Forbes/Harris poll: Majority say verdict rigged...

Well if you want to participate in fair debate you do.

I guess you are here to troll?
Fair debate? I cannot hide behind an illegitimate government and corrupt media like you can. They claim it is fact and that is all you got. We said so. A child would have questions and doubts. Why don't you?
Sorry but much of what he says is devices,
Not said to unite the country, but to divide us into groups that are filled with anger.
Sometimes the truth hurts.

You tell me, what exactly unites us?

What values do you and I share?

I love the Lord...democrats mock my religion.

I love my kids...democrats want to kill babies in the womb.

I love the Constitution...democrats say the Constitution is a 'living document" that means whatever they want it to mean.

I love equality of opportunity...democrats want equality of outcome.

I love safe streets...democrats hate the police and love to release violent criminals.

I love the second amendment, giving me the the ability to defend my loved ones from the violent criminals they release...democrats hate the second amendment AND guns.

I want a closed border, because a country without borders isn't a country...democrats want an open border. tell me...what do we have in common?
The Speaker of the House of the United States disagrees and today "vowed to retaliate with everything in their arsenal". Dems poked the f'ing bear with this sham trial.
The speaker of the houses opinion on a state crime are irrelevant.

He has no jurisdiction even if he is Trump's lackey.

How do you propose he overturns the verdict without violating the constitution?
Fair debate? I cannot hide behind an illegitimate government and corrupt media like you can.

I'm not hiding. I'm right here explaining the law.

They claim it is fact and that is all you got.

The law says it's fact.

We said so. A child would have questions and doubts. Why don't you?
Nothing wrong with questions and doubts.

Falling for lies, creating false narratives and calling for violence is what Trump supporters are doing. That isn't the same thing.
The speaker of the houses opinion on a state crime are irrelevant.

He has no jurisdiction even if he is Trump's lackey.

How do you propose he overturns the verdict without violating the constitution?
Then why were federal prosecutors helping Bragg?
I'm not hiding. I'm right here explaining the law.

The law says it's fact.

Nothing wrong with questions and doubts.

Falling for lies, creating false narratives and calling for violence is what Trump supporters are doing. That isn't the same thing.
It is an abuse of power and twisting the law so badly you jerks have just elected Trump the next president.
Then why were federal prosecutors helping Bragg?
Bragg, the Soros DIE hire lackey, needed the backing of the corrupt Biden DOJ.

The FEC knew the case was a dog so the Dems / Socialists needed their Jihad warriors.
No. They got Trump on falsifying business records...the main crime. It wasn't based on intent.

The only intent were the three multiplier crimes which is in keeping with the law.

Yeah, intent matters for the main crime.

No offense but you really seem to be struggling with this.
They got him on intent, quit lying.
Just have a problem with huge corporations and billionaires running our country

Seems you should be used to it by now, our ruling class is bought and owned by them.

They have the money & energy to destroy the average citizens power, making rules & laws to there benefit
and throwing crumbs to the average American.

Yep, just what we have seen happening for the past 40 to 50 years

We needs NOT GO BACK to a class society where we know our place,
and few are able to rise above it.


Nope, it is correct. All humans are biased, and all judges are human.

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