that?
You all agree with free enterprise and the market solves it all but now you shift the blame from pure ignorance.

In case you haven't noticed, genius Joey is at war with the fossil fuel market.
That is all. Continue being and or playing stupid, your normal activity.
Again, how is Biden responsible for that?
You all agree with free enterprise and the market solves it all but now you shift the blame from pure ignorance.
What happens on your watch you get the credit for and the dissing for. It’s called responsibility and that’s why you are confused.
You do realize that 85% or so of all our goods are delivered by trucks, right? They pay more for gas and we pay more for goods. Hence we have inflation.

So how much does a dollar increase on a gallon of diesel add to the price of the 10,000 gallons a tanker hauls? Hint: hardly noticeable. on 10 gallons it adds 0.001 cent.
Already covered that. Your regurgitation of something you read on page 1 in high school economics isn't going to cut it.
Oh, it did cut it. Sad you can't learn from Biden's mistakes.

Here ya go. Page 1 of basic economics:
Trump oil $40.00 a barrel, gas $1.75. Obiden $117.00 a barrel, gas $5.00. When supply out weighs demand the price goes down. Stop the supply and increase demand and the price goes up. Trump's economy vs. OBiden's.

At least I went to high school and beyond. If you had, you would understand the basic principles of economics and we'd still have affordable gas...
So how much does a dollar increase on a gallon of diesel add to the price of the 10,000 gallons a tanker hauls? Hint: hardly noticeable. on 10 gallons it adds 0.001 cent.
He has to pay for his own gas dumbass and hence the prices of his deliverables goes up. Your math is also incorrect. But thats OK. Leftist math is always fun.
Oh, it did cut it. Sad you can't learn from Biden's mistakes.

Here ya go. Page 1 of basic economics:
Trump oil $40.00 a barrel, gas $1.75. Obiden $177.00 a barrel, gas $5.00. When supply out weighs demand the price goes down. Stop the supply and increase demand and the price goes up. Trump's economy vs. OBiden's.

At least I went to high school and beyond. If you had, you would understand the basic principles of economics and we'd still have affordable gas...
No, simpleton, this is not how the global market works.

That was how your quiz in 9th grade worked, because you were a room full of 15 year old ignorant dumbasses.

Companies are not going to just produce more in hopes of bringing down prices. They are not even producing at 100% capacity now. They never are. They will produce the amount of oil they need to make the most money.

And no, that is not determined by the simple 2-line graph canard you learned in 9th grade, ya simpleton.
What is embarrassing is that you thought truck drivers could go hybrid. LOL
Of course i didn't think that, and you have once again degenerated into a little pussy blob of impotent anger. Same thing every day with you.

I know it's always a ticking clock. I even baby you sometimes to make it take longer. But it always ends up the same way.
No, simpleton, this is not how the global market works.

That was how your quiz in 9th grade worked, because you were a room full of 15 year old ignorant dumbasses.

Companies are not going to just produce more in hopes of bringing down prices. They are not even producing at 100% capacity now. They never are. Rhey will produce the amount of oil they need to make the most money.

And no, tha is not determined by the simple 2-line graph canard you learned in 9th grade, ya simpleton.
Simpleton, when supply exceeds demand, prices falls. Hence producing more is how you lower prices.
But that is what high gas prices does. You just worry about you and your gay Prius.

Why don't you tell him the real facts----------> in 2019, the world used 99.7 million barrels of oil a day. Oil prices = moderate.

In 2021, the world averaged 96.5 million barrels of oil a day, prices constantly rising. Notice if you will, we as a world used LESS in 2021, then in 2019. No wars going on at that time, yet prices rising while using over 3 million barrels a day less.

Ummm, what changed?

American energy policy changed because the Left got in control of Washington DC.

Under American soil and off her coasts, there is more fossil fuel than the House of Saud and Russia combined. Any Leftist reading this, if you do not believe me, look it up! So, to suggest that somehow the domestic oil industry caused this, is ludicrous. This was caused by domestic, energy, policy, put in by the Left; at least until Russia invaded Ukraine, now speculation is rampant, but it is contributed to by LEFTIST energy policy. That is one of the main reasons you people are going to get hosed in November. You are creaming the poor and middle class with your energy policy.
Of course i didn't think that, and you have once again degenerated into a little pussy blob of impotent anger. Same thing every day with you.

I know it's always a ticking clock. I even baby you sometimes to make it take longer. But it always ends up the same way.
Well then you can't read. Again the higher price of oil impacts goods and home heating, which mostly negatively impacts those with lower incomes. That doesn't bother you or your Democratic Party friends. November will be most interesting.
They aren't excuses. They are the reality of the global oil market.

Companies aren't going to produce more oil because we complain.

Either we appropriate these companies and essentially nationalize them (in deed, if not completely in legal status), or we sit here and whine like morons.

Or, even better: use less of their product.
Companies like smooth access. The product moving. Any interference is a hiccup or more. The government has interfered many times to affect prices. This besides threats of violence within oil producing nations, threats of war and war. Stopping the pipeline put a crimp in the smooth operation of oil companies projecting what is needed and it affects price. Whatever is bad about them is another discussion.
What happens on your watch you get the credit for and the dissing for. It’s called responsibility and that’s why you are confused.

I'm not confused. Anyone who personally blames the for the price rise is confused verging in demented.
Will you also give Biden credit when the price falls?
Of course not you hypocrite

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