For the ninth time: Where is the evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I have started eight threads asking for evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election, and eight times liberals have been unable or unwilling to provide it.

This is the ninth thread, in which I will ask the same question, which I have asked for over the last two years.

Where is the evidence?
Duh, did anyone ever tell you about a guy named Mueller...?
The trouble with today's politics is that the press says everyone's rotten until proven innocent. :rolleyes-41:
Well, it's been 38 minutes and so far I still have not seen the evidence I've asked for.
Duh, did anyone ever tell you about a guy named Mueller...?

Do you have any idea about Mueller's history in the Deep State? Just curious if you are a total TDS mental case or simply a low information idiot.
Blackrook: "Well, it's been 38 minutes and so far I still have not seen the evidence I've asked for."

I haven't seen any evidence either, Blackrook. I have heard some pretty strange tales about the accusers, however.
Well, it's been 38 minutes and so far I still have not seen the evidence I've asked for.

You sound like a sceptic who didn't read the book endorsed by all 17 'intelligence' agencies....

Why would the most qualified psycho princess in history lie about something like that, everyone knows it was her turn and only the vast Russian conspiracy can explain what happened


Democrats have been wanting "peace" with Russia for as long as I can remember.

Now, because Trump wants better relations with Russia, the Democrats accuse him of being a Russian agent, and now they hate Russia.

It makes sense only if you realize that your typical Democrat is an insane person with an 80 IQ.
I have started eight threads asking for evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election, and eight times liberals have been unable or unwilling to provide it.

This is the ninth thread, in which I will ask the same question, which I have asked for over the last two years.

Where is the evidence?

I have started eight threads asking for evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election, and eight times liberals have been unable or unwilling to provide it.

This is the ninth thread, in which I will ask the same question, which I have asked for over the last two years.

Where is the evidence?

So Mueller is keeping it all under his hat? Is that your theory?
I have started eight threads asking for evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election, and eight times liberals have been unable or unwilling to provide it.

This is the ninth thread, in which I will ask the same question, which I have asked for over the last two years.

Where is the evidence?
We know he gave away top secret material to Russians in the Oval Office.


We even have a picture taken by Russian Photographer. Americans weren't allowed in:


I know there is such a thing as being really friendly, but...........come on.
George told investigators about the March 31, 2016 “National Security Meeting” in Washington D.C. where he told Mr. Trump, Mr. Sessions, and everyone else present that he had connections willing to help organize a meeting between Mr. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin

George Papadopoulos was foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump’s campaign and he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and said he had been told as early as April 2016 that Russia had "thousands of emails" related to Democrat Hillary Clinton

Sarah Huckabee Sanders sought to distance the president from Papadopoulos referring to him as a "volunteer" whose role with the Trump campaign had been "extremely limited."

yet there are pictures of him sitting in a meeting with Trump and the rest of them

In a news conference in July 2016, Donald J. Trump made a direct appeal to Russia " “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing

that same day, the Russians broke into the servers used by Mrs. Clinton’s personal office, according to a sweeping 29-page indictment

Using online personas and wikileak they released the stolen emails

Trump was told that russian had these emails

instead of reporting a possible crime

he stood before the world and said I hope the Russians find the emails

and they certainly did and released them months before the election

certainly seems like collusion to me

He clearly asked for a foreign governments assistance

really show how much of an idiot he is
Well, ho hum, it's getting really boring waiting for Mueller to let us know what's going on with his investigation. Maybe he likes his job so much, he doesn't want it to end. I mean, if he released the results, he would have to find some other job eventually, and maybe he doesn't want to do that.
Duh, did anyone ever tell you about a guy named Mueller...?
What's he got? I've asked nine times.

Word is according to Jon Karl, hardly a liberal journalist, that Mueller's report will be underwhelming. Gee, who would have thunk it?

I hope these mouth-breathing overwrought liberals have the good sense to be ashamed someday of this McCarthy panic. But I doubt it. I really do.
Democrats have been wanting "peace" with Russia for as long as I can remember.

Now, because Trump wants better relations with Russia, the Democrats accuse him of being a Russian agent, and now they hate Russia.

It makes sense only if you realize that your typical Democrat is an insane person with an 80 IQ.

Some have 80. Some like Maxine Waters....nope
Democrats have been wanting "peace" with Russia for as long as I can remember.

Now, because Trump wants better relations with Russia, the Democrats accuse him of being a Russian agent, and now they hate Russia.

It makes sense only if you realize that your typical Democrat is an insane person with an 80 IQ.

I watched a bit of Morning Joe the other day and listened to Joe and Mika whining about Russia and the withdraw from Syria. It was hilarious and at one point I was saying to the TV, "Code Pink! You people remember Cindy Sheehan at all? Yes? No?"

Ah, what a pack of hypocrites. But we knew this.
When Democrats are beating the war drums in Syria, it makes you think they forgot all the trouble they caused because they hated the war in Vietnam.
The trouble with today's politics is that the press says everyone's rotten until proven innocent. :rolleyes-41:

The press is supposed to report on politics and not be political. Apperantley a lost journalistic art rhese days.

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