For Trump, Cohen Plea Deal's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Exoneration


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
For Trump, Cohen Plea Deal's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Exoneration

Contrary to media speculation that Robert Mueller is closing in on President Trump, the special prosecutor’s plea deal with Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen offers further evidence that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians during the 2016 election, according to congressional investigators and former prosecutors.... Cohen pleaded guilty last week to making false statements in 2017 to the Senate intelligence committee about the Trump Organization’s failed efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Discussions about the so-called Moscow Project continued five months longer in 2016 than Cohen had initially stated under oath... The actual texts of the plea deal and related materials filed last week in federal court do not jibe with reports and commentary given on several cable news outlets and comments of Democrat leaders...…
Notably absent from the criminal-information document is any corroboration of the highly inflammatory, though oft-cited allegation made in the so-called Steele dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign, that Cohen visited Prague to clandestinely meet with Kremlin officials in August 2016 to arrange “deniable cash payments to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the Clinton campaign.”... Cohen has strenuously denied the allegation and offered his passport to show “I have never been to Prague in my life.”

So when will people finally start looking at what REALLY happened in 2016? Obama's administration and John Brennan spied on a POTUS candidate?... Then fabricated their 'bull' to explain losses. Meanwhile it seems that Jake Clapper was also involved in this cabal. Accordingly this frameup of Trump began well before the presidential primaries began.
You have to stop and ponder why the so called MSM wonders why Trump's stereotyping of them as Fake News is so effective.
Papadopoulos, Corsi, both have claimed Mueller wanted them to lie as part of their plea deal. Cohen evidently caved. In fact Corsi's attorneys are filing criminal complaint charges against Mueller et al precisely in regard to this premise. See: Corsi finalizing criminal complaint against Mueller

Paul Sperry seems to be one of the few journalists that remembers what journalism actually is.

Why aren't we talking about that now?
'cept cohen probably has tapes.

of trump.

For Trump, Cohen Plea Deal's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Exoneration

Contrary to media speculation that Robert Mueller is closing in on President Trump, the special prosecutor’s plea deal with Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen offers further evidence that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians during the 2016 election, according to congressional investigators and former prosecutors.... Cohen pleaded guilty last week to making false statements in 2017 to the Senate intelligence committee about the Trump Organization’s failed efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Discussions about the so-called Moscow Project continued five months longer in 2016 than Cohen had initially stated under oath... The actual texts of the plea deal and related materials filed last week in federal court do not jibe with reports and commentary given on several cable news outlets and comments of Democrat leaders...…
Notably absent from the criminal-information document is any corroboration of the highly inflammatory, though oft-cited allegation made in the so-called Steele dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign, that Cohen visited Prague to clandestinely meet with Kremlin officials in August 2016 to arrange “deniable cash payments to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the Clinton campaign.”... Cohen has strenuously denied the allegation and offered his passport to show “I have never been to Prague in my life.”

So when will people finally start looking at what REALLY happened in 2016? Obama's administration and John Brennan spied on a POTUS candidate?... Then fabricated their 'bull' to explain losses. Meanwhile it seems that Jake Clapper was also involved in this cabal. Accordingly this frameup of Trump began well before the presidential primaries began.
You have to stop and ponder why the so called MSM wonders why Trump's stereotyping of them as Fake News is so effective.
Papadopoulos, Corsi, both have claimed Mueller wanted them to lie as part of their plea deal. Cohen evidently caved. In fact Corsi's attorneys are filing criminal complaint charges against Mueller et al precisely in regard to this premise. See: Corsi finalizing criminal complaint against Mueller

Paul Sperry seems to be one of the few journalists that remembers what journalism actually is.

Why aren't we talking about that now?

If Trump wins again in 2020, I hope he gets revenge on those parasites. I hope he dumps classified info that exposes all the sick twisted shit these assholes do and have done and I hope it rocks the country. I hope there are mass arrests at the top and a lot of these billionaire sociopaths that pay for the campaigns these political whores run, as well as the groups that have hordes of unwashed communists howling at the gates are thrown in prison, their shit taken and divided up to charities that actually get funding to their objectives, rather than 97% overhead like the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.

I hope he holds a grudge and destroys the establishment. I really don't care about the consequences. I don't care if it's apocalyptic if it ends the corruptocracy we have now, wearing the corpse of our constitutional republic. I'm sure we can restore it once the dust settles.

For Trump, Cohen Plea Deal's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Exoneration

Contrary to media speculation that Robert Mueller is closing in on President Trump, the special prosecutor’s plea deal with Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen offers further evidence that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russians during the 2016 election, according to congressional investigators and former prosecutors.... Cohen pleaded guilty last week to making false statements in 2017 to the Senate intelligence committee about the Trump Organization’s failed efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Discussions about the so-called Moscow Project continued five months longer in 2016 than Cohen had initially stated under oath... The actual texts of the plea deal and related materials filed last week in federal court do not jibe with reports and commentary given on several cable news outlets and comments of Democrat leaders...…
Notably absent from the criminal-information document is any corroboration of the highly inflammatory, though oft-cited allegation made in the so-called Steele dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign, that Cohen visited Prague to clandestinely meet with Kremlin officials in August 2016 to arrange “deniable cash payments to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the Clinton campaign.”... Cohen has strenuously denied the allegation and offered his passport to show “I have never been to Prague in my life.”

So when will people finally start looking at what REALLY happened in 2016? Obama's administration and John Brennan spied on a POTUS candidate?... Then fabricated their 'bull' to explain losses. Meanwhile it seems that Jake Clapper was also involved in this cabal. Accordingly this frameup of Trump began well before the presidential primaries began.
You have to stop and ponder why the so called MSM wonders why Trump's stereotyping of them as Fake News is so effective.
Papadopoulos, Corsi, both have claimed Mueller wanted them to lie as part of their plea deal. Cohen evidently caved. In fact Corsi's attorneys are filing criminal complaint charges against Mueller et al precisely in regard to this premise. See: Corsi finalizing criminal complaint against Mueller

Paul Sperry seems to be one of the few journalists that remembers what journalism actually is.

Why aren't we talking about that now?

If Trump wins again in 2020, I hope he gets revenge on those parasites. I hope he dumps classified info that exposes all the sick twisted shit these assholes do and have done and I hope it rocks the country. I hope there are mass arrests at the top and a lot of these billionaire sociopaths that pay for the campaigns these political whores run, as well as the groups that have hordes of unwashed communists howling at the gates are thrown in prison, their shit taken and divided up to charities that actually get funding to their objectives, rather than 97% overhead like the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.

I hope he holds a grudge and destroys the establishment. I really don't care about the consequences. I don't care if it's apocalyptic if it ends the corruptocracy we have now, wearing the corpse of our constitutional republic. I'm sure we can restore it once the dust settles.


He is the President right now, why wait?
He is the President right now, why wait?

I very briefly held out hope that the moonbat messiah would do something to curtail the ownership of our political system by a wealthy donor class. He did quite the opposite. The poverty rate increased, rather than declined, the middle class stagnated, but hedge fund assholes like Buffet wiggled their dicks in our faces telling us they paid less than their secretaries (absolute bullshit BTW) but demanded we tell the government to force him to write the check, rather than just fuckin doing it. Those assholes made a killing, more than the rest of the world.

Someone please remind me again how democrooks help the poor...

Do they think they just need more friends or something?

'cept cohen probably has tapes.

of trump.


Breaking: Mueller Withheld Exculpatory Evidence from Court ...

BREAKING: 2 GOP Senators Call For Criminal Investigation Into Russia Dossier Author Christopher Steele - Blunt Force Truthmueller-withheld...
Dec 03, 2018 · A new report by journalist Paul Sperry says conflicted Robert Mueller withheld evidence from the court that would exonerate President Trump from the latest accusations of Russian collusion during the 2016 election. Mueller withheld information to the […]
I'll laugh if Mueller gets his due.

I harbor little delusions it will happen though. DC swamp creatures protect each other.
'cept cohen probably has tapes.

of trump.


Breaking: Mueller Withheld Exculpatory Evidence from Court ...

BREAKING: 2 GOP Senators Call For Criminal Investigation Into Russia Dossier Author Christopher Steele - Blunt Force Truthmueller-withheld...
Dec 03, 2018 · A new report by journalist Paul Sperry says conflicted Robert Mueller withheld evidence from the court that would exonerate President Trump from the latest accusations of Russian collusion during the 2016 election. Mueller withheld information to the […]

when a credible viable unbiased source starts reporting the same thing, i'll consider you then.

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