For the last time suckers of Trump, the man does not want to WIN!!!

Do you nuts ever and I mean ever or will you ever come up with something better to whine about? Tax cuts for the Trump, school vouchers that only rich white people want so that they don't have to school their kids with blacks and latino's and deregulating the
You dumb ass. Rich people do not need school vouchers! The vouchers were for the less fortunate to have the opportunity to send their children to better schools. You know who the fuck does not want school vouchers? Teachers Unions that is who.

She has really been led by the nose by the Democratic Party that have BS'd her her whole life. She is a Democratic jack ass.

Why the fuck do you care who she votes for?

Why do any of you stupid ass right-wing morons care about who black people vote for? What the fuck business is that of yours?

ANSWER: Because black people are the gatekeepers to the White House .. and we aren't going to vote for a racist all-white party. Expecting us to vote for republicans would be like expecting you to vote for Black Panthers.

But your problems go MUCH deeper than just black people hating republicans .. NO non-white group in America vote for Trump/republicans in the majority. NONE .. not a single one. :0) Not Asians - 70/22, not Jews 61/19, not Hispanics 75/21, Muslims 72/4, and Indian-Americans 57/29 .. oh yeah, and black voters 84/8

Add to that, your worthless party and fake orange candidate isn't supported in the majority by millennials 68/20, women 51/36 .. and growing .. NOR the college-educated


You don't speak for white people ,.. just the dumb ones.

ADD to all that, Trump is doing worse than Romney among WHITE VOTERS.

Oh yeah .. it gets worse for you and your all-white party every presidential election as the nation gets browner .. and all the people you hate, hate you.

Yet here you fucking clowns are trying to denigrate everybody else for not being you. :0)

Run your clown ass out and vote for Trump .. who the fuck cares what you do, who you vote for, or why.

You want to be a stupid and vote for Hillary, be my guest, just quit whining how you are treated.

I am not voting for Trump so spare me all your BS about Trump, I really don't care what happens to him.

I don't speak for anyone yet you are the guy that keeps claiming you don't care and then continue to post how you don't care. Your mental issues sound pretty bad.

You are a real idiot.

Fuck you Bozo .. I haven't said shit about how I'm treated.

.. and no, Hell no, I don't care, don't give a fuck about what a gaggle of absolute morons think about me. Why .. you think I should care? :0)

I don't post for your approval .. I post whatever I want just like you do. If you don't like what I post .. kiss my ass.


Lol! You are too funny, post away moron, I really don't care. It just make you look dumber with each post. Keep posting, I need the laughs.
Do you nuts ever and I mean ever or will you ever come up with something better to whine about? Tax cuts for the Trump, school vouchers that only rich white people want so that they don't have to school their kids with blacks and latino's and deregulating the
You dumb ass. Rich people do not need school vouchers! The vouchers were for the less fortunate to have the opportunity to send their children to better schools. You know who the fuck does not want school vouchers? Teachers Unions that is who.

She has really been led by the nose by the Democratic Party that have BS'd her her whole life. She is a Democratic jack ass.

Why the fuck do you care who she votes for?

Why do any of you stupid ass right-wing morons care about who black people vote for? What the fuck business is that of yours?

ANSWER: Because black people are the gatekeepers to the White House .. and we aren't going to vote for a racist all-white party. Expecting us to vote for republicans would be like expecting you to vote for Black Panthers.

But your problems go MUCH deeper than just black people hating republicans .. NO non-white group in America vote for Trump/republicans in the majority. NONE .. not a single one. :0) Not Asians - 70/22, not Jews 61/19, not Hispanics 75/21, Muslims 72/4, and Indian-Americans 57/29 .. oh yeah, and black voters 84/8

Add to that, your worthless party and fake orange candidate isn't supported in the majority by millennials 68/20, women 51/36 .. and growing .. NOR the college-educated


You don't speak for white people ,.. just the dumb ones.

ADD to all that, Trump is doing worse than Romney among WHITE VOTERS.

Oh yeah .. it gets worse for you and your all-white party every presidential election as the nation gets browner .. and all the people you hate, hate you.

Yet here you fucking clowns are trying to denigrate everybody else for not being you. :0)

Run your clown ass out and vote for Trump .. who the fuck cares what you do, who you vote for, or why.

You want to be a stupid and vote for Hillary, be my guest, just quit whining how you are treated.

I am not voting for Trump so spare me all your BS about Trump, I really don't care what happens to him.

I don't speak for anyone yet you are the guy that keeps claiming you don't care and then continue to post how you don't care. Your mental issues sound pretty bad.

You are a real idiot.
How can anyone ignore the stupid shit this moron does day in and day out. Give us a break, a clown show is what this country needs and thanks to that fool, we're loving it....unlike you, I hope the guy wins and burn this country to its core with rednecks and hillbillies used as kindle!

Moron if you hope the guy wins then you'd vote for him. But you are lying just like Trump and Hillary, you deserve them.

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