For Those Supporting the Portland Arrests... How Quickly the Bundy Group Members Are Forgotten

For those who are against the Portland arrests by the feds how quickly Waco is forgotten.

There was zero justification for Waco. Koresh went into town quite often. They could have arrested him there any time.

Its not clear to me that just arresting Koresh would be safe-----there were lots of people---including "followers" in that situation

It doesn't matter. He was the reason for the stand off. You don't take the firepower the Fed's did when you know you have a building full of kids.

ok----lots of police "operations" go bad. Where there are bullets------the bullets end up in the wrong
place. It happened sometimes in the area I once lived ----
right on the edge of a town that today is BLM infected
and manifesting a daily death toll. Back in the day---
sometimes drug busts ended up with this or that
bystander dead. The death toll in that area was once
considered PHENOMINAL------it's been surpassed
several times over

The point is, there were better options.
For those who are against the Portland arrests by the feds how quickly Waco is forgotten.

There was zero justification for Waco. Koresh went into town quite often. They could have arrested him there any time.

Its not clear to me that just arresting Koresh would be safe-----there were lots of people---including "followers" in that situation

Like I said. They could have picked him up at the local hardware store he frequented.
The feds knew he was a regular instead they decided to go all Rambo on a bunch of women and children.
I lost a buddy in the raid. He was one of the guys on the infamous rooftop shooting.
He's one of the Guys at :12 seconds.
I know for a fact he wouldnt have gone in given what we know today.

I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
Why are you trying to compare a shack deep in the woods, to a court house in the middle of a city? :cuckoo:

It's federal property. The tally for the Bundy occupation cost around $6 million dollars.

For those who are against the Portland arrests by the feds how quickly Waco is forgotten.

There was zero justification for Waco. Koresh went into town quite often. They could have arrested him there any time.

Its not clear to me that just arresting Koresh would be safe-----there were lots of people---including "followers" in that situation

It doesn't matter. He was the reason for the stand off. You don't take the firepower the Fed's did when you know you have a building full of kids.

ok----lots of police "operations" go bad. Where there are bullets------the bullets end up in the wrong
place. It happened sometimes in the area I once lived ----
right on the edge of a town that today is BLM infected
and manifesting a daily death toll. Back in the day---
sometimes drug busts ended up with this or that
bystander dead. The death toll in that area was once
considered PHENOMINAL------it's been surpassed
several times over

The point is, there were better options.

there are ALMOST always
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.
Why was it ok for Trump to pardon the Bundy group members who took over a federal building, but suddenly it is ok to have unmarked federal officers to arrest protesters Trump says are destroying federal property? The Bundy group members did the EXACT same thing and he supported them. It's ALL political.

"In 2016, as a result of their sentencing, Ammon Bundy gathered supporters and took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon. Federal authorities were faced with a 41-day armed standoff which resulted in one fatality. Bundy, who along with others, was acquitted of any charges, saidhe believed the pair of ranchers were victims of federal overreach."

Please show where the Bundy Group was ripping people out of their cars, stopping old people from crossing the street, and beating the crap out of gay (self proclaimed) Asian journalist?
For those who are against the Portland arrests by the feds how quickly Waco is forgotten.

There was zero justification for Waco. Koresh went into town quite often. They could have arrested him there any time.

Its not clear to me that just arresting Koresh would be safe-----there were lots of people---including "followers" in that situation

It doesn't matter. He was the reason for the stand off. You don't take the firepower the Fed's did when you know you have a building full of kids.

ok----lots of police "operations" go bad. Where there are bullets------the bullets end up in the wrong
place. It happened sometimes in the area I once lived ----
right on the edge of a town that today is BLM infected
and manifesting a daily death toll. Back in the day---
sometimes drug busts ended up with this or that
bystander dead. The death toll in that area was once
considered PHENOMINAL------it's been surpassed
several times over

The point is, there were better options.

there are ALMOST always

I won't disagree.
Why was it ok for Trump to pardon the Bundy group members who took over a federal building, but suddenly it is ok to have unmarked federal officers to arrest protesters Trump says are destroying federal property? The Bundy group members did the EXACT same thing and he supported them. It's ALL political.

"In 2016, as a result of their sentencing, Ammon Bundy gathered supporters and took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon. Federal authorities were faced with a 41-day armed standoff which resulted in one fatality. Bundy, who along with others, was acquitted of any charges, saidhe believed the pair of ranchers were victims of federal overreach."

I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
Why are you trying to compare a shack deep in the woods, to a court house in the middle of a city? :cuckoo:

It's federal property. The tally for the Bundy occupation cost around $6 million dollars.

But what has this got to do with what is going on in Portland? In Portland, protecting federal property is only one aspect of a larger mission, enforcing federal law amid the chaos of a failed city. The courthouse is only a flashpoint because the mobs have chosen to confront the officers there.
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.

Then you don't follow the laws very much. Under Trump the federal government has EXTENDED the laws that allow seizure of private property of citizens after an arrest but pre-conviction. So you against that? Are you against Trump doing that?

I don’t much like him or his movement in general, but Amon Bundy said something recently that I do agree with:

“We have to understand that there is an enormous amount of Black people, you know, that need their rights defended,” he said in an online video. “I do believe, in many ways, the police need to be defunded. We have become a police state because of the funding that they receive.”

Some followers sharply criticized him, which Bundy said disgusted him....

And there are many people in the Black Lives Matter organization, along with patriots and, you know, libertarians and Republicans and Democrats that understand this.”
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I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.

Then you don't follow the laws very much. Under Trump the federal government has EXTENDED the laws that allow seizure of private property of citizens after an arrest but pre-conviction. So you against that? Are you against Trump doing that?

Is this an admission you lost the argument? Now comes the deflection to an argument you thunk you can win with Huffpo articles.

Communists always make me feel like I need to use hand sanitizer and brush my teeth.
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
Why are you trying to compare a shack deep in the woods, to a court house in the middle of a city? :cuckoo:

It's federal property. The tally for the Bundy occupation cost around $6 million dollars.

So it cost WAAAYYY less than your riots? Thanks for admitting the truth.
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.

Then you don't follow the laws very much. Under Trump the federal government has EXTENDED the laws that allow seizure of private property of citizens after an arrest but pre-conviction. So you against that? Are you against Trump doing that?

Is this an admission you lost the argument? Now comes the deflection to an argument you thunk you can win with Huffpo articles.

Communists always make me feel like I need to use hand sanitizer and brush my teeth.

Lost what argument? You said, "I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats."

I showed you where TRUMP extended the civil asset forfeiture laws. You can do a search and look for any source you want if you don't like mine. It doesn't change that. So are you against what Trump did?
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
Why are you trying to compare a shack deep in the woods, to a court house in the middle of a city? :cuckoo:

It's federal property. The tally for the Bundy occupation cost around $6 million dollars.

So it cost WAAAYYY less than your riots? Thanks for admitting the truth.

Oh, so now it is a contest of not who broke the law, but who did more damage? Last time I checked if you break the law, you break the law. Now you are just grasping at straws. $6 MILLION tax dollars is nothing to sneeze at.
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.

Then you don't follow the laws very much. Under Trump the federal government has EXTENDED the laws that allow seizure of private property of citizens after an arrest but pre-conviction. So you against that? Are you against Trump doing that?

I didn’t know that....
The Bundy group was fighting to retain grazing rights to vacant land they have been grazing cattle on for years. They were not fighting for the right to burn down federal buildings and never tore down a monument.

The Bundy's were in arrears in paying for those grazing "Rights". In 8 years, the used the Federal Land to graze the cattle. The charge that is levied is 1.25 bucks a head for the year. That doesn't bankrupt other Ranchers. Then, top it off, they decide to militarily take over a Federal Land and occupy the place. Your Heroes are Criminals who, like Rump, doesn't believe the laws should apply to them.
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.

Then you don't follow the laws very much. Under Trump the federal government has EXTENDED the laws that allow seizure of private property of citizens after an arrest but pre-conviction. So you against that? Are you against Trump doing that?

There is nothing in your link about Trump extending asset forfeiture.
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.

Then you don't follow the laws very much. Under Trump the federal government has EXTENDED the laws that allow seizure of private property of citizens after an arrest but pre-conviction. So you against that? Are you against Trump doing that?

Is this an admission you lost the argument? Now comes the deflection to an argument you thunk you can win with Huffpo articles.

Communists always make me feel like I need to use hand sanitizer and brush my teeth.

Lost what argument? You said, "I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats."

I showed you where TRUMP extended the civil asset forfeiture laws. You can do a search and look for any source you want if you don't like mine. It doesn't change that. So are you against what Trump did?
Actually, you didn't show that Trump extended asset forfeiture, just that he thought was a good thing, and used properly, it is.
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.

I forget----were the bundy people trashing the lands upon which they had descended? Were people dying daily as a result of the BUNDY GANG?

Yes they trashed the building and there was a shoot out. The reason for the occupation was because the cattle ranchers were setting ILLEGAL fires on the federal grazing lands.

You forget Lew...that was Righteous protest.

ok ----I forget-----what were they righteously protesting? Why were cattle ranchers setting
fires on federal grazing lands----that sounds like a
serious crime to me but not as bad as the urban
nitemare ongoing by BLM

She was being sarcastic.

I got the note of sarcasm-----but still do not see how
the two issues can be conflated

How can you not see it? Trump justified sending the federal troops to PROTECT federal buildings and property.

The Bundy group occupied and damaged federal property, yet Trump pardoned them.

Why was it ok for the Bundy group to occupy and damage federal land and buildings, but he needs to send federal officers to arrest others for doing it in Portland? It's quite simple. Either you say both are just exercising their 1st Amendment rights to protest, OR both are guilty of damaging federal property. The only difference is who the 2 groups are.
Portland protesters are using lasers against police officers, and it is feared that three of those so wounded in less than 15 seconds may never see again. Just shootin' the laser gunners sounds good to me.
And those that did that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Should the officer that shot a peaceful protestor in the face, fracturing his skull be prosecuted?
officer shot a peaceful protestor in the face?
An anarchist throwing fireworks and mortars at federal agents got hit by non
I forget ... was Bundy burning down The Target?

Trump didn't send federal officers for burning down a Target, he said it was to protect federal property. Try to keep on subject.
In the Bundy case, that federal property wasnt in jeapordy of being destroyed.

Oh? They caused destruction. Splitting hairs here.
There was no destruction. Trash was left behind. Someone posted pictures. Nothing was destroyed. A corrupt democrat administration, Biden was vice president, tried to seize this family's ranch to enrich the Democrat speaker's son. The federal government under shitstain obama was completely corrupt. They seized the Bundy's cattle. The conduct was so egregious that not a single auction, slaughterhouse or storage facility would take a single head of stolen cattle. Cowboys went and got all those cattle back. The Bundy family had a legitimate grievance. Protesting the civil war is NOT a legitimate grievance.

Wrong. The federal government REVOKED their rights to graze on federal land because Bundy quit paying the taxes for doing so and Bundy continued to do it anyway. So they confiscated cattle that were illegally on federal land.

You've made your stance quite obvious that you only care about laws being enforced as long as it is by someone that you don't support. View attachment 367292
I don't support corrupt democrats seizing private property to enrich democrats.

Then you don't follow the laws very much. Under Trump the federal government has EXTENDED the laws that allow seizure of private property of citizens after an arrest but pre-conviction. So you against that? Are you against Trump doing that?

I didn’t know that....

Exactly. So he pardoned Bundy who was protesting about his cattle being taken away, but then extended the same laws that did it. His followers don't pay attention to a lot of the stuff he actually does. There is so much stupid shit that people pay attention to while these things go on quietly behind the scenes.

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