For those that may prefer a Socialist country

People who have escaped Communism and come to this country laugh at leftists ignorance and gullibility.
No, they are laughing (maybe crying) at the teabaggers who are embracing the dictators, THEY fled
Seriously, lefties have NO idea what they are talking about and that is all on purpose. Years of indoctrination have taken their toll.
Sure................Are WE the ones interviewing and praising authoritarians?
And projecting............Just like their dear leader does.
Trump is just trying to take us towards nationalism and authoritarian leadership. Like Fascism. He really doesn't know. He's so ego driven and ignorant.
what about his policies were fascist?
Not sure about others, but I don’t think Socialism is dead, just wish that it was. I actually agree with you that we are headed in that direction as people become more and more dependent and feel more entitled. Not far down the road from that is Communism. This is exactly why I am a Conservative and not a Liberal. I can see the writing on the wall.
It's the capitalists who are dependent upon their workers and the government, not the working class. Everything is built upon what labor produces, not investments or speculative trades in a stock market. The actual parasites are those who live off of the backs of others, namely the rich, who feel self-entitled to exploit others' labor. There's no democracy in the capitalist workplace. Every worker goes to an absolute tyranny, 9 to 5 or maybe even 9 am to 11 pm (I personally know people who work two full-time jobs just to keep their heads above water). Imagine spending most of your waking hours, in the absolute dictatorship of a capitalist workplace. Horrible.


Many Walmart employees are on food stamps and public assistance to make ends meet.

Advanced automation and artificial intelligence will make production 10X more efficient and productive than it is today, not requiring the capitalist employer (exploiter), and employee (exploitee) relationship. Production by necessity must become non-profit when advanced technology replaces wage labor or significantly reduces it (30%+ unemployment for example).

The great depression occurred when there was only 23% unemployment. It's projected that in the next 20 years, 60% - 80% of menial jobs will be replaced by automated systems and white-collar jobs are now heading in the same direction due to advanced artificial intelligence. Even tasks as technical as heart surgery will eventually be replaced by intelligent, autonomous robots (under the supervision of one human surgeon, rather than a surgical team of 14 surgeons, nurses and technicians).

Robots will be able to work 24/7, without sleep or lunch breaks. That means that under a modern, high-tech socialist economy, there will be extreme abundance. You'll just go to the store and get whatever you want, perhaps with some very generous limits, but nonetheless, you'll have access to a lot more than what you have now. Need food? Of course you do, so you'll go to the grocery store and just get what you want. Need shoes? No problem, just go to the store and get a pair or two of shoes. Need clothing or bedding? Easy, just go to the distribution center i.e. store, and get you some clothing and pillows and blankets. Need a new computer? Smartphone? Go to the store and get that. You might not even have to go the store, it will be delivered to your doorstep by robots.

For a few decades, maybe even as long as a century or so, humans will still have to work, but that work will not be waged, or working for a capitalist master (Adam Smith the father of capitalism called capitalists "masters"). People will work maybe 20 hours weekly at the most, supervising the system or robots. There will also be administrative tasks in the government, that one can do, be it as an elected official or in another capacity that robots and artificial intelligence can't or shouldn't do. Eventually, automation will replace most of our work, giving everyone a lot more freedom and access to resources.

So what will you do with your life? Why get out of bed? Well for obvious reasons. What do you want to do? Become an artist, explorer, athlete, scholar, or even a Christian missionary? Maybe you'll dedicate yourself to establishing space colonies, creating earthlike habitats in space, or maybe you'll become a deep-space explorer, traveling to the stars. There are many things we can do, that are much more rewarding than sitting in front of a cashier machine for ten hours, at Walmart.

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It's the capitalists who are dependent upon their workers and the government, not the working class. Everything is built upon what labor produces, not investments or speculative trades in a stock market. The actual parasites are those who live off of the backs of others, namely the rich, who feel self-entitled to exploit others' labor. There's no democracy in the capitalist workplace. Every worker goes to an absolute tyranny, 9 to 5 or maybe even 9 am to 11 pm (I personally know people who work two full-time jobs just to keep their heads above water). Imagine spending most of your waking hours, in the absolute dictatorship of a capitalist workplace. Horrible.

View attachment 790402
Many Walmart employees are on food stamps and public assistance to make ends meet.

Advanced automation and artificial intelligence will make production 10X more efficient and productive than it is today, not requiring the capitalist employer (exploiter), and employee (exploitee) relationship. Production by necessity must become non-profit when advanced technology replaces wage labor or significantly reduces it (30%+ unemployment for example).

The great depression occurred when there was only 23% unemployment. It's projected that in the next 20 years, 60% - 80% of menial jobs will be replaced by automated systems and white-collar jobs are now heading in the same direction due to advanced artificial intelligence. Even tasks as technical as heart surgery will eventually be replaced by intelligent, autonomous robots (under the supervision of one human surgeon, rather than a surgical team of 14 surgeons, nurses and technicians).

Robots will be able to work 24/7, without sleep or lunch breaks. That means that under a modern, high-tech socialist economy, there will be extreme abundance. You'll just go to the store and get whatever you want, perhaps with some very generous limits, but nonetheless, you'll have access to a lot more than what you have now. Need food? Of course you do, so you'll go to the grocery store and just get what you want. Need shoes? No problem, just go to the store and get a pair or two of shoes. Need clothing or bedding? Easy, just go to the distribution center i.e. store, and get you some clothing and pillows and blankets. Need a new computer? Smartphone? Go to the store and get that. You might not even have to go the store, it will be delivered to your doorstep by robots.

For a few decades, maybe even as long as a century or so, humans will still have to work, but that work will not be waged, or working for a capitalist master (Adam Smith the father of capitalism called capitalists "masters"). People will work maybe 20 hours weekly at the most, supervising the system or robots. There will also be administrative tasks in the government, that one can do, be it as an elected official or in another capacity that robots and artificial intelligence can't or shouldn't do. Eventually, automation will replace most of our work, giving everyone a lot more freedom and access to resources.

So what will you do with your life? Why get out of bed? Well for obvious reasons. What do you want to do? Become an artist, explorer, athlete, scholar, or Christian missionary? Maybe you'll dedicate yourself to establishing space colonies, creating earthlike habitats in space, or maybe you'll become a deep-space explorer, traveling to the stars. There are many things we can do other than sitting in front of a cashier machine for ten hours, at Walmart.

Look on the bright have a choice.

Trump said he was a Nationalist.. nationalism is very aggressive.. racist, authoritarian like Hitler and Mussolini..

Why don't you look up the Nationalists of the 20th century?
nationalism doesn’t have to be any of those things at all

but you said and i asked about fascism
Yet so many make that choice...go figure.
The alternative is as you admit, homelessness. If a mugger holds a gun to your head, and you hand them your wallet, you're being forced, it's not really a choice. The same applies for people living under a capitalist system where they're forced to become an exploited person under the heel of a capitalist exploiter/"employer". There's no freedom there, yet you portray yourself as a supposed champion of liberty. You're in support of a form of slavery. So much for your "love for freedom".

All of this is going to change soon with the advent of advanced automation and artificial intelligence. The people will finally have control over the means of production, as a community (mass production is a social endeavor, not a private one). The commodification and exploitation of human beings in a "labor market", will finally end.
The alternative is as you admit, homelessness. If a mugger holds a gun to your head, and you hand them your wallet, you're being forced, it's not really a choice. The same applies for people living under a capitalist system where they're forced to become an exploited person under the heel of a capitalist exploiter/"employer". There's no freedom there, yet you portray yourself as a supposed champion of liberty. You're in support of a form of slavery. So much for your "love for freedom".

All of this is going to change soon with the advent of advanced automation and artificial intelligence. The people will finally have control over the means of production, as a community (mass production is a social endeavor, not a private one). The commodification and exploitation of human beings in a "labor market", will finally end.
Considering the number of jobs Biden "created" and the number of help wanted signs, many paying upwards of $18/hour. And considering the number of people that seem to prefer hanging out in tents sitting on their rear, yes, it is a choice.
Considering the number of jobs Biden "created" and the number of help wanted signs, many paying upwards of $18/hour. And considering the number of people that seem to prefer hanging out in tents sitting on their rear, yes, it is a choice.

It's not a choice due to the number of people who are forced to work under a capitalist master. That's like claiming that slaves love their slavery and choose to be slaves because they don't leave their masters. If the only way for the slave to eat and have a roof over his head is to be a slave, he might very well prefer that to starving to death. That doesn't justify slavery or make the institution of slavery good. You're cynical and indifferent to the plight of American workers, because either you're a capitalist master yourself or you're a brainwashed slave. A working-class, capitalist-owned puppet who was brainwashed by decades of Cold War propaganda.

Either way, advanced automation technology will in the not-too-distant future force mass-scale production to adopt a non-profit system, in order to meet everyone's needs. You can delude yourself into thinking otherwise if it makes you feel better.
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Look at the Nationalists of the 20th century. Patriotism isn't nationalism.
I didn't say it was...there were all sorts of Nationalist through out the 20th century, and even before...the concept of nationalism started in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, others countries and thinkers have followed suit...some have taken it to extremes, but in the United States, since we are a country of immigrants it's never been about country of origin.

But again, you claimed Trump was a fascsit....i am still looking for examples of his policy that keep deflecting from that....I assume you are taking that back now
I didn't say it was...there were all sorts of Nationalist through out the 20th century, and even before...the concept of nationalism started in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, others countries and thinkers have followed suit...some have taken it to extremes, but in the United States, since we are a country of immigrants it's never been about country of origin.

But again, you claimed Trump was a fascsit....i am still looking for examples of his policy that keep deflecting from that....I assume you are taking that back now

Trump is really ignorant. He just doesn't know that nationalism isn't patriotism.

He has never read the constitution. He said, "It's too hard like a foreign language."

It's not a choice due to the number of people who are forced to work under a capitalist master. That's like claiming that slaves love their slavery and choose to be slaves because they don't leave their masters. If the only way for the slave to eat and have a roof over his head is to be a slave, he might very well prefer that to starving out in the forest by himself. That doesn't justify slavery or make the institution of slavery good. You're cynical and indifferent to the plight of American workers, because either you're a capitalist master yourself or you're a brainwashed slave. A working-class person who was brainwashed by decades of Cold War propaganda.

Either way, advanced automation technology will in the not-too-distant future force mass-scale production to adopt a non-profit system, in order to meet everyone's needs. You can delude yourself into thinking otherwise.
Like I said before, no one is being forced. They're making a choice.

Trump is really ignorant. He just doesn't know that nationalism isn't patriotism.

He has never read the constitution. He said, "It's too hard like a foreign language."

Nobody but you are talking about patriotism and nationalism in the same breath.

yes, Trump believed in Nationalism, much like some of those figures from the United States in your link....Hamilton, Madison, and Washington. Sadly, today's demafascsit finds that to be a bad in point...your post.
Like I said before, no one is being forced. They're making a choice.


Homelessness or working for a capitalist master/parasite is no more a choice than a slave "choosing" to remain with his master because he'll otherwise starve to death. That "choice" doesn't justify that exploitative relationship.
Homelessness or working for a capitalist master is no more a choice than a slave "choosing" to remain with his master because he'll otherwise starve to death. That "choice" also doesn't justify that exploitative relationship.
Great, in six months you let me know how not working for a "capitalist master" works out for ya.
Homelessness or working for a capitalist master is no more a choice than a slave "choosing" to remain with his master because he'll otherwise starve to death. That "choice" also doesn't justify that exploitative relationship.
Wow...comparing a person making the choice to work and earn money through a job, to a a slap in the face to all those that have been in actual bondage. You are demeaning the crueltiy and inhuman nature of are either that ignorant or simply that uninformed...either is not a good look
Great, in six months you let me know how not working for a "capitalist master" works out for ya.
You're justifying that relationship due to the necessity of people to be under that condition. Your logic is twisted. The working class could free themselves from capitalist parasites, by taking ownership of the means of production, collectively. They could work at a workplace that is owned by the workers and run democratically. The banks will have to be nationalized by a government under the control of the working class, in order launch these worker-owned cooperatives.

All of this is going to happen soon.

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