For Those Saying a Vaccine Must Be Found Before Reopening

For Those Saying a Vaccine Must Be Found Before Reopening

Fuck you....That's what I say.
I am hearing we are close to a vaccine. Also hearing we are finding better ways to treat the virus if ya have it. Who knows in the end good things may come out of this. I am hearing they are doing some things with lama blood and some type of protien that acts like super glue. Glues lama anti bodies to virus and bacteria. May help across the board on viruses and cancer. Lets just hope we get this thing under control before the economy is complete shit and people become even more afraid of out doors than they are now.
If we're "close to a vaccine" as you foolishly believe, it would be the fastest discovery of an inoculation in all of medical history.

Only a total rube would believe the gubmint "experts" at this point.
We never know the rate at which this shit will come out. We have one working for mice right now. That is quicker than what has normally happened before, how ever the genome difference between us and mice is a large one. Could still be never for all we know but it is encouraging news none the less. We have passed the first step. Also the lama blood things is a big surprise and has researchers very excited. Excuse me if I look for silver linings. They are out there. Also due to lack of testing it is highly likely that alot more people have had the virus than what we think and may be moving toward herd immunity faster than we think. Believe and acheive.
There's a difference between looking for silver linings and being a sap.

Giving credence to people who've changed their story and moved the goalposts uncounted times in the last few months is the move of a sap.
yep your a sap that wants to live in fear. iwill continue to beleive and achieve
Waiting for a cure before we let people go back to work and get on with their lives is like
like waiting for Jesus to come back and save us all before we do anything to help ourselves.

We can't wait and all will be lost if we don't act anyway.
due to lack of testing it is highly likely that alot more people have had the virus than what we think and may be moving toward herd immunity faster than we think.

This virus is 6 times more deadly than SARS and we developed herd immunity inside 9 months globally. The virus mutated and died. They didn't even get to human trials with that vaccine before it collapsed. It to was an RNA virus.

Our social distancing has done its job and we have the hospital room we need for treatments. Now its time to get those least affected out and allow them to get this virus and build immunity. Once we get above 50% we can go full bore on our economy.

Sun light kills this virus in 90 seconds or less. Keeping people locked up and in close contact is now the enemy as this will now allow infection spikes of close groups. The lock downs must end.
For Those Saying a Vaccine Must Be Found Before Reopening

Fuck you....That's what I say.
I am hearing we are close to a vaccine. Also hearing we are finding better ways to treat the virus if ya have it. Who knows in the end good things may come out of this. I am hearing they are doing some things with lama blood and some type of protien that acts like super glue. Glues lama anti bodies to virus and bacteria. May help across the board on viruses and cancer. Lets just hope we get this thing under control before the economy is complete shit and people become even more afraid of out doors than they are now.
You’re listening to bullshit.
ya,thank you bull shit police. I listen to bull shit every time you reply. your words have no meaning to me.
His words mean nothing to every other progressive "expert" as well.
Yep, we tend to frown on idiots. We tend to frown on people that say I can't, they accomplish nothing and we tend to frown on people that blame others for thier gaffs. Mean while our computational power grows exponentialy every year and we make major strides in science. There will be a time when research happens at light speed as compared to our past and it is coming soon.
For Those Saying a Vaccine Must Be Found Before Reopening

Fuck you....That's what I say.
I am hearing we are close to a vaccine. Also hearing we are finding better ways to treat the virus if ya have it. Who knows in the end good things may come out of this. I am hearing they are doing some things with lama blood and some type of protien that acts like super glue. Glues lama anti bodies to virus and bacteria. May help across the board on viruses and cancer. Lets just hope we get this thing under control before the economy is complete shit and people become even more afraid of out doors than they are now.
You’re listening to bullshit.
ya,thank you bull shit police. I listen to bull shit every time you reply. your words have no meaning to me.
His words mean nothing to every other progressive "expert" as well.
Yep, we tend to frown on idiots. We tend to frown on people that say I can't, they accomplish nothing and we tend to frown on people that blame others for thier gaffs. Mean while our computational power grows exponentialy every year and we make major strides in science. There will be a time when research happens at light speed as compared to our past and it is coming soon.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance....
due to lack of testing it is highly likely that alot more people have had the virus than what we think and may be moving toward herd immunity faster than we think.

This virus is 6 times more deadly than SARS and we developed herd immunity inside 9 months globally. The virus mutated and died. They didn't even get to human trials with that vaccine before it collapsed. It to was an RNA virus.

Our social distancing has done its job and we have the hospital room we need for treatments. Now its time to get those least affected out and allow them to get this virus and build immunity. Once we get above 50% we can go full bore on our economy.

Sun light kills this virus in 90 seconds or less. Keeping people locked up and in close contact is now the enemy as this will now allow infection spikes of close groups. The lock downs must end.
Thank you billy bob! Usualy not in agreance with you but this time i am right with you. All this doom and gloom must disappear especailly if we want the economy to turn back on. People afraid t leave the house aint gunna help buisness. I am hoping that people will be feeling cabin fever when this ends and decide to go out and make up for lost time. That is how we get the economy rolling again. I plan to golf fish gamble and hit on girls half my age until I am blue in the face when this shit ends. Hope you do the same.
For Those Saying a Vaccine Must Be Found Before Reopening

Fuck you....That's what I say.
I am hearing we are close to a vaccine. Also hearing we are finding better ways to treat the virus if ya have it. Who knows in the end good things may come out of this. I am hearing they are doing some things with lama blood and some type of protien that acts like super glue. Glues lama anti bodies to virus and bacteria. May help across the board on viruses and cancer. Lets just hope we get this thing under control before the economy is complete shit and people become even more afraid of out doors than they are now.
You’re listening to bullshit.
ya,thank you bull shit police. I listen to bull shit every time you reply. your words have no meaning to me.
His words mean nothing to every other progressive "expert" as well.
Yep, we tend to frown on idiots. We tend to frown on people that say I can't, they accomplish nothing and we tend to frown on people that blame others for thier gaffs. Mean while our computational power grows exponentialy every year and we make major strides in science. There will be a time when research happens at light speed as compared to our past and it is coming soon.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance....
If you cant dazzle them with brilliance ply them with alcohol. Works with hot women every shot of whiskey I seem smarter and smarter to them.LOL
The key words from Science magazine:

“a clear picture is elusive, as the virus acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen.”

Just look at how many decades we’ve been fighting HIV.

“We are now almost six months into this pandemic, which began in November in Wuhan, with 50,000 Americans dead and 200,000 more around the world. If each of those deaths is a data point, together they represent a quite large body of evidence from which to form a clear picture of the pandemic threat. Early in the epidemic, the coronavirus was seen as a variant of a familiar family of disease, not a mysterious ailment, however infectious and concerning. But while uncertainties at the population level confuse and frustrate public-health officials, unsure when and in what form to shift gears out of lockdowns, the disease has proved just as mercurial at the clinical level, with doctors revising their understanding of COVID-19’s basic pattern and weaponry — indeed often revising that understanding in different directions at once. The clinical shape of the disease, long presumed to be a relatively predictable respiratory infection, is getting less clear by the week. Lately, it seems, by the day. As Carl Zimmer, probably the country’s most respected science journalist, asked virologists in a tweet last week, “is there any other virus out there that is this weird in terms of its range of symptoms?” […]

In a fantastic survey published April 17 (“How does coronavirus kill? Clinicians trace a ferocious rampage through the body, from brain to toes,” by Meredith Wadman, Jennifer Couzin-Frankel, Jocelyn Kaiser, and Catherine Matacic), Science magazine took a thorough, detailed tour of the ever-evolving state of understanding of the disease. “Despite the more than 1,000 papers now spilling into journals and onto preprint servers every week,” Science concluded, “a clear picture is elusive, as the virus acts like no pathogen humanity has ever seen.”

But they got that vaccine ready with no phuckenn clue what hte side effects are one is a HUUGE HUGE IDIOT if you take this vaccines they have coming.........

They will set Trump using this to watch. " speed up the vac" it makes ppl sick or dead-----he gets blamed and oh look at that perfect just before the electionn.

Waiting for a vaccine is a fools errand...

Nature already has the answer and us older folk with underlying conditioons just have to play it safe. Get on with life..
Lets just hope we get this thing under control before the economy is complete shit

You got that backwards: We need to get people back to work before the virus kills our economy. Most are at very little risk of serious medical complications.
OK, here's how it goes:
1. Covid-19 is about .001 fatal the the general population.
2. 90% of those people know they are at risk - .0009 are quarantining.
3. The remainder don't know or don't care - .0001
4. That leaves about .999 of the population not at risk of dying.
5. Why should we risk the future of almost 10,000 people to possibly save one nincompoop?

P.S. If you don't like my numbers, post your own.Otherwise, :shutupsmiley:
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