For You Gun Hating Nutters

You gun nuts won't Be happy until guns are available out of vending machines .
that's not a bad idea at all

No, that would be terrible .
only for hoplophobic pussies

You seriously think we should have gun vending machines ? Anyone can walk up and buy a gun ?
You gun nuts won't Be happy until guns are available out of vending machines .
that's not a bad idea at all

No, that would be terrible .
only for hoplophobic pussies

You seriously think we should have gun vending machines ? Anyone can walk up and buy a gun ?
Every 2 hours a Democrat shoots someone in Chicago.

Solution is to ban Democrats from owning guns.
You gun nuts won't Be happy until guns are available out of vending machines .
that's not a bad idea at all

No, that would be terrible .
only for hoplophobic pussies

You seriously think we should have gun vending machines ? Anyone can walk up and buy a gun ?
I don't have a problem with it in the least. I'm against background checks, against paperwork for purchases, all of that
Every 2 hours a Democrat shoots someone in Chicago.

Solution is to ban Democrats from owning guns.

Chicago continues to break records. Children as young as 6 are committing armed robbery.

Nothing to do with the NRA or legal gun owners. Has everything to do with gang mentality and Democrats.

Violence is a way of life in many cities and the libs would rather than the innocent people be helpless.

Here is a video from Chicago. Young children walking down the street and being followed by some thugs in a car. One little kid has a gun on him. What the hell are parents teaching their children these days? The kids claim to be gang members so betting the parents, grandparents and maybe great grandparents were also gang members. This is our future, thanks to the Dems who have run Chicago and other high crime cities for decades.

its funny to witness the difference between Chicago and Houston, both of which have similar size, and demographic makeup.
the vast majority of Houston, even in the rougher part of town(the north side), is a LOT safer than chi town
Them boys have a right to shoot that grown man if he threatens them.

I had a creep pull up on me with a van when I was a kid, my hand was in my bag on that sawed-off. We're both lucky he kept rolling.
The latest from War Zone Chicago:

Man who sold gun used to shoot 2 cops released on $4,500 bond: sources.

There was another case where a woman was sentenced to probation for selling guns to a man with gang ties:

Mount Prospect woman gets probation for illegal gun sales.

Police: Woman with FOID card bought and sold guns for profit.

I have an idea for you gun haters. How about enforcing the laws to get violators off the streets?

But but but . That's not how guns get on the street. They are all "stolen "!

You admit straw purchasers are a problem !!

Yes....people who buy guns legally and then give them to felons are a problem......but we already have laws for the felon who buys the gun...we can already arrest them and put them in jail..the problem is you morons keep letting them out.....

Why is it that the focus of all you anti gunners is always on normal, law abiding gun owners? And criminals stealing guns is also a problem.....but we can already arrest them too.
You gun nuts won't Be happy until guns are available out of vending machines .
Us gun nuts keep you safe.

Go put a big sign in front of your house that you are a gun free zone.

But you don't. You really upon us creating the uncertainty.

You keep nothing safe .

I'm not anti gun by the way. Did the safety class, now I can apply for my license.

Guns are used by Americans 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent crimes so I bet they kept themselves and their families safe....
Every 2 hours a Democrat shoots someone in Chicago.

Solution is to ban Democrats from owning guns.

Chicago continues to break records. Children as young as 6 are committing armed robbery.

Nothing to do with the NRA or legal gun owners. Has everything to do with gang mentality and Democrats.

Violence is a way of life in many cities and the libs would rather than the innocent people be helpless.

Here is a video from Chicago. Young children walking down the street and being followed by some thugs in a car. One little kid has a gun on him. What the hell are parents teaching their children these days? The kids claim to be gang members so betting the parents, grandparents and maybe great grandparents were also gang members. This is our future, thanks to the Dems who have run Chicago and other high crime cities for decades.

The problem...single teenage girls raising male children..that is the problem...
Every 2 hours a Democrat shoots someone in Chicago.

Solution is to ban Democrats from owning guns.

Chicago continues to break records. Children as young as 6 are committing armed robbery.

Nothing to do with the NRA or legal gun owners. Has everything to do with gang mentality and Democrats.

Violence is a way of life in many cities and the libs would rather than the innocent people be helpless.

Here is a video from Chicago. Young children walking down the street and being followed by some thugs in a car. One little kid has a gun on him. What the hell are parents teaching their children these days? The kids claim to be gang members so betting the parents, grandparents and maybe great grandparents were also gang members. This is our future, thanks to the Dems who have run Chicago and other high crime cities for decades.

The problem...single teenage girls raising male children..that is the problem...

that is, IF even they are around to do so. Probably too busy with drugs. Many kids, especially intercity kids....don't have a chance
The latest from War Zone Chicago:

Man who sold gun used to shoot 2 cops released on $4,500 bond: sources.

There was another case where a woman was sentenced to probation for selling guns to a man with gang ties:

Mount Prospect woman gets probation for illegal gun sales.

Police: Woman with FOID card bought and sold guns for profit.

I have an idea for you gun haters. How about enforcing the laws to get violators off the streets?

If guns are the answer how come one of the most armed societies in the western world has THE highest deaths per capitas with guns?
The latest from War Zone Chicago:

Man who sold gun used to shoot 2 cops released on $4,500 bond: sources.

There was another case where a woman was sentenced to probation for selling guns to a man with gang ties:

Mount Prospect woman gets probation for illegal gun sales.

Police: Woman with FOID card bought and sold guns for profit.

I have an idea for you gun haters. How about enforcing the laws to get violators off the streets?

If guns are the answer how come one of the most armed societies in the western world has THE highest deaths per capitas with guns?
Because Democrats are the most violent group in the world. Even more violent than their Muslim allies.
An armed society is a safe society, and is not controlled by the federal government…:dance::dance::dance:
The latest from War Zone Chicago:

Man who sold gun used to shoot 2 cops released on $4,500 bond: sources.

There was another case where a woman was sentenced to probation for selling guns to a man with gang ties:

Mount Prospect woman gets probation for illegal gun sales.

Police: Woman with FOID card bought and sold guns for profit.

I have an idea for you gun haters. How about enforcing the laws to get violators off the streets?

If guns are the answer how come one of the most armed societies in the western world has THE highest deaths per capitas with guns?
compare our gun laws with mexico, then compare our murder rate with theirs
Yes....people who buy guns legally and then give them to felons are a problem......but we already have laws for the felon who buys the gun...we can already arrest them and put them in jail..the problem is you morons keep letting them out.....

Why is it that the focus of all you anti gunners is always on normal, law abiding gun owners? And criminals stealing guns is also a problem.....but we can already arrest them too.

The worst case of that was the Obama administration putting heavy weapons into the hands of the drug cartels through Fast and Furious.

You will never completely stop criminals. You can only ensure that the innocent people have the means to protect themselves against the evil in this world.
the anti gunners with their latest nonsense are gonna provoke american firearms owners into showing them exactly what would happen if us evil bitter clingers were as violent as they claim we are

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