For Westerners, Basics of Islam

It's not idol worship to pray to something that points to Mohammad and not God?

interesting that you feel the need to make that claim in the original post before anyone has accused you of idol worship.

the fruits of the gospel of Jesus Christ are peace, joy, love, humility, confidence, knowledge, virtue, liberty etc.

There is no question----muslims DEIFY muhummad ---which is fine with me-----but they mock Christians for
deifying Jesus----to the point of RANCOR AND HATRED--as if the deification of Jesus is DISGUSTING BLASPHEMY---whilst calling upon the rapist pig five times
per day with ass in the air------is "holy"

The Quran says somewhere ( I cannot remember the verse number) that it is a blasphemy to say that Jesus is the son of God.

yes------it does say that in the Koran-------demanding a verse number is silly. Muslims say it all the time if you talk to them and tell them that you are a jew. They seem to believe so saying is a nice friendly gesture towards jews as
in-----"have a cup of tea---jesus is not the son of "god" ----
Christians are perverse liars------let's be friends"
Take religion and invisible men in the sky out of the equation and what we are left with is 9 out of the top 10 most corrupt countries on earth are run by Muslims with Sharia law as their guide line. No wonder Muslims flock to other countries to get away from that shit. I know many Muslims that are fine folks. They know first hand how fucked up Muslims are most every where else on earth. Exhibit A right now is Sunni Muslims chopping off heads by the thousands in Syria and Iraq. The Muslims I know all say this almost verbatim "until WE MUSLIMS get our act together no one should take any Muslim country run by Sharia law only seriously". And we don't.
Take religion and invisible men in the sky out of the equation and what we are left with is 9 out of the top 10 most corrupt countries on earth are run by Muslims with Sharia law as their guide line. No wonder Muslims flock to other countries to get away from that shit. I know many Muslims that are fine folks. They know first hand how fucked up Muslims are most every where else on earth. Exhibit A right now is Sunni Muslims chopping off heads by the thousands in Syria and Iraq. The Muslims I know all say this almost verbatim "until WE MUSLIMS get our act together no one should take any Muslim country run by Sharia law only seriously". And we don't.

You may be suffering from wishful thinking------I have
encountered hundreds of muslims and knew several score
very well over the past 45 years----here in the US----the
majority being highly educated people-------however with a slant----most from south east asia and Iran. -------now for the real news. LOTS are still convinced that there is something
WONDERFUL about shariah law and shariah societies-----
lots of SHARIAH ophils right here in the USA. The one muslim I knew well who was not so convinced----was from
Saudi Arabia. It is a bit difficult to interact candidly with muslims------since the 1990s and almost impossible since
2001. They ain't talkin' anymore
Take religion and invisible men in the sky out of the equation and what we are left with is 9 out of the top 10 most corrupt countries on earth are run by Muslims with Sharia law as their guide line. No wonder Muslims flock to other countries to get away from that shit. I know many Muslims that are fine folks. They know first hand how fucked up Muslims are most every where else on earth. Exhibit A right now is Sunni Muslims chopping off heads by the thousands in Syria and Iraq. The Muslims I know all say this almost verbatim "until WE MUSLIMS get our act together no one should take any Muslim country run by Sharia law only seriously". And we don't.

the origin of the word and political nature of muslim countries
"BAKSHEESH" seems to be controversial but most likely
has origins in Persia------turkey is a second possibility----
keep in mind----Arabia had-----a very close relationship with
Persians ----Arabic script is derived from Persian script---or
so I was told by a reliable (???) source. I did not offer
baksheesh for the information
Take religion and invisible men in the sky out of the equation and what we are left with is 9 out of the top 10 most corrupt countries on earth are run by Muslims with Sharia law as their guide line. No wonder Muslims flock to other countries to get away from that shit. I know many Muslims that are fine folks. They know first hand how fucked up Muslims are most every where else on earth. Exhibit A right now is Sunni Muslims chopping off heads by the thousands in Syria and Iraq. The Muslims I know all say this almost verbatim "until WE MUSLIMS get our act together no one should take any Muslim country run by Sharia law only seriously". And we don't.

You may be suffering from wishful thinking------I have
encountered hundreds of muslims and knew several score
very well over the past 45 years----here in the US----the
majority being highly educated people-------however with a slant----most from south east asia and Iran. -------now for the real news. LOTS are still convinced that there is something
WONDERFUL about shariah law and shariah societies-----
lots of SHARIAH ophils right here in the USA. The one muslim I knew well who was not so convinced----was from
Saudi Arabia. It is a bit difficult to interact candidly with muslims------since the 1990s and almost impossible since
2001. They ain't talkin' anymore

The bigger problem is lack of proper education in most Muslim countries and religious influence in government affairs. This leads to the masses being uneducated and ignorant and easy prey for indoctrination and brainwashing.

Even in past secular countries such as Syria, Iraq, and Iran, where you had dictators oppressing the population, they remained conservative religious societies, and there has always been a struggle and effort to put a lid on Islam, and the clerics, which lead the people in secret. The problem is Islam and the culture that comes with it.
The Kaaba

One turns towards the Kaaba when he prays and the Kaaba somewhat indicates Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). When one prays, he talks to God, not Muhammad. But he talks to God imitating what Muhammad would do, and in the manner taught by Muhammad, on the advice of Muhammad and passioned with Muhammad who is the Beloved of god and the one God is pleased with, and the one God made the king. God said (the Qur'an): He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad) obeys God.


Prayer is an obligation, 5 times a day. Prayer at night, throughout the night is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Prayer contains a great flow of light.
God said (the Qur'an): He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad) obeys God.
So you noticed the Quran says many times, " Obey Allah and the messenger." But the problem you have is that you cannot see Muhammad only said that to make people obey him. God had nothing to do with it.
The Kaaba

One turns towards the Kaaba when he prays and the Kaaba somewhat indicates Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). When one prays, he talks to God, not Muhammad. But he talks to God imitating what Muhammad would do, and in the manner taught by Muhammad, on the advice of Muhammad and passioned with Muhammad who is the Beloved of god and the one God is pleased with, and the one God made the king. God said (the Qur'an): He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad) obeys God.


Prayer is an obligation, 5 times a day. Prayer at night, throughout the night is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Prayer contains a great flow of light.
Idol worship! It's a common theme in islamist ideology.

Just as the superstition that is Islam replaced the pagan Arab superstitions that preceded it.

This recycling of gods is certainly true with Islamism. This is the risk you face when you are unable to differentiate reality from superstition. It is no surprise that different religious traditions actually tend to define their gawds as simply bigger more powerful versions of their own political or social systems. Muhammud (swish) partnered himself with Allah. In doing so, he sought to add some divine credibility to either his unbalanced mental state; hearing voices that commanded him to actions, or to serve his pathology for power and self-aggrandizement.
The Quran is the word of God.

All muslims must adhere to and obey the words of the Quran.

There is no other option. .... :cool:

Yea! Muhammad did a real good job of fooling people into following him and fighting his battles for him.

Do not forget you must fight against great odds, and if you turn back you will face the wrath of Allah.
You must sell the life of this world for life in paradise and you will receive great rewards in heaven if you die in battle.

This is what the Quran tells you to do, and it is a load of evil crap.
Kill the infidels wherever you find them.
Make war against the great Satan of America.. Blah blah blah
Bunch of packie lies
The Kaaba

One turns towards the Kaaba when he prays and the Kaaba somewhat indicates Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). When one prays, he talks to God, not Muhammad. But he talks to God imitating what Muhammad would do, and in the manner taught by Muhammad, on the advice of Muhammad and passioned with Muhammad who is the Beloved of god and the one God is pleased with, and the one God made the king. God said (the Qur'an): He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad) obeys God.


Prayer is an obligation, 5 times a day. Prayer at night, throughout the night is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Prayer contains a great flow of light.

ass up crap
The Kaaba

One turns towards the Kaaba when he prays and the Kaaba somewhat indicates Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). When one prays, he talks to God, not Muhammad. But he talks to God imitating what Muhammad would do, and in the manner taught by Muhammad, on the advice of Muhammad and passioned with Muhammad who is the Beloved of god and the one God is pleased with, and the one God made the king. God said (the Qur'an): He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad) obeys God.


Prayer is an obligation, 5 times a day. Prayer at night, throughout the night is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Prayer contains a great flow of light.

Nobody is interested why Muslims circle that rock and then get on all fours like slaves worshiping an idol.
I speak as a Muslim.

I speak as a Christian.

Whoever told you that all trees go to heaven was wrong. Christ withered a tree for being out of season.

Islam is a religion of terror. Peace is achieved by killing. It is the reason for Christ's return. To prevent you from destroying the Nation of Israel. Enjoy your bloodthirsty time. It is short.
When I say absolute victory is not achieved by the sword, I am not saying "peace is not achieved by killing." What I said was said in a context. God kills.

Moses asked of God that He includes him amongst the Nation of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). The Jews back then, and also today can not accept the fact that the ultimate honor from God was bestowed on the Arab prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). That does not make their claim true. Seek out the real Gospel and the real Torah, and if there is any in the world. You can do that by studying the Qur'an. The Qur'an contains all the previous revelations and also additional revelation. It is the greatest of the revealed Books of God.

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