For years trump claimed his taxes were under audit

How many times did Trump flat out lie about being audited? Are you denying he did?
i have no idea if he was or wasn’t, all we do know is for the first two years of his admin he wasn’t, but we have no idea if he even was aware of that. We know nothing about prior that, but we also know his taxes were also already released by the nyt
maybe you should have deferred it a year…nothing criminal about it…or maybe donated your salary snd worked for free that year like he did…you’d have no income…nothing criminal about it.
Are you for a real? Trump donated his salary? Prove it. Btw, Trump cost the taxpayers far more in paying his way back & forth to Mar A Lago & his other resorts then he earned or donated as you claim in salary. He even had the balls to charge the Secret Service for use of HIS golf carts as they watched over his stupid ass while he golfed.

Trump is a greedy money grubbing no good s.o.b. And his corruption knows no bounds.
i have no idea if he was or wasn’t, all we do know is for the first two years of his admin he wasn’t, but we have no idea if he even was aware of that. We know nothing about prior that, but we also know his taxes were also already released by the nyt
Uh, anyone who is audited by the I.R.S. is notified of the action.

Are you for a real? Trump donated his salary? Prove it. Btw, Trump cost the taxpayers far more in paying his way back & forth to Mar A Lago & his other resorts then he earned or donated as you claim in salary. He even had the balls to charge the Secret Service for use of HIS golf carts as they watched over his stupid ass while he golfed.

Trump is a greedy money grubbing no good s.o.b. And his corruption knows no bounds.
yes he donated it every year this is widely reported

well the golf club charged them…because you know they cost money…geez
Uh, anyone who is audited by the I.R.S. is notified of the action.

it was standard procuedure to simply audit the presidents returns, no notification is required..especially if he was already needing audited, which he said he was, and the committee hasn’t said he wasn’t.
it was standard procuedure to simply audit the presidents returns, no notification is required..especially if he was already needing audited, which he said he was, and the committee hasn’t said he wasn’t.
Biden released his returns as every president has...except Nixon and trump...the two criminals.
There goes trollboy,lying again.Pune knows perfectly well lying biden never released them,putting trump in the same breath as Nixon is all the proof in the world what a stupid fuck he is.
Yep, he lied. Most of us knew he was lying.
Great description of your pic of 87,000 it’s agents only helped probe whst a stupid fuck you are as well as proving how evil biden is the fact those 87;000 irs agents have been deployed by biden not trump,keep helping our side prove how evil biden is,great job. :yes_text12: :thankusmile: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::TH_WAY~113:
Yes, I know for a fact that only his 2016 tax return was audited, and that audit has still not been completed some six years later. WTF? Every day it gets worse for Trump. He is a scoundrel, a low-life conman that has no business leading a cub scout pack, let alone the country.
Well, he does have all the qualifications leading the likes of the MAGA crowd, Tucker and the proud boys. He fits in perfectly.
You loons have investigated Trump for everything and you got nothing. Trump is the cleanest president in our history. I bet you would survive all the investigations he has gone through.
That is completely delusional. There was the real estate school scam, a twenty-five million dollar settlement. His fake ass charitable foundation, two million dollar settlement, including almost a half a million dollars to the United Negro College Fund, LMAO, that had to leave a mark. Then there is the recent conviction of the Trump organization on tax evasion charges, Guilty.

The reality is not that he is being investigated for everything and we got nothing. It is that everything he has been investigated for he has either copped a settlement, been convicted, or charges are still pending. I really don't understand this alternative universe that you Trump fans live in. I think it is time we investigate Tucker Carlson and Hannity for using subliminal messaging that keeps you people FLIPPIN STUPID.
write offs, shelters, etc.

Helps to have good tax attorneys.

Most billionaires pay little to nothing in taxes
And you are OK with that? I mean seriously. I mean that is a huge problem, and if we have a system that actually legitimizes that, then we need to seriously change the system. We start by taxing capital gains as ordinary income. You know who advocated that, none other than RONALD REAGAN. Then we lift the cap on Social Security taxes. The corporate tax rate, if you want to keep it low in some "competitive advantage" against other nations, then implement a VAT, because you can bet your sweet ass they have a VAT in Eur.ope.

I mean the fact that you are sitting there thinking it is all kosher, that billionaires don't pay taxes because they have good tax attorneys, pretty much says you are "on your knees", and you know what they say, better to die standing up and fighting than living on your knees. Man up dude, you ain't going to be no damn billionaire.
That is completely delusional. There was the real estate school scam, a twenty-five million dollar settlement. His fake ass charitable foundation, two million dollar settlement, including almost a half a million dollars to the United Negro College Fund, LMAO, that had to leave a mark. Then there is the recent conviction of the Trump organization on tax evasion charges, Guilty.

The reality is not that he is being investigated for everything and we got nothing. It is that everything he has been investigated for he has either copped a settlement, been convicted, or charges are still pending. I really don't understand this alternative universe that you Trump fans live in. I think it is time we investigate Tucker Carlson and Hannity for using subliminal messaging that keeps you people FLIPPIN STUPID.
The cult needs to forget trump. He is toast.
there is zero evidence that he wasn’t being audited when he claimed he was or that he knew the obama irs commission wasn’t following the standard policy in 2017…his commission wasn’t appointed til 2018 and the committee acknowledge the last 2 years he was
That you’re a blind partisan rightwing hack and Trump supporter doesn’t change the fact that Trump is a liar, dishonest, and corrupt.

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