For years trump claimed his taxes were under audit

Of course Trump not being audited has nothing to do with the fact that the IRS Commissioner was appointed by HIM. Everything, everything Trump puts his paws on is corrupt.
Thanks for the smiley Laughin' Boy Lantern!
Biden released his returns as every president has...except Nixon and trump...the two criminals.
um Nixon released his taxes…he was the first ever…nearly 200 years of no president releasing their taxes before him. Trump didn’t have to, because the NYT got a hold of them and released nearly two decades of his personal as wells corp taxes…xiden has continued to refuse to release his corp taxes and the irs since he took office won’t audit them

what’s he hiding and why?
Actually moron, until Nixon, no presidential candidate ever released their tax returns. You’re claiming to have Wahington’s returns? Or Lincoln’s? Or FDR’s?
So what? We just got your assbuddy Trump's who fought the release for years.

As usual your buddy managed to fuck himself. He just can't help it.
Now it appears Trump wasn’t audited at all from 2016 to 2020 when he was in power — this is hardly surprising. But he apparently as usual lied about planning to reveal his taxes after — non-existent — audits. Old news except for the lack of audits in the first place.

The tax returns coming out now will reveal remarkably little to the untrained eye, and any supporting documentation that existed we may never see.

This is how it has become for almost all very rich oligarchs, especially real estate and crypto business shysters (the latter are rapidly disappearing). Normally, extremely rich men’s accountants and tax lawyers can hide wealth (not shown on tax returns) and income very easily.

We need a beefed up IRS that will go after all these bastards, and we need new laws to empower them. It is not just individuals hiding their wealth and income. The system is deeply corrupt and neither Republicans nor the DNC are likely to do anything to change matters fundamentally.
Appearances fool idiots easily.
So what? We just got your assbuddy Trump's who fought the release for years.

As usual your buddy managed to fuck himself. He just can't help it.

actually the NYT released decades of his returns…years afo

now you know he paid 1.1 million in taxes while president…so?

actually the NYT released decades of his returns…years afo

now you know he paid 1.1 million in taxes while president…so?
He paid $0 in 2020 & in a couple other years he paid a paltry $750. You're good with that because he's your orange god. We get it.
He paid $0 in 2020 & in a couple other years he paid a paltry $750. You're good with that because he's your orange god. We get it.
oh remind me again when you ever paid 1.1 million, let alone un four years? deferring taxes to the next year is perfectly legal
Trump lied about his taxes being ‘audited’ in a lame, dishonest, corrupt effort to avoid releasing them.

Trump is a liar – in addition to being dishonest and corrupt.
there is zero evidence that he wasn’t being audited when he claimed he was or that he knew the obama irs commission wasn’t following the standard policy in 2017…his commission wasn’t appointed til 2018 and the committee acknowledge the last 2 years he was
oh remind me again when you ever paid 1.1 million, let alone un four years? deferring taxes to the next year is perfectly legal
i'm not a billionaire or claim to be one. But I paid more in taxes in 2020 then that criminal Trump did.
He paid $0 in 2020 & in a couple other years he paid a paltry $750. You're good with that because he's your orange god. We get it.
write offs, shelters, etc.

Helps to have good tax attorneys.

Most billionaires pay little to nothing in taxes
i'm not a billionaire or claim to be one. But I paid more in taxes in 2020 then that criminal Trump did.
maybe you should have deferred it a year…nothing criminal about it…or maybe donated your salary snd worked for free that year like he did…you’d have no income…nothing criminal about it.
You lay down with get up smelling like crap.
As usual your buddy managed to fuck himself. He just can't help it.
You'll notice that they're going straight to the deflections and personal attacks to change the subject.

The subject, of course, is that Trump has been lying to them for seven years and they've eaten it all up.

They've been played for fools. It's all coming out now. Get ready for a lot more deflection and personal attacks.
You'll notice that they're going straight to the deflections and personal attacks to change the subject.

The subject, of course, is that Trump has been lying to them for seven years and they've eaten it all up.

They've been played for fools. It's all coming out now. Get ready for a lot more deflection and personal attacks.
lying about what?
You'll notice that they're going straight to the deflections and personal attacks to change the subject.

The subject, of course, is that Trump has been lying to them for seven years and they've eaten it all up.

They've been played for fools. It's all coming out now. Get ready for a lot more deflection and personal attacks.
And they will blame the Dems for their stupidity in believing the Fat POS. It is their MO.

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