For Whom the


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Election Tolls.Not because Ernest Heminway was a man's man
and wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls.He also believed as does
Donald John Trump in " The World is a fine place and worth fighting
for and I hate very much to leave it. "
Like many of todays leftist in the United States could possibly give
two craps.Their very mindset and snarky words prove udderwise.
Hemingway would surely be proud of Trump when he got up from
his first asassination attempt with fists in the air bleeping out
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Real americans can't be fooled let alone left
scatterbrained.They are Tried & True down home regular
folk just trying to do right by what they know to be right.
As The World Turns ... and it t'aint knowed soap opera
neither.Nor is going grocery shoping or to the bank or
out to buy a few odds & ends.Maybe a new coat for
winter while its on sale.Americans are on edge.At least the ones
who care about this Country and what it used to stand for.
Or at least attempted to stand for.Like a Free Press and

Journalist who had an obligation to be truthful,straightforward
and as unbias as taught in Journalism class.
- A Farewell to Arms { 1929 }
... that is the great fallacy ; the wisdom of old men.
They do not grow wise.They grow careful. "
E. Hemingway { Nobel Prize 1954 }
{ Suicide 1961 }

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