For the Trump army....a reason for hope.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
An election is a delicate never know until the votes are counted who will actually win.......with the democrat party controlling the press, hollywood, the late night comedy shows, the schools and the government can get dark out here on the front we enter the last days of the campaign, with the democrat party set to destroy the country if they win.............

A little hope..........while we wait to march to the polls...

Despite all the faulty polls showing a double-digit loss, I believe President Trump is on his way to a landslide electoral victory (slightly bigger than that in 2016). And I can prove it.

First, this election looks like a carbon copy of 2016. Every poll back then showed Trump headed for disaster. But I had a secret weapon. I called it The Taxi Poll. My buddy drove a taxi in Las Vegas. Every person who got in her taxi was told, "I'm doing a poll. It's 100% confidential. I don't even know your name. So, tell me, who are you voting for?" The results were overwhelmingly for Trump. I knew then what was about to happen.
Today, I have what I call The Truckers Poll. But it's not just my trucker fans; it's my fans who drive cross-country in their RVs. All of them report the same phenomenon. In Middle America, there are thousands and thousands of Trump lawn signs. But where are the Biden signs? There are almost none to be found.

Folks, understand this: What polls say doesn't matter. What people say to pollsters doesn't matter. What matters is only the votes of people in a few key battleground states, in particular Florida and the Midwestern states of Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. My fans tell me these states are 100 percent Trump country. In small towns and outer suburbs, you can't find any support for Biden.

It's 2016 squared. After what Trump has done for the U.S. economy and manufacturing jobs and to win the trade war with China, he is a hero. People may not tell that to pollsters, but Trump is "the king of the Midwest."

But wait; there's more.

The media quotes nonstop any poll that shows Trump losing by double digits. But I never heard a word about the Democracy Institute Sunday Express poll from this week that showed Trump beating Biden 46% to 45% and winning almost all battleground states by a healthy margin. That poll didn't oversample Democrats by a mile (as most other polls do) and polled only likely voters. Likely voters in battleground states are all that matter.
Or the Poll Watch poll released this week that shows Trump winning nationally, in battleground states and in the Electoral College. Trump dominates on the two issues that matter to most Americans: the economy and law and order.

Or have you heard that in the RealClearPolitics battleground average, Trump is slightly ahead of where he was at this time in 2016 (on his way to a victory over Hillary Clinton)?

Most importantly, a new Gallup poll reports 56% of Americans say they are better off now under Trump than they were four years ago under then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden. Every expert knows what clinches elections -- "It's the economy, stupid." A solid majority of Americans feel better off today than four years ago, despite COVID-19. You think they're voting for Biden? By the way, that 56% is the highest number in the history of Gallup asking, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" Ronald Reagan got 44% in the Gallup poll and won the election in a landslide. Trump is at 56%.
Still not convinced? Since primaries were born in 1912, no incumbent has ever lost the general election after receiving 75% or more of the votes from their party in the primaries. Trump received 94% of all cast in the 2020 Republican primaries.

One more factor: Because of fear of COVID-19, Team Biden has hardly knocked on any doors in America. But Trump volunteers have knocked on over 20 million doors in battleground states. Twelve million to zero. You don't think that changes things on Election Day?

By the way, Biden and vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris had an event in Arizona on Thursday. Eight people showed up.

I just hope your mail voting is secure and accurate. The way some governors just mailed out millions in rapid fashion as soon as the lockdown occurred (as encouraged by Fauci) really raises questions about voter integrity and the rapid process of such a decision without even a discussion or confirmation it would be safe.

There are some Primaries where the result isn't even known and it was run months ago. Doesn't that concern Americans? I find the entire episode of unsolicited mailing out of millions of ballots so unAmerican. How can anyone be so flippant about such a cherished process?
I just hope your mail voting is secure and accurate. The way some governors just mailed out millions in rapid fashion as soon as the lockdown occurred (as encouraged by Fauci) really raises questions about voter integrity and the rapid process of such a decision without even a discussion or confirmation it would be safe.

There are some Primaries where the result isn't even known and it was run months ago. Doesn't that concern Americans? I find the entire episode of unsolicited mailing out of millions of ballots so unAmerican. How can anyone be so flippant about such a cherished process?

It is unAmerican...but so is the democrat party...and they will do anything for power....
Trump: 'The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. 'The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged'
Is 24/7 media attacks on Trump followed by indoctrination by a government run education system qualify as "rigging" an election?

So yea, it's all rigged.

And he won the popular vote in 2016, NOT. The schools are run by tramp??
So long as the population heavy states of California and New York can vote the DNC will win the popular election.

So what?
You people would piss and moan and gripe no matter who is president. Where is hope in your rhetoric? Are you even capable the emotion? You got the authoritarian dictator wannabe republicans always wanted and then bitched worse than ever.
First, this election looks like a carbon copy of 2016.

Actually, this election looks more like 2008 with an economic collapse and voter anger towards the Republican Party

Obama won bigly and Dems took both Houses of Congress and local elections
An election is a delicate never know until the votes are counted who will actually win.......with the democrat party controlling the press, hollywood, the late night comedy shows, the schools and the government can get dark out here on the front we enter the last days of the campaign, with the democrat party set to destroy the country if they win.............

A little hope..........while we wait to march to the polls...

Despite all the faulty polls showing a double-digit loss, I believe President Trump is on his way to a landslide electoral victory (slightly bigger than that in 2016). And I can prove it.

First, this election looks like a carbon copy of 2016. Every poll back then showed Trump headed for disaster. But I had a secret weapon. I called it The Taxi Poll. My buddy drove a taxi in Las Vegas. Every person who got in her taxi was told, "I'm doing a poll. It's 100% confidential. I don't even know your name. So, tell me, who are you voting for?" The results were overwhelmingly for Trump. I knew then what was about to happen.
Today, I have what I call The Truckers Poll. But it's not just my trucker fans; it's my fans who drive cross-country in their RVs. All of them report the same phenomenon. In Middle America, there are thousands and thousands of Trump lawn signs. But where are the Biden signs? There are almost none to be found.

Folks, understand this: What polls say doesn't matter. What people say to pollsters doesn't matter. What matters is only the votes of people in a few key battleground states, in particular Florida and the Midwestern states of Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. My fans tell me these states are 100 percent Trump country. In small towns and outer suburbs, you can't find any support for Biden.

It's 2016 squared. After what Trump has done for the U.S. economy and manufacturing jobs and to win the trade war with China, he is a hero. People may not tell that to pollsters, but Trump is "the king of the Midwest."

But wait; there's more.

The media quotes nonstop any poll that shows Trump losing by double digits. But I never heard a word about the Democracy Institute Sunday Express poll from this week that showed Trump beating Biden 46% to 45% and winning almost all battleground states by a healthy margin. That poll didn't oversample Democrats by a mile (as most other polls do) and polled only likely voters. Likely voters in battleground states are all that matter.
Or the Poll Watch poll released this week that shows Trump winning nationally, in battleground states and in the Electoral College. Trump dominates on the two issues that matter to most Americans: the economy and law and order.

Or have you heard that in the RealClearPolitics battleground average, Trump is slightly ahead of where he was at this time in 2016 (on his way to a victory over Hillary Clinton)?

Most importantly, a new Gallup poll reports 56% of Americans say they are better off now under Trump than they were four years ago under then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden. Every expert knows what clinches elections -- "It's the economy, stupid." A solid majority of Americans feel better off today than four years ago, despite COVID-19. You think they're voting for Biden? By the way, that 56% is the highest number in the history of Gallup asking, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" Ronald Reagan got 44% in the Gallup poll and won the election in a landslide. Trump is at 56%.
Still not convinced? Since primaries were born in 1912, no incumbent has ever lost the general election after receiving 75% or more of the votes from their party in the primaries. Trump received 94% of all cast in the 2020 Republican primaries.

One more factor: Because of fear of COVID-19, Team Biden has hardly knocked on any doors in America. But Trump volunteers have knocked on over 20 million doors in battleground states. Twelve million to zero. You don't think that changes things on Election Day?

By the way, Biden and vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris had an event in Arizona on Thursday. Eight people showed up.


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