For those who suffer anti Zionist mental disorder

"However it is not in my nature to be afraid of the lion's den so I will walk in, but know this I will walk in with my eyes open !!!"

I see: you're so brave that you have to announce that fact. Duly noted.

As an aside, I find the chest-thumping 'impressive' only in an inverse fashion.
Oh, that. It's just that I've never seen your posts criticizing the misbehavior of any other group in the Middle East..... And you seem to have some very strange ideas of what 'Zionism' espouses (although it is not a very monolithic movement).
Why don't you repeat the question for me, thanks?

why don't you copy the posts you are responding to. forgot i a speaking to an effete snob...why don't you copy those posts to which you are responding.
Why don't you repeat the question for me, thanks?

why don't you copy the posts you are responding to. forgot i a speaking to an effete snob...why don't you copy those posts to which you are responding.

^ should one infer that the poster above would characterize actually using the silverware at mealtime to be 'effete'?

one should infer whatever one wants to infer, although i think the word "snob" would better reference the actual use of the silverware, or perhaps the proverbial "silver spoon" while "effete" would reference the relative lack of skill with which that silverware was being utilised.

or, when yez are stuffin' the peas into your gob with your knife, be careful not to poke your orb out.
"However it is not in my nature to be afraid of the lion's den so I will walk in, but know this I will walk in with my eyes open !!!"

I see: you're so brave that you have to announce that fact. Duly noted.

As an aside, I find the chest-thumping 'impressive' only in an inverse fashion.

I will not engage in an argument with you as I find your responses to me to be both insulting and demeaning. I will however answer some of the issues that you have brought up because they are full of garbage, and I will attempt to do so in a courteous manner which you seem incapable of.

I did not do any " chest thumping " all my purpose was in doing this was to show people that I knew what I was letting myself in for

PatCat - where have you been when people are stating as 'FACT' that 'the Bolshevik leadership, from Marx and Lenin down, were mostly Jews'?

Do you feel a similar compulsion to get THEM to present information honestly and accurately?

I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about if you can provide me with any posts on this subject that have occurred while I have been on this board I will be happy to respond

PPS Just curious Marg, what do you think Roudy's motivations are for vilifying people all over the place ?

What are Seal's? What are Ima's?

I do not agree, BTW, with your 'legal' definition of hate speech, but that's OK - I think it's too limited.

What is the problem here Marg, I answered your question politely and yet when I ask you a similar question all I get is the DUCK AND DODGE, I am not your inferior on this board. I will admit that my question, like yours can be seen as a trap but I answered yours now why don't you at least take a swing at mine.

BTW it is not my definition of hate speech it is the laws so your problem is with the law !!!
Oh, that. It's just that I've never seen your posts criticizing the misbehavior of any other group in the Middle East..... And you seem to have some very strange ideas of what 'Zionism' espouses (although it is not a very monolithic movement).
Thank you for your answer.
and say they are “not” anti-Semitic or try to point out how “pro”-Jewish they are, but are willing to more than side with those whom want to promote totalitarianism, facism, anti Semtism, and barbaric Islamism in the Middle East.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - A Supporter of Israel - YouTube
What did King have to say about Ben-Gurion's bigotry:

"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'"

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky
and say they are “not” anti-Semitic or try to point out how “pro”-Jewish they are, but are willing to more than side with those whom want to promote totalitarianism, facism, anti Semtism, and barbaric Islamism in the Middle East.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - A Supporter of Israel - YouTube
What did King have to say about Ben-Gurion's bigotry:

"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'"

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky
Gee you want me site Arab Muskim bigotry, you fucking moron? That's ALL they are, a bunch of violent backwards ass intolerant, violent, chauvaistic BIGOTS. Don't act like you didn't know that already, you stupid donkey!
"However it is not in my nature to be afraid of the lion's den so I will walk in, but know this I will walk in with my eyes open !!!"

I see: you're so brave that you have to announce that fact. Duly noted.

As an aside, I find the chest-thumping 'impressive' only in an inverse fashion.

I will not engage in an argument with you as I find your responses to me to be both insulting and demeaning. I will however answer some of the issues that you have brought up because they are full of garbage, and I will attempt to do so in a courteous manner which you seem incapable of.

I did not do any " chest thumping " all my purpose was in doing this was to show people that I knew what I was letting myself in for

>>>>>>Considering we're on a freakin' CHAT BOARD - what is there for you to be afraid of???? Seriously, I think you were waaay tooo drama queen with that announcement, which is why the faint whiff of mockery in my response.

I'm quite capable of being courteous: I just have small patience with pomposity.

PatCat - where have you been when people are stating as 'FACT' that 'the Bolshevik leadership, from Marx and Lenin down, were mostly Jews'?

Do you feel a similar compulsion to get THEM to present information honestly and accurately?

I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about if you can provide me with any posts on this subject that have occurred while I have been on this board I will be happy to respond

>>>>Glad to know it. I'll keep you posted on that.....

PPS Just curious Marg, what do you think Roudy's motivations are for vilifying people all over the place ?

What are Seal's? What are Ima's?

I do not agree, BTW, with your 'legal' definition of hate speech, but that's OK - I think it's too limited.

What is the problem here Marg, I answered your question politely and yet when I ask you a similar question all I get is the DUCK AND DODGE, I am not your inferior on this board. I will admit that my question, like yours can be seen as a trap but I answered yours now why don't you at least take a swing at mine.

Frankly I do not care what his motivations are. I don't need someone else's opinions - and I don't care to spend time playing in others' heads.

BTW it is not my definition of hate speech it is the laws so your problem is with the law !!!

Nope. This isn't a courthouse, and I'm not trying to press charges - so that's not automatically the 'standard' which need be applied. And I'm not certain where one would find a 'legal' definition to begin with.

Incidentally, I do not consider using phrases like 'full of garbage' when referring to another's arguments to be maintaining courtesy - particularly when you then fail completely to even identify *which* arguments are purportedly 'full of garbage', let alone to demonstrate how you think that is so.

I have explained more than once that I reject Seal's and your initial premise, namely that 'Jews deserve to be hated by the black community' because ONE poster here allegedly misquoted Dr King.

So far, you have not provided any detail on where and how the quotes by Dr King were 'massaged' or 'abused' or whatever. Nor have you provided any sources for your contention that 'Jews are always complaining that Blacks don't like them'.

Until you can provide some unbiased sources to substantiate those allegations - there really isn't anything for me to discuss with Seal or you. Because it may as well not exist, if your words are the only source you can give.

If that bothers you, it is a shame - but that's a pretty standard requirement in any debate or investigation.

As are we ALL - including myself! - simply some random ID on a chat board, there is no 'reference' nor 'credentials' which comes along with our words here. All we have are the reliability of the sources we cite to back up our points. And perhaps there is something within our words, if others have read enough of those.......

I'm glad you consider Hoss a friend - I do, too.
What did King have to say about Ben-Gurion's bigotry:
Something about Chomsky being a prolific garbaggio-maker with a smelly following to dive into his dumpsters and spread the stench round, of course.
"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'"
Where did he say that, bth.?
What did King have to say about Ben-Gurion's bigotry:
Something about Chomsky being a prolific garbaggio-maker with a smelly following to dive into his dumpsters and spread the stench round, of course.
"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'"
Where did he say that, bth.?

He didn't ----but the rapist pig of arabia did say that about all those people unwilling to worship him-----people who had lived in arabia for thousands of years had no choice but to run away from his filth
The post in which I did an extensive expose' of the MLK "hoax" / LIE the other day has disappeared.
No surprise.

Israel-firster disinformationists try to propagate the LIE that MLK said that anti-Zionism equates to anti-Semitism. All major Zionist Supremacist media (like Shorty Morty Zuckerman's "US News and World Report") propagate this propaganda, knowing full well that even the hyper-Zionist "CAMERA" has recognized it as a LIE.

Where did this come from?
According to some philandering un-Torah-like "rabbi to the stars" (Marc Schneier- see below*)
there was supposedly a "letter to anti-Zionists" published in a 1967 edition of the "Saturday Review".

Then, we are told that MLK actually/instead said this at a Harvard lecture in 1968, before he was killed.
Of course, there is no such record; in fact, MLK NEVER SET FOOT IN CAMBRIDGE IN 1968.

Yet, the lies go on and on; I'm sure that we'll see more attempts at prevarication on this issue, amidst further lies and personal attacks- but NEVER any intellectual honesty- much less an admission of The Truth.

Now, ask yerselfs: Would a Nobel Peace laureate famous for non-violent peace activism really advocate for VIOLENCE against men, women and children being oppressed/occupied by warmongering NaZionists?

* Marc Schneier, rabbi to the stars, caught kissing another ...

Aug 14, 2010 ... A rabbi to the stars was busted by his jilted wife for smooching a sexy gal pal on an Israeli getaway, according to blockbuster court papers ...

Russell Simmons, Rabbi Marc Schneier and the President of ...

Mar 2, 2012 ... Russell Simmons, Rabbi Marc Schneier and the President of Israel Shimon Peres met today in New York City on behalf of the Foundation for ...
Rabbi Marc Schneier splits from fourth wife - - Similarto Rabbi Marc Schneier splits from fourth wife -

Jun 27, 2010 ... Respected Rabbi Marc Schneier has split from his fourth wife and is now spending time with a younger woman.
Rabbinical Group Poised To Investigate Marc Schneier | The ...

The Latest News | The Jewish Week... - Similarto Rabbinical Group Poised To Investigate Marc Schneier | The ...

Aug 31, 2010 ... Rabbinical Group Poised To Investigate Marc Schneier. High-style rabbi declines RCA offer to resign; says bipolar condition to blame for ...

Rabbi Marc Schneier - Tablet Magazine – Jewish News and ...

Rabbi Marc Schneier - Tablet Magazine – Jewish News and Politics, Jewish Arts and Culture, Jewish Life and Religion

Does Marc Schneier Speak for Us? Rabbi's infidelity said to reflect on community. By Marc Tracy|August 18, 2010|Leave a comment · The Scroll ...
and say they are “not” anti-Semitic or try to point out how “pro”-Jewish they are, but are willing to more than side with those whom want to promote totalitarianism, facism, anti Semtism, and barbaric Islamism in the Middle East.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - A Supporter of Israel - YouTube
What did King have to say about Ben-Gurion's bigotry:

"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'"

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky
Gee you want me site Arab Muskim bigotry, you fucking moron? That's ALL they are, a bunch of violent backwards ass intolerant, violent, chauvaistic BIGOTS. Don't act like you didn't know that already, you stupid donkey!
Ben-Gurion was an Semitic bigot, Bigot.
Did MLK approve?

Speaking of MLK....where's the Israeli version?
You know, the man or woman willing to stand up and promote civil disobedience when the rule of law is unjust and immoral?

"True peace is not merely the absence of violence; it is the presence of justice."

"I oppose the occupation in Palestine because I love Israel. I speak out against it not in anger, but with anxiety and sorrow in my heart, and above all with a passionate desire to see our beloved country stand as a moral example of the world."

"Injustice in Palestine is a threat to justice in Israel. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."

A reminder to Israel from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Occupied Palestine |
What did King have to say about Ben-Gurion's bigotry:
Something about Chomsky being a prolific garbaggio-maker with a smelly following to dive into his dumpsters and spread the stench round, of course.
"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'"
Where did he say that, bth.?
When he stole their country.

"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them?

"There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we came here and stole their country. Why should they accept that?"

User:Striver/People quoting Israeli and Zionists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why should Arabs accept that, drivel?
Because Hitler committed even worse crimes?
So did Moses.
The 'Jews' did not and do not need Israel for safety or to live. In fact, Jews in Israel are in jeopardy as a result of the Zionist movement.
Calling a group 'Jews' can only be appropriate when that group does so itself, and even then it must be remembered that 'Jews' are synonymous with 'people'.
A person is Jewish because she/he believes in that religious concept.
The Nazis and others decided 'Jews' were a race and that race was bad. A political group that called itself 'Zionist' capitalized on the backlash to the horrors inflicted by the racist Nazis.
Jewish people live in comfort, safety and security in the US, as they always have. Yes, there have been and still are idiotically stupid people who do not like 'Jews'. We call them anti-semitic. Semitic really refers to a language group and is not a race. The Semites moved into the middle east thousands of years ago and replaced the peoples and nations of that area.
The justification for Israel's presence is totally the modern desire to assuage an emotional reaction. Everyone knows that if the principle of returning land to those who claim precedence were applied generally, all indigenous peoples would take over every country, although determining just who really is 'indigenous' could be a problem.


That's crap.

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