For those who oppose the new North Carolina "anti-LGBT" law

that isn't what would happen.

nice meme though.

so let's see.... you think a transgendered female should be forced to use a bathroom with people who are going to kick the bejeezus out of her?
That's exactly the intent of the "law."

I know
Objection your honor! Move to strike! Defense is being speculative and argumentative!!!

(Damn I'm good at this stuf....I believe I have found my calling :eusa_dance:)

very cute. :)

so what do you think would happen to a transgendered female in a men's locker room in the south?

honest answer.... then we can talk about why anyone would intentionally humiliate people (teens in particular) who already have an attempted suicide rate of something like 70% to 80% of their population.

For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.

someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
That's exactly the intent of the "law."

I know
Objection your honor! Move to strike! Defense is being speculative and argumentative!!!

(Damn I'm good at this stuf....I believe I have found my calling :eusa_dance:)

very cute. :)

so what do you think would happen to a transgendered female in a men's locker room in the south?

honest answer.... then we can talk about why anyone would intentionally humiliate people (teens in particular) who already have an attempted suicide rate of something like 70% to 80% of their population.

For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.

someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.
LGBT promoters = simpletons
We have bigger issues to deal with. No one cares.
If you're a man trapped in a women's body or visa with it and keep it out of my politics. I don't care if you are a freak and can't deal with life. We all have our own problems so just go away.
Objection your honor! Move to strike! Defense is being speculative and argumentative!!!

(Damn I'm good at this stuf....I believe I have found my calling :eusa_dance:)

very cute. :)

so what do you think would happen to a transgendered female in a men's locker room in the south?

honest answer.... then we can talk about why anyone would intentionally humiliate people (teens in particular) who already have an attempted suicide rate of something like 70% to 80% of their population.

For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.

someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.

i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

Women were subservient, and blacks were commonly slaves for centuries too. The world has changed. Too bad you can't keep up.
Objection your honor! Move to strike! Defense is being speculative and argumentative!!!

(Damn I'm good at this stuf....I believe I have found my calling :eusa_dance:)

very cute. :)

so what do you think would happen to a transgendered female in a men's locker room in the south?

honest answer.... then we can talk about why anyone would intentionally humiliate people (teens in particular) who already have an attempted suicide rate of something like 70% to 80% of their population.

For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.

someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.

i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.
very cute. :)

so what do you think would happen to a transgendered female in a men's locker room in the south?

honest answer.... then we can talk about why anyone would intentionally humiliate people (teens in particular) who already have an attempted suicide rate of something like 70% to 80% of their population.

For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.

someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.

i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.

so people shouldn't be who they are and should be closeted because someone else might be uncomfortable about them?

what if that difference was religion and some christian radical thought i should have to hide my religion?

i think it's clear that gender dysphoria is real. i think it's clear that life is more difficult for people who are gender dysphoric. i think the world is better when we allow people to live as they choose so long as they don't hurt others.

so again, how is the world a better place making someone suicidal by humiliating them or forcing them back into a closet?
How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

Women were subservient, and blacks were commonly slaves for centuries too. The world has changed. Too bad you can't keep up.
LOL! That one was even weaker. The issue isn't whether it is "repressive" (as it was for women and blacks) - the issue is that you claim this can't be done without "genital inspectors" and we've been doing it for centuries without "genital inspectors".

Would you like to try again?

By the way - you liberals LIVE for oppressive control. Take guns away. Take faith away. Take freedom of speech and the Internet away. All because you claim society needs rules, structures, etc. to avoid anarchy. How interesting that you stop applying your own principles about a "cohesive society" with structures and rules the minute something sexually deviant turns you on and gets you all frothy.
For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.

someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.

i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.

so people shouldn't be who they are and should be closeted because someone else might be uncomfortable about them?

what if that difference was religion and some christian radical thought i should have to hide my religion?

i think it's clear that gender dysphoria is real. i think it's clear that life is more difficult for people who are gender dysphoric. i think the world is better when we allow people to live as they choose so long as they don't hurt others.

so again, how is the world a better place making someone suicidal by humiliating them or forcing them back into a closet?
You just nailed it! I'm strictly forbidden at my work from making religious comments (including God Bless you or Have a Blessed day) despite having a constitutional right to my faith. Same with political at my work. So if you can "closet" me on my faith and my religion, why won't you "closet" someone else on their deviant behavior? They can cross-dress all they want at home. They don't need to bring that stuff into schools or businesses.
The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

Women were subservient, and blacks were commonly slaves for centuries too. The world has changed. Too bad you can't keep up.
LOL! That one was even weaker. The issue isn't whether it is "repressive" (as it was for women and blacks) - the issue is that you claim this can't be done without "genital inspectors" and we've been doing it for centuries without "genital inspectors".

Would you like to try again?

By the way - you liberals LIVE for oppressive control. Take guns away. Take faith away. Take freedom of speech and the Internet away. All because you claim society needs rules, structures, etc. to avoid anarchy. How interesting that you stop applying your own principles about a "cohesive society" with structures and rules the minute something sexually deviant turns you on and gets you all frothy.

When have your guns, faith, or freedom of speech been taken away?
For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.

someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.

i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.

so people shouldn't be who they are and should be closeted because someone else might be uncomfortable about them?

what if that difference was religion and some christian radical thought i should have to hide my religion?

i think it's clear that gender dysphoria is real. i think it's clear that life is more difficult for people who are gender dysphoric. i think the world is better when we allow people to live as they choose so long as they don't hurt others.

so again, how is the world a better place making someone suicidal by humiliating them or forcing them back into a closet?
Be honest here for a minute - if you identified as a dog and relieved mental stability and peace by staying on all fours and barking for hours on end, do you believe your business should have to accomodate you on that? Honestly?
The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

Women were subservient, and blacks were commonly slaves for centuries too. The world has changed. Too bad you can't keep up.
LOL! That one was even weaker. The issue isn't whether it is "repressive" (as it was for women and blacks) - the issue is that you claim this can't be done without "genital inspectors" and we've been doing it for centuries without "genital inspectors".

Would you like to try again?

By the way - you liberals LIVE for oppressive control. Take guns away. Take faith away. Take freedom of speech and the Internet away. All because you claim society needs rules, structures, etc. to avoid anarchy. How interesting that you stop applying your own principles about a "cohesive society" with structures and rules the minute something sexually deviant turns you on and gets you all frothy.
am I the only one here who felt like a female woman between 1 and 3 pm today?
someone with gender dysphoria does not see themselves as the gender assigned to them at birth. they do not dress as the gender assigned to them at birth or comport themselves as someone of the gender assigned to them at birth. you are essentially either forcing them to present as a gender they do not relate to or you are going to get them killed by some yahoo in a men's locker room.

and while i understand what you're saying about the psychotic who thinks he's jesus, that is not what gender dysphoria is.

and, as i said, i'm not big on humiliating anyone for whom life is already hard enough. the world is ugly enough without making someone who already is having a difficult time to be humiliated.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.

i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.

so people shouldn't be who they are and should be closeted because someone else might be uncomfortable about them?

what if that difference was religion and some christian radical thought i should have to hide my religion?

i think it's clear that gender dysphoria is real. i think it's clear that life is more difficult for people who are gender dysphoric. i think the world is better when we allow people to live as they choose so long as they don't hurt others.

so again, how is the world a better place making someone suicidal by humiliating them or forcing them back into a closet?
You just nailed it! I'm strictly forbidden at my work from making religious comments (including God Bless you or Have a Blessed day) despite having a constitutional right to my faith. Same with political at my work. So if you can "closet" me on my faith and my religion, why won't you "closet" someone else on their deviant behavior? They can cross-dress all they want at home. They don't need to bring that stuff into schools or businesses.

Sounds like you have a problem fitting in at your place of work. The government isn't your problem.
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

Women were subservient, and blacks were commonly slaves for centuries too. The world has changed. Too bad you can't keep up.
LOL! That one was even weaker. The issue isn't whether it is "repressive" (as it was for women and blacks) - the issue is that you claim this can't be done without "genital inspectors" and we've been doing it for centuries without "genital inspectors".

Would you like to try again?

By the way - you liberals LIVE for oppressive control. Take guns away. Take faith away. Take freedom of speech and the Internet away. All because you claim society needs rules, structures, etc. to avoid anarchy. How interesting that you stop applying your own principles about a "cohesive society" with structures and rules the minute something sexually deviant turns you on and gets you all frothy.

When have your guns, faith, or freedom of speech been taken away?
Are you serious? Guns are currently banned in NY and Chicago and were banned in Washington D.C. until the Heller Supreme Court case over turned it. Also, fully automatic weapons were banned in the 1980's (all current firearms then were grandfathered in and remain legal today). But there are a slew of bad-ass full auto's since then that I would do anything to buy and yet am forbidden.

As far as faith - do a Google search on Nativity scenes. Do a Google search on prayer in schools. I could go on and on. All of it taken away.

Speech? Um....have you seen the ungodly violence by liberals? Donald Trump (who, for the record, it the ultimate @hole that I hate) couldn't even campaign in Chicago because liberal thugs turned to violence and rioted. Conservatives have peacefully endured Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi destroying the U.S. Constitution and thus country, but liberals won't even allow conservatives to run for office or give speeches.

Are you really this misinformed that I have to explain all of these realities to you???
Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

Women were subservient, and blacks were commonly slaves for centuries too. The world has changed. Too bad you can't keep up.
LOL! That one was even weaker. The issue isn't whether it is "repressive" (as it was for women and blacks) - the issue is that you claim this can't be done without "genital inspectors" and we've been doing it for centuries without "genital inspectors".

Would you like to try again?

By the way - you liberals LIVE for oppressive control. Take guns away. Take faith away. Take freedom of speech and the Internet away. All because you claim society needs rules, structures, etc. to avoid anarchy. How interesting that you stop applying your own principles about a "cohesive society" with structures and rules the minute something sexually deviant turns you on and gets you all frothy.

When have your guns, faith, or freedom of speech been taken away?
Are you serious? Guns are currently banned in NY and Chicago and were banned in Washington D.C. until the Heller Supreme Court case over turned it. Also, fully automatic weapons were banned in the 1980's (all current firearms then were grandfathered in and remain legal today). But there are a slew of bad-ass full auto's since then that I would do anything to buy and yet am forbidden.

As far as faith - do a Google search on Nativity scenes. Do a Google search on prayer in schools. I could go on and on. All of it taken away.

Speech? Um....have you seen the ungodly violence by liberals? Donald Trump (who, for the record, it the ultimate @hole that I hate) couldn't even campaign in Chicago because liberal thugs turned to violence and rioted. Conservatives have peacefully endured Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi destroying the U.S. Constitution and thus country, but liberals won't even allow conservatives to run for office or give speeches.

Are you really this misinformed that I have to explain all of these realities to you???

All your silly complaints have been addressed literally millions of times. I won't bother to do it again.
Well make no mistake about it my friend - I'm 100% against anyone harassing others. And that shit would never fly if I were in the locker room (at least physically - I probably wouldn't intervene on verbal because I'm a huge proponent of Freedom of Speech).

But at the end of the day - this supports my entire point. Someone who believes they are something other than what they are has a very real disorder and we should all be advocating for them to get proper healthcare treatment. Not celebrating their sickness and trying to make laws to further accomodate their disorder.

i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.

so people shouldn't be who they are and should be closeted because someone else might be uncomfortable about them?

what if that difference was religion and some christian radical thought i should have to hide my religion?

i think it's clear that gender dysphoria is real. i think it's clear that life is more difficult for people who are gender dysphoric. i think the world is better when we allow people to live as they choose so long as they don't hurt others.

so again, how is the world a better place making someone suicidal by humiliating them or forcing them back into a closet?
You just nailed it! I'm strictly forbidden at my work from making religious comments (including God Bless you or Have a Blessed day) despite having a constitutional right to my faith. Same with political at my work. So if you can "closet" me on my faith and my religion, why won't you "closet" someone else on their deviant behavior? They can cross-dress all they want at home. They don't need to bring that stuff into schools or businesses.

Sounds like you have a problem fitting in at your place of work. The government isn't your problem.
You are like the king/queen of nonsensical. Where is there any indication above where I said "I'm having problems fitting in" or even implied that? Unlike you - I understand that there are rules and I respect them.

I guess since you now realize you are dead wrong in that all business force everyone to leave their personal lives at home and it should be no different for cross-dressers, you had to throw out some lies which have nothing to do with the issue at hand.

It must really suck to get your ass handed to you that badly in a debate that you have to resort to that. I honestly wouldn't know. I come armed to the debate with facts, rationale, and reason.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

Women were subservient, and blacks were commonly slaves for centuries too. The world has changed. Too bad you can't keep up.
LOL! That one was even weaker. The issue isn't whether it is "repressive" (as it was for women and blacks) - the issue is that you claim this can't be done without "genital inspectors" and we've been doing it for centuries without "genital inspectors".

Would you like to try again?

By the way - you liberals LIVE for oppressive control. Take guns away. Take faith away. Take freedom of speech and the Internet away. All because you claim society needs rules, structures, etc. to avoid anarchy. How interesting that you stop applying your own principles about a "cohesive society" with structures and rules the minute something sexually deviant turns you on and gets you all frothy.

When have your guns, faith, or freedom of speech been taken away?
Are you serious? Guns are currently banned in NY and Chicago and were banned in Washington D.C. until the Heller Supreme Court case over turned it. Also, fully automatic weapons were banned in the 1980's (all current firearms then were grandfathered in and remain legal today). But there are a slew of bad-ass full auto's since then that I would do anything to buy and yet am forbidden.

As far as faith - do a Google search on Nativity scenes. Do a Google search on prayer in schools. I could go on and on. All of it taken away.

Speech? Um....have you seen the ungodly violence by liberals? Donald Trump (who, for the record, it the ultimate @hole that I hate) couldn't even campaign in Chicago because liberal thugs turned to violence and rioted. Conservatives have peacefully endured Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi destroying the U.S. Constitution and thus country, but liberals won't even allow conservatives to run for office or give speeches.

Are you really this misinformed that I have to explain all of these realities to you???

All your silly complaints have been addressed literally millions of times. I won't bother to do it again.
In other words - you just got your ass handed to you for the tenth time this evening and you can't dispute anything I've said, so you're running for the hills with your tail tucked between your legs. That's cool! At the very least, it shows you have the same to know when you're thoroughly defeated and need to retreat! That's a lot more than can be said for most liberals.
This woman thinks she is a cat. Should her employer make sure she has a litter box and can sit on top of the filing cabinet for a nap every day?

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night

Dysphoia is a disorder. It should be treated.

Transgender isn't dysphobia.
i appreciate that.

so what do you think happens to someone who is living as a woman but is forced to go to a men's locker room or bathroom?
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.

so people shouldn't be who they are and should be closeted because someone else might be uncomfortable about them?

what if that difference was religion and some christian radical thought i should have to hide my religion?

i think it's clear that gender dysphoria is real. i think it's clear that life is more difficult for people who are gender dysphoric. i think the world is better when we allow people to live as they choose so long as they don't hurt others.

so again, how is the world a better place making someone suicidal by humiliating them or forcing them back into a closet?
You just nailed it! I'm strictly forbidden at my work from making religious comments (including God Bless you or Have a Blessed day) despite having a constitutional right to my faith. Same with political at my work. So if you can "closet" me on my faith and my religion, why won't you "closet" someone else on their deviant behavior? They can cross-dress all they want at home. They don't need to bring that stuff into schools or businesses.

Sounds like you have a problem fitting in at your place of work. The government isn't your problem.
You are like the king/queen of nonsensical. Where is there any indication above where I said "I'm having problems fitting in" or even implied that? Unlike you - I understand that there are rules and I respect them.

I guess since you now realize you are dead wrong in that all business force everyone to leave their personal lives at home and it should be no different for cross-dressers, you had to throw out some lies which have nothing to do with the issue at hand.

It must really suck to get your ass handed to you that badly in a debate that you have to resort to that. I honestly wouldn't know. I come armed to the debate with facts, rationale, and reason.

All businesses force everyone to leave their personal lives at home? That's as nuts as all the other crap you're spouting. Another RWNJ beyond any rational discussion.
This woman thinks she is a cat. Should her employer make sure she has a litter box and can sit on top of the filing cabinet for a nap every day?

Woman says she is a cat trapped in the wrong body - she hisses at dogs, hates water and claims she can even see better at night

Dysphoia is a disorder. It should be treated.

Transgender isn't dysphobia.
In my opinion - they should not live as a woman in public (just in the privacy of their own home as Bruce Jenner did for his entire life) and seek professional help for the disorder in the meantime.

Problem solved. The goons will not have anything to target because they won't know anything and the people with the disorders will be getting the treatment they need.

so people shouldn't be who they are and should be closeted because someone else might be uncomfortable about them?

what if that difference was religion and some christian radical thought i should have to hide my religion?

i think it's clear that gender dysphoria is real. i think it's clear that life is more difficult for people who are gender dysphoric. i think the world is better when we allow people to live as they choose so long as they don't hurt others.

so again, how is the world a better place making someone suicidal by humiliating them or forcing them back into a closet?
You just nailed it! I'm strictly forbidden at my work from making religious comments (including God Bless you or Have a Blessed day) despite having a constitutional right to my faith. Same with political at my work. So if you can "closet" me on my faith and my religion, why won't you "closet" someone else on their deviant behavior? They can cross-dress all they want at home. They don't need to bring that stuff into schools or businesses.

Sounds like you have a problem fitting in at your place of work. The government isn't your problem.
You are like the king/queen of nonsensical. Where is there any indication above where I said "I'm having problems fitting in" or even implied that? Unlike you - I understand that there are rules and I respect them.

I guess since you now realize you are dead wrong in that all business force everyone to leave their personal lives at home and it should be no different for cross-dressers, you had to throw out some lies which have nothing to do with the issue at hand.

It must really suck to get your ass handed to you that badly in a debate that you have to resort to that. I honestly wouldn't know. I come armed to the debate with facts, rationale, and reason.

All businesses force everyone to leave their personal lives at home? That's as nuts as all the other crap you're spouting. Another RWNJ beyond any rational discussion.
Well....maybe not at your construction site. But yes junior - in the professional world - HR departments across the nation keep very large binders full of regulations stating as much.

In all seriousness - how old are you? 16? 17? You seem woefully uninformed on even the most basic things.

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