For want of a blanket and a bar of soap.

Your "Christian feeling" is that you hate America. What you fail to realize is that a lot of us are beginning to hate the UK right back.

Hope you're ok with that Tommy, but it really doesn't matter in the end.
Ian awful lot of hate in this post.

How does Christian feelings translate into hating America?

I'm American and Christian. As such I am revolted by the reports of these horrific conditions. But I am positively baffled by the attitudes of some Americans who claim to be Christian! How can one be a Christian and def no, endorse and applaud the policies and ineptitude of government officials and the policy of maintaining and hiding these conditions.

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul?

Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.

Well since you can't fathom an answer I won't bother with one.
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
A blanket and a bar of soap dont cost much. They arent asking for an X box.

Hey dude, they just walked 3,000 miles in the desert without a blanket or a bar of soap, didn't they? Why do they need one here all of a sudden? It isn't like this is a DESTINATION or stopping point, it isn't like this is their grandama's house or they are staying any longer than necessary or that they are even WANTED here. We ain't running a motel for the world. A third of these kids, their DNA doesn't even match up with the "parents" that brought them.

They have a roof over their head now, they will get food, water and whatever care they really need until we figure out how to get rid of their sorry asses back to wherever they came from and that's a whole lot more than they had when they arrived and invaded our country.

Save your bullshit guilt trip for the "parents" that brought them.
Should we treat human beings in our custody better or worse than death row inmates? Do we, as a nation, have a moral obligation to treat families in our custody with human dignity? Should the American reputation descend from one of fairness and compassion to a reputation often associated with tyrannical dictatorships? We condemn regimes around the world for their treatment of prisoners, the poor and disabled, children and women. Shouldn't we lead by example and regain our fallen halo?

But, if you think deliberate cruelty is the American way, could you please then explain your rationale to an old fashioned American?
Ian awful lot of hate in this post.

How does Christian feelings translate into hating America?

I'm American and Christian. As such I am revolted by the reports of these horrific conditions. But I am positively baffled by the attitudes of some Americans who claim to be Christian! How can one be a Christian and def no, endorse and applaud the policies and ineptitude of government officials and the policy of maintaining and hiding these conditions.

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul?

Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.

Well since you can't fathom an answer I won't bother with one.
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
A blanket and a bar of soap dont cost much. They arent asking for an X box.

Hey dude, they just walked 3,000 miles in the desert without a blanket or a bar of soap, didn't they? Why do they need one here all of a sudden? It isn't like this is a DESTINATION or stopping point, it isn't like this is their grandama's house or they are staying any longer than necessary or that they are even WANTED here. We ain't running a motel for the world. A third of these kids, their DNA doesn't even match up with the "parents" that brought them.

They have a roof over their head now, they will get food, water and whatever care they really need until we figure out how to get rid of their sorry asses back to wherever they came from and that's a whole lot more than they had when they arrived and invaded our country.

Save your bullshit guilt trip for the "parents" that brought them.
Should we treat human beings in our custody better or worse than death row inmates? Do we, as a nation, have a moral obligation to treat families in our custody with human dignity? Should the American reputation descend from one of fairness and compassion to a reputation often associated with tyrannical dictatorships? We condemn regimes around the world for their treatment of prisoners, the poor and disabled, children and women. Shouldn't we lead by example and regain our fallen halo?

But, if you think deliberate cruelty is the American way, could you please then explain your rationale to an old fashioned American?

I'm going to say it again: why should I? You've already proclaimed yourself Morally Superior with all the Right Thoughts.

You know who else did that all throughout the book of Luke, which I'm currently reading?

The Pharisees
Your "Christian feeling" is that you hate America. What you fail to realize is that a lot of us are beginning to hate the UK right back.

Hope you're ok with that Tommy, but it really doesn't matter in the end.
Ian awful lot of hate in this post.

How does Christian feelings translate into hating America?

I'm American and Christian. As such I am revolted by the reports of these horrific conditions. But I am positively baffled by the attitudes of some Americans who claim to be Christian! How can one be a Christian and def no, endorse and applaud the policies and ineptitude of government officials and the policy of maintaining and hiding these conditions.

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul?

Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.

Well since you can't fathom an answer I won't bother with one.
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?
Should we treat human beings in our custody better or worse than death row inmates? Do we, as a nation, have a moral obligation to treat families in our custody with human dignity? Should the American reputation descend from one of fairness and compassion to a reputation often associated with tyrannical dictatorships? We condemn regimes around the world for their treatment of prisoners, the poor and disabled, children and women. Shouldn't we lead by example and regain our fallen halo?[/quote
Typical left wing tripe, with an open boarders policy becoming increasingly unpopular they allow the country to be overrun at the boarder and remained silent while what they believed was concentration camps were being built, now that the holding facilities have changed hands they hold up/out their pawns of compassion as shields from the truth of what they have done.

But, if you think deliberate cruelty is the American way, could you please then explain your rationale to an old fashioned American?
I can easily explain it, old fashion American is pre 1960's American, since then just about everything illegal and immoral has skyrocketed.
Ian awful lot of hate in this post.

How does Christian feelings translate into hating America?

I'm American and Christian. As such I am revolted by the reports of these horrific conditions. But I am positively baffled by the attitudes of some Americans who claim to be Christian! How can one be a Christian and def no, endorse and applaud the policies and ineptitude of government officials and the policy of maintaining and hiding these conditions.

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul?

Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.

Well since you can't fathom an answer I won't bother with one.
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
Well since you can't fathom an answer I won't bother with one.
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
Ian awful lot of hate in this post.

How does Christian feelings translate into hating America?

I'm American and Christian. As such I am revolted by the reports of these horrific conditions. But I am positively baffled by the attitudes of some Americans who claim to be Christian! How can one be a Christian and def no, endorse and applaud the policies and ineptitude of government officials and the policy of maintaining and hiding these conditions.

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul?

Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.

Well since you can't fathom an answer I won't bother with one.
May I?

What is the virtue of separating families and then housing children in conditions that would be scandalous if they were replicated at a county dog pound? WWJD? What could possibly be Christian about thinking the treatment of children can be used with a clean conscious? A clean soul? Tell us why these conditions are acceptable and appropriate. I can't fathom an answer.
Mr. NoSmoKing, This is a terribly complex problem which requires complex problem-solving. All by herself, Nancy Pelosi threw the baby out with the bathwater when she refused any and all funding on any border issue until she procured a no-wall promise. That is untenable in this situation, particularly with a very angry, bitter left that tells President Trump it's their way or the highway to any and every thing. I've never seen such poor sportsmanship in any political situation, although I did read about the leadups to the Bolshevik Revolution. Fifty years later, the killings the Bolsheviks committed were without number and guesswork I've seen ranges from 20 million dead loyalists to the Czar to 100 million. I can't even wrap my mind around one million purely political deaths to bring about socialism as the only answer to the Russian fix-it. I don't believe the Czar would ever have starved or executed by Russian law a hundred dissidents, much less the millions the hateful, unmerciful socialist republic of Russia killed over political bitterness. There's an unreasonable factor in socialism that fully believes there is no other way than to kill everybody who is off-key to their fugue.

Most of the Mexican-American border is desert with a climate unfriendly to growing by virtue of the fact there isn't enough water or water development to host vegetable and fruit farming with the exception of a small citrus-growing area in Texas. Still, no offerings from the deadlocked Democrat mavens of Congress who ABSOLUTELY MUST HUMILIATE EVERYBODY ELSE IN AMERICA except themselves.

I realize you do not see it from a far-right person's viewpoint, but I do not believe in political murders. I just don't. The left was absent in outrage the day Steve Scalise, Republican House whip was shot multiple times by a Democrat operative who was conveniently killed on the scene by someone who was there to protect Republican congressmen. I don't like what I'm seeing on the left. I don't like the 2-year harangue imposed on President Trump with a false narrative that was one of the most salacious things I've ever heard of that lacked any semblance of the truth about President Trump and was manufactured by two men Hillary Clinton had on speed dial as Clinton Spin Room Fiction writers against innocent opponents.

I see absolutely no outrage from Democrats except for a few who didn't fall for that series of lies in which the Democrats tweaked lies to the highest pitch in American History. I don't know how to undo the mistrust those lies created on this continent.
A blanket and a bar of soap dont cost much. They arent asking for an X box.

Hey dude, they just walked 3,000 miles in the desert without a blanket or a bar of soap, didn't they? Why do they need one here all of a sudden? It isn't like this is a DESTINATION or stopping point, it isn't like this is their grandama's house or they are staying any longer than necessary or that they are even WANTED here. We ain't running a motel for the world. A third of these kids, their DNA doesn't even match up with the "parents" that brought them.

They have a roof over their head now, they will get food, water and whatever care they really need until we figure out how to get rid of their sorry asses back to wherever they came from and that's a whole lot more than they had when they arrived and invaded our country.

Save your bullshit guilt trip for the "parents" that brought them.
Should we treat human beings in our custody better or worse than death row inmates? Do we, as a nation, have a moral obligation to treat families in our custody with human dignity? Should the American reputation descend from one of fairness and compassion to a reputation often associated with tyrannical dictatorships? We condemn regimes around the world for their treatment of prisoners, the poor and disabled, children and women. Shouldn't we lead by example and regain our fallen halo?

But, if you think deliberate cruelty is the American way, could you please then explain your rationale to an old fashioned American?

Should we treat human beings in our custody better or worse than death row inmates?

I agree, we need to go back top the good old days. Thirty years on death row? Make it two.

Months in custody for these illegals? Make it weeks. Then ship them back.

And build the damn wall already. It's the dignified thing to do.
I'm seeking answers.
Don't lie, your looking to hide from the blame

How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?
By pretending its trumps fault.
That plaque on Harry Truman's Oval Office desk. It showed responsibility. Trump never learned about it and his supporters don't believe what it said.
Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?
Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
What could possibly be Christian about deprivation of basic human needs for women and children who are refugees? Some deluded people heard "suffer the little children to come unto me'" and just heard 'suffer' and 'children'.

Kids without sanitary conditions, healthy food, blankets, soap and most egregiously, their families. A few years ago, some Christians wore as a reminder of their faith, a little gumband bracelet with the letters WWJD embossed on them. I guess fashions change. The clown show in the White House will not stand for WWJD. And the fans of the clown show have forgotten what they did with those suddenly unfashionable sentiments on those bracelets.
I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

I see people. You see invaders.

All the invaders are people.
We should quickly and humanely send them back home.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

I see people. You see invaders.

All the invaders are people.
We should quickly and humanely send them back home.
Kudos for the glimpse of humanity. You referred to 'invaders' as people. Framing the argument I see.

I believe we should follow established law and end disastrous policies. Rather than flooding the border with law enforcement, I believe we should be flooding the border with the Red Cross, adequate supplies of food, medicine, toiletries, clothes and, medicine. All to stem the tide of the current scandalous conditions.

We should be flooding the border with judges to hear asylum claims, lawyers to cut the red tape and serve justice by following the law. We should be flooding the border with interpreters, social workers, nutritionists teachers and volunteer care givers. We must treat people with dignity and remind them of what they grew up believing about America.

But most importantly, we must stop breaking up families and work hard, as Americans can, to reunite the families we damaged while those families are in our custody.

Our national reputation is at stake. But, again, most importantly, our national authority to call out oppression, mistreatment, and deliberate cruelty among other nations. It's not only wrong politically but immoral on its face.
Last edited:
So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

I see people. You see invaders.

All the invaders are people.
We should quickly and humanely send them back home.
Kudos for the glimpse of humanity. You referred to 'invaders' as people. Framing the argument I see.

I believe we should follow established law and end disastrous policies. Rather than flooding the border with law enforcement, I believe we should be flooding the border with the Red Cross, adequate supplies of food, medicine, toiletries, clothes and, medicine. All to stem the tide of the current scandalous conditions.

We should be flooding the border with judges to hear asylum claims, lawyers to cut the red tape and serve justice by following the law. We should be flooding the border with interpreters, social workers, nutritionists teachers and volunteer care givers. We must treat people with dignity and remind them of what they grew up believing about America.

But most importantly, we must stop breaking up families and work hard, as Americans can, to reunite the families we damaged while those families.

Our national reputation is at stake. But, again, most importantly, our national authority to call out oppression, mistreatment, and deliberate cruelty among other nations. It's not only wrong politically but immoral on its face.

I believe we should follow established law and end disastrous policies

We need to improve the law. Make illegal entry a felony.
We need to improve policy, end catch and release.

We should be flooding the border with judges to hear asylum claims, lawyers to cut the red tape and serve justice by following the law.

Yes, no reason to take months or years to reject asylum claims.

We should be flooding the border with interpreters, social workers, nutritionists teachers and volunteer care givers. We must treat people with dignity and remind them of what they grew up believing about America.

Sure, no reason for illegal aliens to be mistreated for the 48-72 hours they spend here.

But most importantly, we must stop breaking up families and work hard, as Americans can, to reunite the families we damaged while those families.

I agree. No reason to not reunite those families in their home country by the end of July.
So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

I see people. You see invaders.

All the invaders are people.
We should quickly and humanely send them back home.
Kudos for the glimpse of humanity. You referred to 'invaders' as people. Framing the argument I see.

I believe we should follow established law and end disastrous policies. Rather than flooding the border with law enforcement, I believe we should be flooding the border with the Red Cross, adequate supplies of food, medicine, toiletries, clothes and, medicine. All to stem the tide of the current scandalous conditions.

We should be flooding the border with judges to hear asylum claims, lawyers to cut the red tape and serve justice by following the law. We should be flooding the border with interpreters, social workers, nutritionists teachers and volunteer care givers. We must treat people with dignity and remind them of what they grew up believing about America.

But most importantly, we must stop breaking up families and work hard, as Americans can, to reunite the families we damaged while those families.

Our national reputation is at stake. But, again, most importantly, our national authority to call out oppression, mistreatment, and deliberate cruelty among other nations. It's not only wrong politically but immoral on its face.

But for conservatives this is about their unwarranted fear of immigrants – it’s about the right’s bigotry, hate, and contempt for the rule of law.

Immigrants coming to the United States seeking asylum are not ‘invaders’; indeed, immigration law is written to accommodate refugees, allowing them to apply for refugee status, to remain in the United States until their cases are adjudicated, consistent with the right to due process of the law.

When we abandon these principles and fall prey to fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate – as conservatives advocate doing – we as a Nation have likewise abandoned our moral authority.
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I'm gonna give you one test and see how you do, and if you do poorly I'm out.

A person knocks on your door and says, "May I come in? I need some help." How do you respond?

A person breaks into your home and demands accommodation. You give person a blanket on the floor and basic provisions, and here come a bunch of people complaining that you didn't offer a bed, a full course meal, and health care as well.

You say, "But this is my home, I have a family to care for, and this person broke in."

Do you see the difference here?
I see people. You see invaders. Which one of us is cynical, fearful and open to cruelty?

Why should we be governed by ignoble purposes such as cynicism, fearfulness and cruelty?

I see people. You see invaders.

All the invaders are people.
We should quickly and humanely send them back home.
Kudos for the glimpse of humanity. You referred to 'invaders' as people. Framing the argument I see.

I believe we should follow established law and end disastrous policies. Rather than flooding the border with law enforcement, I believe we should be flooding the border with the Red Cross, adequate supplies of food, medicine, toiletries, clothes and, medicine. All to stem the tide of the current scandalous conditions.

We should be flooding the border with judges to hear asylum claims, lawyers to cut the red tape and serve justice by following the law. We should be flooding the border with interpreters, social workers, nutritionists teachers and volunteer care givers. We must treat people with dignity and remind them of what they grew up believing about America.

But most importantly, we must stop breaking up families and work hard, as Americans can, to reunite the families we damaged while those families.

Our national reputation is at stake. But, again, most importantly, our national authority to call out oppression, mistreatment, and deliberate cruelty among other nations. It's not only wrong politically but immoral on its face.

But for conservatives this is about their unwarranted fear of immigrants – it’s about the right’s bigotry, hate, and contempt for the rule of law.

Immigrants coming to the United States seeking asylum are not ‘invaders’; indeed, immigration law is written to accommodate refugees, allowing them to apply for refugee status, to remain in the United States until their cases are adjudicated, consistent with the right to due process of the law.

When we abandon these principles and fall prey to fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate – as conservatives advocate doing – we as a Nation have likewise abandoned our moral authority.

Immigrants coming to the United States seeking asylum are not ‘invaders’; indeed, immigration law is written to accommodate refugees, allowing them to apply for refugee status, to remain in the United States until their cases are adjudicated,

We should change that. Take 2 days, maybe 3 to check out their fake story.
Then ship them home.
Living in a poor, crappy country isn't grounds for asylum.

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