For want of a blanket and a bar of soap.

I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

I see people. You see invaders.

All the invaders are people.
We should quickly and humanely send them back home.
Kudos for the glimpse of humanity. You referred to 'invaders' as people. Framing the argument I see.

I believe we should follow established law and end disastrous policies. Rather than flooding the border with law enforcement, I believe we should be flooding the border with the Red Cross, adequate supplies of food, medicine, toiletries, clothes and, medicine. All to stem the tide of the current scandalous conditions.

We should be flooding the border with judges to hear asylum claims, lawyers to cut the red tape and serve justice by following the law. We should be flooding the border with interpreters, social workers, nutritionists teachers and volunteer care givers. We must treat people with dignity and remind them of what they grew up believing about America.

But most importantly, we must stop breaking up families and work hard, as Americans can, to reunite the families we damaged while those families.

Our national reputation is at stake. But, again, most importantly, our national authority to call out oppression, mistreatment, and deliberate cruelty among other nations. It's not only wrong politically but immoral on its face.

But for conservatives this is about their unwarranted fear of immigrants – it’s about the right’s bigotry, hate, and contempt for the rule of law.

Immigrants coming to the United States seeking asylum are not ‘invaders’; indeed, immigration law is written to accommodate refugees, allowing them to apply for refugee status, to remain in the United States until their cases are adjudicated, consistent with the right to due process of the law.

When we abandon these principles and fall prey to fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate – as conservatives advocate doing – we as a Nation have likewise abandoned our moral authority.
It's about crime, disease and consuming resources. Stop lying traitor.
I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
What could possibly be Christian about deprivation of basic human needs for women and children who are refugees? Some deluded people heard "suffer the little children to come unto me'" and just heard 'suffer' and 'children'.

Kids without sanitary conditions, healthy food, blankets, soap and most egregiously, their families. A few years ago, some Christians wore as a reminder of their faith, a little gumband bracelet with the letters WWJD embossed on them. I guess fashions change. The clown show in the White House will not stand for WWJD. And the fans of the clown show have forgotten what they did with those suddenly unfashionable sentiments on those bracelets.

Repeat this if you dare:

Charity and gov't policy are not the same thing

Faith and gov't policy are not the same thing

Religious obligations and gov't are not the same thing

If you can understand that we can get somewhere. But I don't have a lot of hope
For want of a blanket and a bar of soap

For want of a brain and a good liposuction doctor? Oddly, if I were leaving home to leave my country and walk thousands of miles through the desert to another country, I think I'd bring a blanket to stay warm in, a simple bar of soap to wash with and a little toothbrush! But somehow, NONE of these people are showing up with any of this? How did they feed themselves all that way and where did they get the food? Could it be they didn't have these back at home? Could it be these people have NEVER had soap or a toothbrush in their lives? Then these people are certainly not missing them now. Oh the questions needing asked too far over Tommy's head to ever get an answer.

Let's start shipping 500,000 Palestinians to London, all covered with lice and malaria, worms and other diseases so that a few arrive on deaths doorstep before authorities have time to figure out what is going on with every last one of them and pump $30,000 worth of meds and care through them trying to pull them through so we can all laugh at how Brits have no respect for human life.


Tell me bonebrain, can we send the BILL for all of this to England?
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How many threads have been made on this fake news story? they're like viruses. Even NPR called bullshit on this hack story. Just some lawyers cruising for civil suits to stuff their pockets with coaching kids to lie.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?
That plaque on Harry Truman's Oval Office desk. It showed responsibility. Trump never learned about it and his supporters don't believe what it said.
I won't dispute any of that, and it proves you are just ducking blame by referencing it...I don't believe Obama did anything wrong in building those facilities and interning illegals nor do I fault him or believe he did anything wrong when he passed the/that buck on to trump.
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So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
They are all like that and liars to boot.
I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
They are all like that and liars to boot.

I'm just going to be blunt: Nosmo couldn't think like me even if she tried. She's much too simple minded, and that is obvious.
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
What do you refute?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
They are all like that and liars to boot.

I'm just going to be blunt: Nosmo couldn't think like me even if she tried. She's much too simple minded, and that is obvious.
Shows how much you know about me.

I'm retired. I hold two decrees. I am a home owner and taxpayer. And I am a man.

What was that about mindreaders again?
Why is the US punishing infants like this ?

6 infants dead in trumps concentration camps.

Why ?

This disgusting foreign troll doesn't even know what a concentration camp is. I pity his ignorance.

Well, most homosexuals and their fans want those children out on the streets and for sale, so they aren't ignorant, they just want access and Trump is denying them their wishes.
Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
They are all like that and liars to boot.

I'm just going to be blunt: Nosmo couldn't think like me even if she tried. She's much too simple minded, and that is obvious.
Shows how much you know about me.

I'm retired. I hold two decrees. I am a home owner and taxpayer. And I am a man.

What was that about mindreaders again?

You argue like a hysterical 13 yo girl.
I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
What do you refute?

I made my argument and all you did was come back and CRY about how I called people who invade "invaders".

Do not get hysterical--think about that. You did not address my argument nor even come close. You cried about how I called people who invade invaders and then stomped off to your room whining about how I'm unchristian and hate these people and hate those people and whine whine whine.

I have absolutely no respect for that whatsoever. Do not go picking at needles in haystacks because it means you HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

Coward. You're picking at straws because you do not have an ARGUMENT. Because I of course win the argument. On both counts:

1. They didn't knock at the door; they invaded. That's what invaders do; they invade. We STILL accommodate them and you are harping on the accommodations are not good enough and

2. Jesus, the ultimate Giver and Healer, was STILL never forced to give, invaded or kidnapped.

Picking at straws, again, because you have no argument
It's our different outlook on the refugees themselves. And perceived motives of the refugees.

You see them in the most sinister way. I believe you think their motives are purely sinister way roo. You see the refugees and see nothing more than invaders, parasites who are motivared by the largess of our government. You doubt they would ever assimilate into what you percoieve as our contemporary American culture. They are terrorists, gang members and rapists. They are infected by disease, parasites and evil intent.

I understand how such an outlook could make someone who would like to be seen personally as a generous person, a kind person, a compassionate person, even a Christian person.

But believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of other Americans who are not as cynical and fearful. Such citizens still rely on one form of the Golden Rule or another.

There is such a thing as the cultural consciousness. These policies just don't square with that consciences. I have an argument. The clear difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as the dignity of man. And there are plenty of people who still believe that a human being derserves respect until they refuse to show it, thus losing respect.

And that's why I oppose Trump for letting these policies go on. He has yet to show respect for anything. From the disabled to Gold Star families, to women. Why would he show any respect for people in dire straits?

Why is it that Leftists think they are the best mind readers in the world?

LEt me try to help you with your simple, very juvenile thinking AGAIN: if you have to paint me as evil YOU HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.

Which you have. Your argument is that of an emotional 13 year old. Grow up
What do you refute?

I made my argument and all you did was come back and CRY about how I called people who invade "invaders".

Do not get hysterical--think about that. You did not address my argument nor even come close. You cried about how I called people who invade invaders and then stomped off to your room whining about how I'm unchristian and hate these people and hate those people and whine whine whine.

I have absolutely no respect for that whatsoever. Do not go picking at needles in haystacks because it means you HAVE LOST THE ARGUMENT.
I lose the argument when you convince me that being deliberately cruel to people is a wise, sustainable, acceptable and moral decision.

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