For those who oppose the new North Carolina "anti-LGBT" law

That guy's daughter is in a lot more danger from pedophiles outside the bathroom than trans women in the bathroom.

You're failing to understand that pedophiles will most certainly take advantage of laws like Washington's. They can be inside or outside.
Pedophiles already can if they wanted to. There is nothing to prevent a man from impersonating a woman and doing so and this law doesn't change anything.
You mean other than the fact that everyone can tell the difference between a man and a woman by build, facial hair, balding, etc.? :eusa_wall:

You've seen transgender pictures - how can you always tell? You can't. How many people spend time analyzing gender in the restroom?
Without major surgery and major hormones - it is painfully obvious. Have you ever ONCE been fooled by Bruce Jenner? Be honest. No amount of makeup or dresses conceals the fact that it is clearly a man.

I've seen some's questionable...
You're looking at this the wrong way.

How am I? I read the full text of the law. If you were in the men's bathroom and a woman walks in, what would you do? How would you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Unaffected?

The societal norm is that men go into men's bathrooms and women go into women's bathroom. You go into a facility that matches your biological gender, emphasis on biological.

The man in #3 is biologically a woman. You comfortable with that person walking into a bathroom full of girls?
He can prove himself a female, so what's your beef?

I, personally, would love to question the women who leave the facilities after this "thing" goes in. I truly would love to hear their thoughts.
Any normal woman (i.e. not a frothing deviant liberal) will be absolutely mortified and fearful for their safety. A man has NO business in there with them. It's so sad that liberals get off on this kind of stuff. They are working around the clock to get any kind of disturbing, deviant behavior "accepted by society". Remove God - replace with pedophilia. Tragic.

I'm not worried about transgender women.

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