For Those few OWS supporters that Don't KNOW HOW OWS appears to MOST Americans!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
1) To date 4,619 arrests.. at OWS events... Tea Party ZERO!

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Total Number of Occupy Wall Street Arrests: 4,619…

2)$13 million in tax dollars...
During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.
Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M - Yahoo! News

3) Family Values???
Bostonians Isaac Bell, 34, and Charlene Dumont, 31, were both charged with distribution of a class A drug (heroin) and possession with intent to distribute a class A drug within 1,000 feet of a school zone, police say.

The 6-year-old child who was living with them in a tent is now staying with family members, police said.
#OWS Family Values – Dealing Heroin Among Children | The Lonely Conservative
Sorry folks but this is NOT a group I would want and I think that MOST Americans would NOT want to associate with!

A new national survey from Public Policy Polling (D) finds public opinion souring pretty quickly on the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The poll asked:
“Do you support or oppose the goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement?”

The result was only 33% support,
to 45% opposed.

Another question:
“Do you have a higher opinion of the Occupy Wall Street movement or the Tea Party movement?”

The result: Tea Party 43%, Occupy Wall Street 37%.
Poll: Public Opinion Turning Against Occupy Wall Street | TPMDC
But that's OK for you few OWS supporters... after all juvenile, sophomoric activities, decisions, actions, all are excused because of lack of knowledge, experiences etc.!

BUT for those of you THAT are old cliched, hippie mentality.. who HAVE NOT as I did grown a little more wiser to the stupid commune, e.e. cummings, Alan "Howl" Ginsberg, LSD taking stage I was a part of in the 60s mind you.....
TO you juvenile 70 year old hippie wannabes.... forget it..!
Climb on a chunk of ICE and float off like an old Eskimo and DIE cause you are worthless since you've NEVER matured, or grew up or worse YET...
YOU FEEL OWS is a 2nd chance to "stick it to the MAN"..

SMASHY,SMASHY... you old fart hippie wannabes!
You are laughed at by intelligent people, tolerated by people like me as what you are .. totally uninformed sufferers of inferiority complex in the worst way!
It's worse than simply not knowing how OWS appears to most Americans. They believe that most Americans agree with them.
The Right demonized the anti-war movement in the 60's in exactly the same way they are demonizing the OWS protests.
For those Americans who only get their info from conservative news sources who are owned by large corprate conglomerates. For those Americans who believe how the OWS protesters are depicted by listening to O'Riley, Limbaugh, Hannity, Denis Miller, or any of the talking heads on FOX news. For those Americans who believe only what they want to believe...Oh forget it, open mindedness, independant thought, and facts will not sway you to see anything else but the OP's view point. How sad.:(
For those Americans who only get their info from conservative news sources who are owned by large corprate conglomerates. For those Americans who believe how the OWS protesters are depicted by listening to O'Riley, Limbaugh, Hannity, Denis Miller, or any of the talking heads on FOX news. For those Americans who believe only what they want to believe...Oh forget it, open mindedness, independant thought, and facts will not sway you to see anything else but the OP's view point. How sad.:(

That's right, you need to go to msnbc or the huffypuffy post to get at the truth.
The Right demonized the anti-war movement in the 60's in exactly the same way they are demonizing the OWS protests.

We all know how that turned out too!

It wasn't the anti war protests that led to the rise of the Khymer Rouge as much as the lies of the left from Walter Cronkite.
For those Americans who only get their info from conservative news sources who are owned by large corprate conglomerates. For those Americans who believe how the OWS protesters are depicted by listening to O'Riley, Limbaugh, Hannity, Denis Miller, or any of the talking heads on FOX news. For those Americans who believe only what they want to believe...Oh forget it, open mindedness, independant thought, and facts will not sway you to see anything else but the OP's view point. How sad.:(

That's right, you need to go to msnbc or the huffypuffy post to get at the truth.

Absolutely not. I would not recomend that at all.:eek:
Anyone interested in how the fringe right appears to most Americans? I can't tell you because I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people.
Anyone interested in how the fringe right appears to most Americans? I can't tell you because I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people.

Whats fringe right?

Fiscal responsibility has me down as a terrorist
The Right demonized the anti-war movement in the 60's in exactly the same way they are demonizing the OWS protests.

You mean like this "demonization"???

Kerry demonizes US troops during Vietnam..
Kerry testified -"telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan," what purpose did that serve other than bring attention to himself! In doing so all he did was lump every soldier including yourself as the above and you and I know differently. That's why I think that perception molds policy and policy translates into deaths!

Kerry demonizes US troops calling them "terrorists"
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

And other Democrat ....DEMONIZERS
Durbin calls troops "Nazis,..."
Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Reid calls troops "losers"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
Murtha calls them Civilian Killers!
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Obama ACCUSES military of methodically and willfully planning to:
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"


AH but that's OK cause they were"telling the truth"... or "they have the right to encourage the enemy to KILL and these traitors LOVED the IDEA their words were used to encourage the enemy to defeat OUR Troops!
Anyone interested in how the fringe right appears to most Americans? I can't tell you because I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people.

OK.. you stupidly say..
"I can't tell you because I am not self centered"

THEN you say your opinion is not the same as most people!"

GEEZ HOW more SELF centered could you BE?

YOU have such a HIGH opinion of yourself you BRAG you are NOT self centered and proof is YOU don't have the same opinion as most people?

Do you understand how that statement negates YOUR opinion of yourself?

You remind me of a flea floating down the river with an erection yelling "Raise the drawbridge"!!!

I bet you would agree with this statement about yourself..
"I take great pride in my humility"!

Or here is a another selfdefeating/self pleasuring statement..
The one thing I can't tolerate is INTOLERANCE!!!!

But of course being so "self centered"... all of this GOES WAY WAY over your head!

HAHAHAHA.. "I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people."

Just in case you still don't get how stupid that statement is .. let the majority of us who are NOT self centered interpret the above..

"I am not self centered enough to think my opinion"
How it reads to me.."I am too smart to have opinions formed by what the majority of people think"..
AND THEN you say.. "is the same as most people."
Which means to me you look on disdain the majority's opinion BECAUSE the
majority of people are "Self centered" which you are not!!!!

Again.. it's like two massive wrongs don't make it right..(except in a leftist/liberal/democrat/progressive world!)
Anyone interested in how the fringe right appears to most Americans? I can't tell you because I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people.

OK.. you stupidly say..
"I can't tell you because I am not self centered"

THEN you say your opinion is not the same as most people!"

GEEZ HOW more SELF centered could you BE?

YOU have such a HIGH opinion of yourself you BRAG you are NOT self centered and proof is YOU don't have the same opinion as most people?

Do you understand how that statement negates YOUR opinion of yourself?

You remind me of a flea floating down the river with an erection yelling "Raise the drawbridge"!!!

I bet you would agree with this statement about yourself..
"I take great pride in my humility"!

Or here is a another selfdefeating/self pleasuring statement..
The one thing I can't tolerate is INTOLERANCE!!!!

But of course being so "self centered"... all of this GOES WAY WAY over your head!

HAHAHAHA.. "I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people."

Just in case you still don't get how stupid that statement is .. let the majority of us who are NOT self centered interpret the above..

"I am not self centered enough to think my opinion"
How it reads to me.."I am too smart to have opinions formed by what the majority of people think"..
AND THEN you say.. "is the same as most people."
Which means to me you look on disdain the majority's opinion BECAUSE the
majority of people are "Self centered" which you are not!!!!

Again.. it's like two massive wrongs don't make it right..(except in a leftist/liberal/democrat/progressive world!)

Worst case of reading comprehension I have ever seen. I speak for myself and no one else, yet your post claims to speak for most Americans. You are one person and it is all any opinion is worth, adding something like most "Americans think this way" is a pretty dumb way to give YOUR opinion more weight. Do you comprehend my comment now?
I'm willing to bet that most of OWS protesters and supporters are Americans, so who in the hell are you talking about anyway?

More importantly, why would anyone care what your ilk thinks about OWS, it members or supporters either? Obviously, you are not bothered that the government gave billions of our tax dollars to bail out Banks, corporations, etc. that have done little or nothing to ease the economic crisis. Or that Congress (Democrat & Republican) continues to sit on their collective thumbs spinning while the country goes down the tubes taking all of us along with it.

Perhaps some of us prefer being called We the People, while you seem perfectly content with the title "most Americans."
I'm willing to bet that most of OWS protesters and supporters are Americans, so who in the hell are you talking about anyway?

More importantly, why would anyone care what your ilk thinks about OWS, it members or supporters either? Obviously, you are not bothered that the government gave billions of our tax dollars to bail out Banks, corporations, etc. that have done little or nothing to ease the economic crisis. Or that Congress (Democrat & Republican) continues to sit on their collective thumbs spinning while the country goes down the tubes taking all of us along with it.

Perhaps some of us prefer being called We the People, while you seem perfectly content with the title "most Americans."

The Right demonized the anti-war movement in the 60's in exactly the same way they are demonizing the OWS protests.

demonized them by showing how much they broke the laws we all have to obey in order to have the right to assemble and protest ?
You, and people who think like you, do not constitute "most Americans."

You are wrong. And we will win.
you assertion is most Americans dont support law and order

or they are willing to give OWS a pass on the law breaking ?
The Right demonized the anti-war movement in the 60's in exactly the same way they are demonizing the OWS protests.

It goes back even farther...

Conservative Response to OWS Echoes The American Revolution

The Loyalists description of the Patriots in 1776 sure sound like today's conservatives description of the OWS crowd...

The Loyalists
In late 1776 Catherine Van Cortlandt wrote to her husband, a New Jersey merchant fighting in a Loyalist brigade, about the Patriot troops who had quartered themselves in her house. "They were the most disorderly of species," she complained, "and their officers were from the dregs of the people."

Like the Van Cortlandts, many Loyalists thought of themselves as the "better sort of people." They viewed their adversaries as "lawless mobs" and "brutes." Conservative,
wealthy, and well-educated, Loyalists of this breed thought a break with Britain would invite anarchy.

Loyalists - Conservapedia

Loyalists were colonists who remained loyal subjects of the British crown as the thirteen American colonies declared independence in 1776 and became the United States of America.

The Loyalists were conservatives who rejected the radicalism of the new nation; those who went to Canada resisted democracy there and became famous for their loyalty to the British crown, their admiration of royalty and aristocracy, and their anti-Americanism.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater
Conservative Response to OWS Echoes The American Revolution

The Loyalists description of the Patriots in 1776 sure sound like today's conservatives description of the OWS crowd...

oh so you want to overthrow the government

get to patriot-ing then

black friday would be a killer day to go on the offensive

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