For the Left Who Recently Discovered Deficit Spending is Bad


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770

I'll make a deal with the commies.

FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ALL if we end all this foreign aid immediately and permanently....constitutional amendments and all.


And how many trillions went to illegal aliens and welfare fraud?

More than defense. From the CBO in 2015:

And how many trillions went to illegal aliens and welfare fraud?

More than defense. From the CBO in 2015:

And the 12 annual bambi vacations?

Those alone would have supported a medium-sized country.
Even moochelles separate vacations alone!
Seriously you’re gonna complain about vacations? Are you just as critical of Trumps weekend golf trips to his own resorts? How do you think trumps travel bill compares to Obama’s? Just curious
There is a reason why we are considered the worlds superpower. Y’all looking to downgrade?
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770
Less than 1% of America's GDP.

You would think Republicans would want to help those overseas to turn them away from violence and hate and war.

But Republicans screw over Americans and American children here. They have needy billionaires to protect.
And how many trillions went to illegal aliens and welfare fraud?

More than defense. From the CBO in 2015:

And the 12 annual bambi vacations?

Those alone would have supported a medium-sized country.
At least Bush didn't fly off to Hawaii or Kenya every month with a separate 747 for his dog
Of course he didn't. I don't know anyone who did.

Until Trump.
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770
Less than 1% of America's GDP.

You would think Republicans would want to help those overseas to turn them away from violence and hate and war.

But Republicans screw over Americans and American children here. They have needy billionaires to protect.
So we can save 1% of GDP with one Executive Order. Cool.
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770
Less than 1% of America's GDP.

You would think Republicans would want to help those overseas to turn them away from violence and hate and war.

But Republicans screw over Americans and American children here. They have needy billionaires to protect.
Did Rachel tell you that? Or maybe bedsores are spreading to the brain...
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770
Less than 1% of America's GDP.

You would think Republicans would want to help those overseas to turn them away from violence and hate and war.

But Republicans screw over Americans and American children here. They have needy billionaires to protect.
So we can save 1% of GDP with one Executive Order. Cool.
Are you looking to downgrade as the worlds superpower?
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770
Less than 1% of America's GDP.

You would think Republicans would want to help those overseas to turn them away from violence and hate and war.

But Republicans screw over Americans and American children here. They have needy billionaires to protect.
So we can save 1% of GDP with one Executive Order. Cool.
Are you looking to downgrade as the worlds superpower?
Cutting spending makes America weak? DO TELL!
Some places to save US taxpayer dollars:
Afghanistan: $5,060,306,050 Albania: $27,479,989 Algeria: $17,807,222 Angola: $64,489,547 Armenia: $22,239,896 Austria: $310,536 Azerbaijan: $15,312,389 Bahrain: $6,573,352 Bangladesh: $263,396,621 Barbados:$5,442,370 Belarus:$11,166,107 Belgium: $3,101,636 Belize: $8,613,838 Bolivia: $1,378,654 Botswana: $57,252,922 Brazil: $14,899,949 Brunei: $354,829 Bulgaria: $20,066,715 Burkina Faso: $74,469,144 Burundi: $70,507,528 Cabo Verde: $5,044,716 Cambodia: $103,194,295 Chad: $117,425,683 Chile: $2,266,071 China: $42,263,025 Comoros: $1,057,063 Congo: $8,439,457 Costa Rica: $14,650,552 Cote D’Ivoire: $161,860,737 Cuba: $15,776,924 Denmark: $3,455 Djibouti: $24,299,878 Dominica: $616,000 Ecuador: $26,014,579 Egypt: $1,239,291,240 Eritrea:$119,364 Estonia:$15,937,295 Ethiopia: $1,111,152,703 Finland: $33,492 France: $4,660,356 Gabon: $31,442,404 Gambia: $3,197,858 Germany: $5,484,317 Ghana: $724,133,065 Greece: $8,508,639 Grenada: $690,300 Guinea: $87,630,410 Guyana: $9,691,030 India: $179,688,851 Indonesia: $222,431,738 Iran: $3,350,327 Iraq: $5,280,379,380 Italy: $454,613 Japan: $20,804,795 Jordan: $1,214,093,785 Kazakhstan: $80,418,203 Kuwait: $112,000 Kyrgyzstan: $41,262,984 Lebanon: $416,553,311 Liberia: $473,677,614 Libya: $26,612,087 Madagascar: $102,823,791 Malaysia: $10,439,368 Maldives: $1,511,931 Mali: $257,152,020 Malta: $137,945 Mauritania: $12,743,363 Mauritius: $791,133 Montenegro: $2,118,108 Morocco: $82,023,514 Mozambique: $514,007,619 Namibia: $53,691,093 Nepal: $194,286,218 Nicaragua: $31,318,397 Niger: $144,122,239 Nigeria: $718,236,917 Norway: $100,000 Oman: $5,753,829 Pakistan: $777,504,870 Papua New Guinea: $14,836,598 Peru: $95,803,112 Portugal: $207,600 Qatar: $95,097 South Korea: $3,032,086 Russia: $17,195,004 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Saint Vincent: $612,000 Saudi Arabia: $732,875 Senegal: $99,599,642 Serbia: $33,062,589 Seychelles: $223,002 Singapore: $468,118 Slovakia: $2,585,685 Slovenia: $715,716 Somalia: $274,784,535 South Africa: $597,218,298 Spain: $81,231 Sri Lanka: $27,192,841 Sudan: $137,878,835 Suriname: $232,672 Sweden: $1,269 Switzerland: $1,168,960 Syria: $916,426,147 Tajikistan: $47,789,686 Thailand: $68,182,970 Macedonia: $31,755,240 Tunisia: $117,490,639 Turkey: $154,594,512 United Arab Emirates: $1,140,659 Lithuania: $15,709,304 United Kingdom: $3,877,820 Tanzania: $628,785,614 Uruguay: $836,850 Uzbekistan: $20,067,933 Venezuela: $9,178,148 Vietnam: $157,611,276 Yemen: $305,054,784 Zimbabwe: $261,181,770
Less than 1% of America's GDP.

You would think Republicans would want to help those overseas to turn them away from violence and hate and war.

But Republicans screw over Americans and American children here. They have needy billionaires to protect.
So we can save 1% of GDP with one Executive Order. Cool.

good piont

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