For those who claim the vaccines aren't working

Please ... If you've had two pokes of Moderna or Pfizer PLUS the booster your chances of dying or ending up in ER are infinitesimal. You may get a mild cold but you won't end up in ER or die. Kindly observe and PLEASE follow the science and vax it up. No, you will not turn into zombies, become magnetic or get a Bill Gates tracking chip. :rolleyes-41:


BNT162b2 vaccine booster and mortality due to COVID-19external icon. Arbel et al. NEJM (December 8, 2021).

Key findings:

  • Among adults aged ≥50 years, COVID-19 mortality was 90% lower among those who received a 3rd(booster) dose of BNT162b2 (Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech) compared with those who received only 2 doses (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]0.10, 95% CI 0.07-0.14) (Figure).
    • Mortality was 0.16 per 100,000 persons/day in those who received a 3rd(booster) dose and 2.98 per 100,000 persons/day in those who did not.
  • The aHR for SARS-CoV-2 infection in the booster group, as compared with the no booster group, was 0.17 (95% CI 0.16-0.18).

PS: On Omicron in past weeks, SIX per 100,000 population have died. Two pokes only is ONE per 100,000. Two pokes PLUS the booster? .01 of 100,000.

That is silly.
The actual threat to any individual from covid has always been infintesimal.
Whether vaccinated or not:
{... your chances of dying or ending up in ER are infinitesimal. You may get a mild cold but you won't end up in ER or die. ...}
The death toll from covid is still just 0.2% of the population.
And that is with the stupid programs like "flattening the curve" which prevented the epidemic from ending after the first 2 months.

The vaccines are not useless.
They do promote antibody production for about 6 months, but in no way could the possibly be any sort of permanent vaccine that gets stored in T-cell immune system memory.
And that's why I didn't say "health cards".

You're pretty good at this...
"Health cards" so they can treat everyone and their brother like they are common street whores. I will continue to take a hard pass on all their jabs and bullshit.

Three of four sister-in-laws with covid these last few weeks. None jabbed. Only one super sick still and that is because she had an allergic reaction to "their" treatment and two days later suffered a stroke. Even she is on the mend now. The fourth it didn't phase because she takes supplements and walks everyday. All over 65.
Claiming that you won't die, if you get the vaccine, is misinformation. You can still die, from covid, even with the vaccine.
"Claiming that you won't die", is nothing I ever said. That's you lying about me. Therefore, that's not misinformation. It's simply you lying. "You can still die from Covid, even with the vaccine." I never said you couldn't. Are you going to falsely claim I said that too?
I agree somewhat. People do have a right to their stupidity. What they DON'T have a right to is the right to serve as Petri dishes for new variants, or to endanger me or my family.
So come to my home and step three feet inside my front door and stop me. You're powerless to do anything but bitch.
"Claiming that you won't die", is nothing I ever said. That's you lying about me. Therefore, that's not misinformation. It's simply you lying. "You can still die from Covid, even with the vaccine." I never said you couldn't. Are you going to falsely claim I said that too?
The OP said it.
I am talking about vaccines. You are talking about experimental. Different animal.
You're right. Vaccines required for school, etc are not experimental. The COVID vaccine is experimental and has no long term studies.

Thank you!
You're right. Vaccines required for school, etc are not experimental. The COVID vaccine is experimental and has no long term studies.

Thank you!
The fact that most of the 14,000 people in Indiana hospitals, who are not vaccinated, tells us the experiment is over;
Please ... If you've had two pokes of Moderna or Pfizer PLUS the booster your chances of dying or ending up in ER are infinitesimal. You may get a mild cold but you won't end up in ER or die. Kindly observe and PLEASE follow the science and vax it up. No, you will not turn into zombies, become magnetic or get a Bill Gates tracking chip. :rolleyes-41:


BNT162b2 vaccine booster and mortality due to COVID-19external icon. Arbel et al. NEJM (December 8, 2021).

Key findings:

  • Among adults aged ≥50 years, COVID-19 mortality was 90% lower among those who received a 3rd(booster) dose of BNT162b2 (Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech) compared with those who received only 2 doses (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]0.10, 95% CI 0.07-0.14) (Figure).
    • Mortality was 0.16 per 100,000 persons/day in those who received a 3rd(booster) dose and 2.98 per 100,000 persons/day in those who did not.
  • The aHR for SARS-CoV-2 infection in the booster group, as compared with the no booster group, was 0.17 (95% CI 0.16-0.18).

PS: On Omicron in past weeks, SIX per 100,000 population have died. Two pokes only is ONE per 100,000. Two pokes PLUS the booster? .01 of 100,000.

2021 Darwin Award Winner.jpg
The fact that most of the 14,000 people in Indiana hospitals, who are not vaccinated, tells us the experiment is over;

14,000 people in Indiana hospitals sounds like one patient in some of the hospitals in the state. What am I missing? Anything?

What does anyone in a hospital have to do with whether or not any drug has full approval by the FDA?
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You're right. Vaccines required for school, etc are not experimental. The COVID vaccine is experimental and has no long term studies.

Thank you!
History tells us that severe side effects are extremely rare, and if they do occur, they usually happen within the first two months.
COVID-19 vaccine technologies have been studied for years and used in other treatments without issue.

the effects show up in clinical trials prior to seeking FDA approval.
I agree somewhat. People do have a right to their stupidity. What they DON'T have a right to is the right to serve as Petri dishes for new variants, or to endanger me or my family.
Wrong. They are only endangering themselves. Vaxxed people do catch COVID and spread it. And MASKS are worthless.

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