For those who oppose the new North Carolina "anti-LGBT" law

You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

I wouldn't give a shit...

Only #1?
This is what you're fighting for.


Own it. I cannot honestly believe you would want something like this to happen.

Actually, from my perspective, that's what this law is fighting for. You're looking at this the wrong way.

This law says that this guy should be using the ladies room:


I don't get it. Provided that looks are deceiving, this guy looks like a member of the Yakuza or something.

His name is Buck Angel. He's a porn star, and he used to be Susan. He still has a vagina.

Which bathroom do you think he should use?
The one that says "it"... Lol
If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do?

That would be awesome. Don't ruin this for us, jerkoff.

The Wife and I were at a Costco a while back, I excused myself and went to the men's room. Anyone who has been in a Costco knows how the bathrooms are. So, I'm standing in there taking a wiz and in Walks some old lady. Now, I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I must admit that I was shocked. I just said "excuse me ma'am but you're in the wrong restroom". She turned 6 shades of red and covered her eyes and left.

Point being? You pseudo-intellectual, progressives may think that sharing the John is no big deal. But to us older folks, who still have morals, it is a matter of privacy. You want to piss and crap in front of each other, to make yourselves feel "enlightened" - go for it. But why not start out doing it in front of your Mothers or Fathers or your Grandmothers or fathers. See how far that gets your dumb asses.
You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
She can prove herself a female, so what's your beef?
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You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

I, personally, would love to question the women who leave the facilities after this "thing" goes in. I truly would love to hear their thoughts.
You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
She's a female she has absolute proof if anyone presses the issue…
These warm and fuzzy feelings of political correctness serve no purpose in life.
If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do?

That would be awesome. Don't ruin this for us, jerkoff.

The Wife and I were at a Costco a while back, I excused myself and went to the men's room. Anyone who has been in a Costco knows how the bathrooms are. So, I'm standing in there taking a wiz and in Walks some old lady. Now, I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I must admit that I was shocked. I just said "excuse me ma'am but you're in the wrong restroom". She turned 6 shades of red and covered her eyes and left.

Point being? You pseudo-intellectual, progressives may think that sharing the John is no big deal. But to us older folks, who still have morals, it is a matter of privacy. You want to piss and crap in front of each other, to make yourselves feel "enlightened" - go for it. But why not start out doing it in front of your Mothers or Fathers or your Grandmothers or fathers. See how far that gets your dumb asses.

You haven't been to a concert lately, have you? As many women in the men's restroom as men.
How many females really look like this women in the country? So using her as a example is nothing more than a deflection....
If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do?

That would be awesome. Don't ruin this for us, jerkoff.

The Wife and I were at a Costco a while back, I excused myself and went to the men's room. Anyone who has been in a Costco knows how the bathrooms are. So, I'm standing in there taking a wiz and in Walks some old lady. Now, I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I must admit that I was shocked. I just said "excuse me ma'am but you're in the wrong restroom". She turned 6 shades of red and covered her eyes and left.

Point being? You pseudo-intellectual, progressives may think that sharing the John is no big deal. But to us older folks, who still have morals, it is a matter of privacy. You want to piss and crap in front of each other, to make yourselves feel "enlightened" - go for it. But why not start out doing it in front of your Mothers or Fathers or your Grandmothers or fathers. See how far that gets your dumb asses.

You haven't been to a concert lately, have you? As many women in the men's restroom as men.

I'm 72. Now how the hell many concerts do you think I have been to lately? My last show was a Teddy Pendergast show in 1981. No, wait, my kids took me and the Wife to the Trans-Siberian Christmas show in the later 90s. I recall men in the men's room. Didn't see any women.

Guess the whole world has changed since the late 90s.
The fact remains these tranny people are mentally "off"... Making this and that law for whatever really is not addressing the problem. The problem is political correctness in this country.
The fact remains these tranny people are mentally "off"... Making this and that law for whatever really is not addressing the problem. The problem is political correctness in this country.

Agreed. It is a situation of "destroy from within". It really is that simple.
The fact remains these tranny people are mentally "off"... Making this and that law for whatever really is not addressing the problem. The problem is political correctness in this country.

Agreed. It is a situation of "destroy from within". It really is that simple.
Career Politicians and their form of control(political correctness) has FUBARed the country well past the point of no return...
This is what you're fighting for.


Own it. I cannot honestly believe you would want something like this to happen.

that isn't what would happen.

nice meme though.

so let's see.... you think a transgendered female should be forced to use a bathroom with people who are going to kick the bejeezus out of her?
That's exactly the intent of the "law."

I know
Objection your honor! Move to strike! Defense is being speculative and argumentative!!!

(Damn I'm good at this stuf....I believe I have found my calling :eusa_dance:)

very cute. :)

so what do you think would happen to a transgendered female in a men's locker room in the south?

honest answer.... then we can talk about why anyone would intentionally humiliate people (teens in particular) who already have an attempted suicide rate of something like 70% to 80% of their population.

For starters - I'm not sure as understand your question. A female does not belong in a male locker room (ever). Now, if "transgendered female" means an actual male who wants to dress as a female - I think *he* would get his ass whipped and take quite a bit of verbal abuse.

But there are two parts here. The first is, the person should have enough damn sense to leave their deviant sexual behaviors at home. There is no place for that nonsense in schools, in the work place, etc. There is stuff I *love* to do in the bedroom as well, but I don't ask my co-workers to engage in it with me or discuss it with me. I leave it where it belongs. A great example of this is that Kardashian guy. He kept that secret at home where it belonged and he lead a completely normal life. Competed in the Olympics, no abuse from others, no suicide attempts.

Second, and much more important, I think you are finally starting to hit on the real problem. Why are the suicide attempts and rates so high with that group? Because they are mentally disturbed in a very real and very big way. They need help. They don't need libs cheering them on for cheap thrills. I've said this a dozen times on this thread already (don't know if you've seen it so I'm repeating - forgive me if you have). A person who believes they are something they are not is mentally disturbed and required professional healthcare. Liberal as would never cheer for a man who truly believed he was Jesus Christ to live his life as Jesus Christ. They would insist that the person receive prosper treatment. And yet when a man (indisputably, scientifically proven by an X and Y chromosome) says he feels he is a "woman", libs don't insist on proper treatment for that poor disturbed sole, but instead cheers him to engage in self-mutilation and humiliating/degrading acts in public.
That guy's daughter is in a lot more danger from pedophiles outside the bathroom than trans women in the bathroom.

You're failing to understand that pedophiles will most certainly take advantage of laws like Washington's. They can be inside or outside.
Pedophiles already can if they wanted to. There is nothing to prevent a man from impersonating a woman and doing so and this law doesn't change anything.
You mean other than the fact that everyone can tell the difference between a man and a woman by build, facial hair, balding, etc.? :eusa_wall:

You've seen transgender pictures - how can you always tell? You can't. How many people spend time analyzing gender in the restroom?
Without major surgery and major hormones - it is painfully obvious. Have you ever ONCE been fooled by Bruce Jenner? Be honest. No amount of makeup or dresses conceals the fact that it is clearly a man.
Probably does. Looks like a vain faggot.

Except he's a female to male transgendered person. Which restroom do YOU think he should use? NC says women's restroom.

Frankly, I'm sick to death of this bullshit. If his damned birth certificate says "female" then take a squat in the girls bathroom. If it says "male" get your ass in the boys restroom. Damned perverts. Of all the damned things going on in this world, we have these freaks. Jesus people, wake up.

So you agree with NC that the below individual should go to the women's restroom? :lol:


Nope. If I had my way, these perverts would be going out in the woods, with the rest of the animals.

Ah, that we've heard from the Neanderthal faction...

Why is it that anyone who doesn't embrace the most disturbing sexually deviant behaviors is considered "unrefined" by the left??? There is nothing more "Neanderthal" than being incapable of controlling sexual urges an deviant behaviors and becoming uncivilized wild animals mating with anyone and anything as the left does and advocates.

Mark my words folks - we are just a few short years away from liberals insisting anyone who doesn't embrace beastiality and pedophilia are "bigoted", "close minded", and "Neanderthals". And before the left goes into their same absurd denial stage - there was already an instance where a pedophile wrote a huge article in a publication about their deviant behavior and the left went into FULL marketing mode trying to get that person and their behavior accepted by society. It's already under way, so spare us all the denial bullcrap.
You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

I, personally, would love to question the women who leave the facilities after this "thing" goes in. I truly would love to hear their thoughts.
Any normal woman (i.e. not a frothing deviant liberal) will be absolutely mortified and fearful for their safety. A man has NO business in there with them. It's so sad that liberals get off on this kind of stuff. They are working around the clock to get any kind of disturbing, deviant behavior "accepted by society". Remove God - replace with pedophilia. Tragic.
You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

Again, you gonna have a genital inspector in each location? Lots of people would have a big problem with him in a women's restroom.
This is one of the most bizarre and absurd responses I have ever seen. We've successfully implemented male and female restrooms for 235 years without "genital inspections". But now, because you're sexually aroused by the deviance, you want to make the case that this should be accepted since we don't have "genital inspectors"?!? We've managed just fine without them for a couple of centuries already so you're going to have to do much better than that in your bizarre argument.

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