For want of a blanket and a bar of soap.

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
What do you refute?

I made my argument and all you did was come back and CRY about how I called people who invade "invaders".

Do not get hysterical--think about that. You did not address my argument nor even come close. You cried about how I called people who invade invaders and then stomped off to your room whining about how I'm unchristian and hate these people and hate those people and whine whine whine.

I have absolutely no respect for that whatsoever. Do not go picking at needles in haystacks because it means you HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.
I lose the argument when you convince me that being deliberately cruel to people is a wise, sustainable, acceptable and moral decision.

Insult it not argument.
So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Why is the US punishing infants like this ?

6 infants dead in trumps concentration camps.

Why ?

Why do you want to see more kids being punished? Trump is trying to stop all this illegal criminal activity going on at the border and to stop kids from dying? Trump has to put the thousands of kids somewhere. Would you prefer to see them put up in hotels instead? Wake up and stop sniffing the leftist lieberal media glue that is always feeding you bull shit.

The question you really need to ask yourself is why are those illegals trying to bring their kids along with them anyway where there is the possibility that they could die. Trump had nothing to do with their deaths. The parents and even Obamarama are responsible and not Trump. Trump is trying to stop it, fool. Get your head out of the swamp water.

Why do leftist lieberals like you call those camps "concentration camps" when they are far from being "concentration camps"? Has any of those kids been gassed yet? They are holding camps, fool. Geez, some people's kids! :banghead:
Why is the US punishing infants like this ?

6 infants dead in trumps concentration camps.

Why ?

Why do you want to see more kids being punished? Trump is trying to stop all this illegal criminal activity going on at the border and to stop kids from dying? Trump has to put the thousands of kids somewhere. Would you prefer to see them put up in hotels instead? Wake up and stop sniffing the leftist lieberal media glue that is always feeding you bull shit.

The question you really need to ask yourself is why are those illegals trying to bring their kids along with them anyway where there is the possibility that they could die. Trump had nothing to do with their deaths. The parents and even Obamarama are responsible and not Trump. Trump is trying to stop it, fool. Get your head out of the swamp water.

Why do leftist lieberals like you call those camps "concentration camps" when they are far from being "concentration camps"? Has any of those kids been gassed yet? They are holding camps, fool. Geez, some people's kids! :banghead:
The kids are innocent. They dont have a say on whether to come or not. And you dont need gas to have a concentration camp. The British Empire invented them in the boer war. Go and buy yourself some Christian feeling you piece of shit.
The last father was greedy-he did not want to wait his turn-he is a metaphor for the rest of them-no sympathy left.
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.
I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

What about smugglers? Can we take children from human smugglers?
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

What about smugglers? Can we take children from human smugglers?
Of course. The safety of children is always a priority. These was a little second grader held in our custody in the camp at Clint, Texas. She cried that she was brought to that hell by her aunt. On her wrist, the little girl had a bracelet, the kind you get at an amusement park. On that bracelet was written in magic marker "U.S. parent " and a telephone number. Lawyers called that number from inside the camp at Clint. They spoke to a relieved, thankful and still concerned mother.

The point is, the authorities are recognizing immediate families only. They have no idea of the family structure in places other than their own. If people are bringing their children it's because people love their children.

Separate those who are committed crime of human trafficking. But realize there are families beyond the nuclear family. Four generations ago, my family was an extended family. Smart money would be on your family was an extended family at about the same time. The Great Depression.

No social safety nets. No unemployment insurance, no public housing, no food stamps, and 25% unemployed. My extended family was made up of my Great Grandparents, their six children including their spouses. During the depression, my father was added. And they lived in a big house on the corner of St. George Street and Meedham Avenue.

If we experienced extended families and now have familiy structures that meet the times (as all family structures do). Why is the policy so narrow?
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

What about smugglers? Can we take children from human smugglers?
Of course. The safety of children is always a priority. These was a little second grader held in our custody in the camp at Clint, Texas. She cried that she was brought to that hell by her aunt. On her wrist, the little girl had a bracelet, the kind you get at an amusement park. On that bracelet was written in magic marker "U.S. parent " and a telephone number. Lawyers called that number from inside the camp at Clint. They spoke to a relieved, thankful and still concerned mother.

The point is, the authorities are recognizing immediate families only. They have no idea of the family structure in places other than their own. If people are bringing their children it's because people love their children.

Separate those who are committed crime of human trafficking. But realize there are families beyond the nuclear family. Four generations ago, my family was an extended family. Smart money would be on your family was an extended family at about the same time. The Great Depression.

No social safety nets. No unemployment insurance, no public housing, no food stamps, and 25% unemployed. My extended family was made up of my Great Grandparents, their six children including their spouses. During the depression, my father was added. And they lived in a big house on the corner of St. George Street and Meedham Avenue.

If we experienced extended families and now have familiy structures that meet the times (as all family structures do). Why is the policy so narrow?

On that bracelet was written in magic marker "U.S. parent "

Her parent was a US citizen?
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

What about smugglers? Can we take children from human smugglers?
Of course. The safety of children is always a priority. These was a little second grader held in our custody in the camp at Clint, Texas. She cried that she was brought to that hell by her aunt. On her wrist, the little girl had a bracelet, the kind you get at an amusement park. On that bracelet was written in magic marker "U.S. parent " and a telephone number. Lawyers called that number from inside the camp at Clint. They spoke to a relieved, thankful and still concerned mother.

The point is, the authorities are recognizing immediate families only. They have no idea of the family structure in places other than their own. If people are bringing their children it's because people love their children.

Separate those who are committed crime of human trafficking. But realize there are families beyond the nuclear family. Four generations ago, my family was an extended family. Smart money would be on your family was an extended family at about the same time. The Great Depression.

No social safety nets. No unemployment insurance, no public housing, no food stamps, and 25% unemployed. My extended family was made up of my Great Grandparents, their six children including their spouses. During the depression, my father was added. And they lived in a big house on the corner of St. George Street and Meedham Avenue.

If we experienced extended families and now have familiy structures that meet the times (as all family structures do). Why is the policy so narrow?

On that bracelet was written in magic marker "U.S. parent "

Her parent was a US citizen?
Probably not. But she needs her daughter and her daughter needs her mommy.

Why is it good policy to maintain these camps as they are, many in private hands, with no independent oversight?
Why is the US punishing infants like this ?

6 infants dead in trumps concentration camps.

Why ?

People are stealing kids, to hop over fences, into "Concentration camps", run by Hitler.

Then you wonder why we think Liberals are fucking morons?

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

What about smugglers? Can we take children from human smugglers?
Of course. The safety of children is always a priority. These was a little second grader held in our custody in the camp at Clint, Texas. She cried that she was brought to that hell by her aunt. On her wrist, the little girl had a bracelet, the kind you get at an amusement park. On that bracelet was written in magic marker "U.S. parent " and a telephone number. Lawyers called that number from inside the camp at Clint. They spoke to a relieved, thankful and still concerned mother.

The point is, the authorities are recognizing immediate families only. They have no idea of the family structure in places other than their own. If people are bringing their children it's because people love their children.

Separate those who are committed crime of human trafficking. But realize there are families beyond the nuclear family. Four generations ago, my family was an extended family. Smart money would be on your family was an extended family at about the same time. The Great Depression.

No social safety nets. No unemployment insurance, no public housing, no food stamps, and 25% unemployed. My extended family was made up of my Great Grandparents, their six children including their spouses. During the depression, my father was added. And they lived in a big house on the corner of St. George Street and Meedham Avenue.

If we experienced extended families and now have familiy structures that meet the times (as all family structures do). Why is the policy so narrow?

On that bracelet was written in magic marker "U.S. parent "

Her parent was a US citizen?
Probably not. But she needs her daughter and her daughter needs her mommy.

Why is it good policy to maintain these camps as they are, many in private hands, with no independent oversight?

Probably not. But she needs her daughter and her daughter needs her mommy.

I agree. We need to reunite them in their home country, pronto!

Why is it good policy to maintain these camps as they are, many in private hands, with no independent oversight?

You're right, with a 48 hour turnaround, we wouldn't need them.
I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

Okay. Then we should let all the criminals out of all the prisons. Because "prison is mean".

BTW, this is how my very youngest students argue. "Prison is mean. We shouldn't have prisons."

It's incredibly simple thinking, the kind very young children employ. Thing is, with young children, you can say, "Yes, prison seems mean. But the people in prison have done very mean things to other people that makes them dangerous."

Then they say ooooohh and change their mind. Adults who are simple-minded, like you, just dig in and insist they are right. It's a sad state of affairs but, here we are.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

Okay. Then we should let all the criminals out of all the prisons. Because "prison is mean".

BTW, this is how my very youngest students argue. "Prison is mean. We shouldn't have prisons."

It's incredibly simple thinking, the kind very young children employ. Thing is, with young children, you can say, "Yes, prison seems mean. But the people in prison have done very mean things to other people that makes them dangerous."

Then they say ooooohh and change their mind. Adults who are simple-minded, like you, just dig in and insist they are right. It's a sad state of affairs but, here we are.
it's a misdemeanor, a non violent crime, not a felony... and we do not keep the masses locked up in jail for non felony crime, we do not take people's kids from them and lock them up in unsanitary conditions, for misdemeanors allegedly committed by their parents.... until this administration.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

Okay. Then we should let all the criminals out of all the prisons. Because "prison is mean".

BTW, this is how my very youngest students argue. "Prison is mean. We shouldn't have prisons."

It's incredibly simple thinking, the kind very young children employ. Thing is, with young children, you can say, "Yes, prison seems mean. But the people in prison have done very mean things to other people that makes them dangerous."

Then they say ooooohh and change their mind. Adults who are simple-minded, like you, just dig in and insist they are right. It's a sad state of affairs but, here we are.
And you are.a binary thinker. You're with us or you're against us. My way or, well you get it.

How did you filter through my posts saying close down the prisons and release all the prisoners. I will not stoop so low as to call fellow human beings 'animals".

And surely prisons are mean. Convicted criminals belong in prisons. But never children.

Why are the only options you see are either close down the prisons (which is unreasonable and impractical as well as an item not on the agenda OR maintaining substandard, unsafe and unsanitary conditions as a matter of practice?

What is the virtue of maintaining these conditions? Why is it good? Answer honestly. Don't keep putting words in my mouth.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

Okay. Then we should let all the criminals out of all the prisons. Because "prison is mean".

BTW, this is how my very youngest students argue. "Prison is mean. We shouldn't have prisons."

It's incredibly simple thinking, the kind very young children employ. Thing is, with young children, you can say, "Yes, prison seems mean. But the people in prison have done very mean things to other people that makes them dangerous."

Then they say ooooohh and change their mind. Adults who are simple-minded, like you, just dig in and insist they are right. It's a sad state of affairs but, here we are.
it's a misdemeanor, a non violent crime, not a felony... and we do not keep the masses locked up in jail for non felony crime, we do not take people's kids from them and lock them up in unsanitary conditions, for misdemeanors allegedly committed by their parents.... until this administration.

it's a misdemeanor, a non violent crime, not a felony

You're right, we should change that.
it's a misdemeanor, a non violent crime, not a felony... and we do not keep the masses locked up in jail for non felony crime, we do not take people's kids from them and lock them up in unsanitary conditions, for misdemeanors allegedly committed by their parents.... until this administration.

How do you know that the kids' parents are actually their parents? You don't until they are vetted and given the huge numbers surging our border are you willing to take in those people into YOUR house, feed, clothe them give them towels, baths and soap while they wait?

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