For Those few OWS supporters that Don't KNOW HOW OWS appears to MOST Americans!

Anyone who defends the right of the federal government to go to war arbitrarily with anyone it chooses, and condemns protests against such wars as unpatriotic or disloyal, has forfeited any claim to believing in freedom.

HEY.. Idiot!
Saddam signed the 1991 Cease Fire agreeing to the terms which MEANT it was a "CEASE FIRE"!

When Saddam continued to bomb the kurds, attack in the no fly zone.. the idiot like you didn't think the USA would KEEP the agreement!

Bush did what ANY real American would do if someone agreed to terms then broke them THE 1991 War continued!
Congress, Bill Clinton along with these Democrats AGREED!

So this crap about arbitrary is total LIES!
Evidently YOU LOVED Saddam. You loved the fact he murdered 300,000 people!
YOU love that kind of despot and you are attacking Americans who gave their LIVES so 28 million people could finally be free of the DESPOT!

BUT evidently YOU don't care about any of that!
YOU are a traitor. YOU don't deserve to be called AMerican because YOU evidently HATED the fact our troops freed according to the UN resolutions, according to the rest of the world and according to THESE democrats
a country from a dictator. Evidently you LOVED Saddam more then you love the USA!

BEFORE BUSH ... When CLINTON was President...
"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger- Clinton National. Security. Advisor 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999

"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs.threat our security".Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002

What a dick you are to put your love of Saddam over your country, your fellow Americans !

NOT only a ignorant dick but totally irresponsible!
Anyone who defends the right of the federal government to go to war arbitrarily with anyone it chooses, and condemns protests against such wars as unpatriotic or disloyal, has forfeited any claim to believing in freedom.

How on Earth could the Federal Government go to war?

Kind of a bizarre question, frankly. But I guess I'll answer it. It comes down to:

1) War is a function of governments; and
2) In our federal system, declaring war and peace is one of the government functions delegated to the federal government rather than reserved to the states.

If that doesn't answer your question I guess I didn't understand it.

Declaring war is a power delegated to the U.S. Congress alone.
How was Saddam a threat to the U.S. ??

A) The USA signed the 1991 Cease Fire.
B) Saddam did NOT keep to the 1991 Cease Fire..
January. 26, 1998—After nearly seven years, Iraq has not disarmed and continues to obstruct the disarmament process.
C) October 31, 1998—President Clinton signs the Iraq Liberation Act.
D) Clinton approved..
According to the New York Times in an article on August 13, 1999, American and British forces have escalated the continuing war against Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Since the beginning of 1999 through August 1999, Allied pilots launched over 1,100 missiles against 359 Iraqi targets.

E) September 12, 2002—President Bush addresses the U.N. General Assembly and challenges it to hold Iraq to its promise to disarm. The following week the Administration discusses possible resolutions and stresses that Iraq will have "days and weeks, not months," to comply.

F) October 10, 2002—Congress authorizes Bush to use force against Iraq.

IDIOT!!! Did YOU READ the above?
Do YOU KNOW WHAT THE ABOVE is all about?

And now..does the FACT CLINTON approved over 1,100 missile ATTACKS mean anything to you?

OH I bet YOU think the "War on Terrorism" was a Public Relations Campaign!
Do you honestly think that the occupy wall street site is going to tell the truth?

New Balance is a foreign corporation. Strikes against foreign companies are permitted. I guess you could say that only demonstrations permitted by the state can occur.

When the protest is against the government itself, demonstrations are not permitted. The Chinese do not fool around with that one either.

China Cracks Down After 'Jasmine Revolution' Protest Call - TIME

in China's major cities was made online, first on a website run by overseas dissidents, then on Twitter, which despite being blocked is still widely used by activists in China. But unlike what happened in Tunisia and Egypt, where such efforts prompted massive street protests that eventually toppled both governments, the biggest response in China was from the state. Over the weekend the government rounded up lawyers, activists and dissidents, increased online censorship and deployed massive numbers of police to quash any demonstrations.

Over the weekend the crackdown expanded. Human-rights activists estimate that by Sunday evening about 80 people had been affected, forced to travel from their homes, put under house arrest or placed under some similar form of restrictions. They included Teng Biao, a lecturer at Beijing's University of Politics and Law, whose house was raided by police. China's restrictions on what information Internet users could access were also heightened. The term jasmine was blocked from searches on Sina Weibo, a popular Twitter-like microblogging site

Sure you can have a world wide revolution, as long as the government lets you have one.
For those Americans who only get their info from conservative news sources who are owned by large corprate conglomerates.
As opposed to the liberal news sources who are owned by large corprate conglomerates and who only put out legitimate, grassroots opinions that represent the views of the common man.
Anyone interested in how the fringe right appears to most Americans? I can't tell you because I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people.

Whats fringe right?

Fiscal responsibility has me down as a terrorist

Yup. I'm a conservative Christian veteran. I'm a mass shooting waiting to happen, according to this Administration.
Anyone interested in how the fringe right appears to most Americans? I can't tell you because I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people.

OK.. you stupidly say..
"I can't tell you because I am not self centered"

THEN you say your opinion is not the same as most people!"

GEEZ HOW more SELF centered could you BE?

YOU have such a HIGH opinion of yourself you BRAG you are NOT self centered and proof is YOU don't have the same opinion as most people?

Do you understand how that statement negates YOUR opinion of yourself?

You remind me of a flea floating down the river with an erection yelling "Raise the drawbridge"!!!

I bet you would agree with this statement about yourself..
"I take great pride in my humility"!

Or here is a another selfdefeating/self pleasuring statement..
The one thing I can't tolerate is INTOLERANCE!!!!

But of course being so "self centered"... all of this GOES WAY WAY over your head!

HAHAHAHA.. "I am not self centered enough to think my opinion is the same as most people."

Just in case you still don't get how stupid that statement is .. let the majority of us who are NOT self centered interpret the above..

"I am not self centered enough to think my opinion"
How it reads to me.."I am too smart to have opinions formed by what the majority of people think"..
AND THEN you say.. "is the same as most people."
Which means to me you look on disdain the majority's opinion BECAUSE the
majority of people are "Self centered" which you are not!!!!

Again.. it's like two massive wrongs don't make it right..(except in a leftist/liberal/democrat/progressive world!)
He's a unique and precious snowflake, just like everybody else.
The Right demonized the anti-war movement in the 60's in exactly the same way they are demonizing the OWS protests.

It goes back even farther...

Conservative Response to OWS Echoes The American Revolution

The Loyalists description of the Patriots in 1776 sure sound like today's conservatives description of the OWS crowd...

The Loyalists
In late 1776 Catherine Van Cortlandt wrote to her husband, a New Jersey merchant fighting in a Loyalist brigade, about the Patriot troops who had quartered themselves in her house. "They were the most disorderly of species," she complained, "and their officers were from the dregs of the people."

Like the Van Cortlandts, many Loyalists thought of themselves as the "better sort of people." They viewed their adversaries as "lawless mobs" and "brutes." Conservative,
wealthy, and well-educated, Loyalists of this breed thought a break with Britain would invite anarchy.

Loyalists - Conservapedia

Loyalists were colonists who remained loyal subjects of the British crown as the thirteen American colonies declared independence in 1776 and became the United States of America.

The Loyalists were conservatives who rejected the radicalism of the new nation; those who went to Canada resisted democracy there and became famous for their loyalty to the British crown, their admiration of royalty and aristocracy, and their anti-Americanism.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater
Whenever a leftist compares his ideology to the Founding Fathers, he just winds up looking stupid.
Corporations love and promote OWS, and I can prove it.

They hyped Black Friday until they had people(protesters) camping (occupying) out in front of their stores (Wall Street)for days. When the fever pitch was right they opened the doors and the anticipated violence ensued. The security guards committed violence, the customers commited violence, and the Corporations went from the Red to the Black. Violence doesn't matter when you make a profit, but it does when it prevents you from making a profit.

But I suppose no one will try to shut down Black Friday as they are doing the OWS protesters. How about pepper spraying the CEO's of these companies and hauling them off to jail when they refuse to stop the annual Black Friday shopping riots? They get worse and worse every year. American hypocracy at it's finest. Money and profit over decency and morality.:(
For those Americans who only get their info from conservative news sources who are owned by large corprate conglomerates.
As opposed to the liberal news sources who are owned by large corprate conglomerates and who only put out legitimate, grassroots opinions that represent the views of the common man.

Hey, Dave I need to correct you.

If you go back and look at the 8th post of this thread you will see that I supported no such thing. You must have skipped right over that in your zeal to write your rebuttle.:eusa_shhh:
Ohhhh the way to combat the actions of the people fighting over sale items is for the government to stop the businesses from having the sales in the first place! Nothing like some government control to solve the problem in the first place.

Don't you just love liberal solutions? Haul the CEOs off to jail because their company had a sale!

How about you not going to black friday sales in the first place? If you don't like it don't go.

You really don't get it. I'm not surprised. OWS can and is permitted to protest against corporations. For the most part, these corporations are prevented from fighting back. Do the same thing to individuals and there are consequences. Get between a customer and a sale, you got a problem. This is what OWS is against. They cannot control each and every individual, they do think they can control people by stopping the sales in the first place.

Sales for Friday are up 7% over last year. OWS lost this round.
Ohhhh the way to combat the actions of the people fighting over sale items is for the government to stop the businesses from having the sales in the first place! Nothing like some government control to solve the problem in the first place.

Don't you just love liberal solutions? Haul the CEOs off to jail because their company had a sale!

How about you not going to black friday sales in the first place? If you don't like it don't go.

You really don't get it. I'm not surprised. OWS can and is permitted to protest against corporations. For the most part, these corporations are prevented from fighting back. Do the same thing to individuals and there are consequences. Get between a customer and a sale, you got a problem. This is what OWS is against. They cannot control each and every individual, they do think they can control people by stopping the sales in the first place.

Sales for Friday are up 7% over last year. OWS lost this round.

You must have the strawberry (red) flavored koolaid. Save yourself and put it down, you can do it, I have faith in you.:eusa_pray:

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