For want of a blanket and a bar of soap.

Does such cynicism, paranoia and ignorance help when defending state sanctioned child abuse?

I ask because I do not share that cynicism, paranoia and ignorance. So, I can't find a defense for the deliberate cruelty imposed on refugee children. And I thank God, my splendid upbringing and my moral examples for that.

I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
I don't know how often you read the Bible. I try to read it every day, I'll tell you that. But I am very suspect of people who tell me they're Christians but then brag on their "splendid upbringing and moral examples" while saying others are "cynical, paranoid and ignorant".

First lesson of Bible reading: all your bragging is filthy rags. Oh mine too, btw.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
Even thanking and praising your parents (honoring your mother and father) is something to be dismissed as bragging?

How else would someone describe people who defend and rationalize deliberate cruelty other than cynical, paranoid and ignorant?

So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.
So again you don't really want to hear anyone's opinions but your own.

You want to hear your own opinion coming out of other people's mouths

With a confirmation of how Morally Wonderful you are
I'm seeking answers. How is it possible to rationalize, excuse, accept and defend holding people in unsafe, unsanitary and degrading conditions. How does one sell the concept?

I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.
/——-/ What’s so harsh about kicking them out and making enter legally?
The thread title is inaccurate.

The correct version is:

"For want of a sense of perspective and a shred of integrity, TT misrepresents the crisis at the border."
The thread title is inaccurate.

The correct version is:

"For want of a sense of perspective and a shred of integrity, TT misrepresents the crisis at the border."
The "crisis" is of trumps making. He needs a "crisis" to make you guys afraid. Better for the world that he creates it in Texas than Teheran.
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize any other country for defending theirs, not one, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
Last edited:
The thread title is inaccurate.

The correct version is:

"For want of a sense of perspective and a shred of integrity, TT misrepresents the crisis at the border."
The "crisis" is of trumps making. He needs a "crisis" to make you guys afraid. Better for the world that he creates it in Texas than Teheran.

It's your fellow gimps and deviants promoting these criminals to try and swamp the border, not Trump; if you're going to lie so blatantly at least buy us all dinner.
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize anybody other country for defending theirs, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
It isnt cruel in itself. Its the way that you do it. You are no better than the british government.
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize anybody other country for defending theirs, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
It isnt cruel in itself. Its the way that you do it. You are no better than the british government.

Sorry, but thh fault is all on you commies and encouraging masses of people to swarm over in one bug mass; they achieved what they wanted to, overloading the system, and your ilk's dishonest lying is entirely responsible for anything bad that happens, period.

We are much better than the British government. If we weren't you wouldn't be so jealous and full of hatred for us.
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize anybody other country for defending theirs, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
It isnt cruel in itself. Its the way that you do it. You are no better than the british government.
/—-/ Respecting our laws goes a long way in getting humane treatment
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize anybody other country for defending theirs, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
It isnt cruel in itself. Its the way that you do it. You are no better than the british government.
/——/ Get a load of this Timmy: Many in media changing their tune on border 'crisis' after claiming it was 'manufactured'
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize anybody other country for defending theirs, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
It isnt cruel in itself. Its the way that you do it. You are no better than the british government.
/—-/ Respecting our laws goes a long way in getting humane treatment
How are children disrespecting our laws?
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize anybody other country for defending theirs, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
It isnt cruel in itself. Its the way that you do it. You are no better than the british government.
/—-/ Respecting our laws goes a long way in getting humane treatment
How are children disrespecting our laws?
There is an army of 4 year olds plotting to destroy America.
The thread title is inaccurate.

The correct version is:

"For want of a sense of perspective and a shred of integrity, TT misrepresents the crisis at the border."
The "crisis" is of trumps making. He needs a "crisis" to make you guys afraid. Better for the world that he creates it in Texas than Teheran.

B'loney. You are spewing utter nonsense...but you do get 10 Point For Consistency!
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize anybody other country for defending theirs, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
It isnt cruel in itself. Its the way that you do it. You are no better than the british government.
/—-/ Respecting our laws goes a long way in getting humane treatment
How are children disrespecting our laws?
There is an army of 4 year olds plotting to destroy America.
/——/ Yeah an Army of 4 year olds marched through Mexico all by themselves - you blithering idiot.
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize any other country for defending theirs, not one, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
Nations around the world defend their borders. Then again, there manners and methods, degrees of security and international laws established to defend sovereignty with justice and humanity.

Some nations have virtually no border with its neighbor yet each prospers and enjoys peace. Citizens along the border are commutirs in and out of the neighboring country. No don't there are people along our open border with Canada pack their lunch in one country and puts it in the office fridge in another.

Borders are important. They regulate trade and immigration. We have a national right to defend our borders. How best to do that? That's the issue. Not misinterpreting each other's motives. There's a crisis at our border and we have to end it. The question stands: How do we end the crisis at the border? Is the current policy of breaking up families, holding people in our CUSTODY in unsafe, unsanitary and indecent housing? Is it first, necessary and secondly, good politics to intentionally deny children of nasic human necessary hygiene items?

My solution to the problem is either morally or politically opposite your own. If you want to debate this issue further you should consider the risk of debate. You'll either change your mind completely because you really are a person who sides with the better, most workable approach. You know that if your own views were truly noble, they should be proud of that nobility.

So let me lay out my solutions. Maybe there is something among them we can agree on. First let's flood the border with the Red Cross, Salvarion Army and any other volunteer group to get decent, safe and sanitary housing put up through July. Let's get pediatricians and GPs and dentists down there and stem the tide of infectious diseases. Let's get immigration judges down there to quickly hear asylum pleas. Let's get lawyers and translators and teachers and nutritionists down there. We have to end the crisis.

And we have to understand the motives of the refugees. I understand your fears that the refugees are criminals simply for crossing the border through entry points. If that infraction was changed from a felony charge to a misdemeanor, children with their parents wouldn't be separated because the parents were going to be held on federal felony charges.

That's what it hinges on. The laws were written while the majority of undocumented immigrants was teenage through late twenty year old men and boys. Families have always had access to our country, building their communities and doing business in America.

What is happening in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador? What is driving these families, making them to cross the height of Mexico and know that they will be stifled at the American border? Was cutting off foreign aid to these countries the smart move? Wouldn't people stay put if they still had access to bread, water and safety at home.

Think of refugees as if they were all teeeorists. Now think about how we fight terrorism. Isn't it better to fight this humanitarian crisis on their turf? Let's put the aid in the Northern Triangle countries with effectiveness. Bypass the corrupt local bureaucracy and set up food, medical and engineering distribution where it can do the most food the fastest.

Anyway, that's how I would try to handle this crisis.
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize any other country for defending theirs, not one, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
Nations around the world defend their borders. Then again, there manners and methods, degrees of security and international laws established to defend sovereignty with justice and humanity.

Some nations have virtually no border with its neighbor yet each prospers and enjoys peace. Citizens along the border are commutirs in and out of the neighboring country. No don't there are people along our open border with Canada pack their lunch in one country and puts it in the office fridge in another.

Borders are important. They regulate trade and immigration. We have a national right to defend our borders. How best to do that? That's the issue. Not misinterpreting each other's motives. There's a crisis at our border and we have to end it. The question stands: How do we end the crisis at the border? Is the current policy of breaking up families, holding people in our CUSTODY in unsafe, unsanitary and indecent housing? Is it first, necessary and secondly, good politics to intentionally deny children of nasic human necessary hygiene items?

My solution to the problem is either morally or politically opposite your own. If you want to debate this issue further you should consider the risk of debate. You'll either change your mind completely because you really are a person who sides with the better, most workable approach. You know that if your own views were truly noble, they should be proud of that nobility.

So let me lay out my solutions. Maybe there is something among them we can agree on. First let's flood the border with the Red Cross, Salvarion Army and any other volunteer group to get decent, safe and sanitary housing put up through July. Let's get pediatricians and GPs and dentists down there and stem the tide of infectious diseases. Let's get immigration judges down there to quickly hear asylum pleas. Let's get lawyers and translators and teachers and nutritionists down there. We have to end the crisis.

And we have to understand the motives of the refugees. I understand your fears that the refugees are criminals simply for crossing the border through entry points. If that infraction was changed from a felony charge to a misdemeanor, children with their parents wouldn't be separated because the parents were going to be held on federal felony charges.

That's what it hinges on. The laws were written while the majority of undocumented immigrants was teenage through late twenty year old men and boys. Families have always had access to our country, building their communities and doing business in America.

What is happening in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador? What is driving these families, making them to cross the height of Mexico and know that they will be stifled at the American border? Was cutting off foreign aid to these countries the smart move? Wouldn't people stay put if they still had access to bread, water and safety at home.

Think of refugees as if they were all teeeorists. Now think about how we fight terrorism. Isn't it better to fight this humanitarian crisis on their turf? Let's put the aid in the Northern Triangle countries with effectiveness. Bypass the corrupt local bureaucracy and set up food, medical and engineering distribution where it can do the most food the fastest.

Anyway, that's how I would try to handle this crisis.

Is it first, necessary and secondly, good politics to intentionally deny children of nasic human necessary hygiene items?

When were children intentionally denied these items?
Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize any other country for defending theirs, not one, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
Nations around the world defend their borders. Then again, there manners and methods, degrees of security and international laws established to defend sovereignty with justice and humanity.

Some nations have virtually no border with its neighbor yet each prospers and enjoys peace. Citizens along the border are commutirs in and out of the neighboring country. No don't there are people along our open border with Canada pack their lunch in one country and puts it in the office fridge in another.

Borders are important. They regulate trade and immigration. We have a national right to defend our borders. How best to do that? That's the issue. Not misinterpreting each other's motives. There's a crisis at our border and we have to end it. The question stands: How do we end the crisis at the border? Is the current policy of breaking up families, holding people in our CUSTODY in unsafe, unsanitary and indecent housing? Is it first, necessary and secondly, good politics to intentionally deny children of nasic human necessary hygiene items?

My solution to the problem is either morally or politically opposite your own. If you want to debate this issue further you should consider the risk of debate. You'll either change your mind completely because you really are a person who sides with the better, most workable approach. You know that if your own views were truly noble, they should be proud of that nobility.

So let me lay out my solutions. Maybe there is something among them we can agree on. First let's flood the border with the Red Cross, Salvarion Army and any other volunteer group to get decent, safe and sanitary housing put up through July. Let's get pediatricians and GPs and dentists down there and stem the tide of infectious diseases. Let's get immigration judges down there to quickly hear asylum pleas. Let's get lawyers and translators and teachers and nutritionists down there. We have to end the crisis.

And we have to understand the motives of the refugees. I understand your fears that the refugees are criminals simply for crossing the border through entry points. If that infraction was changed from a felony charge to a misdemeanor, children with their parents wouldn't be separated because the parents were going to be held on federal felony charges.

That's what it hinges on. The laws were written while the majority of undocumented immigrants was teenage through late twenty year old men and boys. Families have always had access to our country, building their communities and doing business in America.

What is happening in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador? What is driving these families, making them to cross the height of Mexico and know that they will be stifled at the American border? Was cutting off foreign aid to these countries the smart move? Wouldn't people stay put if they still had access to bread, water and safety at home.

Think of refugees as if they were all teeeorists. Now think about how we fight terrorism. Isn't it better to fight this humanitarian crisis on their turf? Let's put the aid in the Northern Triangle countries with effectiveness. Bypass the corrupt local bureaucracy and set up food, medical and engineering distribution where it can do the most food the fastest.

Anyway, that's how I would try to handle this crisis.

Is it first, necessary and secondly, good politics to intentionally deny children of nasic human necessary hygiene items?

When were children intentionally denied these items?
Trump administration lawyers argued against them before the bench and cameras.

Defending your borders isn't 'cruel', 'unacceptable', and amoral'. that's just deliberate lying, and since these gimps never criticize any other country for defending theirs, not one, we know they're being dishonest and just want to stick it to white working class people; they've been designated the Root Of all Evul by the globalist' gangsters, their fans in academia, and all the other deviant scum running around with Daddy Issues.
Nations around the world defend their borders. Then again, there manners and methods, degrees of security and international laws established to defend sovereignty with justice and humanity.

Some nations have virtually no border with its neighbor yet each prospers and enjoys peace. Citizens along the border are commutirs in and out of the neighboring country. No don't there are people along our open border with Canada pack their lunch in one country and puts it in the office fridge in another.

Borders are important. They regulate trade and immigration. We have a national right to defend our borders. How best to do that? That's the issue. Not misinterpreting each other's motives. There's a crisis at our border and we have to end it. The question stands: How do we end the crisis at the border? Is the current policy of breaking up families, holding people in our CUSTODY in unsafe, unsanitary and indecent housing? Is it first, necessary and secondly, good politics to intentionally deny children of nasic human necessary hygiene items?

My solution to the problem is either morally or politically opposite your own. If you want to debate this issue further you should consider the risk of debate. You'll either change your mind completely because you really are a person who sides with the better, most workable approach. You know that if your own views were truly noble, they should be proud of that nobility.

So let me lay out my solutions. Maybe there is something among them we can agree on. First let's flood the border with the Red Cross, Salvarion Army and any other volunteer group to get decent, safe and sanitary housing put up through July. Let's get pediatricians and GPs and dentists down there and stem the tide of infectious diseases. Let's get immigration judges down there to quickly hear asylum pleas. Let's get lawyers and translators and teachers and nutritionists down there. We have to end the crisis.

And we have to understand the motives of the refugees. I understand your fears that the refugees are criminals simply for crossing the border through entry points. If that infraction was changed from a felony charge to a misdemeanor, children with their parents wouldn't be separated because the parents were going to be held on federal felony charges.

That's what it hinges on. The laws were written while the majority of undocumented immigrants was teenage through late twenty year old men and boys. Families have always had access to our country, building their communities and doing business in America.

What is happening in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador? What is driving these families, making them to cross the height of Mexico and know that they will be stifled at the American border? Was cutting off foreign aid to these countries the smart move? Wouldn't people stay put if they still had access to bread, water and safety at home.

Think of refugees as if they were all teeeorists. Now think about how we fight terrorism. Isn't it better to fight this humanitarian crisis on their turf? Let's put the aid in the Northern Triangle countries with effectiveness. Bypass the corrupt local bureaucracy and set up food, medical and engineering distribution where it can do the most food the fastest.

Anyway, that's how I would try to handle this crisis.

Is it first, necessary and secondly, good politics to intentionally deny children of nasic human necessary hygiene items?

When were children intentionally denied these items?
Trump administration lawyers argued against them before the bench and cameras.

When were children intentionally denied these items?
Post the dates, not the legal arguments.

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