For want of a blanket and a bar of soap.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

Okay. Then we should let all the criminals out of all the prisons. Because "prison is mean".

BTW, this is how my very youngest students argue. "Prison is mean. We shouldn't have prisons."

It's incredibly simple thinking, the kind very young children employ. Thing is, with young children, you can say, "Yes, prison seems mean. But the people in prison have done very mean things to other people that makes them dangerous."

Then they say ooooohh and change their mind. Adults who are simple-minded, like you, just dig in and insist they are right. It's a sad state of affairs but, here we are.
it's a misdemeanor, a non violent crime, not a felony... and we do not keep the masses locked up in jail for non felony crime, we do not take people's kids from them and lock them up in unsanitary conditions, for misdemeanors allegedly committed by their parents.... until this administration.

That does not mean we should let them free in our nation either, for free health care, food and education.
Well, then the Trump administration better think of something to do quickly.... I've made many suggestions thae past year on it...

-Staff the Immigration courts from here to high heaven with judges to hear their asylum seeker cases so that the wait is 1 to 3 weeks instead of 6 months to a year wait to hear the case.

-STOP separating and taking the children away from their relatives, like Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents as the Trump administration has chosen to do

-get people working on putting the children they have with family members already here, instead of caging them, and the facilities getting $780 A DAY for EACH Child the Trump admin is holding in custody.... paid to private companies who can't even provide a bed to sleep in or a bar of soap or a toothbrush... so much money is being wasted for weeks and weeks at a time, before they finally do place the children with family members that are here, or with places like the Catholic Charities or Jewish Charities who have Foster parents ready to take them in

-staff the border crossing, so that they can seek asylum thru the normal means of crossing the border, instead of lowering your staff at the crossing points and refusing to allow but a couple to pass thru each day legally and forcing them after waiting months to cross LEGALLY thru the border crossing, to stop border patrol guards from being overwhelmed outside of border crossing points with all of those tired of waiting and illegally crossing....

-DIPLOMACY with those south American countries that all of these people are fleeing from, figure out what is going on for the mass exodus, and try to work with them, one on one, down there, to fix it

-Give them the foreign aid back we were giving them instead of killing it, just monitor them and work with them closer.... basically, the State Dept needs to get off their asses and DO THEIR JOBS.

-And finally, make an investment in electronic ankle bracelets for the adults, and the people to monitor them, for those asylum seekers left, so that they do not skip their court hearing date.... when they are let go in to our society because there is no room and they have not had their immigration court hearing yet.

-Trump needs to stop tweeting about closing the border.... this has been increasing the numbers seeking asylum because they are rushing to get here before Trump's threat comes true.

Maybe all of those won't work, but some will ease the back ups and make it better, and less costly, for all of us.

Write Nancy Peolsi, and the Democrat congress they are the one refusing to fund more beds and more facilities.
It's unjustifiable. So Trumpians deflect, ignore, deny and hamhandedly rationalize deliberate cruelty.
WHAT "cruelty" ? What the hell are you talking about ?

Migrant kids are very well cared for, with nice, clean rooms, comfortable beds, big screen TVs, soccer fields, education classes, 3 good meals a day, plenty of medical care. They never had it so good.




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Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

Okay. Then we should let all the criminals out of all the prisons. Because "prison is mean".

BTW, this is how my very youngest students argue. "Prison is mean. We shouldn't have prisons."

It's incredibly simple thinking, the kind very young children employ. Thing is, with young children, you can say, "Yes, prison seems mean. But the people in prison have done very mean things to other people that makes them dangerous."

Then they say ooooohh and change their mind. Adults who are simple-minded, like you, just dig in and insist they are right. It's a sad state of affairs but, here we are.
it's a misdemeanor, a non violent crime, not a felony... and we do not keep the masses locked up in jail for non felony crime, we do not take people's kids from them and lock them up in unsanitary conditions, for misdemeanors allegedly committed by their parents.... until this administration.

That does not mean we should let them free in our nation either, for free health care, food and education.
Well, then the Trump administration better think of something to do quickly.... I've made many suggestions thae past year on it...

-Staff the Immigration courts from here to high heaven with judges to hear their asylum seeker cases so that the wait is 1 to 3 weeks instead of 6 months to a year wait to hear the case.

-STOP separating and taking the children away from their relatives, like Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents as the Trump administration has chosen to do

-get people working on putting the children they have with family members already here, instead of caging them, and the facilities getting $780 A DAY for EACH Child the Trump admin is holding in custody.... paid to private companies who can't even provide a bed to sleep in or a bar of soap or a toothbrush... so much money is being wasted for weeks and weeks at a time, before they finally do place the children with family members that are here, or with places like the Catholic Charities or Jewish Charities who have Foster parents ready to take them in

-staff the border crossing, so that they can seek asylum thru the normal means of crossing the border, instead of lowering your staff at the crossing points and refusing to allow but a couple to pass thru each day legally and forcing them after waiting months to cross LEGALLY thru the border crossing, to stop border patrol guards from being overwhelmed outside of border crossing points with all of those tired of waiting and illegally crossing....

-DIPLOMACY with those south American countries that all of these people are fleeing from, figure out what is going on for the mass exodus, and try to work with them, one on one, down there, to fix it

-Give them the foreign aid back we were giving them instead of killing it, just monitor them and work with them closer.... basically, the State Dept needs to get off their asses and DO THEIR JOBS.

-And finally, make an investment in electronic ankle bracelets for the adults, and the people to monitor them, for those asylum seekers left, so that they do not skip their court hearing date.... when they are let go in to our society because there is no room and they have not had their immigration court hearing yet.

-Trump needs to stop tweeting about closing the border.... this has been increasing the numbers seeking asylum because they are rushing to get here before Trump's threat comes true.

Maybe all of those won't work, but some will ease the back ups and make it better, and less costly, for all of us.

Of course the best way to make this stop would be in fact to close the border. Close it down, no one comes through, everyone is turned back.

Many of these children are not with relatives when they cross in the first place, I hope you realize.
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

Okay. Then we should let all the criminals out of all the prisons. Because "prison is mean".

BTW, this is how my very youngest students argue. "Prison is mean. We shouldn't have prisons."

It's incredibly simple thinking, the kind very young children employ. Thing is, with young children, you can say, "Yes, prison seems mean. But the people in prison have done very mean things to other people that makes them dangerous."

Then they say ooooohh and change their mind. Adults who are simple-minded, like you, just dig in and insist they are right. It's a sad state of affairs but, here we are.
it's a misdemeanor, a non violent crime, not a felony... and we do not keep the masses locked up in jail for non felony crime, we do not take people's kids from them and lock them up in unsanitary conditions, for misdemeanors allegedly committed by their parents.... until this administration.

That does not mean we should let them free in our nation either, for free health care, food and education.
Well, then the Trump administration better think of something to do quickly.... I've made many suggestions thae past year on it...

-Staff the Immigration courts from here to high heaven with judges to hear their asylum seeker cases so that the wait is 1 to 3 weeks instead of 6 months to a year wait to hear the case.

-STOP separating and taking the children away from their relatives, like Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents as the Trump administration has chosen to do

-get people working on putting the children they have with family members already here, instead of caging them, and the facilities getting $780 A DAY for EACH Child the Trump admin is holding in custody.... paid to private companies who can't even provide a bed to sleep in or a bar of soap or a toothbrush... so much money is being wasted for weeks and weeks at a time, before they finally do place the children with family members that are here, or with places like the Catholic Charities or Jewish Charities who have Foster parents ready to take them in

-staff the border crossing, so that they can seek asylum thru the normal means of crossing the border, instead of lowering your staff at the crossing points and refusing to allow but a couple to pass thru each day legally and forcing them after waiting months to cross LEGALLY thru the border crossing, to stop border patrol guards from being overwhelmed outside of border crossing points with all of those tired of waiting and illegally crossing....

-DIPLOMACY with those south American countries that all of these people are fleeing from, figure out what is going on for the mass exodus, and try to work with them, one on one, down there, to fix it

-Give them the foreign aid back we were giving them instead of killing it, just monitor them and work with them closer.... basically, the State Dept needs to get off their asses and DO THEIR JOBS.

-And finally, make an investment in electronic ankle bracelets for the adults, and the people to monitor them, for those asylum seekers left, so that they do not skip their court hearing date.... when they are let go in to our society because there is no room and they have not had their immigration court hearing yet.

-Trump needs to stop tweeting about closing the border.... this has been increasing the numbers seeking asylum because they are rushing to get here before Trump's threat comes true.

Maybe all of those won't work, but some will ease the back ups and make it better, and less costly, for all of us.

Of course the best way to make this stop would be in fact to close the border. Close it down, no one comes through, everyone is turned back.

Many of these children are not with relatives when they cross in the first place, I hope you realize.
I disagree.... shutting down their legal entry, will force them to mob border Patrol with their illegal crossing, Law allows asylum seekers to cross any which way but loose, and they stilll get their due process and immigration hearings in court AND most importantly, crossing outside of a legal border crossing point, DOES NOT HURT THEM, and can not be used against them, or even mentioned, in their Court hearing for asylum.

Shutting the legal border entry points, is primarily causing the chaos. Mobbing border patrol agents, with a duty that they are not even suppose to be doing, keeping the border agents from protecting the border from illegals, and gang members, and drug dealers

Also, MOST of the children crossing the border ARE WITH A RELATIVE.... a grandparent, or Aunt, or uncle or older sister.... and the Trump administration has CHOSEN to separate them, because their guardian relatives are not their parents.... no other administration has ever done that....
I disagree.... shutting down their legal entry, will force them to mob border Patrol with their illegal crossing, Law allows asylum seekers to cross any which way but loose, and they stilll get their due process and immigration hearings in court AND most importantly, crossing outside of a legal border crossing point, DOES NOT HURT THEM, and can not be used against them, or even mentioned, in their Court hearing for asylum.

Shutting the legal border entry points, is primarily causing the chaos. Mobbing border patrol agents, with a duty that they are not even suppose to be doing, keeping the border agents from protecting the border from illegals, and gang members, and drug dealers

Also, MOST of the children crossing the border ARE WITH A RELATIVE.... a grandparent, or Aunt, or uncle or older sister.... and the Trump administration has CHOSEN to separate them, because their guardian relatives are not their parents.... no other administration has ever done that....
FALSE! You don't know what you're talking about.

US Code 8, Section 1325 forbids ANY crossing of the border without inspection by US immigration authorities. Asylum is only considered for people who are already in the US. Those who crossed illegally are criminals., and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You also present zero evidence that most kids crossing the border are with a relative. being with an adult is not necessarily the same as being with a relative. Many of the kids don't know the adults they're with, many of whom are nothing more than child traffickers.

'Recycled' migrant children used by unrelated adults to look like family, US officials say

Migrants, young and old, are not always related. Border Patrol says fear of child trafficking forces separations

Borrowed kids: DNA testing shows a third of those migrant 'families' aren't related
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Put up or shut up Dems.............For many years the Border Patrol has asked for more capacity detention centers..............

On DEAF the OPEN BORDERS leftist politicians.

Never has it been more clear than now their True Agenda.
the first one is reality,
the second one is propaganda

No dumbass. And you just displayed your IGNORANCE. The second one is a picture from one of the Trump administrations' detention facilities. Southwest Key Programs facilities - shelter facilities for unaccompanied immigrant minors and immigrant youth separated from their parents. It also provides youth justice alternative programming and educational programming.[1] it operates in 3 states: California, Arizona, and Texas, and as shown in Post # 222, the migrant kids are very well cared for, with nice, clean rooms, comfortable beds, big screen TVs, soccer fields, education classes, 3 good meals a day, plenty of medical care.

The "propaganda" is the first picture, which is not a detention facility, it is nothing more than a very TEMPORARY holding pod (as the sign says), where they are processed, and kept only for a day or 2, before being sent to one of the detention facilities, where conditions are excellent, and better than these kids have ever known.

No charge for the tutoring, duped fool.
If the border was secured there would not be a crisis on the border or need of detention camps. Democrats Nancy and Chuck would not give Trump what he needed to secure the border before this crisis began. Now the entire country will pay the price when they are finally released in the country to compete with the poor people or America. I can kiss my cost of living raise on my SS check, etc because the government will be taking care of illegal aliens. We are seeing the end of America as we know it and welcome third world country and all its problems. It is too late now. Nostradamus was right.
the first one is reality,
the second one is propaganda

No dumbass. And you just displayed your IGNORANCE. The second one is a picture from one of the Trump administrations' detention facilities. Southwest Key Programs facilities - shelter facilities for unaccompanied immigrant minors and immigrant youth separated from their parents. It also provides youth justice alternative programming and educational programming.[1] it operates in 3 states: California, Arizona, and Texas, and as shown in Post # 222, the migrant kids are very well cared for, with nice, clean rooms, comfortable beds, big screen TVs, soccer fields, education classes, 3 good meals a day, plenty of medical care.

The "propaganda" is the first picture, which is not a detention facility, it is nothing more than a very TEMPORARY holding pod (as the sign says), where they are processed, and kept only for a day or 2, before being sent to one of the detention facilities, where conditions are excellent, and better than these kids have ever known.

No charge for the tutoring, duped fool.
The first picture is WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, taken by the Inspector General for homeland security...

they are being held there longer, weeks at a time, instead of moving them in to those cushy centers your picture shows, and LONGER than the 7 days, the law allows
The first picture is WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, taken by the Inspector General for homeland security...

they are being held there longer, weeks at a time, instead of moving them in to those cushy centers your picture shows, and LONGER than the 7 days, the law allows
FALSE! The first picture in nothing but a holding pod. They get quickly processed, and moved to the Southwest Key Programs centers, where they have the best living conditions they've ever known.

And if they ever were staying in the processing pens for too long a time, it would be because loudmouth Democrats like AOC, have continually voted against providing the border patrol with more money to expedite their work.
I see you've logged off now Nosmo so you can consider this Part 2 to your answer. You are trying to make this a Christian issue and trying to inflict guilt on those of us who are Christian and want a border.

But you fail again. Here it is, part two:

You realize that when Jesus gave--and we're talking the Son of God now--He GAVE, His miracles were not taken by force. People did not kidnap Jesus and demand that He heal, produce bread or anything like. They asked Him, or at the very most one woman touched His cloak and was healed.

Again these migrants are storming our border, coming in ILLEGALLY and thereby demanding that we heal, feed, house them etc. Even aside from all the problems this causes, it turns the entire concept of Christian giving on its head--the example right from Jesus Himself.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

The border guards were nor trained for days like what we see happening at the border every day. They are not social workers, they are border guards who are trying to protect America from this criminal invasion into America. I have no feelings for these criminals. They are getting what they asked for. Chaos and mayhem. They are a bunch of illegal criminals that the democrats want as new voters. Sometimes tough love has to be said and done. Weakness and emotion and foolishness is not all that great at times. It creates more problems than solves problems. The ones that do not have a soul are the ones that are in favor of wanting more of this chaos to happen.
I have read this post several times. It seems that you are tying yourself in knots trying to fit the Bible to your hate filled cod religious bullshit.

Hate immigrants if you must but Jesus is not on your team.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

The border guards were nor trained for days like what we see happening at the border every day. They are not social workers, they are border guards who are trying to protect America from this criminal invasion into America. I have no feelings for these criminals. They are getting what they asked for. Chaos and mayhem. They are a bunch of illegal criminals that the democrats want as new voters. Sometimes tough love has to be said and done. Weakness and emotion and foolishness is not all that great at times. It creates more problems than solves problems. The ones that do not have a soul are the ones that are in favor of wanting more of this chaos to happen.
These are policies that have been deliberately abusive.

Trump warned of this impending crisis for months. He hyped the caravans knowing they would be at our door eventually. He lamented the media wasn't seeing this the same way he did. And he is president of the United States.

Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!

And now his supporters are scrambling to rationalize the treatment of human beings in conditions that would make the county dog pound blush.
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

The border guards were nor trained for days like what we see happening at the border every day. They are not social workers, they are border guards who are trying to protect America from this criminal invasion into America. I have no feelings for these criminals. They are getting what they asked for. Chaos and mayhem. They are a bunch of illegal criminals that the democrats want as new voters. Sometimes tough love has to be said and done. Weakness and emotion and foolishness is not all that great at times. It creates more problems than solves problems. The ones that do not have a soul are the ones that are in favor of wanting more of this chaos to happen.
These are policies that have been deliberately abusive.

Trump warned of this impending crisis for months. He hyped the caravans knowing they would be at our door eventually. He lamented the media wasn't seeing this the same way he did. And he is president of the United States.

Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!

And now his supporters are scrambling to rationalize the treatment of human beings in conditions that would make the county dog pound blush.

These policies are being implemented in the name of the people of the United States. I am a citizen of the aUnited States. Further, I have morals less flexible than some of my fellow citizens. I wonder how those others manage to say they love America? What is it you love? Our ideals, our heritage, our national,standing, our people?
/——/ We hate illegal immigrants but you libs can’t understand the difference.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

The border guards were nor trained for days like what we see happening at the border every day. They are not social workers, they are border guards who are trying to protect America from this criminal invasion into America. I have no feelings for these criminals. They are getting what they asked for. Chaos and mayhem. They are a bunch of illegal criminals that the democrats want as new voters. Sometimes tough love has to be said and done. Weakness and emotion and foolishness is not all that great at times. It creates more problems than solves problems. The ones that do not have a soul are the ones that are in favor of wanting more of this chaos to happen.
These are policies that have been deliberately abusive.

Trump warned of this impending crisis for months. He hyped the caravans knowing they would be at our door eventually. He lamented the media wasn't seeing this the same way he did. And he is president of the United States.

Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!

And now his supporters are scrambling to rationalize the treatment of human beings in conditions that would make the county dog pound blush.
/----/ "Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!"
Orange Man Bad because liberals always feed, provide medical care, judges, hygiene facilities and shelter for burglars who are coming to break into their homes.
I believe you're more willing to mete out harsher justice for the infraction of immigrating to America without paperwork than for any other crime anywhere.

One cannot help but think racism isn't a catalyst for this hatred.

Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

The border guards were nor trained for days like what we see happening at the border every day. They are not social workers, they are border guards who are trying to protect America from this criminal invasion into America. I have no feelings for these criminals. They are getting what they asked for. Chaos and mayhem. They are a bunch of illegal criminals that the democrats want as new voters. Sometimes tough love has to be said and done. Weakness and emotion and foolishness is not all that great at times. It creates more problems than solves problems. The ones that do not have a soul are the ones that are in favor of wanting more of this chaos to happen.
These are policies that have been deliberately abusive.

Trump warned of this impending crisis for months. He hyped the caravans knowing they would be at our door eventually. He lamented the media wasn't seeing this the same way he did. And he is president of the United States.

Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!

And now his supporters are scrambling to rationalize the treatment of human beings in conditions that would make the county dog pound blush.
/----/ "Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!"
Orange Man Bad because liberals always feed, provide medical care, judges, hygiene facilities and shelter for burglars who are coming to break into their homes.
What is the motive for this mass immigration? Is it simple and binary like R ya fear us or agin us?

All those people, every man, woman and child are burglar? Do you really believe that?
Insults are not logic.

Let's try this again and see if you can reason your way out of this. These people broke into our nation illegally. We still offered them accommodation. What obligation do we have to offer them MORE accommodation? What are the ramifications if we do?

Put your REASONABLE answers here. PS, insults and crying just prove that you don't have reasonable answers:
Kitten, when I insult you, you'll know it.

"More accommodation" includes decent safe and sanitary detention facilities condition. I might add not taking children from parents.

You can NEVER convince me, or any human with a soul, that being mean is wise.

The border guards were nor trained for days like what we see happening at the border every day. They are not social workers, they are border guards who are trying to protect America from this criminal invasion into America. I have no feelings for these criminals. They are getting what they asked for. Chaos and mayhem. They are a bunch of illegal criminals that the democrats want as new voters. Sometimes tough love has to be said and done. Weakness and emotion and foolishness is not all that great at times. It creates more problems than solves problems. The ones that do not have a soul are the ones that are in favor of wanting more of this chaos to happen.
These are policies that have been deliberately abusive.

Trump warned of this impending crisis for months. He hyped the caravans knowing they would be at our door eventually. He lamented the media wasn't seeing this the same way he did. And he is president of the United States.

Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!

And now his supporters are scrambling to rationalize the treatment of human beings in conditions that would make the county dog pound blush.
/----/ "Did he flood the border with food, medical care, shelter, hygiene facilities and immigration judges? Nope!"
Orange Man Bad because liberals always feed, provide medical care, judges, hygiene facilities and shelter for burglars who are coming to break into their homes.
What is the motive for this mass immigration? Is it simple and binary like R ya fear us or agin us?

All those people, every man, woman and child are burglar? Do you really believe that?
/——/ We don’t know who they and neither do you. It’s not our responsibility to provide for people trying to break into our country. Send them your money instead.

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